pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2809
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the
Implementation of BIM and GIS Integration in IKN Projects
Fatkhur Rozaq
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Keywords: IKN;
Construction Projects;
BIM and GIS; Exploratory
Factor Analysis.
The relocation of Indonesia's capital city from Jakarta to
IKN (Capital City of the Archipelago) in Penajam Paser
Utara is a monumental project covering an area of 2,876
hectares, which involves massive infrastructure
development. To ensure the success of IKN development
and development based on the principles in Law Number 3
of 2022 including equality, technological balance, resilience,
sustainable development, livability, connectivity, and smart
cities. BIM-GIS integration technology was key in managing
the complexity of this project. With BIM-GIS integration, it
supports digital transformation for more efficient and
complete decision-making, including spatial variabels. This
thesis aims to analyze the factors that influence the
implementation of BIM-GIS integration technology in the
early stages of IKN project development. Exploratory factor
analysis methods are used to identify supporting factors that
facilitate the successful implementation of BIM-GIS
integration, as well as inhibiting factors that may hinder it.
Questionnaires are used as a data collection tool from
stakeholder respondents in IKN projects. Questionnaire data
was analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The
research results showed that there were 16 supporting factors
with 4 component groups and 16 inhibiting factors with 6
component groups. Based on these results, strategic steps are
proposed to contribute to the development of science and
play a role in the successful relocation of Indonesia's capital
The Nusantara Capital City (IKN) is a national megaproject that is being planned
to move the capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Kalimantan (Bosch-Sijtsema,
Isaksson, Lennartsson, & Linderoth, 2017). The IKN area has a land area coverage and
the boundary is approximately 256,142 hectares depicted in the map in Figure 1. From
the delineation map, information on the administration, water area, road network and
other important information can be seen (Usmani, Hashem, Pillai, Saeed, & Abdullahi,
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2810
2020). The development of the IKN puts Indonesia in a more strategic position in world
trade routes, investment flows, and technological innovation. The relocation of the state
capital is based on several considerations such as equitable development and reducing the
burden on Jakarta as one of the centers of national economic activity.
Figure 1
Map of the Delineation of the National Strategic Area of the National Capital City (Law
of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2022)
The construction of the IKN project is included in the Indonesian National Strategic
Project (PSN). Where IKN projects are part of projects prioritized by the government.
The development of the IKN has a long period through several stages of development,
starting from the early stages of 2022 and projected to be completed in 2045.
IKN will be built with the basic principles of regional development as a smart city
to increase competitiveness regionally and internationally with the main pillars of digital
transformation including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, robotics, big
data, and other digital technologies. Where two of the principles of IKN are related to
technology, namely connected, active, and easily accessible as well as convenience and
efficiency through technology (Sardjono, Sudirwan, Priatna, & Putra, 2021).
Based on this description, IKN has a wide scope of work, interrelated periods
between stages, complex project management spatial plans, and various other things. The
construction of this project has complex challenges and high risks in its implementation.
In addition, the challenges of project implementation that are carried out massively
and simultaneously will have project interface/interface problems as limitations and
connections of various project phases, systems, tools, people, organizations, physical
elements, and others (Mubaroq & Solikin, 2019). The definition of Interface Management
(IM) according to (Callistus & Clinton, 2018) has two meanings, one of which is the
management of communication, coordination, and responsibility across the general
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2811
boundary between two interdependent organizations, stages, or physical entities. So it
requires technology that synergizes with each other and collaboration is needed to
maximize resources in the construction project development.
The availability of information on actual conditions and problems faced as well as
other up-to-date information with easy access in real-time is a consideration in making
decisions appropriately and quickly. According to (Wan Abdul Basir, Majid, Ujang, &
Chong, 2018), BIM represents geometric and semantic information of buildings in detail,
and the application of GIS is necessary to manage construction project information
sources. GIS can complement BIM functions to develop a systematic platform for
construction purposes. BIM-GIS integration is applied to data sharing, data integration,
and data management.
The use of BIM and GIS integration technology in the IKN development process is
one of the solutions to overcome problems and help a more comprehensive and complete
decision-making process, including spatial variables. However, in the implementation of
BIM and GIS integration with a large project area and projects that are carried out
simultaneously, it is not known what factors are supporting and hindering integration.
Therefore, it is necessary to analyze factors that support and hinder the
implementation of BIM and GIS integration using EFA (Explanatory Factor Analysis)
from the results of the collection of questionnaire data of stakeholder respondents in IKN
development projects so that the benefits of the use of technology can be maximized and
help achieve the development goals of a quality, adaptive, innovative, inclusive,
equitable, sustainable and dignified IKN through strategic proposals that can be applied
in the implementation of BIM-GIS technology integration in IKN.
The use of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) has been widely used in various
fields, including in the field of project management, especially the use of BIM and GIS
technology. Several studies with EFA analysis methods in the field of project
management have been conducted in various countries. Generally, research is carried out
within a limited project scope, besides that research in the implementation of BIM and
GIS is carried out separately between BIM and GIS.
Research conducted by (Kamau & Mohamed, 2015) to determine the obstacles in
the implementation of BIM in high-rise building projects due to their complexity and
potential hazards using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and structural equation
modeling (SEM). The results reveal six significant barriers: technical, integration,
operational, creativity, privacy, and standardization. The practical implications suggest
that organizations involved in the design, construction, and management of tall buildings
need to overcome identified barriers to ensure the successful adaptation of BIM for risk
Another study aimed to improve the effectiveness of BIM adoption in Saudi Arabia.
(Elsheikh, Alzamili, Al-Zayadi, & Alboo-Hassan, 2021) used normalization methods,
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and fuzzy synthetic evaluation (FSE). The results of
the EFA show five important points to increase BIM adoption, namely: developing
programs to improve BIM competencies, developing programs to increase BIM
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awareness and understanding, developing programs to integrate BIM into educational and
academic curricula, developing BIM-related contractual frameworks, and providing
financial assistance to reduce BIM adoption costs.
The objectives of this study are:
1. Identify supporting factors and obstacles in the implementation process of BIM and
GIS technology integration to overcome the challenges and complex problems of the
development of the IKN mega project.
2. Analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of BIM and GIS integration on the
efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of IKN development projects.
3. Formulate proposed strategic steps for the implementation of BIM and GIS integration
in supporting the implementation of IKN development.
This research can be classified as exploratory research that aims to find out the
supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of BIM and GIS integration in
the development of IKN. This research method uses a survey (distributing
questionnaires), namely taking samples from the population using questionnaires as the
main data collection tool to obtain facts.
This research follows a series of structured stages to achieve its goals. The research
stage begins by compiling a background, which introduces the context of moving the
capital of Indonesia to IKN (the capital city of the archipelago) and identifies supporting
and inhibiting factors in the implementation of BIM-GIS integration technology in the
development project. This background is the basis for formulating research objectives.
The next step is to conduct a careful literature study to identify previous studies that
are relevant to the purpose of this research. In the literature study, various aspects related
to BIM-GIS integration and major infrastructure projects, including the relocation of the
capital city, are explored in depth. Variables related to supporting and inhibiting factors
are then synthesized from the literature.
Population and Sample
A population is a complete group of elements, which is usually in the form of
people, objects, transactions, or events that we are interested in studying or making the
object of research (Kuncoro, 2009). This study takes the stakeholder population of
construction service actors in the development of IKN. Meanwhile, samples are a small
part of the population that is taken according to a certain procedure so that in the end it
can represent the population.
The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. This technique is a sampling
technique. The researcher selects construction service actors who are directly involved,
especially projects in the IKN development area. According to the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS), purposive sampling is a technique for determining samples by making
certain considerations, provided that the selected sample represents the population. A
group of subjects in this technique is based on certain characteristics/traits that are
considered to be closely related to the characteristics/traits of the population.
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2813
According to Hair et al. (2010), in the factor analysis, there are provisions for
determining the sample size, including:
1. The sample should have more observations than the variables;
2. The absolute sample size must be at least 50 observations.
The target respondents who are sampled in this study are stakeholders involved in
the development of IKN starting from experts in the field of BIM and GIS, owners,
consultants, and contractors as described in Table 1.
Table 1
Target list of Respondents
BIM and GIS Expert
PUPR construction experts; Independent experts
Project leaders and teams involved in BIM-GIS
Supervisory consultants involved in BIM-GIS
Head office, Division Manager, Project Manager, Site
Manager, and teams involved in BIM-GIS
Research Data Collection Methods
The data collection used in this study is using primary data which is the answer
from respondents including stakeholders in IKN projects to a questionnaire about factors
that encourage and hinder the integration of BIM and GIS. The questionnaire consisted
of several parts including a survey introduction containing an explanation of the research
objectives, the background of the respondents, and the respondents' assessment of the
research conducted related to the driving and inhibiting factors in the integration of BIM-
Formulation of Research Variables
In the literature study described in sub-chapter 2.6.1 Variable Synthesis, there are
19 factors in the driving factors for the implementation of BIM-GIS integration (Table
2.1) and 21 factors inhibiting the implementation of BIM-GIS integration in the IKN
Project (Table 2.2). From each of these factors, factors relevant to research case studies,
and projects in IKN, through FGD (Focus Discussion Group) with experts and parties
who have a role in the implementation of BIM-GIS integration. The results of the FGD
were obtained in the driving factors that there was no change or it was considered that all
factors from the variable synthesis could be used in the study, which still amounted to 19
factors, while in the inhibiting factors, there were 3 factors that were eliminated, namely
the factor of lack of data in the development of BIM-GIS integration, compatibility, and
interoperability problems, and the lack of demand for BIM-GIS. Of these three factors,
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according to the results of the FGD, it is not necessary to include them in the research
variables because they are considered to have run in general and smoothly in the IKN
project environment.
Data Collection
The sample/respondents in this study include direct users of BIM and GIS
integration (users, experts) as well as decision-makers (managers, top management). The
sampling technique in this study uses Non-Probability Sampling, with the Purposive
sampling method. This approach is carried out because not everyone (only certain people
in the company) masters and uses BIM in their duties. So respondents who filled out the
questionnaire were involved in the implementation of BIM and GIS integration activities.
The collection of questionnaire surveys is distributed to respondents through an
online platform after obtaining permission and approval to conduct research from related
companies or projects. The selection of online media is used with consideration so that
respondent data facilitates data collection and collects enough data to be processed and
reflects the conditions of the implementation of BIM and GIS technology integration in
ongoing IKN projects.
Results and Discussion
Survey Results
From the results of the pre-survey that determined the variables/factors used in the
research, both supporting and inhibiting factors, data was then collected through the
distribution of questionnaires to respondents.
The research survey was conducted from February to March 2024 through a
questionnaire filled out online. The number of questionnaires collected was 65
respondents. An explanation of the description and background of the respondent
including the name of the company, type of project, job title, long time of knowledge of
BIM and GIS technology, age, and recent education, is described in the next sub-chapter.
Respondent Description
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
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Figure 2 Respondents by gender
Respondents were selected based on experience in construction-related fields. The
number of respondents obtained was 65 people, consisting of 57 men and 8 women. In
other words, the respondents were 88 percent men and 12 percent women. The high
percentage of men shows that the construction world is still dominated by men, so
women's interest in construction services is still limited.
Figure 3 Respondents by stakeholder
When viewed from the stakeholders in Figure 4.2, contractors are the majority of
respondents, namely 48 people or 74 percent, consultants and service owners/users as
many as 7 people or 11 percent, and others as many as 3 people or 5 percent. From this
data, it can be concluded that the distribution of respondents is not so evenly distributed.
More details are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Number and percentage of respondents based on stakeholders
Owner/Service User
Results of Implementation Supporting Factors
After knowing the background of the respondents, then a factor analysis was carried
out whose data was processed using SPSS. The first step in factor analysis is to conduct
a validity test and reliability test of supporting factors in the implementation of BIM and
GIS integration in the IKN project.
Validity Test of Supporting Factors
Owner/Pengguna Jasa
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A validity test is a test used to determine the suitability or validity of a questionnaire
to obtain data (Janna, 2021). The value r_tabel=r ((0.05; 63)) of 0.2441 with 65 samples.
The results of the validity test are presented in Table 4.6. It can be seen in the table, the
results of the validity test do not have a single variable that has a Pearson correlation
(r_hitung) below r_tabel so there are no variables that need to be emulated.
Table 3
Validity Test Results of X Variables
Reliability Test
In addition to conducting validity tests, reliability tests are also carried out in the
analysis stage of supporting factors. The reliability test is a test used to determine the
level of consistency of the questionnaire used. The results of the previous validity test, 17
variables can be continued in the reliability test. The results of the reliability test
calculation for the 17 variables are presented in the following table 4.
Table 4
Reliability Test Results of Supporting Factor Variables
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha Based
on Standardized Items
N of Items
From Table 4 above, it can be seen how many questionnaire questions/variables or
N of Items are available. Where there are 17 N of Items with a Cronbach's Alpha value
of 0.919. Because Cronbach's Alpha score > 0.60, it was concluded that the 17 questions
in the questionnaire were consistent.
Analysis of Implementation Supporting Factors
After the validity test and reliability test were carried out, then the KMO and
Bartlett's Test scores were calculated. The results of processing using SPSS software are
presented in the following table 5.
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
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Table 5
KMO dan Bartlett’s Test Faktor Pendukung
KMO dan Bartletts Test
Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett’s Test of
Approx. Chi-Square
Based on the table above, it is known that the KMO MSA value is 0.826 and the
Batlett's Test of Sphericity (Sig.) value is 0.000. According to (Kaiser & Rice, 1974), the
KMO value is in the range of 0.80 KMO < 0.90 which can be categorized as the data
used as good for factor analysis. Then Batlett's Test of Sphericity (Sig.) value of 0.000 <
0.05 shows that there is a significant correlation between the variables used, so factor
analysis can be carried out.
Table 6
Hasil Uji Reliability
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha Based
on Standardized Items
N of Items
From Table 6 above, it can be seen how many questionnaire questions/variables or
N of Items. Where there are 17 N of Items with a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.821.
Because Cronbach's Alpha score > 0.60, it was concluded that the 17 questions in the
questionnaire were consistent.
Analysis of Implementation Factors
After the validity test and reliability test were carried out, the KMO and Bartlett's
Test values were then calculated to determine the feasibility of the variables. The results
of processing using SPSS software are presented in the following table 7.
Table 7
KMO and Bartlett's Test Inhibitory Factors
KMO dan Bartletts Test
Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett’s Test of
Approx. Chi-Square
Based on the table above, it is known that the KMO MSA value is 0.634 and the
Batlett's Test of Sphericity (Sig.) value is 0.000. According to (Kaiser & Rice, 1974), the
KMO value is in the range of 0.60 KMO < 0.70 which indicates that the data used is
not enough for factor analysis, but it can still be continued to the next analysis. Then the
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value of Batlett's Test of Sphericity (Sig.) 0.000 < 0.05 shows that there is a significant
correlation between the variables used, so factor analysis can be carried out.
Analysis of Supporting and Inhibiting Factors
From the results of the analysis of the supporting and inhibiting factors for the
implementation of BIM and GIS Integration in the IKN Project, to facilitate the
understanding of each of these factors, the following factors were grouped:
Table 8
Supporting Factor Groups
The use of BIM-GIS models in
the teaching process of various
BIM-GIS integration in
reducing design risks and
improving project quality.
Improve project quality.
Simplify design understanding.
Clarify the scope of work.
Clash detection.
Synergy with stakeholders.
BIM-GIS synergy with Lean
Construction and LPS.
BIM-GIS integration in
synergy with other
technologies and methods.
BIM-GIS integration with IoT
BIM-GIS-based plugin.
BIM-GIS Integration with
Extended Reality.
The design process time and
its changes.
BIM-GIS integration in
the planning and
monitoring stage of the
construction process,
including time and cost.
Reduce construction costs.
Construction planning and
Construction implementation
Better control and cost
BIM-GIS integration as
budget controlling in
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2819
Accelerate the construction
accelerating the
construction process.
As for the inhibiting factors, the table is as follows.
Tabel 9
Kelompok Faktor Penghambat
No industry standard is used
as a guideline for BIM-GIS
There are no industry
standards, a lack of
regulations, and the
need both internally
and externally to
implement BIM-GIS
Lack of regulations or laws
governing the adoption of
Not implementing because
there is no request from
clients/service users.
It does not require the
implementation of BIM-GIS.
High investment in software,
hardware, and training
support in equipment
and training
investment as well as
the receipt of benefits
and intellectual
Large file extensions and
Contract and intellectual
property changes for BIM-
GIS implementation
Organizational support in the
use of BIM-GIS.
Shortage of BIM-GIS
The need for human
resources and the
difficulty of the
integration process.
Training and development.
The difficulty is that the
BIM-GIS process is not fully
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Collaboration between
Collaboration and
measurement of
benefits received.
Difficulty measuring the
benefits of BIM-GIS.
There is no support or
motivation for the adoption
Support between
teams and integration
Lack of ability to operate
software and computers.
Lack of individual
knowledge and awareness of
Individual knowledge
and awareness of
Qualitative Analysis of Inhibiting Factors
Furthermore, a qualitative analysis of supporting factors in the implementation of
BIM and GIS integration in the IKN project that has been formed is carried out. There
are 6 supporting factors (Nelson & Tamtana, 2019).
1. There are no industry standards, lack of regulations, and the need both internally and
externally to implement BIM-GIS integration
BIM has become a mandatory standard in construction projects in several countries
around the world, whereas GIS still has a limited role in the construction industry. In
Indonesia itself, the lack of regulations or laws governing the adoption of BIM-GIS is an
inseparable inhibiting factor. Supported by the absence of implementation because there
is no demand from clients/service users, this means that in Indonesia itself there is no
need for BIM-GIS implementation.
2. Organizational support in equipment and training investment as well as the receipt of
benefits and intellectual property
The lack of organizational support for the use of BIM-GIS is the next inhibiting
factor. In practice, high investment is required for software, hardware, and training. In
addition, extensions and large file sizes are also a problem. Not only that, changes in
contracts and intellectual property are also other factors for the implementation of BIM-
GIS. In fact, according to Li et al. (2017), with its features, BIM has found many
applications in creating design alternatives, detecting clashes early, controlling project
costs and schedules, logistics management, monitoring progress, and asset maintenance
and operation. In addition, according to Zhang et al. (2009), GIS can be used in area
planning, infrastructure design, construction and maintenance, land surveying, and GIS-
based simulation for spatial decision-making and optimization.
3. Human resource needs and difficulties in the integration process
According to (Pedó et al., 2023), the implementation of BIM and GIS integration
still faces several challenges such as the complexity of creating applications due to the
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2821
many steps required. The integration of BIM and GIS requires trained human resources
who have a deep understanding of these two technologies. In addition, users also face
challenges in understanding how to use the platform and its applications, so further
training is needed to increase awareness and understanding of the technical use and
available functions.
4. Collaboration and measurement of benefits received
Collaboration between teams that is not so good is also an inhibiting factor. In
addition, there are difficulties in measuring the benefits of BIM-GIS by the stakeholders
who implement it. According to ESRI (2022), the benefits of GIS can include improved
communication and efficiency, as well as better management and decision-making. GIS
technology integrates common operations of data, such as querying and statistical
analysis, with the unique visualization and analysis capabilities of mapping (Zhu & Wu,
2022). This ability distinguishes GIS from other information system applications that are
beneficial for explaining events, planning strategies, and predicting field conditions that
occur and can be used to retrieve, store, analyze, and display spatial and non-spatial data
(Rifai, 2022). Additionally, it's important to have clear metrics to measure the benefits
received from these integrations, but it's often difficult to identify and measure the impact
5. Cross-team support and integration equipment capabilities
No support or motivation for BIM-GIS adoption is the next inhibiting factor.
Continuity between the teams involved in the construction project and proper support for
the integration equipment (both software and hardware) is essential for the success of
BIM-GIS integration. The absence of adequate support can hinder the team's ability to
collaborate and use equipment effectively.
6. Individual knowledge and awareness of BIM-GIS
Lack of individual knowledge and awareness of BIM-GIS is also a hindrance to
implementation. Without a sufficient understanding of the benefits and potential of this
integration, employees may be reluctant or unable to adopt this technology in their work.
It is hoped that with this research, the understanding of BIM-GIS implementation can
increase, especially in construction projects in IKN.
Understanding and overcoming these inhibiting factors is an important step in
ensuring the successful implementation of BIM and GIS integration in construction
projects, organizations can maximize the potential of this technology to improve project
efficiency and quality, especially in projects in IKN that are carried out massively and
simultaneously with different organizations.
Comparison of research results with literature studies
Some of the relevant studies that address the implementation of technology in BIM
and GIS in the industry have some similarities with the results outlined in the previous
The results show that the supporting factor in the implementation of BIM and GIS
integration in the IKN Project is the BIM-GIS integration factor in reducing design risks
and improving project quality. This is in line with the results of research from Sekarsari
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2822
(2019) and (Chan, Olawumi, & Ho, 2019) who stated that the implementation of BIM
and GIS in construction projects can improve project quality with company and project
performance discipline.
On the other hand, the research results also identify inhibiting factors in the
implementation of BIM and GIS integration in the IKN Project, namely the lack of
industry standards, lack of regulations, and needs both internally and externally. These
inhibiting factors were also found in research conducted by (Bosch-Sijtsema, Isaksson,
Lennartsson, & Linderoth, 2017), that the inhibiting factors were the lack of government
support, company needs, and the absence of standards, guidelines, and policies in the
implementation of BIM.
Taking these findings into account, the study proposes strategic measures that can
be implemented to overcome these barriers and maximize their supporting factors. The
successful implementation of the integration of BIM and GIS will bring an increase in the
success of the development of projects in the IKN area.
Proposed strategic steps for the implementation of BIM and GIS integration
The proposed strategic steps that can be taken in the implementation of BIM and
GIS integration in the IKN project are as follows:
1. Analysis of strategic needs and objectives. This step relates to supporting factors,
especially in terms of identifying the potential benefits of BIM and GIS integration in
reducing design risk, improving project quality, and controlling project time and cost.
By understanding the strategic needs and objectives, the project can prioritize the use
of BIM and GIS integration to achieve the desired results.
2. Team building and collaboration between organizations. Bottlenecks related to
organizational support and collaboration between teams can also be overcome with
this step. Through the establishment of cross-disciplinary teams and inter-
organizational collaboration, projects can ensure strong support from all stakeholders
and facilitate effective cooperation.
3. Development of integration standards and guidelines. In overcoming the inhibiting
factors related to the lack of industry standards and regulations, this step is crucial. By
developing BIM and GIS integration standards and guidelines, the project can ensure
that all parties involved have clear guidance on the implementation and use of these
4. Investments in equipment and training. Inhibitory factors related to human resource
needs and investments in equipment and training can be overcome through this step.
By making adequate investments in BIM and GIS equipment and providing
comprehensive training for the team, the project can ensure that the human resources
involved have the necessary skills and knowledge to implement this integration.
5. Pilot projects and periodic evaluations. This step relates to the inhibiting factors related
to the need for support in equipment and training investments as well as the receipt of
benefits and intellectual property. Through careful implementation pilots and
evaluations, projects can test the effectiveness of the proposed solution and identify
measurable benefits from BIM and GIS integration.
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2823
6. Risk management and performance measurement. Through this step, the project can
overcome the inhibiting factors related to risk management and performance
measurement. By identifying and managing the risks associated with the
implementation of BIM and GIS integration and establishing clear performance
metrics, projects can minimize risks and ensure the achievement of desired outcomes.
7. Continuous monitoring and adjustment. Finally, this step relates to continuous
monitoring and adjustment, which is essential to address all the supporting factors and
inhibitions that have been identified. By monitoring the progress of the implementation
and making continuous adjustments based on the results of monitoring and feedback,
the project can ensure the long-term success of BIM and GIS integration.
The proposal of strategic steps for the implementation of BIM and GIS integration
in IKN projects is a solid foundation to achieve success. Taking into account the identified
supporting factors and inhibitors, these measures are designed to address emerging
challenges and maximize the potential of this integration. In implementing these steps,
collaboration between teams, organizational support, investment in equipment and
training, and continuous monitoring will be key to ensuring a successful implementation.
Thus, the implementation of interrelated projects both by design and spatially can reap
the maximum benefits of BIM and GIS integration, improve operational efficiency,
reduce risk, and achieve the overall desired results.
Initial identification of inhibiting factors and supporting factors for the
implementation of BIM and GIS integration in IKN projects, resulting in 16 (sixteen)
supporting factors and 16 (sixteen) inhibiting factors. The factor analysis also produced
findings, that of the 16 supporting factors for the implementation of BIM and GIS
integration in IKN projects, 4 (four) factors can be determined, namely: a) BIM-GIS
integration in reducing design risks and improving project quality; b) Integration of BIM-
GIS in synergy with other technologies and methods; c) BIM-GIS integration in the
planning and monitoring stage of the construction process, including time and cost; d)
BIM-GIS integration as budget controlling in accelerating the construction process. For
the inhibiting factors, this study produces findings that of the 16 factors that hinder the
implementation of BIM and GIS integration in IKN projects, it can be grouped into 6 (six)
factors, namely a) the absence of industry standards, lack of regulations, the need both
internally and externally to implement BIM-GIS integration; b) Organizational support
in investment in equipment and training as well as the receipt of benefits and intellectual
property; c) Human resource needs and difficulties in the integration process; d)
Collaboration and measurement of benefits received; e) Inter-team support and
integration equipment capabilities; f) Individual knowledge and awareness of BIM-GIS.
Proposed strategic steps in the implementation of BIM and GIS integration in IKN
projects require collaboration between teams, strong organizational support, investment
in equipment and training, and continuous monitoring. These measures are expected to
address the challenges that arise and ensure the success of this integration so that the
Fatkhur Rozaq
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2824
project can achieve high operational efficiency, reduce risks, and achieve the desired
Analysis of Supporting and Hindering Factors for the Implementation of BIM and GIS
Integration in IKN Projects
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