pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2916
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project
Success: A Case Study of the Construction of the PT. XYZ
Alvin Jayadinata Lukito
, Ridho Bayuaji
, Ervina Ahyudanari
, Putu Dana
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Communication Obstacle
Factors; Construction;
Project Success.
PT. XYZ is an agro-business company in Gresik, East Java,
which is currently in the factory construction stage. Field
obstacles often occur, so the process of conveying
information from all stakeholders involved is important. The
author will evaluate communication management factors
that influence project success using EFA-Maximum
Likelihood and Spearman's rank order correlation. This
analysis identified nine important factors: information
technology, communication technology, communication
skills, communication management plan, teamwork, clear
channels in the organizational structure, project
requirements management, project risk management, and
environmental context. The language acquisition factor was
excluded because it did not meet the EFA requirements.
Spearman's rank order correlation shows that information
technology, communication skills, communication
management plans, teamwork, clear channels, project
requirements management, and environmental context have
a strong relationship with project success. These findings
guide improving project communication management to
achieve project success.
The factory construction project by PT. XYZ is an expansion of the company's
business line in the field of agro-business. The location of this project is in the Gresik
area, East Java. In terms of ownership, this project is a private project that is currently
still in the construction monarchy stage (Shan, Chan, Le, & Hu, 2015). This project uses
a plant designer from one of the factory design companies in China. In its implementation,
it is necessary to make some adjustments to drawings and materials that are unusual and
do not exist in the Indonesian market, for that the project owner employs a local design
consultant in order to help convert the plan drawings from Chinese standards to
Indonesian National Standards (SNI), including converting some materials and material
quality that are not available in the Indonesian market into materials and material quality
that are more suitable and can be done by contractors Featured hotels. To be able to
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project Success: A Case Study of the
Construction of the PT. XYZ
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2917
understand more about the overview of stakeholders involved in this project, please see
Figure 1.
In the world of construction projects, communication is at the core of the success
of every project (Mavuso & Agumba, 2016). In the last few years, awareness of the
importance of understanding and improving the way we communicate in construction
projects has grown (Gamil & Abd Rahman, 2023). One of the most important factors
that is also a challenge in construction projects is the form of communication used, where
the wrong execution process can cause disputes between the parties involved and lead to
project failure (Awwad, Barakat, & Menassa, 2016). Therefore, poor communication has
played an important role and at the same time is the main cause of the failure of a
construction project. Success in construction projects depends on the effective and
efficient integration of labour resources, materials, and equipment. This integration of
resources requires effective communication regarding work objectives to complete the
project according to budget (cost), required standards (quality) and time. Communication
processes that are not properly managed can lead to a demotivated workforce, design
errors, slowdowns in the entire work and failure to execute projects (Khanyile, Musonda,
& Agumba, 2019). The Project Management Institute (PMI) has conducted an intensive
study on the importance of communication in the construction industry targeting
construction organizations and found that stakeholders who communicate well achieve
more success in executing a project. This study argues that communication is an important
bridge between stakeholders, ideas, and information needed by the parties involved in a
project. Communication directs and synergizes stakeholders in making decisions to make
a project successful (Garbharran, Govender, & Msani, 2012). Therefore, improving
communication in construction projects is very important, because the efficiency and
effectiveness of the construction process are highly dependent on the quality of
communication (Hoezen, Reymen, & Dewulf, 2006).
Figure 1. XYZ Project Organizational Structure and Workflow
Alvin Jayadinata Lukito, Ridho Bayuaji, Ervina Ahyudanari, Putu Dana Karningsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2918
In addition to designing the design of the building and system for the overall
operation of the factory, the factory planning consultant who will later be referred to as
company A, also supplies several materials and machinery for the operation of this
factory. Some of these materials include tank plates, tanks that have been fabricated,
pipes, panel cables and other machinery and accessories. The materials and goods are
expected to be given to the relevant contractors who have been appointed to be processed
into finished products used as equipment for the factory. In terms of responsibility,
company A is responsible for ensuring the production capacity produced by the
agreement contained in the contract between the project selector (Company XYZ) and
the plant planner (Company A). In addition, company A is also responsible for
supervising the implementation process from the construction stage to the commissioning
stage until it is successful (Diva, Rachmatin, & Nurlaelah, 2018).
The process of conveying information from the planning stage to the
implementation stage is an important part that cannot be separated from communication.
Some of the information and communication that has occurred and been observed by the
author include: first, incomplete drawings that cause additional work to meet the needs
and functions of the building, second, incompatibility between structural drawings and
machine drawings (non-composite drawings), so that there are several machines and civil
works that need to be adjusted to this, Third, the completeness of the machine that is not
complete, due to problems with delivery, this makes the civil work delayed because the
work cannot be continued before the engine part of the machine is put into the building
and positioned in place, because of the need for access to insert the machine, the fourth
is the wrong design so that it also causes a lot of civil work that has been done according
to the original plan drawings to be impossible used due to wrong design, it occurs because
the machine that has arrived is not in accordance with the initial design that has been
planned by the company's planning consultant, because apart from being a designer,
company A is also a supplier of several machines needed by the factory, but in terms of
supplying this machine, company A uses another vendor as the supplier of the machine,
because in the supply chain the machine uses another vendor, and before being sent there
is no Quality Control (QC) that re-confirms whether the machine is in accordance with
the original plan design, then the goods are delivered in the condition as is, and when the
positioning of the machine is carried out on the foundation, new obstacles and problems
are found, fifth, there are design changes due to the decision of Value Engineering (VE)
by the project manager because the change is made while the construction is ongoing.
Although the project owner intends to make savings, it is also an obstacle and eventually
causes many unexpected costs that burden the project owner, the sixth communication
between all stakeholders involved in Figure 1 is also an obstacle due to the disconnection
of information or the lack of complete information provided and received. Based on the
problems that have been disclosed, the author wants to evaluate the communication
management factors that occur in the XYZ factory construction project and correlate them
with the success of the project.
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project Success: A Case Study of the
Construction of the PT. XYZ
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2919
This research is a case study on the evaluation of communication management at
PT. XYZ. The communication management approach is used in this study because the
success criteria of a project depend on the implementation of efficient communication
practices. This research will help companies in terms of finding out potential problems
and obstacles that arise from the results of observation as secondary data which is then
supported by questionnaires from each stakeholder involved as primary data. This
research was carried out using a descriptive qualitative method. To better understand the
flow of the research design, it can be seen in Figure 2.
Data Collection
From the research design, there are two stages of data collection in formulating the
constraints experienced in the company PT. XYZ. The data collected are primary data
and secondary data. Data on the identification of problems regarding communication
management was obtained from direct observations carried out from the end of 2019 until
now, while other data used as an evaluation of communication management in the XYZ
project was questionnaire data obtained from practitioners directly involved in the PT.
XYZ. The questionnaire used the approval level with a 5-point Likert scale, as follows (1
= strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = between agree and disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly
Figure 2. Research Design Flow in Project XYZ
Variables and Indicators
The variables and indicators used in this survey are the factors of communication
management practices, to find out more about the factors of communication management
practices can be seen in Table 1.
Alvin Jayadinata Lukito, Ridho Bayuaji, Ervina Ahyudanari, Putu Dana Karningsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2920
Table 1
Variables and Indicators of Communication Practices
Project management software is used e.g. construction
computer software (TKI1)
Internet and intranet are available consistently (TKI2)
Video conferencing facilities available (TKI3)
Computer-aided design (CAD) software is appropriately
adopted (TKI4)
Building information modelling (BIM) software has been used
Virtual office support software and portal available (TKI6)
Social media communication is used, for example, chat
platforms WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram (TKI7)
Skills or
Excellent verbal communication among project stakeholders
Excellent written communication among project stakeholders
Effective use of communication technology among project
stakeholders (KKK3)
Proper interpretation of matters relating to communicated
contracts (KKK4)
Clarity or completeness of the working frame of reference
Project team members have excellent listening skills (KKK6)
The communication needs of the project team are critically
analyzed in the project (1MP)
Communication technology is used to convey information
Appropriate information delivery channels are established in
the project organization (3MP)
The communication structure or mechanism in the project is
running well (4MP)
Each personnel is responsible for the information they must
submit (5MP)
The organization identifies the recipient of the information to
be sent (6MP)
Effective communication and coordination among project
stakeholders (KT1)
Conducive working relationships among project stakeholders
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project Success: A Case Study of the
Construction of the PT. XYZ
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2921
Group work efforts to improve the quality of communication
Strong interdepartmental alliances in projects that allow
communication to flow efficiently (KT4)
Organizational and operational processes are in place (SSO1)
Clearly defined roles and responsibilities of project
stakeholders (SSO2)
There is marked communication from superiors to
subordinates (SSO3)
Clearly defined lines of authority for project tasks to be
completed (SSO4)
Clear definitions and boundaries of who will communicate
with whom, and who will receive which information (SSO5)
The brief provides a precise definition of the client's needs
The summary provides a precise analysis of the client's needs
Changes to plans/decisions/designs are well managed (PP3)
Project risks are well communicated (PP4)
There is constant interaction among project stakeholders
Constant knowledge sharing among project stakeholders
Advantageous communication area, i.e. meeting vs linear
seating arrangement (KL1)
Project stakeholders from different cultures are
accommodated (KL2)
Conflicts resolved from previously conducted
communications (KL3)
There is good interpersonal relationship among project
stakeholders (KL4)
The use of foreign languages as a medium of communication
The use of certain terms between practitioners with different
disciplines in the project (PB2)
The scope of the project work is achieved (HP1)
Projects on time (HP2)
Projects within budget (HP3)
The risk of the project is minimized, i.e. work accidents (HP4)
Quality of project work achieved (HP5)
Alvin Jayadinata Lukito, Ridho Bayuaji, Ervina Ahyudanari, Putu Dana Karningsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2922
The MSA (Measure of Sampling dequacy) test in equation (2), also determines the
feasibility of the sample. Just likehe KM test, e sample can thee said to be fficiet the
Svaluthe e ≥ 05. 
is the correlation coefficient between i and jl correlation coefficient between
variables i and j
Uji Bartlet Test of Sphrericity, yang dapat dihitung dalam persamaan (3).
The Bartlet Test of Sphericity aims to test the hypothesis that simple correlation
matrices are not correlated in the population, this can be known if the value of x^2 is
calculated > x^2 table. In SPSS, it can also be seen in the significance value, where if the
significance value is below 0.05, it is said that the sample is enough for further testing.
Reliability and Validity Tests
To achieve internal reliability, the Alpha Cronbach measure is used to assess and
measure the underlying construct, and a value of 0.70 or more is considered a good level
of reliability.
Extraction Factors
The stage of factor extraction with the Maximum Likelihood method begins with
the formation of a covariant variant matrix, through equation (4), which then determines
the eigenvalue of the matrix, with this value then determining theeadg factorvalue through
eqation (5).
  (5)
From this value, the value of communality will be determined which is the sum of
the squares of each of the loading factor values. The initl conjecture is determined from
the value of cmonality tat has bee obtainepreviously with equaton II(6). 
Determining the Number of Factors
Several methods can be used in determining the number of factors, some of these
things include based on a priori, based on eigenvalue, based on screeplot and based on
the percentage of variants, but in this study, the determination of the number of factors is
carried out based on the eigenvalue value with a value of ≥ 1 (NAILINNI’MAH, 2020).
Factor Rotation
Factor rotation is one of the processes in factor analysis that is carried out by
rotating loading factors. The purpose of this factor rotation is to transform the factor into
a simpler matrix that is easier to interpret (Himayati, Switrayni, Komalasari, & Fitriyani,
2020). This can be done with equation (7).
L'= LI' (7)
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project Success: A Case Study of the
Construction of the PT. XYZ
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2923
L is the loading factor matrix before rotation
It is the rotation matrix
L' is the loading factor matrix after rotation
Interpretation of Factors
Factor interpretation can be done by looking at the value of the loading factor on
each variable for that factor. If the variable that has the highest loading factor value is in
the same factor, then the variable is part of the factor and can be used as an interpretation
of the factor represented (Ratnasari, 2020).
Factor Naming
Two ways can be used in naming the factor, naming the factor with a name that can
represent the names of the variables that make up the factor. The second is by naming
factors based on the variable that has the highest loading factor. This can be done if the
researcher has difficulty giving names that can represent the variables that form the factor.
Uji Spearman Rank Correlation
The researcher used Spearman Rank Correlation to examine the influence between
nine practices (or new factors beyond the nine predetermined factors) of communication
management on the success of the PT. XYZ. This test can be carried out if it is in the form
of a category with small data (n < 30). The correlation of the Spearman rank or the rho-
spearman correlation coefficient can be used if the two variables to be tested have an
ordinal scale and a score that can be sorted according to their rank. The strong relationship
between these two variables is caed correlation coefficient of spem the the and rank. Th
Spearman Rank orrelation test ca us the following equation
n is the number of data pasd is the differencthe e in ratingsued. Corelation occurs f the
value of the p-value < 0.05, itcan bethe sathe d that there is a relatioship between the two
 (9)
 ()
Results and Discussion
Questionnaire data collection is carried out online through a Google form which is
shared with all stakeholders at the beginning of this section, it is necessary to give an
introduction that is directly involved in the PT. XYZ, which will then be referred to as
the response. From the results of the questionnaire distributed as many as 40
questionnaires to respondents, and returned as many as 36 questionnaires. The number of
samples used in the correlation study was selected based on the acceptable sampling
method and the minimum acceptable sample size was 30 samples, so that the data could
be used (Yuliawati, 2019).
Information Communication Technology (TKI)
Alvin Jayadinata Lukito, Ridho Bayuaji, Ervina Ahyudanari, Putu Dana Karningsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2924
Information communication technology has a KMO value of 0.723, where this
value is> 0.5, and with a significance value of 0.000 for Bartlett's test of sphericity value,
where this value is < 0.05, while for MSA it has avalue of 0.5, so it can be said that the
data is feasible and meets the sample adequacy requirements, then the analysis of this
factor can be continued.
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that there
are two eigenvalues ≥ 1. So two factors are formed. Factor interpretation is carried out by
looking at the highest loading factor. The first factor is named "information technology"
consisting of TKI1, TKI2, TKI3, TKI4, and TKI7, while the second factor is named
"communication technology" consisting of TKI5 and TKI6.
The Cronbach alpha value for information technology factors (with variables TKI1,
TKI2, TKI3, TKI4, TKI7) is 0.760 while the Cronbach alpha value for communication
technology factors (with variables TKI5, TKI6) is 0.771 where these two values > 0.7 so
that they can be considered to have a good level of reliability.
Communication Skills or Competencies (KKK)
Communication skills or competencies have a KMO value of 0.864, where this
value is> 0.5, and with a significance value of 0.000 for Bartlett's test of sphericity value,
where this value < 0.05, while for MSA it has a ≥ value of 0.5, so it can be said that the
data is feasible and meets the sample adequacy requirements, then the analysis of this
factor can be continued.
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that only
one eigenvalue is ≥ 1. So that only one factor is formed. The interpretation of the factors
was carried out by the previous naming of "communication skills or competencies" (with
the variables KKK1, KKK2, KKK3, KKK4, KKK5, and KKK6). The Cronbach alpha
value for the communication skill or competency factor is 0.884 where this value > 0.7
so that it can be considered to have a good level of reliability.
Communication Management Plan (RMK)
The communication management plan has a KMO value of 0.737, where this value
is> 0.5, and with a significance value of 0.000 for the value of Bartlett's test of sphericity,
where this value is < 0.05, while for MSA it has a ≥ value of 0.5, so it can be said that the
data is feasible and meets the requirements of sample adequacy, then the analysis of this
factor can be continued.
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that only
one eigenvalue is ≥ 1. So that only one factor is formed. The interpretation of the factors
was carried out by the previous naming of the "communication management plan" (with
the variables of 1MPK1, 2MP, 3MP, 4MP, 5MP, 6MP). The Cronbach alpha value for
the communication management plan factor is 0.911 where this value > 0.7 so it can be
considered to have a good level of reliability.
Teamwork (KT)
The teamwork has a KMO value of 0.772, where this value is > 0.5, and with a
significance value of 0.000 for Bartlett's test of sphericity value, where this value is <
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project Success: A Case Study of the
Construction of the PT. XYZ
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2925
0.05, while for MSA it has a ≥ value of 0.5, so it can be said that the data is feasible and
meets the sample adequacy requirements, then the analysis of this factor can be continued.
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that only
one eigenvalue is ≥ 1. So that only one factor is formed. The interpretation of the factors
was carried out by the previous naming of "teamwork" (with variables KT1, KT2, KT3,
KT4). The Cronbach alpha value for the teamwork factor is 0.821 where this value > 0.7
so it can be considered to have a good level of reliability.
Clear channels in the organizational structure (SSO)
The clear channel in the organizational structure has a KMO value of 0.761, where
this value > 0.5, and with a significance value of 0.000 for the value of Bartlett's test of
sphericity, where this value < 0.05, while for MSA it has a value of 0.5, so it can be
said that the data is feasible and meets the requirements of sample adequacy, then the
analysis of this factor can be continued.
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that only
one eigenvalue is ≥ 1. So that only one factor is formed. The interpretation of the factors
is carried out according to the previous naming of "clear channels in the organizational
structure" (with variables SSO1, SSO2, SSO3, SSO4, SSO5). The Cronbach alpha value
for the channel factor is clear in the organizational structure at 0.893 where this value >
0.7 so that it can be considered to have a good level of reliability.
Project Briefing (PP)
The project briefing has a KMO value of 0.698, where this value is > 0.5, and with
a significance value of 0.000 for Bartlett's test of sphericity value, where this value is <
0.05, while for MSA it has a ≥ value of 0.5, so it can be said that the data is feasible and
meets the sample adequacy requirements, then the analysis of this factor can be continued.
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that there
are two eigenvalues ≥ 1. So two factors are formed. Factor interpretation is carried out by
looking at the highest loading factor. For the first factor, it is named "project needs
management" consisting of PP1, and PP2, while for the second factor, it is named "project
risk management" consisting of PP3, PP4, PP5, and PP6.
The Croncbach alpha value for the project needs management factor (with PP1, PP2
variables) is 0.906 while the Croncbach alpha value for the project risk management
factor (with PP3, PP4, PP5, PP6 variables) is 0.891 where these two values > 0.7 so that
it can be considered to have a good level of reliability.
Environmental Context (KL)
The environmental context has a KMO value of 0.694, where this value is> 0.5, and
with a significance value of 0.000 for the value of Bartlett's test of sphericity, where this
value is < 0.05, while for MSA it has a value of 0.5, so it can be said that the data is
feasible and meets the requirements of sample adequacy, then the analysis of this factor
can be continued.
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that only
one eigenvalue is ≥ 1. So that only one factor is formed. The interpretation of the factors
was carried out according to the previous naming of the "environmental context" (with
Alvin Jayadinata Lukito, Ridho Bayuaji, Ervina Ahyudanari, Putu Dana Karningsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2926
variables KL1, KL2, KL3, KL4). The Cronbach alpha value for the environmental context
factor is 0.853 where this value > 0.7 so it can be considered to have a good level of
Language Proficiency (NT)
The environmental context has a KMO value of 0.500, where this value is not > 0.5
and with this, language mastery is excluded from the analysis because the KMO value is
not greater than 0.5 and can be said to not meet the specified requirement threshold. It
can also be seen as a warning from SPSS which states that the degree of freedom has a
negative value so the analysis of factors is not appropriate.
Project Results (HP)
The project results have a KMO value of 0.840, where this value is> 0.5, and with
a significance value of 0.000 for the value of Bartlett's test of sphericity, where this value
is < 0.05, while for MSA it has a ≥ value of 0.5, so it can be said that the data is feasible
and meets the requirements of sample adequacy, then the analysis of this factor can be
Based on the eigenvalue 1, and with the help of SPSS 26, it is known that only
one eigenvalue is 1. So that only one factor is formed. The Cronbach alpha value for
the environmental context factor is 0.912 where this value > 0.7 so it can be considered
to have a good level of reliability.
EFA Process Results- Maximum Likelihood
After going through the Exploratory Factor Analysis Maximum Likelihood (EFA-
Maximum Likelihood) process, from the nine initial communication management
practice factors obtained:
1. Information Communication Technology (TKI) has two factors, being Information
Technology (IT) and Communication Technology (TK)
2. Communication Skills or Competencies (KKK) remain only one factor
3. Communication Management Plan (RMK) remains only one factor
4. Teamwork (KT) remains only one factor remains only one factor
5. Clear channels in the organizational structure (SSO) remain only one factor
6. Project Direction (PP) has two factors, being Project Needs Management (MKP) and
Project Risk Management (MRP)
7. Environmental Context (KL) remains only one factor
8. Language Proficiency (PB) is issued because it does not meet EFA requirements
9. Project Results (HP) remain only one factor
For more details regarding the results of the grouping along with the Cronbach
alpha value, please see Table 2.
Table 2
Results of Factor Grouping After EFA-Maximum Likelihood
Management Practices
Management Practices
After EFA
Cronbach Alpha
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project Success: A Case Study of the
Construction of the PT. XYZ
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2927
Technology (TKI)
Information Technology
Technology (TK)
Communication Skills
or Competencies (KKK)
Communication Skills
or Competencies (KKK)
Management Plan
Management Plan
Teamwork (KT)
Teamwork (KT)
Clear channels in the
organizational structure
Clear channels in the
organizational structure
Project Briefing (PP)
Project Needs
Management (MKP)
Project Risk
Management (MRP)
Environmental Context
Environmental Context
Language Proficiency
(Factors removed)
Project Results (HP)
Project Results (HP)
Korelasi Faktor Praktik Manajemen Komunikasi terhadap Hasil Proyek dengan
Spearman’s Rank Rho
The results for each communication management practice factor that correlates with
the project results are shown with a p < value of 0.05 or can also be seen in the correlation
value (correlation coefficient) marked with an asterisk (*) on the output from SPSS, the
results of the correlation relationship are as follows,
a. Information Technology (IT): shows a correlation value of 0.421 and a p-value of
0.011 < 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between the two variables.
b. Communication Skills and Competencies (KKK): shows a correlation value of 0.744
and a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05, which means that there is a strong relationship between
the two variables.
c. Communication Management Plan (RMK): shows a correlation value of 0.826 and a
p-value of 0.000 < 0.05, which means that there is a strong relationship between the
two variables.
d. Teamwork (KT): shows a correlation value of 0.773 and a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05,
which means that there is a positive relationship between the two variables.
e. Clear Channel In Organizational Structure (SSO): shows a correlation value of 0.731
and a p-value of 0.011 < 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between the
two variables.
f. Project Requirements Management (MKP): shows a correlation value of 0.704 and a
p-value of 0.000 < 0.05, which means that there is a strong relationship between the
two variables.
Alvin Jayadinata Lukito, Ridho Bayuaji, Ervina Ahyudanari, Putu Dana Karningsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2928
g. Environmental Context (KL): shows a correlation value of 0.523 and a p-value of
0.001 < 0.05, which means that there is a positive relationship between the two
The results of the correlation relationship between communication management
practice factors and project outcomes with Spearman's Rank Rho can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3
Correlation Between Communication Management Practice Factors and Project
Project Results
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
Evaluation of Communication Management on Project Success: A Case Study of the
Construction of the PT. XYZ
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2929
From the results of data analysis using SPSS 26 with the Exploratory Factor
Analysis Maximum Likelihood method, 10 factors were obtained with details of 6 old
factors and 4 new factors, as well as 1 factor that was issued because it did not meet the
requirements of KMO and Bartlett-test. These factors include new factors namely
information technology, communication technology, project needs management, and
project risk management, as well as old factors namely communication skills or
competencies, communication management plans, teamwork, clear channels in the
organizational structure, environmental context, and project outcomes. The factor that is
removed is the use of language. Communication management factors that affect the
success of the project include: information technology that plays an important role in
visualizing the project planning process, communication skills or competencies that
ensure the delivery of information is not only limited to the meeting room but also
implemented according to the plan, communication management plans that ensure
information is timely and on target so that no information is missed, especially for
stakeholders, teamwork that requires interpersonal cooperation and information
disclosure for effective communication, clear channels in the organizational structure to
improve the quality of communication and ensure on-target communication, project
needs management that requires high analysis to identify needs and create alignment in
project implementation, and a positive environmental context in the form of physical
context, social, historical, psychological, and cultural that increase the effectiveness of
communication towards the success of the project.
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