pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3039
Transfer of Land Ownership through a Binding Agreement of
Sale and Purchase under the Hand (Comparative Study
Reviewed in the Perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law)
Robby Awaluddin Jamil
, Emilda Kuspraningrum
, Amsari Damanik
Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda, Indonesia
Keywords: Sale and
Purchase Binding
Agreement (PPJB),
Default, Transfer of Land
This study aims to analyze the legal strength of the binding
sale and purchase agreement under the hand and analyze the
legal protection for the buyer if the seller commits a Default
on the binding sale and purchase agreement. This research is
a doctrinal research. In practice, in the implementation of the
Sale and Purchase Agreement, there are still many
development actors who do not make the Sale and Purchase
Agreement in front of a notary in the form of an authentic
deed, but make it in the form of a deed under hand. A Sale
and Purchase Agreement made with an authentic deed and a
deed under hand has a fundamental difference in terms of its
evidentiary strength. The Sale and Purchase Binding
Agreement in its implementation in the community cannot
always run smoothly, sometimes some factors limit the
engagement in continuing or until it becomes invalid, The
case can be known that PPJB can be asked for compensation
if it is not by the agreement of the parties in the agreement,
which in this case the seller commits a breach of
performance, while the buyer, in this case, is in good faith
by fulfilling what has been As stated in the PPJB, the
Agreement can be cancelled if it is not by the subjective
conditions or the objective requirements of the agreement as
stipulated in article 1320 of the Civil Code.
Land has a very important meaning for every individual in society because it has a
close relationship with the existence of each human being in the environment and its
survival (Sulisrudatin, 2018). Apart from being a place to live, the land also contains an
economic value for humans, it can be used as a source of livelihood, both for farming and
to carry out business, and can also be used as collateral for loans, as well as a source of
human livelihood in the future (Ridho, 2022).
The need for a place to live (board) is a primary need for a person, in addition to
clothing and food. In addition to housing, it can also be used as an investment. Housing
and settlements, both in the form of land and buildings, are very important in supporting
Robby Awaluddin Jamil, Emilda Kuspraningrum, Amsari Damanik
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3040
the continuity and improvement of people's lives (Nikmah, Disemadi, & Purwanti, 2020).
The rapid development of the population also has an impact on the supply of land and
buildings as basic human needs due to the population density factor that occurs, although
the provision of housing needs is one of the duties and responsibilities of the state, as
mandated by the 1945 Constitution (Sakti & Budhisulistyawati, 2020).
The acquisition of land rights requires a certain process or mechanism, for example,
inheritance, grants, buying and selling, and so on (Silalahi, 2020). The transaction of
buying and selling land and/or buildings is inseparable from the existence of an
agreement/agreement (Satrianingsih & Wirasila, 2019). An agreement is a legal
relationship between two people or two parties, based on which one party has the right to
demand something from the other party, and the other party is obliged to fulfil the demand
an agreement is an event where one makes a promise to another person or both make a
promise to do something that has been agreed (Amanta, Mathon, & Azwar, 2024).
In addition, if referring to the provisions of Article 1458 of the Civil Code, it states
that "the sale and purchase is considered to have occurred between the two parties when
they have reached an agreement on the goods and price, even though the goods have not
been handed over or the price has not been paid". Based on the reading of the article
above, the sale and purchase agreement can be carried out by giving a ban first, meaning
that the sale and purchase transaction is still valid in addition to the concept of light and
cash (Sadewo, 2019).
Agreements in land purchase and sale transactions today are beginning to
experience rapid development. The sale and purchase transaction starts from an
agreement under hand (Palar & Mekka, 2023). In general, before the parties enter into a
sale and purchase agreement, they usually do a sale and purchase agreement (PPJB) first.
The meaning of PPJB itself is an agreement between the seller and the buyer before the
sale and purchase are carried out because there are elements that must be met for the sale
and purchase (Pinem, Purba, & Sembiring, 2022). In terms of buying and selling land
rights, the community is still not aware of the need for agreements made in front of the
authorized officials for it. In order to ensure legal certainty for the fulfilment of the rights
and obligations of the parties (Rosadi, 2020).
Generally, the parties who carry out transactions of buying and selling land and
buildings by agreeing without the presence of a public official, where the content of the
agreement has been agreed upon by the parties which is often called PPJB (purchase and
sale agreement) or Deed underhand (Ubaidi, Dewi, & Koeswarni, 2021).
A deed under hand is a deed that is deliberately made for proof by the parties
without assistance from a public official that has been determined by laws and
regulations. In addition, the agreement must be equipped with witnesses and other
evidence. Therefore, each deed under hand is recommended to contain at least two
witnesses who are mature and capable of strengthening the evidence (Prasetyo, 2017).
In an etymological review of Islamic law, as stated by Wahbah al-Zuhaili, the
contract includes: "The bond between two things, both tangible and meaningful, from one
aspect or two aspects."
Transfer of Land Ownership through a Binding Agreement of Sale and Purchase under the Hand
(Comparative Study Reviewed in the Perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3041
The definition of the contract in terms of fiqh scholars can be reviewed from two
aspects, namely in general and in particular (JODHI, Suryadi, & Ayu, 2021). In general,
the contract in a broad sense is almost the same as the meaning of the contract in terms
of language according to the opinion of the scholars of Shafi'iyah, Malikiyah, and
Hanabilah, namely: "Everything that is done by a person based on his own will, such as
waqf, talaq, liberation, or something whose formation requires the desire of two people,
such as buying and selling, representation, and pawn." The meaning of akad in a special
sense put forward by fiqh scholars includes: "The bond between ijab and Kabul is based
on the provisions of sharia which have implications for the object." "The relationship of
the speech of one of the people who contract with the other in a sharia manner in terms
of what appears and has implications for the object."
The inclusion of words by the will of the provisions of Sharia in the definition above
means that any agreement made by two or more parties is not considered valid if it is not
in line with the will or provisions that have been stipulated by Sharia (Allah) and the
Prophet), for example, an agreement to carry out prohibited transactions such as riba or
other prohibited transactions (Mayasari, 2017). If the ijab and Kabul have been carried
out by the conditions and will of the shari'a', then the legal consequences of the agreement
will arise.
Arising from legal consequences/influencing means providing legal consequences,
namely the transfer of goods to the buyer and money to the seller in the sale and purchase
contract. Thus, the contract is a bond between ijab and kabul which shows the willingness
of the parties and the emergence of legal consequences for the object to be contracted.
Hasbi Ash-Shidddieqy, quoting the definition put forward by Sanhurym, stated that
what is meant by a contract is: "An alliance of ijab and Kabul that is justified by sharia
which stipulates the willingness between the two parties."
Based on the description put forward by the scholars above, three important points
must be considered in the contract. First, the contract is a meeting/relationship between
ijab and Kabul that gives rise to legal consequences. Ijab is an offer submitted by one
party, and Kabul is an answer to the agreement expressed by the other party in response
to the offer of the first party. Second, the contract is a legal action between two parties
because the contract is an ijab meeting that represents the will of one party and a Kabul
that expresses the will of the other party. Third, the purpose of the contract is to give birth
to a legal effect.
Thus, if there are elements that are not fulfilled, then the sale and purchase are
invalid. However, from the development of science and information technology along
with the development of the times, the values of the elements mentioned above can
change and must undergo changes that can result in the development of each element of
buying and selling.
The purpose of this research is directed to answer two things, First, to find out and
analyze the Legal Strength of Binding Sale and Purchase Agreements under the Hand in
the Perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law. Second, this study aims to find out and
Robby Awaluddin Jamil, Emilda Kuspraningrum, Amsari Damanik
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3042
analyze the Legal Protection for Buyers If the Seller Defaults on the Binding Sale and
Purchase Agreement Under the Hand.
Research Methods
Research Approach
Research with a doctrinal approach is directed at a set of norms as the research
target through analysis of relations between norms, content analysis, the merger of norm
theories, and legal principles. Research like this was born as a premise that the law is a
norm formed by the state and must be avoided from non-juridical factors. In simple terms,
researchers will connect one norm to another, or connect it to a specific legal event. The
doctrinal approach with a normative character as a form of approach in legal research
specializes in efforts to solve legal problems based on written law and legal practice.
Source of Materials
The sources of materials presented in normative research are three types of legal
materials used as follows:
a. Bahan Primer
Primary legal materials are legal materials that have binding legal force. In this
study, the primary legal materials used are the 1945 Constitution, the Civil Code, the
Basic Agrarian Law, and Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land
Registration. Islamic law in the form of the Quran, Sunnah and Al-Hadith, as well as the
Compilation of Islamic Economic Law.
b. Secondary materials
Secondary legal materials, namely legal materials whose function complements the
primary legal materials and are non-binding. For example, the results of legal research,
legal theories, official and unofficial legal literature (scientific books) are published, legal
journals, mass media, papers and opinions of legal scholars.
c. Material Analysis
The analysis of the materials used in this study will be analyzed qualitatively to
describe the answer to the research statement:
Problem Formulation (R1)
The material obtained during the research was directed to analyze several main
things, including the concept of the process of settling a binding sale and purchase
agreement under the hands from the perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law. In this
section, the researcher explores from the perspective of the concept of regulation related
to the legal force of the binding agreement of sale and purchase under the hand.
Problem Formulation (R2)
To answer the question from the formulation of problem 2 (two), the researcher
focuses on efforts in terms of Legal Protection for Buyers If the Seller Defaults on the
Binding Agreement of Sale and Purchase under the Hands in the Perspective of Civil Law
and Islamic Law.
Time allocation
Transfer of Land Ownership through a Binding Agreement of Sale and Purchase under the Hand
(Comparative Study Reviewed in the Perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3043
Research is carried out for approximately 1 (one) year starting from the preparation
of research design, research design seminars, literature studies, data collection, report
preparation, seminars on research results, final exams and publications.
Results and Discussion
The Process of Implementing a Binding Sale and Purchase Agreement Under Hands
in the Perspective of Civil Law
Relationships that often occur between fellow communities result in legal
relationships such as buying and selling transactions, or business negotiations that
inevitably occur every day. An agreement between two parties or more based on the desire
to get something or rights. A person's rights can be obtained if we carry out obligations
or interactions with other parties, commonly called civil legal relationships. But not all
rights and obligations can be planned as agreed, there must be one party or individual
who does not agree, making disputes between parties until a default occurs. The purpose
of a binding sale and purchase agreement is only a temporary binding agreement, which
is the essence of the seller's agreement to bind himself to the buyer.
Before agreeing, the two parties should discuss the contents of the agreement letter
that is used so that there is no default or one of the parties does not accept the result of
the agreement. In theory, an agreement arises based on an agreement, it occurs because
there is an intention of the people concerned, but in practice what is the handle is the
statement of will or intention. Based on the statement of reciprocal intent, an agreement
occurs and from that agreement comes the rights and obligations of both parties or one of
the parties.
The Process of Implementing a Binding Sale and Purchase Agreement Under the
Hand in the Perspective of Islamic Law
Islam is a perfect religion that focuses on the issue of Aqidah and Sharia, in
explaining the relationship between the servant and his Rabb, the relationship between
the Rabb and his servant and his manners, Islam also explains various kinds of rules of
life, including muamalah and the economic system, especially buying and selling. Allah
commands people to earn a living using a business that is allowed by Islamic law after a
person has carried out his duty to worship.
Basically, in living their lives, humans have various needs, both food, clothing, and
boards. However, man is aware of his impossible ability to meet his own needs without
having relationships with others to meet his life needs. In Islam, buying and selling are
legalized by law and justified by religion, as long as they meet the requirements and the
pillars. Thus, this law has been agreed upon by ijma‟ (mujahidin scholars). It has been
affirmed in the Qur'an which explains that selling is halal, while buying and selling that
contains ambiguity is prohibited.
The legal basis of buying and selling in the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) is as follows: "From Sulaiman Ibn Daud added, the
Robby Awaluddin Jamil, Emilda Kuspraningrum, Amsari Damanik
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3044
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Those who agree are bound
by the conditions they make." (HR. Abu Daud)
Jabir Ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "The conditions between
them." Ibn Umar said, "Every condition that is contrary to the book of Allah is a false
condition, even if it is a hundred conditions." (HR. Bukhari)
Then Allah created them with the instinct of helping to meet the needs of their lives.
If Allah does not provide a just way to meet their needs, it will certainly cause harm,
narrowness, and difficulties in human life, especially for the weak. To bridge this, Allah
SWT. Sharia buying and selling fairly.
The Difference Between Binding Agreements of Sale and Purchase under Hands in
the Perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law
There are several comparisons of binding agreements of sale and purchase
underhand from the perspective of civil law and Islamic law, namely:
Table 1
The Difference Between an Agreement according to Islamic Law and an Agreement
According to the Civil Code
Agreements in Civil Law
Akad in Islamic Law
Form of
Agreement Deed
Authentic and under the
hands of Non-Authentic
(under the hands)
Written, spoken and deed
Elements of the
Terms of validity of the
1. Agree with those who
bind themselves
2. The ability to make
an alliance
3. Something specific
4. A halal cause.
Elements of the Contract:
1. Rukun Akad;
a. Parties who
make the
b. Statement of
the will of the
c. The object of
d. Purpose of
the contract
2. Conditions of the
a. Conditions
for the
formation of
the contract
b. Conditions
for the
validity of
the contract
c. Conditions
for the
validity of
the contract
Transfer of Land Ownership through a Binding Agreement of Sale and Purchase under the Hand
(Comparative Study Reviewed in the Perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3045
d. The
bind it to the
Parties and
It is made in front of a notary
and attended by the parties
and witnessed by 2
witnesses in agreeing, while
the agreement under hand is
only attended by the parties
and witnessed by 2
witnesses in agreeing.
In Islam, all acts of
have been believed by
religious norms to be
accountable before
there is a denial between
the parties to the contract.
And it was attended by
the parties and witnessed
by 2 male witnesses or if
the witness was 1 man,
then 2 female witnesses
were added.
In the explanation of the binding agreement of sale and purchase according to the
Civil Code and Islamic law in the KHES in general, there are differences including Article
1313 of the Civil Code states that "An agreement is an act in which one or more persons
bind themselves to one or more other persons". The meaning of the explanation of the
agreement in Article 1313 of the Civil Code here can be said to be the same as the
contract. As explained in Article 20 of the KHES, "An agreement is an agreement
between two or more parties to do and or not perform certain legal acts".
Legal Protection for Buyers If the Seller Commits an Act of Default on the Sale and
Purchase Agreement under the Hands in the Perspective of Civil Law
Legal protection is a universal concept of the state of law. Legal protection consists
of two forms, namely preventive legal protection and repressive legal protection, namely:
Preventive Legal Protection which is preventive is interpreted as prevention. According
to Satjipto Rahardjo, legal protection is to protect human rights that are harmed by others
and that protection is given to the community so that they can enjoy all the rights provided
by the law.
Philipus M. Hadjon argued that legal protection is an act to protect or provide
assistance to legal subjects, using legal tools.
A buyer in good faith is a buyer who does not know and cannot be considered to
have known about defects in the process of transferring the rights to the land he has
purchased. From the results of the literature review, it can be seen that there is agreement
among the authors that the "buyer in good faith" should be interpreted as: "an honest
buyer, not knowing the defects of the goods purchased". Regarding the definition of a
buyer in good faith, R. Subekti formulated that in this regard, it is strengthened in the
provisions of the Civil Code which provides freedom for the parties to make an agreement
that determines the content of the agreement is entirely under the authority of the parties.
Like the law of treaties in general, binding agreements on sale and purchase adhere to an
open system. An open system in this case can be interpreted as everyone can make any
Robby Awaluddin Jamil, Emilda Kuspraningrum, Amsari Damanik
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3046
agreement, even though the laws and regulations do not regulate it, in other words, the
open system is referred to as the "Principle of freedom of contract".
Restrictive Legal Protection
Meanwhile, repressive legal protection is legal protection provided in the event of
a violation of the law. The form of legal protection includes law enforcement, which
includes the provision of sanctions, such as fines, compensation, imprisonment and other
additional punishments by resolving disputes that are taken to court.
Legal protection aims to protect human rights that are harmed by others and that
protection is given to the community so that they can enjoy all the rights guaranteed to be
protected by law. The law can be used to realize legal protection that is adaptive and
flexible, as well as predictive and anticipatory. The law is urgently needed for the weak
and not yet strong socially, economically and politically to obtain social justice.
Legal Protection for Buyers If the Seller Commits a Breach of Sale and Purchase
Agreement Under the Hands in the Perspective of Islamic Law
Islamic law contributes quite a lot as a measure to protect buyers. The purpose of
Islamic Law is to regulate the relationship between sellers and buyers solely to realize the
benefits for mankind. As we know, Islamic Law has the purpose of maintaining the
benefits of human life, both individually and socially.
As Islamic Law is used as a guideline for life, it is appropriate for Islamic Law to
take part in regulating human relationships. One of them is the relationship between the
seller and the buyer. Islamic law cannot allow the seller to act as he pleases while
executing a transaction.
It can be understood that the law of buying and selling such as buying and selling
land is allowed by Islam or halal. In Islam, of course, something that is allowed or halal
has its limitations and can become haram if it is not carried out according to the rules and
justice of each other. Buying and selling land in Islam is certainly not something that is
prohibited, as long as it has clarity of ownership, the obligations carried out are fulfilled
and does not affect society, it does not contain gharar, which is a vague buying and selling
and there is a possibility of fraud. We should not sell or buy land whose ownership is
unclear, and the land is not disputed land if the disputed land is sold will certainly harm
one of the parties, and not waqf land and the completeness of documents and legal
procedures in the country, it must be clear the status, price of the land and ownership, for
that there is a land certificate which means that the owner of the certificate has the right
and can use the land while it is still in the applicable legal rules.
In the process of implementing the binding agreement of sale and purchase under
the hands of this research case, the principle is subject to the general provisions of the
agreement contained in Book III of the Civil Code (KUH Perbaik) concerning
Engagement and in Islamic law is subject to the provisions of the Quran, Hadith and
Compilation of Sharia Economic Law. The implementation of the binding sale and
purchase agreement between the buyer and the seller has been by the provisions that have
Transfer of Land Ownership through a Binding Agreement of Sale and Purchase under the Hand
(Comparative Study Reviewed in the Perspective of Civil Law and Islamic Law)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3047
been agreed upon by both parties based on the agreement made, but in its implementation,
there is a default caused by the seller not fulfilling its obligation to follow up the process
from PPJB which has been paid off to the making of a sale and purchase deed before
PPAT and the seller has also not handed over the purchased land and buildings to the
buyer. Meanwhile, the difference in the implementation of binding agreements on the sale
and purchase of land based on civil and Islamic law lies in the halal and haram of the
agreement or contract, the difference in the source of the agreement, the difference in the
age limit of proficiency, the difference in the halal substance, the difference in the rights
and obligations of the seller and the buyer.
As for the legal protection of the parties who default in the sale and purchase
agreement carried out under the hand, it can be resolved by two channels in general,
namely dispute resolution outside the court (non-litigation) and dispute resolution in court
(litigation). The difference here is the settlement of disputes in court where civil law
disputes are resolved in the District Court while Islamic civil law or sharia economic
disputes are resolved in the Religious Court.
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