pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3862
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information
System to Improve Business Performance at Estoh Jember
Naila Rahmatul Widad
, Wali Ja’far Shudiq
, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Universitas Nurul Jadid, Indonesia
Keywords: tracking of
sales; website; qrcode.
Currently, technological developments are starting to
become more rapid and have changed so many aspects of
human life, including in the business sector. One small
example is making it easier for human resources to manage
data and making it easier to measure the company's level of
achievement. This has a big impact on companies operating
in the service sector such as the Estoh company. This
research aims to design a sales tracking information system
that can monitor the performance of the sales team in the
field and minimize falsification of reports, make it easier
for admins to make sales performance recapitulation
reports every weekend, and utilize the sophistication of QR
codes to simplify the process of making sales reports to
admins. This research uses a qualitative approach by
collecting data through observation and interviews with the
CEO of the Estoh Jember company as well as conducting a
literature study of previous journals related to the research.
Based on the results of this research, show that designing a
sales tracking information system is very helpful for
developers in realizing a system that can monitor the
performance of the sales team in real-time so that problems
in the field can be resolved quickly, making it easier to
create sales performance recapitulation reports with the
accumulated results of organized sales reports. Well by the
system, and makes the process of creating sales reports
easier with the help of a QR code.
Technology in the current digital era has changed so many aspects of human life,
including in the business sector (Ardiansyah, 2023). The latest advances and
innovations in technology such as the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence have
changed the way businesses work (Pakusadewa, 2023). One small example of the use of
technology in the business sector that can be taken is making it easier for human
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3863
resources to manage data and making it easier to disseminate the information so that it
becomes faster and of course, the level of accuracy is more guaranteed (Premana et al.,
2020). With the many positive contributions resulting from technological developments
in the business sector, it is certain that the quality of service provided by business actors
will increase and be able to minimize the occurrence of fraud (Anggraeni & Elan
Maulani, 2023).
In this case, it can be described in the Estoh company, where the company is
engaged in software creation and software sales services, the services offered by the
company in terms of software creation services are software installation, computer
network settings or networking, hardware maintenance, and information technology
(IT) consultation. (Julyan & Wahyudi, 2023). In addition, the Estoh company also sells
software that can be directly installed on laptops or client computers, the software sold
is retail business cashier software called Tumbas Series. This business was founded in
2017 and currently has more than 10 regular clients, this is certainly not an easy thing in
building companies need innovations every year so that the company can continue to
exist and compete with competitors. (Atim, 2024).
In every process of running a business, there will certainly be obstacles that hinder
the company's business performance, one of the factors that occurred in the Estoh
company was the ineffective sales performance monitoring process in the field
considering that this company is engaged in the service sector and every day requires
optimal sales performance to serve client needs. However, the fact is that the Estoh
company still monitors sales performance manually, namely by using photo evidence
sent by sales via WhatsApp groups, this is one of the triggers for fraudulent acts such as
falsification of photo evidence by sales in the company. Not only that, the sales
performance recapitulation report carried out by the admin to the company's CEO every
weekend is often hampered because the photo evidence accumulated during the week is
not well organized. This lacks real-time monitoring of sales activities, making it
difficult for the company's CEO to access the latest information in the field, and cannot
make decisions quickly if urgent obstacles occur. Therefore, researchers are interested
in conducting a study at the Estoh Jember company to provide innovations in the form
of designing a website-based sales tracking information system with the hope that the
company's performance, which had declined, can return to stability and be able to
compete again in the market. (Nurkhasanah & Theresiawati, 2022).
The website-based information system chosen by the researcher is intended to
make it easier for users to operate the system designed and more flexible in its use,
simply by running the system through a web server or browser such as Chrome, firefox,
opera, and so on, it can even be easily accessed via laptop, computer or smartphone.
The researcher also utilizes the sophistication of QRcode in designing this sales tracking
information system, with the hope of improving the business performance of the Estoh
company in providing the best service to clients and making it easier for the company to
monitor and measure sales achievements in the field. In addition, the researcher also
reviewed several previous studies sourced from published journals to find comparisons
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3864
and find new inspiration to perfect this research, the following are several previous
studies that are still related to the title that the researcher is studying.
First, based on research from (Nur Pratomo et al., 2021) Entitled "Sales
Monitoring Information System in Selling Products with Web-Based Verification Code
SMS Feature (Case Study of Tunas Arta Mandiri)" published by Jurnal Pepadun
discusses the design of a sales monitoring information system due to the lack of
monitoring during sales transactions which results in company losses. This study uses
the waterfall method, which is a type of software development model that is included in
the classic life cycle and emphasizes systematic phases. By using this method, a
monitoring software is created that can monitor sales performance and provide
information to customers regarding the latest products and discounts provided by the
Second, based on research from (Sholekhah & Rahayu, 2022) Entitled "Design of
a Web-Based Sales Performance Monitoring Information System Using the
Gamification Concept (Case Study of the Sales Team Unit BGES PT Telkom Bekasi)"
published by the National Seminar of Computer Science and Software Students
(SENAMIKA) discusses the less than-optimal sales performance monitoring process by
the Telkom Bekasi BGES Unit so that the achievement of sales targets has not been
properly integrated and requires a lot of time in data mapping. In this study, the methods
used are data collection methods, system analysis, system design, system coding,
system testing to system implementation. With this method, website-based software is
produced using the PHP programming language and MySQL database which aims to
monitor the performance of the sales team to create a good and structured work ethic.
Third, based on research from (Hurrijal & Gupitha, 2020) Entitled "Web-Based
Sales Monitoring Information System at PT. Arifindo Mandiri TDC Pamanukan"
published by the Journal of Information and Communication Technology discusses the
ineffectiveness of data delivery from admin to sales because the company still uses
conventional software in the form of Ms. Excel in monitoring its sales achievements. In
this study, the method used is the inception, elaboration, and construction method so
that an information system design is created that is expected to make it easier for sales
to see achievements and fix their shortcomings in achieving the targets given by PT.
Arifindo Mandiri TDC Pamanukan.
Finally, based on research from (Chafid & Sidiq, 2021) Entitled "Design of Web-
Based Sales Tracking System Software at PT. Jaya Teknik Indonesia" published by the
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Technology Innovation (SNITek) discusses the
monitoring carried out by sales managers once a month which has an impact on
declining company performance so that innovations are needed to overcome it. This
study uses data collection and needs analysis methods to build a Sales Tracking System
software by utilizing the sophistication of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in
monitoring the delivery of goods and as an alternative to finding the closest route for
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3865
The stages carried out in this study are implementing prototype modeling, where
in general prototyping can be used to develop a system, both small and large scale
systems. This aims to ensure that the development process runs smoothly, is well
organized, and meets the deadlines required during the development process (Pressman,
2020:50). The stages of this research can be described as follows :
Figure 1. Research stages
The following is a description of the stages carried out in the research :
a. Observation and Interview
Observation and interviews with the relevant parties are the initial stages in this
study, the researcher conducted observations at the Estoh company in Sumbersari
Village, Jember, East Java to analyze the problems that occurred and find solutions to
these problems, but before that, the researcher conducted interviews with the company
to obtain initial data from the company before it was later described and developed
b. Data collection
The data needed in this study is primary data, where this data is obtained directly
through the stages of field studies and interviews with trusted sources to produce valid
data. In addition, this data collection is also obtained from literature related to the
c. Consultation
At this stage, researchers conduct regular consultations with the company to
identify in more depth the problems that occur in the company's service process to
clients and analyze the system requirements required.
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3866
d. Quick Plan
At this quick plan stage, researchers begin to plan strategies that can be
implemented in the company as a form of proposed solution to overcome the problems
that occur, this includes selecting the technology that will be used in the system creation
process and identifying users who will later use the system.
e. Modeling Quick Plan
The quick plan modeling stage is a more specific and detailed system design
stage, namely the researcher will create a Unified Modeling Language (UML) to
visualize a design, such as :
1. Use case diagrams are a depiction or representation of the interactions that occur
between a system and its environment.
2. Activity diagrams are visual forms of workflows that contain activities and actions
and can also contain choices, repetition, and concurrency.
3. Class diagrams are depictions of classes in a system and their relationships with each
f. Construction
The next stage is the construction stage, where in this case the researcher will
create a system design based on the quick plan modeling that has been explained
previously, this is related to the creation of a mockup.
g. Testing
In the testing stage, researchers will conduct a trial process to identify a system
that has been designed to get the expected results. With this test, researchers can find
out the shortcomings of the system design results that have been made so that they can
be fixed before being used.
Results and Discussion
Based on research at the Estoh Jember company which aims to design a website-
based sales tracking information system using prototype modeling, the following results
were obtained :
a. Modeling Quick Plan
This stage is system modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
which consists of use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams.
1. Use Case Diagram
This use case diagram explains all the roles of system users, both users who act as
admins and as sales.
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3867
Figure 2. Use case diagram
Table 1
Use case diagram
Use Case
Admin and sales must first log in using the available
username and password to access the system.
Managing client
Admin can manage client data to manage clients who have
requested from the company and this data will be the source
of QR code creation.
Managing sales
Admin can manage sales data to simplify the process of
dividing tasks every day.
Sales tasks
Admin can send task details to sales and sales will accept the
Sales report
Sales can create a report after carrying out the task and send
the results of the report to the admin and the admin will
approve the report if it is appropriate.
2. Activity Diagram
Activity diagrams aim to explain the flow of activities that occur in a system. The
following is a design of an activity diagram of the sales tracking information system at
Estoh Company.
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3868
Figure 3. Login activity diagram
Table 2
Login activity diagram
Admin Login
- Admin opens the sales tracking website
- Fill in the username and password correctly
- Press the login button after filling in the username and
- Displaying the login page after admin and sales open
the website
- Verify the account that has been entered
- Ask admin and sales to refill username and password
when the account fails to be verified
- Displays the dashboard page when the account is
successfully verified
Sales Login
- Sales opens sales tracking website
- Fill in the username and password correctly
- Press the login button after filling in the username and
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3869
Figure 4. Client data menu activity diagram
Table 3
Client data menu activity diagram
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3870
Figure 5. Activity diagram for sales data menu.
Table 4
Activity diagram for sales data menu
- Select the sales data menu on the dashboard page
- Press the add button if you want to add sales data
- Enter sales data and save the data
- Press the edit button if you want to update sales data
- Edit the data as needed and save the data
- Press the delete data button if you want to delete data
- Press the sales task button if you want to send a task
- Enter the task data and press the submit task button
- Displaying the sales data page after the admin presses find sales
- Displays the add data form when the admin presses the add button
- Save sales data after admin inputs data
- Displays the change data form when the admin presses the edit
- Save sales data after admin updates data
- Delete sales data when admin presses the delete button
- Displays the sales task form when the admin presses the task
- Displays the sales task form when the admin presses the task
- Press the task menu on the dashboard page
- Agree to the tasks given by the admin before carrying out the tasks
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3871
Figure 6. Activity diagram of the report menu
Table 5
Activity diagram of the report menu
- Select the report menu on the dashboard page
- Approve reports sent by sales if they are appropriate
- Press the print report button if you want to print a sales report
- Display task details after admin sends sales task
- Displays QRcode scanner to scan available QRcode
- Displaying report details after-sales sends report results
- Displays the print page when the admin presses the print report button
- Select the task menu on the dashboard page
- Press the Create Report button after completing the task
- Scan the QR code provided
- Complete the report and press the send report button
3. Class Diagram
The purpose of designing a class diagram is to describe the structure of a system
and divide it into each class to make it easier for developers to understand. The
following is a class diagram from this study.
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3872
Figure 7. Class diagram
Table 6
Class diagram
Account class has several attributes such as account ID, username,
password, and status. Operations that can be done are adding,
editing, and deleting data which can be used to access the system.
1 account can only be owned by 1 admin or sales.
The admin class has several attributes such as admin id, admin
name, phone number, and address. Operations that can be
performed are adding, editing, deleting, sending tasks, receiving
reports, and printing reports. In 1 admin can send many tasks and
manage many client data.
The sales class has several attributes such as sales ID, sales name,
phone number, and address. Operations that can be performed are
receiving tasks and creating reports. In 1 sales can send many
Client data
The client data class has several attributes such as data ID, client
name, phone number, company name, business type, address,
location, and partnership date. Operations that can be performed
are adding, editing, and deleting data.
The task activity class has several attributes such as sales ID, task
ID, and date while the operations that can be done are add, edit,
and delete data. 1 activity can only be done by 1 admin and 1 sales.
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3873
The report activity class has several attributes such as report ID,
date, and time. Operations that can be performed are adding,
editing, and deleting data. 1 activity can only be done by 1 admin
and 1 sales.
The task class is a class inherited from the task activity class where
this class has several attributes such as task ID, client name, phone
number, company name, address, location, and task description.
The operations that can be performed are adding data.
The report class is a class inherited from the report activity class
where this class has several attributes such as report ID, client
name, company name, type of business, sales name, and photo.
The operations that can be performed are adding data.
4. Construction
At this stage, the researcher began to design a visual sales tracking information
system using the Figma application. Here are some designs that can describe the system
to be designed.
5. Admin View Using a Computer/PC
1) Admin Login Page
This page is the initial display that can be accessed by the admin after opening
the website.
Figure 8. Admin Login Page
2) Admin Dashboard Page
On the system dashboard page, important information will be presented
visually regarding the accumulated data, making it easier for the admin to monitor
and analyze the data.
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3874
Figure 9. Admin Dashboard Page
3) Client Data Page
On this page, the system displays information about client data that has
partnered with the Estoh company. The action buttons listed are the add, edit,
and delete buttons and the print QRcode buttons.
Figure 10 Client Data Page
4) Sales Data Page
On the sales data page, the system will present information about sales working
in the company. The action buttons listed are the add, edit, delete, and send sales task
Figure 11 Sales Data Page
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3875
5) Report Page
The report page is a display of the results of accumulated reports made by sales
through an account with access rights as sales. On this page, the admin can
summarize the report results, approve sales reports, and search for reports based on
the required period.
Figure 12 Report Page
6. Sales Display Using Smartphone
1) Sales Login Page
This page is the initial display of the system after sales open the website when
accessed using a smartphone.
Figure 13 Sales Login Page
2) Sales Dashboard Page
The dashboard page is the initial display after the user successfully logs in
using a sales account. On this page, the system will display the name of the user who
accesses the page.
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3876
Figure 14 Sales Dashboard Page
3) Sales Task Page
On this page, there are detailed task data that must be approved and completed
by sales.
Figure 15 Sales Task Page
4) Sales Report Page
This page is used to create reports by scanning the QR code owned by each
Estoh company client, this page is also designed to facilitate sales in the process of
creating reports when on duty in the field and can only be accessed when sales have
approved the task given.
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3877
Figure 17. QRcode display
Figure 16. QRcode Scan Page
7. Testing
Testing is the last stage in the system design process, this is done to test and find
out the shortcomings in the system and it is expected that the shortcomings detected
during testing can be fixed as much as possible. The conclusion of the results of this test
is in the form of a test table that can show whether the system design is appropriate or
1) Admin View Testing
Table 7
Admin view test results
Expected results
Test Results
Login admin
The system can
validate the
account and
display the
dashboard page
The system successfully
validates the account and
displays the dashboard
The system can
display visual
accumulated in
the system
The system successfully
displays visual
information about the data
accumulated in the system
Addition of
client data
The system can
display the form
to add client data
The system successfully
displays the client data
add form
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3878
Alteration of
client data
The system can
display the form
to change client
The system successfully
displays the client data
change form
Deletion of
client data
Users can delete
client data
The system successfully
deletes the client's data
Print a
Users can print
QR codes
according to the
required client
The system successfully
prints the QR code
according to the user's
Addition of
sales data
The system can
display a form to
add sales data
The system successfully
displays the form to add
sales data
sales data
The system can
display a form to
change sales data
The system successfully
displays the sales data
change form
Deletion of
sales data
Users can delete
sales data
The system successfully
deletes sales data
Send a sales
The system can
display sales task
forms and send
task data
The system successfully
displays the sales task
form and sends the task
data to the sales
View sales
The system can
display sales
report details
The system successfully
displays the details of the
sales report
Users can exit the
system view and
return to the login
The user successfully logs
out of the system
2) Sales Display Testing
Table 8
Sales display test results
Expected results
Test Results
Login sales
The system can
validate the
account and
display the
dashboard page
The system successfully
validates the account and
displays the dashboard
View sales
The system can
display the details
of tasks assigned
by the admin to
The system successfully
displays the details of the
tasks assigned by the
Scan the
QR code
The system can
display the
The system successfully
displays the scanner
Designing a Website-Based Tracking of Sales Information System to Improve Business
Performance at Estoh Jember Company
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3879
Send sales
The system can
display the report
form and send the
report data
The system successfully
displays the report form
and sends the report data
to the admin
View report
The system can
display the report
history after being
approved by the
The system successfully
displays the report
Users can exit the
system view and
return to the login
The user successfully logs
out of the system
Based on the research above, it can be concluded that the design of this sales
tracking information system greatly helps the development team in realizing the system
needed by the Estoh Jember company. The results of the system design listed in this
study have been adjusted to the company's needs to overcome the problems that occur.
Therefore, the development team can directly implement the design into a real system.
The results of this study are expected to be implemented into a system so that it
can be used by the Estoh company to overcome the problems that are occurring. The
design of the sales tracking information system using the Figma application is expected
to continue to be developed so that it can continue to meet the needs of its users in
improving business performance.
Naila Rahmatul Widad, Wali Ja’far Shudiq, Anis Yusrotun Nadhiroh
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3880
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