pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3608
Analysis of the Impact and Implications of the VAT Rate
Increase in Indonesia
Septia Mitha Caesaria
, Yusriyah Trinugrahini Mumpuni
, Efiearly Mayasha
Galuh Tresna Murti
Universitas Telkom, Indonesia
Keywords: VAT rate,
VAT, tax rate increase.
This study aims to find out how the impact felt by the
community after the implementation of the VAT rate
increase policy on individuals who act as end consumers,
and business actors or MSMEs who act as distributors. The
method used in the study is a Systematic Literature Review
(SLR) from various studies on the impact and implications
of VAT rate increases in Indonesia. The results of the study
show that VAT affects the price of goods and services in the
market, increases production costs and selling prices, and
worsens inflation. However, the increase in VAT rates can
also increase government tax revenues, reduce the budget
deficit, and stabilize the country's fiscal condition. In
addition, the increase in VAT can affect consumer behaviour
and business investment, especially in the manufacturing,
trade, and service industry sectors.
Indonesia's economy has undergone significant changes in recent years. Stable
economic growth and the expansion of sectors as the basis of the Indonesian economy
such as manufacturing, trade, and services, but Indonesia also experiences challenges
such as budget deficits, price fluctuations, and inflation are the main concerns of the
government (Sinambela, 2019). Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that
state spending is still accelerating upward, noting that the realization of state spending in
2023 reached IDR 3,121.9 trillion, exceeding the 2023 State Budget allocation (102.0%
of the 2023 State Budget or 100.2% of Presidential Regulation 75/2023). This amount
increased by 0.8% from the realization in 2022 of IDR 3,096.3 trillion (Ministry of
Finance, 2024). To deal with these dynamics, fiscal policies need to be implemented to
achieve sustainable and inclusive economic development goals (Rita & Astuty, 2023).
One of the fiscal policies that is often used is the adjustment of the Value Added Tax
(VAT) rate which aims to increase state revenue and control consumption and investment.
The increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate of 10 per cent to 11 per cent is active
on April 1, 2022 (Directorate General of Treasury, 2023). Currently, there is a discourse
Analysis of the Impact and Implications of the VAT Rate Increase in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3609
on changing the provisions of the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate to 12 per cent in 2025,
conveyed by Member of Commission XI of the House of Representatives of the Republic
of Indonesia Ecky Awal Mucharam that the increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate
is contradictory to the current condition of people's purchasing power, the increase in the
VAT rate which was recently increased to 11% of people's purchasing power is reported
to have decreased significantly (Current Parliament - House of Representatives, 2024)
(Murti & Fabiansyah, 2023).
The policy of increasing the VAT rate has reaped pros and cons from various circles
of society. On the one hand, proponents of increasing the VAT rate argue that the move
is necessary to overcome the state budget deficit and strengthen the fiscal revenue base.
The increase in VAT rates is also considered to increase economic stability by controlling
inflation. (Liyana, 2021). On the other hand, the cons of the increase in VAT rates focus
on the level of people's purchasing power, especially for the lower middle economic
group. In addition, it will provide additional pressure on economic sectors that are
struggling to cope with global uncertainty and regulatory changes. (Kharisma, 2023). The
increase in VAT also has the potential to cause people to switch to shopping abroad due
to rising prices in the country. In addition, the increase in production and consumption
costs can result in a decline in the goods and services sector and a negative impact on
sales. The decline in productivity also has the potential to reduce labour absorption, which
in turn will reduce people's income and consumption (hukumonline.com, 2022).
Due to the complexity of economic issues and public policies, the government and
stakeholders need to carefully consider the policy changes made. Therefore, it is
necessary to analyze the impact and long-term implications of the policy to ensure that
the decisions taken will provide maximum benefits for the economy and the Indonesian
people as a whole. (Halomoan & Sitabuana, 2022).
Taxes are one of the most potential sources of state revenue. Taxes are expected to
drive the country's economy through capital participation in development and state-
owned enterprises. (Fajriana, 2023). As a result, taxes in a country can increase spending
on routine spending and capital goods that are affected by the private sector. Taxes, as
the main tool to support the state budget, must play a role that has many functions. The
government continues to strive to optimize tax revenues because there is a significant
increase in development needs and the country's economic problems that often occur.
This can be seen in various government regulations, policies, and decisions, such as by
optimizing laws and regulations regarding value-added tax and the basis for its
calculation. (Putri, 2022).
Value Added Tax (VAT), Income Tax (PPh), Land and Building Tax (PBB), and
Luxury Goods Sales Tax (PPnBM) are some of the types of tax sources generated by the
state. These funds also come from stamp duty, excise, import, and export. Income taxes
have made the greatest contribution to helping the state finance spending. However,
income tax is only imposed on certain taxpayers, namely those who are not taxable and
have income above their income can be made income tax taxpayers. The payment transfer
tax is also known as the amnesty tax imposed or delegated to another person.
Septia Mitha Caesaria, Yusriyah Trinugrahini Mumpuni, Efiearly Mayasha, Galuh Tresna Murti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3610
Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax aimed at consumers who use these
goods and services based on the imposition of goods and services that are the object of
tax in the customs area. (Renata, Hidayat, & Kaniskha, 2016). The imposition of this tax
is aimed at the value of goods and services that are identified for circulation from
producers to consumers. The second largest tax expenditure, after Income Tax (PPh), is
the value-added tax, or VAT, which accounts for about 30% of tax revenue. Merchants
are the parties responsible for calculating, reporting, and accounting for VAT, while users
of the final product are the parties responsible for paying VAT. (Ridho, 2021).
The purpose of VAT is to encourage the country's economic growth, increase the
competitiveness of Indonesian-made products in the domestic market, ensure the
availability of goods exempt from VAT on the import and/or delivery of certain taxable
goods, and as a source of state revenue to finance various types of public expenditure.
Based on the Ministry of Finance's DJPB website, the provisions and objectives of Value
Added Tax (VAT) collected at the time of delivery of taxable goods (BKP) and/or taxable
services (JKP) include VAT rates, Taxable Goods (BKP), Taxable Services (JKP),
Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP), and VAT exemption facilities.
Research Methods
The research method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which is a means
to identify, evaluate, and interpret all available research that is relevant to a particular
research question, topic field, or phenomenon of interest (Kitchenham, 2007). There are
three steps carried out in this method, namely the planning stage, the review stage, and
the reporting stage. The type of data used in this study is secondary data obtained through
literature studies from various studies regarding the analysis of the impact and
implications of VAT rate increases in Indonesia from national journals available in the
Google Scholar database using the keywords VAT Rate, VAT, and Tax Rate Increase.
Results and Discussion
VAT is defined as a consumption tax imposed on the sale of goods and services
which is calculated as a percentage of the added value of a product or service. VAT is
collected by Individuals, Entities, and Government Taxpayers who have the status of
Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP) and are levied at each stage of production or distribution
(Lintang, Majid, & Sholikhah, 2022). The source is the sale and purchase of taxable
goods/services (BKP/JKP) carried out by Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP), as well as the
import of BKP and/or the use of Intangible JKP/BKP from outside the Customs Area
within the Customs Area. The following is an example of a discussion in the paragraph
for the article entitled "Analysis of the Impact and Implications of VAT Increase in
The increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate in Indonesia to 11% has caused
various implications for society and the economy. One of the implications is an increase
in production costs and prices of goods, which can then affect people's purchasing power.
The impact of the VAT increase can also worsen the purchasing power of the lower
Analysis of the Impact and Implications of the VAT Rate Increase in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3611
middle class, which has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the
government has taken the right step by providing many VAT facilities for certain goods
or services, so that the impact on the community is considered to be limited. This VAT
facility, especially for the lower class, will minimize the impact of price increases on the
consumption of necessities and other goods (Lintang et al., 2022).
In recent years, the Indonesian government has experienced a significant increase
in VAT. This increase in VAT rates can affect various economic sectors, such as the
manufacturing industry, trade, and services. Import-based manufacturing industries, for
example, can be affected by the increase in import costs caused by the increase in VAT.
Meanwhile, the service sector, such as transportation and logistics, may experience an
increase in operational costs resulting from the increase in VAT. Therefore, the
government needs to monitor and supervise the impact of the VAT increase on various
economic sectors so as not to affect the stability of the national economy.
The increase in VAT in Indonesia can also affect domestic and foreign investment.
Domestic investment can be affected by the increase in production costs caused by the
increase in VAT, so it can affect economic growth. Meanwhile, foreign investment can
be affected by the increase in operational costs caused by the increase in VAT, which can
affect the level of investment security in Indonesia. Therefore, the government needs to
monitor and supervise the impact of the VAT increase on domestic and foreign
investment so as not to affect the stability of the national economy. The following is the
realization of VAT revenue obtained from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency.
Figure 2 State Revenue Realization on VAT and PPnBM
In recent years, the Indonesian government has experienced a significant increase
in VAT. This increase in VAT rates can affect various economic sectors, such as the
manufacturing industry, trade, and services. Import-based manufacturing industries, for
example, can be affected by the increase in import costs caused by the increase in VAT.
Meanwhile, the service sector, such as transportation and logistics, may experience an
increase in operational costs resulting from the increase in VAT. Therefore, the
government needs to monitor and supervise the impact of the VAT increase on various
economic sectors so as not to affect the stability of the national economy.
Septia Mitha Caesaria, Yusriyah Trinugrahini Mumpuni, Efiearly Mayasha, Galuh Tresna Murti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3612
H1: VAT affects the price of goods and services in the market
The H1 hypothesis states the effect of VAT on the price of goods and services in
the market. VAT is charged to consumers. Service providers will collect VAT and transfer
this tax burden to consumers, causing the price of goods and services to be more
expensive from a consultative point of view. VAT not only affects consumers but also
has an impact on supply chains such as raw materials, thereby increasing production costs
and increasing selling prices. The service provider will adjust the selling price to cover
the VAT burden and maintain a stable profit margin. When most products are subject to
VAT, it can encourage price increases in the market and affect inflation.
H2: Positive impact of VAT rate hikes on Indonesia's economic growth
The H2 hypothesis states that the increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate has
a positive impact on Indonesia's economic growth.
The increase in VAT rates directly increases government tax revenue, considering
that VAT is one of the main sources of state revenue. Higher revenues allow the
government to have more funds to invest in development, infrastructure, education,
health, and other social programs.
Government investment in these projects can boost economic growth by creating
jobs, increasing productivity, and improving people's quality of life. An increase in the
VAT rate can help reduce the budget deficit and stabilize the country's fiscal condition.
Fiscal stability is an important prerequisite for long-term economic growth because it
creates an environment conducive to investment and business development. VAT is a
consumption tax that is more difficult to avoid compared to income tax. By expanding
the tax base through an increase in VAT rates, the government can reduce the economic
distortions that often occur due to tax avoidance.
H3: Changes in consumer behaviour and business investment in response to the
increase in VAT rates
The increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate will affect consumer behaviour
and business investment in Indonesia. The increase in VAT can affect consumer
behaviour by increasing production costs and prices of goods and it can affect people's
purchasing power. In recent years, the Indonesian government has experienced a
significant increase in VAT. This increase in VAT rates can affect various economic
sectors, such as the manufacturing industry, trade, and services. Import-based
manufacturing industries, for example, can be affected by the increase in import costs
caused by the increase in VAT. Meanwhile, the service sector, such as transportation and
logistics, may experience an increase in operational costs resulting from the increase in
VAT. Therefore, the government needs to monitor and supervise the impact of the VAT
increase on various economic sectors so as not to affect the stability of the national
The increase in Value Added Tax (VAT) rates in Indonesia has a complex and
multifaceted impact on the economy. VAT affects the price of goods and services in the
Analysis of the Impact and Implications of the VAT Rate Increase in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3613
market, increases production costs and selling prices, and exacerbates inflation. However,
the increase in VAT rates can also increase government tax revenues, reduce the budget
deficit, and stabilize the country's fiscal condition. In addition, the increase in VAT can
affect consumer behaviour and business investment, especially in the manufacturing,
trade, and service industry sectors. Therefore, the government needs to monitor and
supervise the impact of the VAT increase so as not to affect the stability of the national
Septia Mitha Caesaria, Yusriyah Trinugrahini Mumpuni, Efiearly Mayasha, Galuh Tresna Murti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3614
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