Integrated Marketing Communication Based on Digital Marketing at D'emmerick Hotel Salatiga
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3747
correct optimally, they will give effect in a way direct impact on the behaviour of the
targeted audience. All of the communication aspects become important matters to deliver
information, thoughts, ideas, messages, and intentions verbally and non-verbally to the
audience (Fatimayin, 2018).
Optimization of marketing communication elements focuses on the effort to reach
effective performance, elaborate with additional sophisticated information and
communication technology that is applied in marketing channels, destinations,
accessibility, HR media channels, and tourism institutions (Mikulić, Krešić, & Gjurašić,
2023). Entering the era of digitalization, rapid technological developments are driving
marketing patterns to expand into digital base areas. Nowadays, the internet is an effective
role player in carrying out marketing (Visser, Sikkenga, & Berry, 2021).
Studies related to the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication in
hotel and tourism companies have been carried out by previous researchers, both using
quantitative and qualitative designs. Currently, this has received quite a bit of attention,
especially since the shift in marketing communications towards digital. Some of the
previous research was carried out within the scope of hotel and tourism companies, for
example, research carried out by (Ndizera, 2018); (Seyyed Amiri, Dastourian, Foroudi,
& Nankali, 2017); (Šerić & Mikulić, 2020).
The phenomenon and development of the D'Emmerick Hotel Salatiga company
journey is one of the attractions and concerns for studying the integrated marketing
communication concept based on digital marketing in the company (OYINLOLA, 2021).
This research aims to explore further the implementation of IMC at D'Emmerick Hotel
Salatiga, which in turn also forms ideas about strategies to improve market position after
the COVID-19 pandemic using SOSTAC analysis. The use of SOSTAC analysis is the
differentiator from several previous analyses carried out by (Ndizera, 2018); (Amiri,
Dastourian, Foroudi, & Nankali, 2017); (Šerić & Mikulić, 2020). SOSTAC analysis
involves exploring the implementation of IMC from the stage of formulating the situation
faced by the company, the objectives of IMC implementation, strategy formulation,
tactics, actions that have been and will be taken, and control or evaluation of the results
of IMC implementation. Strategic communication itself is management's effort to pay
attention to and coordinate something that will be carried out with the elaboration of
several aspects of communication components to support and align the objectives of
activities to influence persuasively (Purnomo, Fadhilah, & Cahya, 2023).
Research Methods
The perspective of this study uses descriptive-qualitative research methods namely
understanding the phenomena and social realities experienced by research subjects
(Sembiring & Lubis, 2024). Holistic exploration and observation in the forms of
behaviour, motivation, perception, and action is carried out and expressed completely in
the form of language, written or spoken words which have a natural purpose in a specific
context. This research explores how the IMC strategy is implemented starting from
planning, implementation, program evaluation, implementation, and impact or influence