pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2842
The Nuns' Learning Motivation
Yulius Sodah
Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng (STF-SP), Indonesi
Keywords: Learning
motivation; extrinsic
motivation; intrinsic
motivation; nun;
Nuns are a group of Catholic women who choose not to
marry in order to focus on special service in the Church
according to the rules of the congregation. Some nuns
undergo study missions or become female students on public
campuses. This research specifically wants to examine how
the learning motivation of students who are nuns is.
Researchers want to find out how they increase their
motivation to learn while still carrying out the demands of
the community or institute. This study uses a qualitative
method conducted on 4 nuns who are undergoing studies at
a university in Yogyakarta. The results of the study showed
that they had a unique motivation to learn. The nuns have an
intrinsic motivation to learn, namely the desire and
awareness to complete their studies quickly. Obedience to
the task of community mission is the most powerful extrinsic
motivation that influences the ability and interest in learning
of Catholic nuns. The mission task gives birth to motivation
from within (intrinsic), namely the responsibility to
complete the task entrusted to it by the congregation. The
nuns also face challenges in studying, especially adjusting
themselves due to different ages and the demands of life as
nuns. Further research needs to pay attention to the
frequency and intensity of interviews and needs to involve
other parties who know the nuns who are studying.
There are three important things to remember in the world of education: the first is
motivation, the second is motivation and the third is motivation (Uno, 2023). Motivation
plays an important role in improving student learning achievement. When students have
high motivation to learn, they will be able to pass their study period well and carve out
satisfactory achievements. However, not all students have the same motivation to learn.
Various challenges make her motivation decrease. In addition, many factors motivate
students to learn. For example, due to factors of intelligence, age, friends, family,
community, and personal commitment (Sunarsi, 2018).
College students are a group of individuals who have completed their education in
secondary school and studied in higher education institutions (Nasional & INDONESIA,
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2000). Higher Education is a continuation of secondary education that is organized to
prepare students to become members of society who have academic and/or professional
abilities who can apply, develop, and/or create science, technology, and/or art (Indonesia,
1999). College students are a group of adult individuals who have resolved the adolescent
identity crisis and entered a new stage of life that is more realistic and has a broader
outlook (Paputungan, 2023). The characteristic of students is independence in learning,
which is different from high school students who receive more materials from teachers.
Students are more independent in motivating themselves to achieve the desired learning
achievements. They are more actively involved in the development of teaching materials
received from lecturers on campus.
Some students are not individuals who have just completed their studies at high
school/vocational school. The age of students varies. Some are those who have worked
or had stopped studying for a few years and then decided to go to college. Among those
who are not direct graduates from high school/vocational school, some nuns attend
lectures because of their missionary duties at the institute.
The nuns are a group of Catholic women who specifically choose not to marry for
the sake of the kingdom of God or the service of God and His people. They devote
themselves completely to the God they love more than anything. They are obliged to live
out the three evangelical counsels of purity, obedience, and poverty for the sake of the
Kingdom of God (LG. 43 & 44). Sisters/nuns are obliged to take the vow of obedience to
God, one of which is obedience to the leader of the order (Perfectae Caritatis, 14). In
addition, they must obey the mission of their institute. The study is one of their mission
tasks (Mardiatmadja & SJ, 2020).
The nuns attend lectures as befits ordinary students who have recently graduated
from high school/vocational school with different clothes and of course different ages.
They have two statuses, namely as students and nuns. Age did not discourage their
intention to study together with female students and students who were much younger
than them. With different ages and statuses, they go through college years. Their
motivation to learn is an interesting phenomenon to learn. This study aims to examine the
motivation of nuns as students studying in higher education institutions.
Motivation comes from the Latin verb "move" which means "to move". In
psychology, it is learned about motivation to know the cause or reason that makes a
person do what he does. In summary, motivation is a process in humans or animals that
causes the organism to move towards its own goals or move away from unpleasant
situations. Motivation thus concerns behaviors that are driven/directed by goals (Husin &
Rasuli, 2015). This motivation is distinguished into two, namely intrinsic motivation and
extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a desire to do an activity or achieve certain
achievements solely for the pleasure or satisfaction obtained from doing that activity.
While extrinsic motivation is the desire to pursue a goal caused by external rewards or
external influences (Hm, 2016).
Learning is a process in which experiences produce relatively permanent/lasting
changes in an individual's behavior or abilities. From this definition, it is clear that
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learning cannot be separated from the influence of the environment where the experience
occurs (Anidar, 2017). So it can be briefly concluded that learning motivation means
something/desire that encourages/moves a person to learn to achieve a certain goal.
According to (Aslan, 2018), learning motivation is a driving force or driver who wants
someone to carry out continuous learning activities.
Learning motivation can be seen in indicators such as the existence of desire and
desire to succeed, the existence of encouragement and need in learning, the existence of
hopes and ideals for the future, the existence of appreciation in learning, the existence of
interesting activities in learning, the existence of a conducive environment. These
indicators can be measured through observation techniques, other people's assessments,
and self-reports (projective tests and interviews).
Several studies have been conducted to find out how students' motivation to learn
is improved. One of the studies on learning motivation is conducted by (Reeve, 2013).
This study shows how student agentic involvement functions as a path taken by students
themselves which is proactive, directed, collaborative, and constructive to achieve higher
achievement and increase motivation. Agentic involvement is a student's constructive
contribution to the flow of instruction they receive. The involvement can be in the form
of providing input, expressing their preferences, giving suggestions or contributions,
asking and communicating what they think and need, recommending goals to be
achieved, and other contributions (Reeve & Tseng, 2011). The participants were students
from several universities in South Korea. The researcher conducted 3 studies with
different participants. The first research was conducted at the College of Engineering in
Incheon, South Korea; The second study was conducted on 248 female students at Seoul
University, South Korea; The third study was conducted on 315 students from nine
secondary schools in South Korea. The method used is the survey method.
Based on the research on the Priority of Motivational Value Types in Nuns,
conducted by (Syaputra, Setianti, & Koswara, 2012) through interviews and observations,
it can be concluded that from 10 types of motivational values that are the priority of
motivational value types in nuns, only 3 are namely, the motivational value types of
benevolence, conformity, and tradition. Where the type of motivational value
benevolence the subject carries out his responsibilities by carrying out his duties and
obeying the rules, the subject is honest with himself by knowing the risks of being a nun
and staying away from what is not allowed for a nun. This type of motivational value
conformity encourages the subject to avoid things that are contrary to expectations and
social norms because the subject has good expectations of being a nun. It also has a type
of motivational tradition, namely the subject of living a commitment as an unmarried nun
and living the rules of the monastery that have been scheduled every day. This has become
an inherited norm and inherent in monastic life.
This research focuses on the learning motivation of female students who are nuns.
This research is different from previous studies that focused mostly on students or
students who are not nuns. Other research has focused only on the types of general
motivational values of nuns that are not directly related to the study problem. This
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2845
research specifically wants to examine how the learning motivation of students who are
nuns is. Researchers want to find out how they increase their motivation to learn while
still carrying out the demands of the community or institute.
This study uses a qualitative approach method (Klassen, Creswell, Plano Clark,
Smith, & Meissner, 2012) said that qualitative research is a method to explore and
understand meanings that come from social or humanitarian problems. Qualitative
procedures involve efforts such as asking questions, procedures for collecting specific
data from participants, analyzing data inductively ranging from specific themes to general
themes, and interpreting data.
Themes Revealed
This research wants to reveal several main themes, namely:
1. Types of learning motivation of nuns who have the status of students
2. Factors influencing the increase in the study motivation of nuns
3. Factors that inhibit learning motivation
4. The influence of the community or order of origin of the nuns on their motivation to
5. The level of satisfaction in the learning of the monks.
Research Subject
The researcher involved 4 female students with nun status as respondents in this
study. The average age of respondents ranged from 25 to 40 years. The researcher did not
determine the study program being taken, so the respondents we got came from various
study programs. Subjects were selected not based on random sampling but by non-random
sampling nonprobability sampling or convenience sampling methods (Supratiknya,
2015). Subjects are selected based on convenience and availability or based on
opportunity or opportunity.
Data Collection Techniques
In qualitative research, researchers collect more than one type of data and are at the
research site for a long time to collect information (Supratiknya, 2015). According to
Cresswell (2012), there are four main procedures in data collection, namely qualitative
observation, qualitative interviews, qualitative documents, and qualitative audio-visual
Data Analysis
The data analysis used in this study is qualitative content analysis (AIK). Hsieh and
Shannon (Faruque, Biswas, Saha, & Chakraborty, 2015) said that AIK is a research
method to subjectively interpret the content of data in the form of text through a
systematic classification process in the form of coding and identification of various
themes or patterns. The purpose of AIK is to reveal the content or theme of a text
according to its context. The recorded audio data is copied into a written transcript with
a structured table and analyzed by a qualitative content analysis method.
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The content analysis procedure used in this study is to make a transcript of the
research results, read and find important sentences in the transcript for each question, find
the main theme, and code and identify the intensity of the theme. Everything is arranged
in the form of a table. After the main themes were identified, an inter-thematic matrix
was prepared that depicted the pattern of relationships between themes. Themes are
categorized and the relationship between categories is sought to be formulated in a higher
theme. After that, the researcher interpreted the overall meaning in the category themes
Results and Discussion
Theme Intensity and Inter-Theme Matrix
Based on the data from the research results on the four subjects, several important
themes were found. The first theme that emerged was obedience to mission duties. All
subjects said that they continued their studies because they were sent by their respective
institutes. Regarding the aspect of learning motivation, all subjects said they had intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation. That motivation is also influenced by internal and external
factors. In the third category, namely satisfaction and hope, all subjects felt grateful for
what was achieved but still wanted to strive to improve what already existed. All subjects
also hope that they can finish on time and apply their knowledge to meet the needs of the
tariqat and be useful to others. The following is a table of intensity and matrix between
Table 2
Theme Intensity of the Whole Subject
Likes the choice
of the Erekat
Subjects 1 & and 3 try to
like the major chosen by
the tarekat and can
enjoy it.
Personal choice
Subject 2 is allowed to
choose a major and
university. Subject 3
gets a study assignment
that suits their interests
and is allowed to choose
a university.
Sense of
Subjects 1 and 2 feel
responsible so they are
motivated to learn.
Subjects 3 & and 4 are
Intentions in
All subjects have an
intention in themselves
to learn.
Trust of the order
Subjects 1 & and 2 are
motivated by the beliefs
of the institute
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All subjects experience
supporting factors from
All subjects are aware
of the importance of
time management
Social support
Subjects 1,2,4, felt that
social support increased
learning motivation.
All subjects have
difficulty in certain
Everyone feels that
busyness or busy
schedules hinder
learning motivation.
All subjects experience
obstacles from within.
All subjects overcome
difficulties by asking
Creative learning
Subjects 1,2 & and 4 try
creative learning
methods to overcome
Good value
Subjects 1 & 2 hope to
graduate with good
Subjects 3 & and 4 hope
to have a good
understanding of the
material so that it can be
Graduated on
All subjects hope to be
able to apply the
material to others.
Intention to
Case Analysis of All Subjects
Based on the results of interviews and data analysis, several points can be concluded
related to the main themes expressed by all subjects.
a. Obedience and mission duties
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The first important theme, that was found in the interview, was obedience to the
mission task. All the interviewees said that they studied at the University because they
carried out mission duties. All subjects said that the mission came from the needs of the
congregation to improve service to the community. To this task, the nuns do not obey
blindly but that obedience always presupposes a dialogue to consider their abilities. Two
subjects admitted that although they were initially not interested in the choice of majors
offered by the Erekat, when they went through it they were finally able to enjoy and be
happy with the choice. The first subject admitted that the choice was by his talents. Two
other subjects when asked to continue their studies, were allowed to choose their preferred
major and university. The reason they continued their studies was because of obedience
to missionary duties.
b. The nuns' motivation to learn
The second theme that emerged from the interview was the learning motivation of
the nuns. Subjects 1 and 2 experienced a decrease in motivation but not severely. Subject
3 experienced an increase while the fourth subject had stable motivation. A decrease in
motivation is followed by a decrease in grades. Increased motivation makes the subject's
value increase. Stable motivation keeps the subject's values intact.
c. Factors influencing motivation:
Their development of motivation is influenced by several factors. Some are
supportive, others are an obstacle to the development of motivation.
1) Supporting factors
The subject's motivation to learn is influenced by internal factors, namely efforts to
motivate themselves and try harder to succeed well. In addition, learning motivation will
increase if the subjects can manage their time well. Some subjects admit that they have a
daily plan or schedule so that they can manage their time well between (academic) and
non-academic activities. On the other hand, not-so-good time management sometimes
makes subjects and this affects their performance and learning achievements.
All subjects said that the subjects had a schedule to organize their activities so that
they could divide their time between community and campus activities. All subjects who
had a schedule said that the subjects were used to a regular schedule because there was
already a clear schedule in the community. Community rules help subjects in their time
management. Two subjects said that they arranged personal schedules. Even though they
have a lot of busyness, their time management skills allow them to still learn and maintain
their achievements even though some have experienced a decline in achievement.
Example statement:
"I am very helped by the scheduling I have. The forum is a forum for us to carry
out activities. I am grateful because I also know how to organize well. It was very helpful
for me to be able to relate to it. I learned to manage my time or discipline myself, even
though I already have a schedule, but I am not fixated on it, it is more flexible."
In addition to internal factors, the subject's motivation to learn is also influenced by
external factors, namely social support from campus friends and communities, family,
and leaders. Based on the themes that appear in the interview results, the presence of other
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people is a theme that is categorized as a supporting factor in learning motivation. Other
people in question are family, community, and campus friends. Subject 4 stated that the
family supported the subject in learning so that they were motivated.
2) Inhibiting factors
Based on the themes gathered from the subject's important statements, several
things are categorized as inhibiting factors.
a) Age (internal)
Subject 4 said that age is sometimes a hindrance to learning motivation. The subject
feels that age affects his learning ability, for example, his memory has decreased so he
has to read the material repeatedly. In addition, age also affects the ability to adapt to
friends on campus because of the age difference.
b) Mood (internal)
Mood affects learning motivation. This was found in the results of interviews with
several subjects. This mood can be a supporting or inhibiting factor. Some subjects say
that learning motivation depends on mood, if the mood is good, then the motivation to
learn is high. On the other hand, if the mood or mood is not good, then the motivation to
learn is also not strong.
c) Course Difficulty Level
The difficulty level of the course affects the motivation to learn. All subjects said
that difficulties in certain courses were a factor that hindered expectations. Subject 1
experienced difficulties in the statistics course so the interest in learning statistics
decreased and affected their achievement and learning motivation decreased.
d) Busy
The busyness or the number of activities also affects the subject's motivation level.
This can be seen from the confession of the subjects. For example, according to Sr. Paulis,
his motivation and achievements decreased in the fourth semester because he participated
in PKM-PM activities which took up a lot of his time. This busyness is related to time
management skills. The subject admitted that he was not able to manage his time well
because of the many activities that affected his motivation to learn. This busyness is
related to fatigue. Fatigue makes subjects lazy to study and often resigned to what will
e) Relations and conflicts
Subject 1 feels that relationships sometimes hinder learning motivation. The
subjects admitted that when they conflicted with friends in the community, their minds
became overwhelmed, affecting their motivation to learn.
How to overcome difficulties
The subjects also experience difficulties and obstacles in learning. However, all
subjects did not give up but tried to overcome them. When not understanding something
or experiencing difficulties, all subjects asked friends or lecturers. Subjects 1, 2, & and 4
overcome difficulties by creating creative learning methods such as sitting at the front
when sleepy, changing the atmosphere of the room, exercising, and farming. In addition,
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subjects 3 & and 4 said that they tried harder by repeating the material given and forcing
themselves to be more diligent in studying.
Levels of Satisfaction and Expectations
Another theme that emerged in the interview with the subject was the question of
satisfaction and expectations. Subjects 1,2,3 were satisfied with the results they obtained
but they still tried to improve their performance. Subject 4 feels dissatisfied and wants to
improve the existing score. However, all subjects were grateful for what they had
achieved. That gratitude gives the subject a spirit to continue to fight. Example of subject
statement 4: "I am not satisfied yet. I want to try better and better again. But I am grateful
for the current results because no matter how the results are, the knowledge I absorbed is
a good provision. That makes me excited and keep fighting."
In addition to hope and satisfaction, the subjects also still want to strive to improve
their achievements. Subjects 1,3, & and 4 intend to improve their grades or anything they
feel is still lacking.
In this study on learning motivation, it was found that nuns have a distinctive
motivation in learning. One of the most unique things about them is the influence of
missionary duties and vows of obedience. Study is one of the mission tasks of the order
or community to which they belong. All subjects admitted that the reason they attended
Sanata Dharma University at an older age than other students, was because they were
sent. Regarding the mission duty, the attitude that must be possessed as a member of the
tariqat is obedience. Even though the study assignment is not in the interest of the nuns
or the chosen department is not by their wishes, for the sake of obedience they must accept
and carry out the mission duty. However, they also admit that the obedience they live in
is not carried out blindly but the leadership still considers their abilities, and some of them
are allowed to choose a suitable major. Obedience to the mission task is an antecedent to
the emergence of learning motivation but at the same time affects learning motivation
because it assumes the responsibility of the members to carry it out. The nuns felt
responsible for the mission and that responsibility encouraged them to study hard in order
to graduate on time. To motivate themselves, the nuns set a target that they want to
achieve for example to finish within 8 semesters. This target is also supported by their
desire to immediately apply the knowledge they have gained in their work to the people,
the Erekat and some say for the glory of God. So, their goal for college is not only to get
good grades and finish on time but also for them to gain knowledge that helps their
ministry work for others.
The Nuns' Learning Motivation
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