pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3447
Designing Compact Products for Communal Spaces to
Support Communal Activities
Salsabila Ayunda
, Gabriella Chrismaditya Putri Mawarni
, Afdhel Haqiqie
, Anisa Silviana Putri
, Faisal Amien Prawira
, Didit Widiyatmoko
Universitas Telkom Bandung, Jakarta
Keywords: compact
furniture, communal
space, creative activity.
The city of Bandung is dubbed a creative city as a result of a
process carried out by local communities engaged in the
creative industry. One of the areas that is used as a forum by
creative people in the city of Bandung is Laswee Creative
Space. Areas and spots in Laswee can be used by various
communities regularly for exhibitions, seminars, workshops,
event design, and other gathering events. However, from the
various facilities and environments that have been provided
by Laswee as a creative communal space, there are still some
aspects that have not been fulfilled. Based on the emphasis
and defined process in this study, it shows that the furniture
used in Laswee has not supported creative communal
activities. Based on this, this research aims to produce
compact furniture designs that can maximize communal and
creative activities.
The city of Bandung is dubbed a creative city as a result of a process carried out by
local communities engaged in the creative industry. Bandung Creative City Forum
(BCCF) is an organization founded in 2008 by dozens of creative individuals and
communities in Bandung, with the aim of honing creativity as an effort to empower the
economy of the city of Bandung (John et al., 2024). BCCF builds collaboration among
the creative community so that it has greater potential to develop the city of Bandung as
a creative city. Collaborative efforts accommodated by BCCF are considered to be able
to influence the creative community, society and the Government (Fitriyana & Sofhani,
2012). The rapid growth of the creative economy has triggered the Bandung City
government to continue to develop four main sectors of the creative industry, namely
culinary, fashion, film, and events (Pramezwary et al., 2021).
One of the areas that is used as a forum by creative people in the city of Bandung
is Laswee Creative Space. Laswee is an area located in Jalan Laswi, Bandung City. The
initial concept of Laswee is a restorative building by utilises elements of collaboration
from various creative communities to create a new building function from an existing
building (Fuadiya et al., 2020). Laswee is designed as an area for exchanging ideas and
Salsabila Ayunda, Gabriella Chrismaditya Putri Mawarni, Afdhel Haqiqie Zahidin, Anisa
Silviana Putri, Faisal Amien Prawira, Didit Widiyatmoko Soewardikoen
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3448
ideas of various communities. Areas and spots in Laswee can be used by various
communities regularly for exhibitions, seminars, workshops, event design, and other
gathering events. In addition to being used as a creative area, Laswee is also a communal
area in which several activities can be carried out together. Among the activities that can
be done include culinary, sports, fashion shopping, WFA/WFC, and experience (Siu &
Wong, 2015).
In a study by (Hasriyanti et al., 2018), it was stated that furniture used in communal
areas should be movable, support collaborative creativity, and provide tools that can adapt
to climate conditions. In the book Designing Creative Space by (Thoring, 2019), it is also
mentioned that the furniture used must be able to support communal activities.
Laswee is often used as a place for various communities to gather. Of course, the
furniture and facilities provided must be able to support various activities to the
maximum. However, from the various facilities and environments that have been
provided by Laswee as a creative communal space, there are still several aspects that have
not been fulfilled to support creative communal activities. Among them is that the
furniture used has not met the ideal aspects for a communal place and has not been
maximized in supporting creative activities (Nur & Salomo, 2022). The table can only be
used by a maximum of 4 people, is not movable, and there is no solution for climate
conditions. In interviews conducted with several communities that have carried out
activities in Laswee, it was stated that the facilities used in Laswee are still not optimal in
accommodating the activities carried out. It is not uncommon for communities who want
to carry out activities in Laswee to have to provide themselves with the items needed for
the event such as tents, chairs, and additional tables (Alexandri & Raharja, 2020).
Some of the previous research that is relevant to this topic includes research by
(Hasriyanti et al., 2018), which examines the design of communal spaces as a place for
student interaction on the police campus. The research highlights the importance of
designing communal facilities that can support collaboration and creative activities in
public spaces. Another study by (Thoring, 2019) discusses the impact of workspace
design on the creative process, emphasizing that flexible furniture and design elements
can improve the effectiveness of social interaction and creativity.
In addition, research by (Ekomadyo et al., 2020) highlights the importance of space
design flexibility in supporting creative activities in the community, especially in the
context of open spaces used for social and creative activities. This research shows that a
well-designed public space that supports joint activities can improve the quality of
community interaction (Sari et al., 2020)vv.
Based on this, this research aims to produce product designs that can maximize
communal activities. The design is expected to be able to make Laswee a container that
can be used by visitors and the community gathered in it.
Designing Compact Products for Communal Spaces to Support Communal Activities
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3449
This research uses a design thinking approach for each stage. The stages are
emphatize-define-ideate-prototyping-testing. However, this study only runs up to the
prototyping stage. The testing stage will be carried out in the next research.
Data collection using purposive sampling, namely the resource persons who are
asked for information are those who have interacted directly at Laswee Creative Space.
Purposive sampling is used so that the problems to be explored are right on target.
The data processing methods used include qualitative processing, namely SWOT
analysis and descriptive analysis of questionnaire results. The results of several analyses
will be used to conclude the problems found (Soewardikoen, 2019).
The instruments used in this study are interview guidelines, observation guidelines,
and documentation. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured manner, which
allowed the researcher to dig deeper into the participants' experiences, views, and
perceptions of the topics discussed. Observation guidelines are used to record various
phenomena that arise during activities at the research site. Documentation in the form of
photos, videos, and written notes is also used to support data analysis.
Data was collected through three main techniques, namely in-depth interviews,
participant observations, and documentation studies. Interviews were conducted with
research subjects who were directly involved in the phenomenon being studied.
Participant observations were carried out with the aim of understanding the interactions
that occur in a natural context, while documentation studies help to supplement the data
obtained from interviews and observations. All collected data is then analyzed
descriptively with a thematic analysis approach, where key themes relevant to the
research will be identified and further analyzed.
Results and Discussion
Emphasize Stage
In the empathize stage, what is done is to deeply understand the interactions and
experiences felt by stakeholders towards the research object. The methods that have been
carried out include observation, interviews, literature studies, and questionnaire
Observation results: 1. During the rain, some visitors hurriedly finished their food
and then went home. Some other visitors moved to the hallway. 2. Visitors find it difficult
when it rains because they have to move to an indoor part or hallway that cannot
accommodate all visitors so they have to stand.
Interview results: 1. The facilities provided by Laswee did not accommodate the
needs of community events at that time. For example, a table that is not easy to assemble
according to needs. 2. Visitors find it difficult when it rains because they have to move to
an indoor part or hallway that cannot accommodate all visitors so they have to stand.
Define Stage
Salsabila Ayunda, Gabriella Chrismaditya Putri Mawarni, Afdhel Haqiqie Zahidin, Anisa
Silviana Putri, Faisal Amien Prawira, Didit Widiyatmoko Soewardikoen
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3450
The next stage is the define stage to classify the problems that have been found in
the empathize stage. Problem classification based on relevant previous research. Then the
problem validation was carried out by distributing questionnaires to Laswee visitors.
Validation through questionnaires using the Likert scale and differential semantics. The
results showed that respondents agreed to find it difficult when it rained and had to move
to an indoor area.
Based on the criteria mentioned in previous studies, the root of the problem in
Laswee creative space is that the facilities provided have not functioned optimally.
Ideate Stage
At the ideate stage, design parameters will be used through the criteria in previous
research. The design parameters obtained are facilities used in outdoor spaces in
communal areas should be movable, can adapt to weather changes, and support
communal activities. Here are alternative ideas:
Fig 1 Alternative Ideas 1
Fig. 2 Alternative Ideas 2
Fig 3 Alternative Ideas 3
Next, a scoring matrix will be carried out to determine the final sketch. Scoring uses
a scale of 1-5.
Designing Compact Products for Communal Spaces to Support Communal Activities
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3451
Table 1
Idea selection matrix
Ide 1
Ide 2
Ide 3
Adapt to climate
Support communal
At the prototyping stage, the final sketch that has been developed will be visualized
in 3D. 3D prototyping using rhinoceros 6.0 software.
Fig 4 Final design
Fig 5 Final design
Salsabila Ayunda, Gabriella Chrismaditya Putri Mawarni, Afdhel Haqiqie Zahidin, Anisa
Silviana Putri, Faisal Amien Prawira, Didit Widiyatmoko Soewardikoen
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3452
Fig 6 Design Implementation
Feature description:
1. Tables with a compact system, can be used according to the needs of the user. If you
only need one table, then you only need to open one part of the table.
2. In the middle is the umbrella place. The system is by pressing the circle and the
umbrella will appear up from the box. This is intended if it rains, the user can use the
umbrella inside.
3. The folding system uses bolt hinges on the inside.
4. If all parts are folded, it will only be in the shape of a box so that it is easy to move.
Based on the stages of research that have been carried out, several conclusions have
been found, namely: With the characteristics of Laswee which has limited space, the
design of furniture with a compact system is right to be applied. This is because compact
furniture is easy to move, can adjust according to needs, and if you want to store it, it
doesn't take up much space.
Designing Compact Products for Communal Spaces to Support Communal Activities
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3453
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