pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2968
Community Empowerment Through MSME Development of
the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient Family Program
in Seberang Ulu District in Palembang City
Rahmat Hidayatullah
, Alfitri
, Ridhah Taqwa
Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: community
empowerment; MSMEs;
dompet data; sharing
economy; ZIS.
This research aims to explain community empowerment
through the development of MSMEs in the Resilient Family
Program managed by Dompet Dhuafa in Seberang Ulu II
District, Palembang City. This study uses a qualitative
method to examine the process and results of empowerment
that occurs. The results of the study show that the collection
of ZIS funds by Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra has
increased significantly every year over the past three years,
from Rp. 3,578,217,860 in 2018, increased to Rp.
4,543,689,070 in 2019, and reached Rp. 6,278,525,186 in
2020. This increase reflects the increase in the number of
underprivileged people receiving assistance, as well as
efforts to better distribute the economy. Community
empowerment through MSME development in this program
includes three stages: awareness stage, capacity stage, and
empowerment stage. The awareness stage faces the
challenge of low public awareness of the importance of
innovation in entrepreneurship. The capacity-building stage
provides entrepreneurial skills to business actors affected by
the COVID-19 pandemic, improving their abilities in
physical, social, and economic aspects. The empowerment
stage gives independent business actors the ability to manage
their resources. Dompet Dhuafa conducts feasibility studies,
determines the type of business, and conducts guidance, and
evaluations to ensure that the Tangguh Family Program is on
Indonesia is known as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world,
According to the RISSC (The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre) report in 2022,
there are 231.06 million Indonesian residents who are muslims (Nurhuda, 2022). This
number is equivalent to 86.7 per cent of the total population of Indonesia (Mavilinda,
Nazaruddin, Nofiawaty, & Daud, 2021). The data shows that Muslims in Indonesia are a
large and important group, and can contribute to efforts to improve the country's economy
Community Empowerment Through MSME Development of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient
Family Program in Seberang Ulu District in Palembang City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2969
by helping to reduce poverty and raise taxes. Zakat is one way to help people in need,
Indonesia has a lot of potential because it can use zakat to help reduce poverty and
improve people's living standards (Firmansyah & Sukmana, 2014). Zakat is a religious
practice that encourages people to share their wealth with others. Some people believe
that this concept of sharing can have a very powerful impact on society as a whole. In
recent years, a new idea has emerged called the sharing economy, where the economy is
based on the principle of sharing and giving. According to Benkler, the idea of sharing is
a powerful medium to encourage economic growth (Ulfah, 2016). According to him,
companies that are more efficient in sharing ideas and ideas between their components
will be better than companies that do not want to implement a sharing culture. Some
people in a company get bonuses when they do a good job. Others in the company never
get a bonus. Meanwhile, Swiercz (Fadhilah & Widiastuti, 2018) says that the best solution
to overcome the traditional problem of economic recession, as is happening in the U.S.
today, is through enthusiasm and sharing mechanisms between several components of the
economy (Arsj, 2022). Economic prosperity depends on people's willingness to share
resources. This spirit of sharing will help keep the economy running in the long term.
Giving and sharing are very closely related because the more prosperity and happiness,
the more people tend to share (Satrio & Siswantoro, 2016).
Based on concrete reasons regarding the importance of the concept of sharing, it is
appropriate for Indonesia to optimize the potential of zakat, infak and alms as a form of
sharing economy which is believed to have a positive impact on the building (Historiawan
& Syufaat, 2022). Including ZIS (zakat, infaq, and alms) funds collected nationally are
the total funds collected by various OPZs (Zakat Management Operations) in all
provinces in Indonesia for a year. Some of the institutions that are included in OPZ
Indonesia include BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency), Provincial BAZNAS,
Regency/City BAZNAS, National Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ), Provincial LAZ, and
official Regency/City LAZ which must report collection and distribution to BAZNAS by
the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management. The following
is the data of the National ZIS Collection based on the type of OPZ (Rohim, Tanjung, &
Beik, 2019).
In Indonesia, the management of zakat funds has been regulated by Law No. 38 of
1999 concerning Zakat Management. This law regulates Zakat Management
Organizations (OPZ) that are allowed to operate in Indonesia. The OPZs mentioned in
the law are the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) and the National Amil Zakat
Institute (LAZNAS). BAZNAS is an institution for collecting and utilizing zakat funds
formed by the government from the central level to the regional level, while LAZNAS is
an OPZ formed by non-governmental organizations The Government has regulated the
reporting process for BAZNAS and LAZNAS with the Decree of the Minister of Religion
of the Republic of Indonesia No. 373 of 1999 concerning the implementation of Law No.
38 of 1999 concerning the Management of Zakat Article 31.
Rahmat Hidayatullah, Alfitri, Ridhah Taqwa
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2970
This research aims to explain community empowerment through the development
of MSMEs of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient Family Program in Seberang Ulu II District,
Palembang City.
This research can be useful for the development of social sciences, especially
sociology regarding community empowerment through zakat management in the
development of MSMEs. This research is also useful for making theoretical contributions
in the courses of Community Empowerment, Social Planning, Entrepreneurship, and
Sociology of Religion.
Research Methods
The design of this study is qualitative research. The method is a very important
aspect and has a great influence on the success or failure of research, especially in
collecting data because the data obtained in a study is a picture of the research object. The
research method used in this study is a qualitative research method, which is research that
describes how community empowerment is related to the form and process of
empowerment and empowerment of MSME development through the Dompet Dhuafa
Tangguh Family Program in Seberang Ulu II District, Palembang City.
This study took the beneficiaries of the Resilient Family Program from Dompet
Dhuafa in Seberang Ulu II District, Palembang City. This location was chosen for the
following reasons: Seberang Ulu II District, Palembang City, is the location of the
distribution centre for the beneficiaries of the Tangguh Family Program from Dompet
Types and sources of data
In this study, the types of data used are:
1. Data Primer
Primary data is data obtained from respondents or primary data sources in the form
of direct research results, speaking, and actions and some of these are informants. An
informant is a person who is considered to know the problems that will be faced and is
willing to provide the information needed. What was used for this research was
information from the recipients and beneficiaries of the Tangguh Family program from
Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra.
2. Data seconds
Secondary data is data obtained indirectly from respondents but is supporting data
other than the primary data used in the research. For this research, the secondary data is
sourced from reports, literature studies, data, books, magazines, research reports and so
on. Secondary data is used to complement primary data.
Data Collection Techniques
In connection with the form of qualitative research and the type of data sources
used, the data collection techniques used in this study are:
1. Making Observations
The researcher uses participant observation techniques, leading the researcher to
observe what people are doing, listening to what they say and participating in their
Community Empowerment Through MSME Development of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient
Family Program in Seberang Ulu District in Palembang City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2971
activities, in this context the object of research is the management of zakat in Dompet
Dhuafa South Sumatra in the development of MSMEs through the Tangguh Family
Program, while the research subjects in this observation consist of recipients and
beneficiaries of the Tangguh Family Program from Dompet Dhuafa. In this observation,
the researcher observed directly and visited various business places of beneficiaries of the
Tangguh Family Program from Dompet Dhuafa.
2. In-depth Interview
Direct interviews will be conducted with the research subjects, namely the
recipients and beneficiaries of the Tangguh Family Program from Dompet Dhuafa to
obtain complete data and information about the object to be researched. Thus, interviews
are used to get information orally in addition to recording both in writing and through
memory using tools that have been prepared in advance.
Examination Techniques and Data Validity
In this study, to find the validity of the data, the triangulation method was used.
Triangulation is a technique for checking the validity of data that utilizes something other
than the data to check the data and as a comparison to that data. The most widely used
data triangulation technique is examination through other sources. In this case, the
triangulation method used is data triangulation by using several sources to collect the
same data, namely cross-checking with several sources related to this research. Thus,
what is obtained from one source can be more tested for truth when compared to similar
data obtained from different sources, both groups of similar sources and sources of
different types (Moleong, 2010).
Data Analysis Techniques
This study uses analysis techniques from Creswell. His explanation (Creswell,
2012) invites researchers to see qualitative data analysis as a process of applying steps
from specific to general with various levels of analysis.
Results and Discussion
A Brief History of the Resilient Families Program
Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, 29.4 million people have been laid
off without wages, due to the reduction of working hours and wages of 32 million Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) going bankrupt due to the mobility restriction
policy during the COVID-19 virus pandemic has had a major impact on various aspects,
especially health, economy, and education. Many families are shaken by the economic
impact of the Covid-19 global outbreak, Based on these conditions, Dompet Dhuafa
continues to strive to create ideas and solutions so that every small family affected, can
still survive even in very difficult conditions like this.
Empowerment Process
The findings of interviews and observations conducted by the researcher are in line
with the theory of Wrihatnolo & Dwidjowijoto, (2007) regarding the empowerment
stages which divide the empowerment stages into three stages, namely: awareness,
capacity and empowerment. The Tangguh Family empowerment program is an
Rahmat Hidayatullah, Alfitri, Ridhah Taqwa
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2972
empowerment program initiated by Dompet Dhuafa where the form of empowerment is
carried out to business actors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in South Sumatra.
Community Empowerment is an effort to make people who originally had a backward
and helpless position become more empowered and independent.
The empowerment process cannot be done instantly, but it takes time and several
stages. Community empowerment is also a carefully prepared plan for building human
resources to change for the better with the aim that people become more independent and
able to make decisions in determining their future. The following is a table of
beneficiaries of the Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra Tangguh Family Program.
Table 1
List of Beneficiaries of the Resilient Family Program
Types of MSME Businesses
Usaha Keripik Ubi Mak Fuji
Mrs. Saidah's Rice Shop Business
Papeda Pak mama's Business
Mr. Hendra's Egg Roll Business
Pak Giman's Cake Business
Usaha Bakso Joger Pak Joko
Hang the usha box baker
Usaha Model-Tekwan Easter Sailan
The Efforts of These Models
Usaha Model-Tekwan Easter Komarudin
Usaha Model-Tekwan Easter Sarim
Hang the usha box baker
Model-Tekwan Pak Untung Selamet Business
Batagor-Siomay Business of Mrs Marisa
Pak Sucipto's Tofu Ice Flower Business
Mendoan Pak Miskarandi's Efforts
Cilok Ibu Hemas Food Business (Omas)
By the specified quota, Dompet Dhuafa has distributed this business capital
assistance to seventeen initial beneficiaries consisting of various culinary businesses. The
provision of capital must be carefully considered by Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra, by
looking at the ability of the beneficiaries to manage the funds provided so that they no
longer depend on others for their lives.
Community empowerment is a carefully planned effort to build human resources in
a better direction and make people independent and able to make the right decisions in
Community Empowerment Through MSME Development of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient
Family Program in Seberang Ulu District in Palembang City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2973
determining their future. As in other empowerments, community empowerment through
the development of MSMEs in the Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra Resilient Family
Program through a careful stage to be able to create a community that can be self-reliant.
Awareness Stage
The stage of awareness and behaviour formation towards conscious and caring
behaviour so that they feel that they need to increase their self-capacity. The first stage
or the stage of awareness and behavior formation is the preparatory stage in the
community empowerment process. At this stage, the empowerment party or
empowerment actor tries to create a precondition, to facilitate an effective empowerment
At this stage, socialization is carried out which aims to make business actors aware
of the potential they have and try to develop it At this stage when business actors are
given insight or education by Dompet Dhuafa, knowledge about the MSME
empowerment program through the Tangguh Family program. Insights are given to the
community, namely about the importance of innovation in selling and the importance of
Charging Capacity
The capacity-filling stage is a stage of ability transformation in the form of insights,
knowledge, proficiency and skills to open up insights and provide basic skills so that they
can take a role in development. The second stage is the process of transforming
knowledge and skills until skills can take place well, full of enthusiasm and run effectively
if the first stage has been conditioned. The community will undergo a process of learning
about knowledge and skills that have relevance to what is demanded by these needs. This
situation will stimulate the openness of insight and master the skills and basic skills they
At this stage, business actors who are selected as beneficiaries of the Tangguh
Family Program undergo a learning process about knowledge and skills that are relevant
to what is demanded, so that new insights can be added. Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra
assists business actors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic who are eligible for coaching
and mentoring for one year through the Tangguh Family Program, which is an economic
empowerment program for MSMEs in the form of coaching and mentoring for one year.
The coaching and mentoring pattern in question is capacity building, insight and
assistance in activities and business control.
Empowerment stage
The next empowerment stage is the empowerment stage. In this stage, it is intended
for the community to become independent, which is characterized by their ability to form
initiatives and carry out various innovations. The stage of community independence in
this empowerment is carried out, such as skill proficiency so that initiatives and
innovative abilities are formed to lead to independence. At this stage of independence,
proficiency and skills are indispensable in shaping the ability of business actors to think
forward through the skills and independence that business actors have in developing their
businesses, and can empower other business actors.
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This empowerment stage is a stage where beneficiaries are given opportunities
according to their abilities through active and sustainable participation by providing a
greater role in the community according to their capacity and capabilities. Empowerment
efforts carried out in the empowerment stage are facilitators by providing resource
assistance to actively participate in the development of MSMEs so that they can bring
change for the better.
Table 2
Beneficiaries of the Resilient Families Program
Dompet Dhuafa
Type of Business
Vegetable vendor
Muhammad B.
Cilok traders
Vegetable vendor
A. Rahman
Plug-in meatball
Cireng traders
Cilok traders
Roving porridge
M. Mukit Muhali
Cilok traders
At this stage, beneficiaries are given the freedom to use the knowledge, skills and
abilities that business actors have to manage and develop their businesses independently.
The differentiation stages of the MSME Resilient Family Program are a cycle of change
that seeks to achieve a better standard of living. The stage of empowerment or
improvement of intellectual ability, proficiency to skills so that initiatives and innovative
abilities are formed to lead to independence. The third stage is the stage of empowerment
or improvement of intellect and proficiency to the necessary skills so that they can form
the ability to be independent. This independence will be marked by the ability of the
community to form initiatives, give birth to creations, and make innovations in their
environment. If the community has reached this third stage, the community can
independently carry out development.
Conducting Guidance
This stage of guidance has also been carried out very well by the facilitator through
the essence of empowerment, namely to improve the ability and independence of the
community to improve their standard of living. The facilitator conducts capacity-building
Community Empowerment Through MSME Development of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient
Family Program in Seberang Ulu District in Palembang City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2975
efforts after the beneficiaries have successfully gone through the awareness stage, this
stage of capacity-building is carried out by providing skills, coaching and assistance to
business actors or beneficiaries of the Tangguh Family program
After determining the companions, the next process is to hold training related to
mentoring materials and also related to the problems of empowerment programs that will
be implemented in areas that have been determined through a survey first. After going
through various debriefings carried out by Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra and it is
considered sufficient, the companions are deployed to the accompanying community to
monitor, and then report on the situation and development. The following is a table of the
number of IBS businesses in 2019-2020.
Conducting an Evaluation
This evaluation is carried out for the overall business assessment process and its
operational effectiveness. The evaluation that needs to be done by matching the business
will run smoothly according to the plan. The evaluation applied at Dompet Dhuafa is how
the product will be sold, and how the opportunities at the place of business are running.
At this stage, the facilitator continues to monitor the ability of business actors and
even further directs Meeka towards independence through the provision of motivation,
encouragement, as well as information and insights that continue to be carried out
continuously. Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra in this mentoring issue, only supervises the
development of the community that is assisted.
Table 3
Data on the collection of Dompet Dhuafa in 2018-2020
Types of
The year 2018
The year 2019
The year 2020
Rp. 914.896.907
Rp. 405.837.151
Rp. 228.834.045
Infak Bound
Rp. 32.850.000
Thematic Infak
Rp. 720.807.406
Rp. 336.038.197
Rp. 227.811.574
Rp. 284.903.051
Rp. 110.370.943
Rp. 426.576.123
Rp. 389.902.303
Rp. 110.370.943
Rp. 234.021.109
Rp. 80.288.152
From the table above, it can be concluded that the collection of ZIS funds carried
out by Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra for the last three years has experienced a rapid
increase every year. At the beginning of 2018, Rp. 3,578,217,860 was collected and then
Rahmat Hidayatullah, Alfitri, Ridhah Taqwa
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2976
in 2019, it increased again to Rp. 4,543,689,070 and the last year in 2020 it increased
again to Rp. 6,278,525,186. From this, it can be seen that the number of underprivileged
people who receive assistance from Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra has increased and at
least they feel that economic equity has been carried out well and for continuity, both in
the collection and distribution of ZIS funds, it must be further improved for the sake of
achieving the welfare of the poor.
From the description and analysis that has been explained in the previous chapter,
the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. In its implementation, the process of community empowerment through the
development of MSMEs of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient Family Program in Seberang
Ulu II District, Palembang City, includes three stages of empowerment, namely; the
awareness stage, capacity stage and empowerment stage. In the awareness stage, there
are difficulties because public awareness or business actors related to the importance
of innovation in entrepreneurship are still low. In the capacity-building stage,
entrepreneurial skills given to business actors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
make them empowered in the form of authority, knowledge and ability. This condition
makes them able to meet their daily needs physically, socially and economically. The
last stage of empowerment makes business actors independent and have the skills and
ability to manage their resources.
2. In the empowerment process, Dompet Dhuafa made efforts, namely conducting
feasibility studies, determining the type of business, conducting guidance, and
conducting evaluations so that the Resilient Family Program is right on target.
Community Empowerment Through MSME Development of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient
Family Program in Seberang Ulu District in Palembang City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2977
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