pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2965
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to
Enhance Customer Experience and Satisfaction
Muhammad Rizky Ridhani
, Sonny Rustuadi
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Customer
Experience, Customer
Engagement, Service
Quality, Product Quality
Marketing Mix, Co-
Creation Strategy.
The research intends to identify Tusuk Coffee's issues,
investigate the possible benefits of value co-creation as a
strategic response, and make practical recommendations
based on the findings. The study takes a mixed-methods
strategy that combines exploratory and confirmatory
research techniques. The data from this study were collected
using two types of data: primary and secondary data. The
primary data was collected using qualitative methods to be
conducted with semi-structured interviews with 22
respondents through one-on-one interviews. Data analysis is
carried out using qualitative data obtained from in-depth
interviews as part of an exploratory phase to gather
responses from customers. Subsequently, confirmatory
analysis is conducted involving internal stakeholders,
suppliers, and experts. The analysis employs thematic
analysis, a method well-suited for various research designs.
Using the 4P Marketing Mix model and the Value Co-
Creation Canvas, the study assesses Tusuk Coffee's present
strategies and suggests a customer-centric approach to value
creation. The 4P Marketing Mix model was used to examine
product, price, place, and promotion strategies. Value co-
creation canvas creates a strategy that develops and delivers
value by engaging deeply with its customers focusing on
nine key areas: value proposition, company capabilities,
company resources, the customer's job to be done, the
customer's journey, the customer's resources, the customer's
desired outcomes, the company's "total customer
engagement" value, and the customer's experience value (in-
use). This strategy's key elements include providing unique
coffee experiences, leveraging digital platforms for
community participation, and fostering individualized
services to increase consumer loyalty.
A report from the International Coffee Organization (ICO) showed that Indonesia
is the third largest producer and exporter of all forms of coffee increasing marginally from
Muhammad Rizky Ridhani, Sonny Rustuadi
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6.82 million bags to 6.92 million bags in the coffee year 2021/22 (Raimondo, 2022).
According to the Ministry of Agriculture's Data Center and Agricultural Information
System, national coffee consumption was around 250 thousand tons in 2016 and increased
by 10.54% to 276 thousand tons (SHIDIQ, 2022). The consumption of coffee in Indonesia
is expected to increase on average by 8.22% annually between 2016 and 2021. With a
supply of 795 thousand tons and a consumption of 370 thousand tons in 2021, there
should be a surplus of 425,000 tons of coffee (Hamidi & Gharneh, 2017). Coffee
consumption is become more than just a way of life for youngsters of the millennial age
significantly affecting the number of cafes or coffee shops. Despite coffee consumption
is predicted to continue rising through that year, a large decrease in local output from
2018 to 2019 and an expected continued decline through 2021, this showed a chance for
coffee makers, particularly Small Medium Enterprise (SME) businesses that dominated
the market.
Figure 1 National Coffee Consumption (Katadata, 2018)
Indonesian coffee shops in 2018 grew only 8% to 10% and reached the forecast
growth of 15% to 20% by the end of 2019 (Mony, 2020). Local chains like Janji Jiwa,
Kulo, Kopi Kenangan, Excelso, Fore, Coffee Toffee, Max Coffee, and The Gade Coffee
& Gold have proven to dominate the market share of café in Indonesia which shows Janji
Jiwa has overtaken Starbucks as the leading coffee chain in Indonesia with the largest
number of coffee shops reached the total of 800 outlets in 2020.
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to Enhance Customer Experience
and Satisfaction
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2967
Figure 2 Coffee Shop Outlets in Indonesia by Brand (Statista, 2020)
The number of coffee shop outlets in Indonesia shown by the data in 2019 is
approximately more than 2937 (Soepriyanto, Christiana, & Harianto, 2021), excluding
independent coffee shops and mobile ones which means there are many more
unaccounted coffee shops in Indonesia. Not only in big cities, the growth of coffee shops
in small cities like South Kalimantan (Banua) is also growing, almost every corner in the
cities of Banjarbaru and Banjarmasin, even in the city of Martapura, many hangouts serve
coffee as the main drink. Currently drinking coffee has become a lifestyle among the
people of Banua, especially in Banjarmasin and its surroundings (Yustitia & Mardiawan,
2022). Based on this phenomenon Tusuk Coffee aims to penetrate the competitive market
of Banjarmasin.
Figure 3 Leading coffee-based drinks purchased by respondents in Indonesia as of
October 2019 (Statista, 2023)
In 2019, 27% of Indonesian respondents said they had purchased traditional milk
coffee the most in the year prior (Statista, 2023). Indonesia has recently seen a rise in café
Muhammad Rizky Ridhani, Sonny Rustuadi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2968
culture, particularly among the country's youthful, urban population. In a country with a
significant Muslim population, cafes are the perfect and most popular hangout for young
Figure 4
Share of Voice Who Preferred Milk Coffee in Indonesia 2019 (Statista, 2023).
In 2019, 44% of respondents from Indonesia said they preferred to drink milk
coffee. Comparatively, fewer than 2% of respondents thought drinking milk coffee was
unpleasant (Statista, 2023). Indonesia has recently seen a rise in café culture, particularly
among the country's youthful, urban population. In a country with a majority of Muslims,
cafes are the ideal and most popular place for youngsters to hang out. The competition
between coffee businesses to capture market share is very tight with the current condition
of this increasing number of competitors. Additionally, it has been increasingly difficult
also to remain competitive. A brand must have a sustainable competitive advantage for a
small coffee shop like Tusuk Coffee in order to grow among competitors. As a result,
Tusuk must develop a suitable business strategy in order to stay competitive as a market
The coffee industry in Indonesia has been growing rapidly in recent years, with an
increase in production, consumption, and coffee shops. However, despite this growth, the
market is becoming increasingly competitive, making it difficult for new businesses to
enter and succeed (Ikhwan, 2018). The coffee shop market in Indonesia is expected to
grow annually by 8.34% of the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in 2023-2028
(Maryufani, 2022), but the competition between coffee businesses to capture market share
is still tight. This presents a challenge for businesses like Tusuk Coffee to enter the market
and gain a foothold.
The objective of this study is to assess and evaluate the business strategies of Tusuk
Coffee to gain a competitive edge through the collaborative creation of products and
services with customers (Chalil, 2021). This approach seeks not only to enhance customer
engagement but also to secure a larger market share within the fiercely competitive
landscape of Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Despite the growing demand for coffee in the area,
it has become increasingly difficult for Tusuk Coffee to remain competitive as the number
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to Enhance Customer Experience
and Satisfaction
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2969
of competitors is increasing. Therefore, Tusuk Coffee must have a strong business
strategy in order to capture market share and increase customer loyalty and satisfaction.
The overall aim of this thesis is to explore the strategies that Tusuk Coffee can
utilize to improve its market position, increase customer satisfaction and successfully
compete in the coffee industry of Banjarmasin, Indonesia. This research will provide
insights into how Tusuk Coffee can differentiate its products, build a strong and
memorable brand identity, provide exceptional customer service, leverage digital
platforms, and establish strategic partnerships to increase customer loyalty and gain
market share. By understanding the current market conditions, consumer preferences, and
the strengths and weaknesses of the company, Tusuk Coffee can develop a strategic and
effective approach to the market that enables it to stand out from its competitors.
Tusuk Coffee is a local coffee shop based in Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan. Its
business includes selling beverages which focus on milk-based coffee. Founded in 2018,
Tusuk comes to fulfil customer with their signature of ready-to-go and fresh best coffee
milk focus. One of their product is Kopi Susu named ‘Tusuk Kota’, it was a huge success
in Banjarmasin and it sold more than 30% averages of sales per month. The success is the
result of being able to understand the market opportunities trend in Banjarmasin of
consuming milk-based coffee came after. There are a lot of challenges within the
speciality coffee industry, a lot of speciality coffee brands itself as an exclusive and
complicated product that also has an expensive price for communities that are interested
in that type of branding but when seeing a lot of times that minority people never spoken
directly and there’s a huge fit within the market to open the aperture a little bit and finally
this is really where Tusuk Coffee came to light flavours (Setiawan, 2020). It can be
overwhelming whenever someone is confused about drinking coffee for a social aspect
or understanding the flavours and quality. Most of them do not enjoy black coffee as their
first coffee experience because they feel the coffee tastes are strong. Milk-based coffee is
a good way to find the perfect simple to start drinking coffee, by trying less coffee and
more milk or flavoured syrups sweetness can ease the impact of stronger coffee. Over
time people will get used to the flavours and naturally slowly build up how much espresso
and lessen the milk and syrup to meet more coffee.
Research Methods
Research Design
Research design is the overall plan and process for conducting research, including
the development of hypotheses, operationalization of variables, and final analysis. In
order to answer research questions, a research design is a blueprint or plan for the
collecting, measuring, and analysis of data (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). Research designs
in this study are categorized into two main types: exploratory and confirmatory.
Muhammad Rizky Ridhani, Sonny Rustuadi
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Figure 5
Concept Map for Research Design (Malhotra, 2010)
The exploratory phase is the initial step, focusing on gaining insights and
understanding of the problem at hand. This phase embodies flexibility and an unstructured
or semi-structured approach, serving as preliminary groundwork for subsequent research
endeavours (Malhotra, 2010). Employing a qualitative approach, interviews emerge as
the primary data collection method during this phase. Enriched by the principles of Co-
Creation, these interviews transcend mere inquiry; they actively engage respondents in
defining the problem and exploring potential solutions while delving into their motives,
attitudes, beliefs, and emotions. Through semi-structured interviews, respondents are
granted the liberty to articulate their thoughts and viewpoints, thus unveiling deeper layers
of insight into the issue at hand. This phase stands as a pivotal juncture for corroborating
findings from exploratory research and aiding decision-makers in the assessment and
selection of the optimal course of action.
Implementing a structured research approach, wherein co-creation stands as a
fundamental pillar, paves the way for a thorough and systematic examination of the
research conundrum. This methodology progresses organically from broad exploratory
techniques to more focused confirmatory methods, guaranteeing that intricate research
queries are tackled with precision and inclusivity. The outcome is a research journey
enriched by the multifaceted viewpoints of all stakeholders, culminating in outcomes that
boast robust empirical underpinnings while deeply resonating with the communities they
aim to benefit.
Data Collection
The data from this study were collected using two types of data: primary and
secondary data. The primary data were collected using qualitative research methods to
gain a thorough understanding of the issue. Semi-structured interviews were conducted
with 22 respondents consisting of the customers, the suppliers, internal stakeholders, and
experts gathered through one-on-one interviews, which is a standard method for
qualitative data collection. This method allows for a comprehensive examination of
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to Enhance Customer Experience
and Satisfaction
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2971
motivations, attitudes, beliefs, and sentiments related to the topic, resulting in rich,
detailed data.
Data Analysis
Data analysis is carried out using qualitative data obtained from in-depth interviews
as part of an exploratory phase to gather responses from customers. Subsequently,
confirmatory analysis is conducted involving internal stakeholders, suppliers, and
experts. The analysis employs thematic analysis, a method well-suited for various
research designs. Thematic analysis is a method for analyzing qualitative data that is well-
suited to a wide range of research designs. It is useful for exploring topics within
qualitative data collected from respondents, which is often used by researchers for
interview analysis. Themes are broad groups formed from shared data across various
individuals. The content inside each topic collectively tells a story that is linked to depict
various aspects of an occurrence. This method helps researchers identify the commonly
discussed or in-depth features of a phenomenon among participants, as well as the
linkages between these parts. Researchers use this method to collect interrelated data
through observation, interviews and documentation at Tusuk Coffee.
Results and Discussion
Business Environment Analysis
Business environment analysis uses the PESTEL framework to identify competitive
advantages and elements that may pose problems or opportunities. This framework
evaluates a variety of elements, including political, economic, social, technological,
environmental, and legal (Rothaermel, 2021). This thorough examination allows
businesses to get insights into their working environment's manageable and
uncontrollable parts.
Table 1
PESTEL Analysis
Interviews Insight
Tusuk Coffee's
strategic location
near key
infrastructures like
Pelabuhan Trisakti
considerations for
local government
policies and urban
The political
strategies for
and urban
operations and
Tusuk Coffee needs to
maintain good relations
with local authorities
and stay informed
about any policy
changes. This will
ensure they can
leverage their strategic
location and comply
with any new
Muhammad Rizky Ridhani, Sonny Rustuadi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2972
Price adjustments
from 15K-20K to
18K-30K due to tax
contributions and
struggles with
profitability due to a
10% tax indicate
economic pressures.
factors such as
inflation, and
play a
role in
strategies and
Tusuk Coffee need to
explore cost-efficiency
measures, diversify
revenue streams, and
adjust pricing strategies
while maintaining
quality. To face
economic challenges.
The rising interest in
speciality coffee and
among consumers,
preferences for
plant-based milk
alternatives, reflects
changing consumer
Social trends
are moving
healthier and
that adapt to
these trends
can meet
Tusuk Coffee should
continue to innovate its
menu to include
healthier options and
speciality drinks that
cater to the health-
conscious consumer,
potentially increasing
its market share.
Rapid growth
through online
presence and
engagement on
platforms like
Instagram and
TikTok showcases
the importance of
technology in
marketing and
and social
media for
marketing and
engagement is
crucial in
for growth and
Tusuk Coffee must
continue to enhance its
online presence, using
digital marketing
strategies to engage
with customers,
promote products, and
respond to market
The introduction of
plant-based milk
By emphasizing its
commitment to
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to Enhance Customer Experience
and Satisfaction
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2973
alternatives and
focus on
ethically sourced
beans highlight
considerations in
product offerings.
is becoming
important to
practices can
themselves in
the market.
sustainability and
ethical sourcing, Tusuk
Coffee can appeal to
conscious consumers,
enhancing its brand
image and attracting a
loyal customer base.
Pricing adjustments
in response to local
tax contributions
and the need to
comply with health
and safety standards
indicate the impact
of legal and
Legal factors,
and safety
directly affect
pricing, and
Compliance with legal
requirements is non-
negotiable. Tusuk
Coffee must stay
updated on legal
changes to adjust its
operations accordingly,
ensuring compliance
and minimizing legal
Located strategically near key infrastructures such as Pelabuhan Trisakti, Tusuk
Coffee is faced with the complexities of local government policies and urban planning.
Consequently, the political climate significantly influences its operational decisions and
location strategies. In response to economic pressures, particularly taxation and
profitability challenges, the company must demonstrate adaptability. This entails
implementing adjustments in pricing strategies and exploring cost-efficiency measures.
Furthermore, with social trends veering towards health consciousness and a preference
for speciality coffee, Tusuk Coffee must remain agile in its menu innovation efforts.
Leveraging technology, particularly through a robust social media presence, emerges as
imperative for effective marketing and customer engagement strategies. Moreover, the
company's commitment to environmental sustainability, as evidenced by its product
offerings, holds the potential to enhance its brand image. Legal compliance,
encompassing taxation policies and adherence to health and safety standards, stands as a
non-negotiable aspect of its operations. Thus, Tusuk Coffee's proactive stance in staying
abreast of legal changes is vital to ensure compliance and mitigate potential risks.
Through a comprehensive strategy of these factors, Tusuk Coffee can sustain its
competitive edge and thrive in the dynamic market landscape.
Muhammad Rizky Ridhani, Sonny Rustuadi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2974
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis provides a comprehensive assessment of a company's internal
strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats that may affect its
competitive advantage. SWOT analysis provides significant insights into the different
components that influence a company's competitiveness in its operational environment
by considering internal as well as external problems.
Table 2
SWOT Analysis
Strategic Location: Tusuk Coffee's
location is advantageous within its
operating environment.
Unique Product Offerings: With a
focus on high-quality arabica beans and
a variety of beverages, Tusuk Coffee
offers a unique product lineup that
differentiates it from competitors.
Environmental Commitment: The
plant-based milk alternatives and a
focus on sustainable, ethically sourced
beans highlight Tusuk Coffee's
commitment to environmental
Online Presence and Digital
Engagement: Tusuk Coffee has
successfully grown its brand through a
strong online presence and engagement
on platforms like Instagram and
Fast Innovation and Menu
Development: The ability to quickly
innovate and develop its menu allows it
to adapt to changing consumer
Limited Seating Capacity: With seating
capacity for only 6-8 people indoors,
Tusuk Coffee has a limited ability to
accommodate customers, especially in
comparison to competitors.
Customer Service and Experience:
There is an implication that staff training
and motivation may be areas for
improvement to ensure high-quality
customer service and experience.
Price Point: Positioned at a slightly higher
price point (20K-28K for beverages)
compared to its competitors, which might
limit its accessibility to a wider audience.
Growing Interest in Specialty Coffee:
The rising interest in speciality coffee
and health consciousness among
consumers presents an opportunity to
expand its customer base.
Digital Marketing and Social Media:
Leveraging digital marketing strategies
and social media further can help Tusuk
Coffee reach a wider audience and
engage with customers more
Competitive Market: The presence of
competitors like Dua Asa, Golden Brew,
and Genji, each with their unique offerings
and strengths, signifies a highly
competitive market.
Economic Pressures: Economic factors
such as taxation and local economic
conditions play a significant role in
determining pricing strategies and overall
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to Enhance Customer Experience
and Satisfaction
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2975
Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing:
Emphasizing its commitment to
sustainability and ethical sourcing can
help Tusuk Coffee appeal to
environmentally conscious consumers,
enhancing its brand image and
attracting a loyal customer base.
Legal and Regulatory Requirements:
Compliance with legal requirements,
including taxation policies, health
regulations, and safety standards, directly
affects business operations, pricing, and
product offerings.
Tusuk Coffee, strategically positioned near key infrastructures like Pelabuhan
Trisakti, boasts substantial strengths including a unique range of high-quality arabica
bean beverages, a strong commitment to environmental sustainability through the
introduction of plant-based milk alternatives and ethically sourced beans, and an effective
online presence that has been significantly bolstered by digital engagement on platforms
such as Instagram and TikTok. Despite these advantages, Tusuk Coffee confronts several
internal weaknesses: its limited indoor seating capacity restricts customer
accommodation, suggesting a potential area for infrastructural expansion; customer
service and the overall experience could benefit from enhanced staff training and
motivation, ensuring that the quality of service matches the quality of products offered;
and its pricing strategy, while reflective of its premium offerings, positions it at a higher
price point relative to competitors, which might limit its market reach to a more price-
sensitive demographic.
The opportunities for Tusuk Coffee lie in the growing consumer interest towards
speciality coffee and healthier lifestyle choices, presenting a chance to further innovate
its product offerings and appeal to a broader audience. Additionally, there's untapped
potential in maximizing digital marketing strategies and social media engagement to
increase brand visibility and customer interaction. However, Tusuk Coffee operates in a
landscape fraught with external threats: the competitive pressure from other coffee shops
with unique offerings and appealing environments suggests the need for continual
innovation and differentiation; economic challenges such as taxation and fluctuating local
economic conditions necessitate a flexible and responsive pricing strategy; and stringent
legal and regulatory requirements demand constant vigilance to ensure compliance,
particularly in areas affecting health standards and operational legality.
TOWS Matrix
TOWS Matrix is used for examining the firm's internal strengths and weaknesses
concerning external opportunities and threats.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2976
Table 3
TOWS Matrix Framework
WT Strategies
Streamline Customer
Improve staff training to
enhance customer service,
thus countering the
competitive market by
providing a unique and
superior customer
Maximize Seating Space:
Look for opportunities to
expand seating capacity
without compromising
quality, potentially through
partnerships or seasonal
outdoor seating, to mitigate
the limitation of the small
indoor area.
ST Strategies
Leverage Unique Offerings:
Utilize the unique plant-based
milk alternatives and high-
quality product offerings to
differentiate from competitors
like Dua Asa, Golden Brew, and
Aggressive Digital Marketing:
Use the strong online presence
and digital engagement to
highlight Tusuk Coffee’s unique
strengths, positioning it as a
leader in sustainability and
innovation against economic
pressures and a competitive
WO Strategies
Affordable Product Line
Introduce a line of lower-cost
beverages to attract a broader
customer base, leveraging
the interest in speciality
coffee to overcome the
higher price point.
Enhance Digital Marketing
Use social media to highlight
efforts to make the coffee
shop more accessible despite
the higher price points, like
loyalty programs or "happy
hour" discounts.
SO Strategies
Sustainable Specialty
Capitalize on the environmental
commitment and unique product
offerings by creating marketing
campaigns around the health-
conscious and environmentally
aware customer base, thus
expanding the customer base.
WT Strategies (Minimize Weaknesses and Avoid Threats):
a. Streamline Customer Experience: In order to rise above the competition, Tusuk Coffee
intends to increase its investment in employee training. This will not only improve
customer service abilities but also inspire a sense of pride and ownership in staff,
fostering a warm and welcoming environment that goes beyond transactions and
generates memorable experiences for customers.
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to Enhance Customer Experience
and Satisfaction
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2977
b. Expand Seating Space Strategically: The intimacy of a cosy café is one of Tusuk
Coffee's charms, yet the seating constraint is a tangible bottleneck. The plan is to
creatively expand this space, possibly through seasonal outdoor setups or collaborative
relationships with nearby establishments. This tactical expansion intends to
accommodate the influx of coffee enthusiasts while maintaining Tusuk Coffee's
distinctive flavour.
WO Strategies (Overcome Weaknesses by Exploiting Opportunities):
a. Affordable Product Line Expansion: The introduction of a low-cost beverage variation
seeks to attract a larger audience while also providing a gateway for newcomers to the
speciality coffee market. This project specifically demonstrates Tusuk Coffee as an
inclusive brand while maintaining its reputation for quality and improvement.
b. Enhance Digital Marketing Focus on Accessibility: The perception of exclusivity
linked to Tusuk Coffee's price point is addressed by harnessing the power of social
media. Campaigns will highlight the business's efforts to be accessible, along with
loyalty rewards and limited-time offers that encourage a wider range of the community
to try Tusuk Coffee's offerings.
ST Strategies (Use Strengths to Avoid Threats):
a. Leveraging Unique Offerings Against Competition: Tusuk Coffee's customized menu
and plant-based options serve as its competitive edge and reaffirm its commitment to
ethical consumption.
b. Strategic Digital Marketing: A strategic offensive is planned in the digital arena,
deploying Tusuk Coffee's robust online footprint to broadcast its narratives of
sustainability and innovation. Tusuk Coffee's digital prowess elevates it from a market
participant to a thought leader, influencing discussions and defining trends.
SO Strategies (Leverage Strengths to Seize Opportunities):
a. Sustainable Specialty Campaigns: Recognizing ethical consumerism, Tusuk Coffee
intends to establish marketing efforts that appeal to ecologically concerned and health-
sensitive customers, aligning with these ideals not only broadening its client base but
also fostering a community based on shared environmental principles.
Tusuk Coffee is enhancing the business experience by increasing seating capacity
and improving customer service. Simultaneously, the company aims to boost accessibility
and attract new customers by introducing lower-priced products and ramping up its digital
marketing efforts. Additionally, Tusuk Coffee is capitalizing on its unique product line
and robust online presence to mitigate risks and tap into the growing movement of ethical
consumerism. These strategic initiatives are expected to solidify Tusuk Coffee’s market
position and carve out a distinct identity focused on customer engagement and
In the bustling streets of Banjarmasin, Indonesia, Tusuk Coffee stands as a beacon
of innovation and community engagement in the fiercely competitive coffee industry.
Facing numerous challenges, from economic pressures to intense competition, Tusuk
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2978
Coffee sought to redefine its approach to stay ahead in the market. Through diligent
research and analysis, Tusuk Coffee identified the need to enhance customer experience
and satisfaction through value co-creation strategies. This revelation led to a
transformative journey, encapsulated in three pivotal research questions.
The first question delved into the challenges plaguing Tusuk Coffee's growth. From
fierce competition to economic and legal hurdles, the road ahead seemed daunting.
However, armed with insights, Tusuk Coffee recognized the importance of continual
innovation, digital engagement, and ethical practices to navigate these challenges
successfully. The second question focused on co-creation as a strategy to improve
performance. By prioritizing product quality, customization, and exceptional service,
Tusuk Coffee aimed to create personalized experiences that resonated with its diverse
customer base. Through this strategy, Tusuk Coffee sought not only to satisfy but also to
delight its patrons, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.
Finally, the third question explored actionable recommendations to implement
these strategies. From sourcing ethically produced beans to optimizing space utilization
and leveraging digital platforms, Tusuk Coffee outlined a comprehensive plan to elevate
its offerings and strengthen its connection with the community. As Tusuk Coffee
embarked on this journey of transformation, it wasn't just about surviving in the
competitive market it was about thriving. By embracing innovation, fostering community
ties, and staying true to its values, Tusuk Coffee set itself on a path towards sustainable
success, one cup at a time.
Value Co-Creation Strategy Formulation for Tusuk Coffee to Enhance Customer Experience
and Satisfaction
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2979
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