pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3893
Enhancing XGBoost Classification with SVM-SMOTE &
EasyEnsemble for Imbalanced Telemedicine Sentiment Data
Ahmad Yusran Siregar
, Ajib Setyo Arifin
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: telemedicine,
imbalance data, xgboost,
svm-smote, easy
Telemedicine is the practice of health through applications
using audio, visual, and data communication, including care,
diagnosis, consultation, and treatment as well as remote
medical data exchange. Based on the results of sentiment
analysis on telemedicine applications, imbalanced data is
often found. The purpose of this research is to identify the
use of SVM-SMOTE and EasyEnsemble in improving the
performance of XGBoost classification on sentiment data
imbalance in Telemedicine. Identification is done by
including SVM-SMOTE and EasyEnsemble methods in
improving XGBoost Classification Performance using data
obtained from the Halodoc application, then validation
techniques will be carried out using AUC and GMeans. The
results showed that the use of SVM SMOTE and
EasyEnsamble for data imbalance in XGBoost obtained the
best model that is feasible to use in improving the
performance of imbalance classification of sentiment data in
health applications. Conclusion The test results show that the
combination of Xgboost, SVM-SMOTE, and EasyEnsemble
produces the best model to improve the performance of
unbalanced sentiment data classification. It is recommended
to add a neutral label in the sentiment analysis for
comparison with this study.
In Indonesia, the development of health mobile apps that provide telemedicine
services began in 2015 and regulations governing telemedicine were made in 2019 (Jamil
et al., 2015). The number of users of health-based digital applications amounted to 10%
of the total population of Indonesia in 2019. Telemedicine is rapidly evolving as a cost-
effective and efficient service to meet the increasing need for high-quality healthcare,
especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the app
also provided COVID-19 vaccination and testing programs to support the government in
breaking the chain of transmission of the Coronavirus. Despite their advancements,
telemedicine apps must enhance their quality and assess their performance through
sentiment analysis of their products. Companies can utilize reviews from the Google Play
Ahmad Yusran Siregar, Ajib Setyo Arifin
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3894
store to gauge public sentiment about their app versions. Sentiment analysis involves
examining text to determine moods, emotions, or attitudes toward products, services,
individuals, organizations, and events. The sentiment is categorized as positive, negative,
or neutral. This analysis is frequently employed to refine decision-making and boost
customer satisfaction within a company's business operations (Safitri et al., 2021). In
previous research with the title Sentiment Analysis on Telemedicine App Reviews using
XGBoost Classifier conducted by (Afifah et al., 2021) sentiment analysis was carried out
on halodoc telemedicine using XGBoost and an accuracy rate of 96.24% was obtained.
There are 4 factors of negative sentiment, namely payment, place, service, and system.
However, the study explained that there was imbalance or unbalanced data and that
no technique was used to handle unbalanced data in the study. Therefore, it is necessary
to develop conduct analysis using different modification algorithms to get better accuracy
results than previous studies, especially in handling imbalanced data found in sentiment
analysis. Data imbalance occurs when samples are distributed unevenly across different
categories within a dataset. The dataset can be categorized into a majority class and a
minority class based on the size of the samples (Zhang et al., 2022). Learning classifiers
from imbalanced data sets is a common problem in classification problems, which is a
serious problem. In this situation, the majority of examples belong to one class, while the
other class, which usually consists of more important traits, actually accounts for a much
lower number of examples (Tyagi & Mittal, 2020). XGBoost, a new and effective
ensemble learning algorithm, is extensively used for its numerous benefits, though its
performance in classifying imbalanced data is frequently suboptimal (Haixiang et al.,
The extreme gradient boosting algorithm, XGBoost, is an ensemble learning
method known for its high flexibility, strong predictive power, excellent generalization
capabilities, scalability, efficient model training, and robustness (He et al., 2021). For
research involving imbalanced data, the enhanced SMOTE algorithm can be integrated
with XGBoost for clustering, utilizing ensemble learning to detect anomalies in the
bolting process (Zhang et al., 2022).
In addition to carrying out the optimization process in improving the performance
of the XGBoost classification in solving problems in data imbalance, this study also
carried out the process of optimizing the management output of reviews obtained in
telemedicine applications with the help of K-means (Henriques et al., 2020). Large
volumes of data may be systematically accumulated across several data-collecting
locations thanks to recent advancements in big data science data-gathering techniques
(Vankayalapati et al., 2021). The most widely used and straightforward clustering
algorithm is still K-means. This algorithm's low computing complexity and ease of
implementation are the reasons for its widespread use in several clustering application
fields (Ikotun et al., 2023). The process of correctly organizing unlabeled data is a part of
data mining that is handled by cluster analysis utilizing K-means to generate data output
in clusters to assist the process of generating suggestions from the resultant management
(Capó et al., 2020).
Enhancing XGBoost Classification with SVM-SMOTE & EasyEnsemble for Imbalanced
Telemedicine Sentiment Data
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3895
Sentiment analysis in telemedicine has evolved along with the increasing use of
digital health platforms. Several studies use classical methods such as Naive Bayes and
Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify patient sentiment towards digital-based health
services. However, this study is still dealing with the problem of data imbalance, where
positive sentiment is more dominant than negative or neutral sentiment.
Meanwhile, EasyEnsemble (Liu et al., 2009) introduced an ensemble technique to
overcome data imbalance. This technique focuses more on the approach of combining
multiple selectively trained models on a minority subset of data to improve classification
Most previous studies used SMOTE directly without modification, while this study
used SVM-SMOTE, which combines the advantages of SVM in establishing a more
accurate minority class margin before the oversampling process, reducing the possibility
of noise and overfitting.
The combination of SVM-SMOTE and EasyEnsemble in the XGBoost algorithm
is a new approach that has not been widely applied in sentiment analysis in the field of
telemedicine. Most previous sentiment analysis studies have only used one oversampling
or ensemble approach, without combining the two methods.
While there has been research on sentiment analysis using XGBoost, this study
focuses on telemedicine, a domain that has not been explored extensively in the context
of unbalanced data classification. This study fills a literature gap on how to improve the
accuracy of the model in telemedicine sentiment analysis with such a hybrid approach.
Thus, this study offers an innovative approach by combining several techniques in
dealing with the unique data imbalance problem in the telemedicine sentiment analysis
sector, which makes an important contribution to the development of more accurate and
effective classification methods.
The main purpose of using this algorithm is to group unlabeled data so that data
objects that have the same characteristics and attributes are in one cluster so that the
similarity of data objects in the same cluster is higher when compared to data objects from
other clusters.
Sentiment analysis to collect data on several reviews of the Halodoc platform or
application through Google Playstore to get positive and negative reviews. In collecting
sentiment data, there are five stages carried out, the first stage is data collection.
Following data collection, each review undergoes a sentiment labeling process.
Subsequently, the dataset undergoes data preprocessing, which involves case folding,
punctuation removal, tokenization, stopword removal, normalization, and stemming. This
preprocessing aims to eliminate noise, making the text clearer and more comprehensible.
Next, a feature extraction process converts the text data into numerical or vector data.
Additionally, the dataset is partitioned into training and test sets in a 75:25 ratio.
Using Python's Google Play Scraper Library, data is gathered from the Google Play
Store during the data gathering phase. 12,785 review data in total in 2021. Username,
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3896
content, rating score, date, and response are all included in the review data. Nevertheless,
the content column and rating score are the only ones used in this study. The data
gathering procedure is part of the Data Cleaning & Labelling step, and the data is stored
in a.csv file type. Before the labeling procedure is initiated, reviews that contain
punctuation or emojis that are not required for the analysis are removed. Once superfluous
data has been removed, the rating score is mapped using the Google Play Store's definition
to complete the tagging process.
Score 1 for negative, 2 for somewhat negative, 3 for neutral, 4 for moderately
positive, and 5 for positive. In this study, only negative and positive labels were taken
with a total of 10,306 data.
Table 1
Number of Reviews Based on Sentiment Data
Number of Reviews
During the data preprocessing phase in language processing, the information
typically involves unstructured data with significant noise. Thus, it's imperative to convert
this data into a structured format before proceeding. For this research, the data comprises
Indonesian-language reviews. Therefore, in this preprocessing stage, we utilize the
Python Sastrawi library, available at github.com/har07/PySastrawi, a straightforward tool
designed for tasks like stopword removal and stemming.
XGBoost Classifier
For regression and classification, the Xtreme Gradient Boosting technique, or
XGBoost, is a useful approach. XGBoost leverages many residual rounds of value fitting
to enhance machine learning performance and efficiency. It is built on the Gradient
Boosting framework and adds a new Decision Tree regularly (Sagi & Rokach, 2021). The
gradient-boosting decision tree technique is implemented by XGBoost. Boosting is an
ensemble strategy in which flaws in previous models are corrected by adding new models.
Up until no further advancements are possible, models are added one after the other.
The Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) is one of the methods
used to handle imbalanced data problems. Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
(SMOTE) uses minority data and creates synthetic data from it. The initial concept of the
SMOTE algorithm is to identify the minority class and the majority class based on the
number of classes in the data. After the minority class is identified (class 0), SMOTE will
then calculate the synthetic data that will be formed based on the formula 𝑇𝑦 = (𝑁100)
𝑇𝑥. The variable 𝑇𝑥 is the number of minority class data, 𝑇𝑦 is the final minority class
(after adding synthetic data), and 𝑁 is the oversampling percentage with a multiple of 100
(Fonseca et al., 2021).
Enhancing XGBoost Classification with SVM-SMOTE & EasyEnsemble for Imbalanced
Telemedicine Sentiment Data
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An algorithm for hybrid ensemble undersampling is called Easyensemble. It
compensates for the drawbacks of popular under-sampling techniques that could overlook
crucial classification information by combining random sampling and the AdaBoost
algorithm using Bagging. Additionally, the underlying classifier's choice of the
AdaBoost method enhances both generalization and classification accuracy.
EasyEnsemble is based on unsupervised sampling, in contrast to the supervised
combination of another representative method, BalanceCascade. This method can prevent
the wasting of scarce data resources because of its benefits in low time complexity and
high data utilization (Qian et al., 2024).
K-Means is a data mining algorithm commonly employed for data clustering. It
operates on numeric attributes, utilizing a distance-based approach to partition data into
clusters. The K-Means clustering algorithm is widely recognized and known for its
flexibility, efficiency, and straightforward implementation (Cui, 2020).
Fig. 1 Flowchart of Research
Results and Discussion
Model Performance Evaluation
The data used in this study is primary data, namely data on reviews or reviews
obtained from the results of checking through the Google Play Store application on the
Halodoc application from January to September 2023 with a total of 12784 reviews or
To overcome imbalanced data using Xgboost, SVM SMOTE, and EasyEnsamble.
SMOTE is done only on training data. If SMOTE is performed on training data and testing
data, the results obtained will be too good or over-optimistic because the testing data is
replicated with the same data pattern in the training data and testing data. Model
evaluation process using K-Fold Cross-Validation and confusion matrix. The results of
Ahmad Yusran Siregar, Ajib Setyo Arifin
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each K-fold cross-validation can be seen in Table 2. The classification results of the
Xgboost, SVM SMOTE, and EasyEnsamble methods can be seen in Table 2
Table 2
Classification Results Of K-Fold Data
Table II shows the results of sentiment classification in the XGboost health
application before the data imbalance technique is performed, using K-Fold validation
from the results of evaluating the accuracy of the mode with the first to ten repetitions, an
average accuracy value of 97% is obtained.
Table 3
Classification Results of Xgboost, Svm-Smote, and Easyensemble Method
Table 3 shows the comparison of accuracy values using AUC and GMeans on the
XGboost Algorithm before and after data imbalance techniques using SVM-SMOTE and
EasyEnsemble. From the results obtained, by only using the XGBoost Algorithm, the
Enhancing XGBoost Classification with SVM-SMOTE & EasyEnsemble for Imbalanced
Telemedicine Sentiment Data
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3899
AUC value is 86.7% and GMeans is 79.58%. After the data imbalance technique, it shows
more accuracy with an AUC value of 89.92% and GMeans 81.56%.
Visualization Data and Clustering
Based on the data visualization and clustering process that has been processed using
the K-Means algorithm, there are 4 groups as keywords used in each cluster obtained.
The 4 keywords consist of Service with 674 words, Payment with 475 words, System
with 671 words, and Place with 313 words. In this study, the authors used the fishbone
diagram in Figure 2. to identify factors that must be done to improve or improve the
quality of service of Health Applications (Telemedicine), especially Halodoc from the
results of negative reviews and determine recommendations from the output obtained.
Fig 2 Fishbone Diagram for Negative Sentiment
The author found four main factors that users complained about the most which
include the following aspects; payment, venue, service, and system. Users complained
about difficult payment methods and refunds that took too long. Users also complained
about services or pharmacies where drug pickup is not yet available in some areas,
incomplete order items, and crashes or errors that sometimes occur on the application.
Based on these findings, the authors provide recommendations to improve the quality of
service provided to customers based on these 4 aspects. In the service aspect, it is
necessary to improve services, especially those related to customer service so that if there
are problems, users can be immediately given a solution. Furthermore, in the payment
aspect, it is necessary to improve and evaluate the payment method used so that payment
transactions can run smoothly. In the next aspect, namely the system, it is necessary to
use a simple interface to make it easier for users to use the application and avoid loading
data that causes errors. For the place aspect, it is necessary to develop a collaborative
process with many pharmacies or health services in all regions so that affordability or
application access can be evenly distributed.
Ahmad Yusran Siregar, Ajib Setyo Arifin
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3900
Aspects used in this study include Xgboost, SVM SMOTE, and EasyEnsamble on
imbalance data obtained from sentiment analysis in health or telemedicine applications,
division of data schemes 75% training data and 25% testing data into the best scheme for
data division, models with the best parameters. SVM test results using data that has been
balanced with Xgboost and EasyEnsamble obtained the best model that is feasible to use
in improving the classification performance of imbalanced sentiment data in health
applications. Xgboost method provides excellent classification performance on
imbalanced data through improved classification performance using SVM-SMOTE and
EasyEnsemble. We suggest including a neutral label in sentiment analysis and comparing
it to this study.
Enhancing XGBoost Classification with SVM-SMOTE & EasyEnsemble for Imbalanced
Telemedicine Sentiment Data
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