Robby Awaluddin Jamil, Emilda Kuspraningrum, Amsari Damanik
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3040
the continuity and improvement of people's lives (Nikmah, Disemadi, & Purwanti, 2020).
The rapid development of the population also has an impact on the supply of land and
buildings as basic human needs due to the population density factor that occurs, although
the provision of housing needs is one of the duties and responsibilities of the state, as
mandated by the 1945 Constitution (Sakti & Budhisulistyawati, 2020).
The acquisition of land rights requires a certain process or mechanism, for example,
inheritance, grants, buying and selling, and so on (Silalahi, 2020). The transaction of
buying and selling land and/or buildings is inseparable from the existence of an
agreement/agreement (Satrianingsih & Wirasila, 2019). An agreement is a legal
relationship between two people or two parties, based on which one party has the right to
demand something from the other party, and the other party is obliged to fulfil the demand
an agreement is an event where one makes a promise to another person or both make a
promise to do something that has been agreed (Amanta, Mathon, & Azwar, 2024).
In addition, if referring to the provisions of Article 1458 of the Civil Code, it states
that "the sale and purchase is considered to have occurred between the two parties when
they have reached an agreement on the goods and price, even though the goods have not
been handed over or the price has not been paid". Based on the reading of the article
above, the sale and purchase agreement can be carried out by giving a ban first, meaning
that the sale and purchase transaction is still valid in addition to the concept of light and
cash (Sadewo, 2019).
Agreements in land purchase and sale transactions today are beginning to
experience rapid development. The sale and purchase transaction starts from an
agreement under hand (Palar & Mekka, 2023). In general, before the parties enter into a
sale and purchase agreement, they usually do a sale and purchase agreement (PPJB) first.
The meaning of PPJB itself is an agreement between the seller and the buyer before the
sale and purchase are carried out because there are elements that must be met for the sale
and purchase (Pinem, Purba, & Sembiring, 2022). In terms of buying and selling land
rights, the community is still not aware of the need for agreements made in front of the
authorized officials for it. In order to ensure legal certainty for the fulfilment of the rights
and obligations of the parties (Rosadi, 2020).
Generally, the parties who carry out transactions of buying and selling land and
buildings by agreeing without the presence of a public official, where the content of the
agreement has been agreed upon by the parties which is often called PPJB (purchase and
sale agreement) or Deed underhand (Ubaidi, Dewi, & Koeswarni, 2021).
A deed under hand is a deed that is deliberately made for proof by the parties
without assistance from a public official that has been determined by laws and
regulations. In addition, the agreement must be equipped with witnesses and other
evidence. Therefore, each deed under hand is recommended to contain at least two
witnesses who are mature and capable of strengthening the evidence (Prasetyo, 2017).
In an etymological review of Islamic law, as stated by Wahbah al-Zuhaili, the
contract includes: "The bond between two things, both tangible and meaningful, from one
aspect or two aspects."