Yulius Sodah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2844
learning cannot be separated from the influence of the environment where the experience
occurs (Anidar, 2017). So it can be briefly concluded that learning motivation means
something/desire that encourages/moves a person to learn to achieve a certain goal.
According to (Aslan, 2018), learning motivation is a driving force or driver who wants
someone to carry out continuous learning activities.
Learning motivation can be seen in indicators such as the existence of desire and
desire to succeed, the existence of encouragement and need in learning, the existence of
hopes and ideals for the future, the existence of appreciation in learning, the existence of
interesting activities in learning, the existence of a conducive environment. These
indicators can be measured through observation techniques, other people's assessments,
and self-reports (projective tests and interviews).
Several studies have been conducted to find out how students' motivation to learn
is improved. One of the studies on learning motivation is conducted by (Reeve, 2013).
This study shows how student agentic involvement functions as a path taken by students
themselves which is proactive, directed, collaborative, and constructive to achieve higher
achievement and increase motivation. Agentic involvement is a student's constructive
contribution to the flow of instruction they receive. The involvement can be in the form
of providing input, expressing their preferences, giving suggestions or contributions,
asking and communicating what they think and need, recommending goals to be
achieved, and other contributions (Reeve & Tseng, 2011). The participants were students
from several universities in South Korea. The researcher conducted 3 studies with
different participants. The first research was conducted at the College of Engineering in
Incheon, South Korea; The second study was conducted on 248 female students at Seoul
University, South Korea; The third study was conducted on 315 students from nine
secondary schools in South Korea. The method used is the survey method.
Based on the research on the Priority of Motivational Value Types in Nuns,
conducted by (Syaputra, Setianti, & Koswara, 2012) through interviews and observations,
it can be concluded that from 10 types of motivational values that are the priority of
motivational value types in nuns, only 3 are namely, the motivational value types of
benevolence, conformity, and tradition. Where the type of motivational value
benevolence the subject carries out his responsibilities by carrying out his duties and
obeying the rules, the subject is honest with himself by knowing the risks of being a nun
and staying away from what is not allowed for a nun. This type of motivational value
conformity encourages the subject to avoid things that are contrary to expectations and
social norms because the subject has good expectations of being a nun. It also has a type
of motivational tradition, namely the subject of living a commitment as an unmarried nun
and living the rules of the monastery that have been scheduled every day. This has become
an inherited norm and inherent in monastic life.
This research focuses on the learning motivation of female students who are nuns.
This research is different from previous studies that focused mostly on students or
students who are not nuns. Other research has focused only on the types of general
motivational values of nuns that are not directly related to the study problem. This