pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3323
Clothing Product Recommendations Using the FP-Growth
Algorithm in Siny.CO Stores
Duny Muhamad Firmansyah
, Sunjana
Universitas Widyatama, Indonesia
Keywords: association;
clothing sales; data
mining; fp-growth;
In this modern era, there is so much competition in the
business world, especially in the sales industry, that requires
shop owners to find a strategy that can increase sales and
marketing of the products they sell, one of which is by
utilizing clothing sales transaction data using data mining.
Data Mining is an iterative and interactive process to find
new patterns or models that can be generalized for the future,
useful and understandable in a very large database (massive
database). In these conditions, good data processing
techniques are needed, one of which is data mining
techniques. One thing that can be used in this technique is to
use the Association rule method using the FP-Growth
algorithm, which is an algorithm that produces frequent
itemsets which will later be used to determine
recommendations for clothing products for the needs of the
Siny.co Store. This research uses the RapidMiner Studio
application to help process transaction data. This research
method uses a minimum support of 20% and a minimum
confidence of 80%, thereby creating 9 association rules,
where these rules determine several products for
recommendation at the Siny.Co Store, including Sashi,
Canna, Alice, Tartan, Aruna, Cassandra, Nala, Lalita, and
The many competitions in the business world, especially in the sales industry,
require developers to find a strategy that can increase sales and marketing of the products
sold, one of which is the use of sales transaction data (Kumar & Dubey, 2023). With daily
sales activities, the data will increase over time. The data not only functions as an archive
for the company, it can also be used and processed into useful information for increasing
sales and product promotion (Allam & Dhunny, 2019).
From the source of clothing store sales data, it shows that the demand for clothing
is increasing. This is what is used as the basis for processing Data Mining in clothing
store sales. To manage this data, a method is needed that can be used to dig up information
from the data. This method is known as Data Mining. Data mining is an iterative and
Duny Muhamad Firmansyah, Sunjana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3324
interactive process of finding new patterns or models in massive databases that are useful,
understandable, and generalizable for the future (Sari, Muhammad Syahril, Kom, &
Suharsil, 2021). Data mining involves searching large databases for trends and patterns
of interest in order to make future decisions (Saura, 2021). These patterns can be
recognized with specialized tools that can provide useful and insightful data analysis, and
can then be explored in more detail, perhaps using other decision support tools (Wardani,
Previous research on inventory systems using the FP-Growth Algorithm concluded
that data mining techniques with the FP-Growth Algorithm can be implemented in the
spice product inventory system (Kana, Ramadhan, & Mahyuni, 2022). With an
application based on information technology, a method that can increase knowledge to
provide goods by providing advice to companies on the relationship of consumers to an
item purchased by consumers can be calculated using the FP-Growth Algorithm
technique (Salu, Michael, Padang, & Adda, 2022).
The FP-Growth algorithm includes a type of association rule on Data Mining, the
FP-Growth Algorithm which aims to find frequent itemsets executed on a set of datam
(Wu & Zhang, 2023). FP-Growth analysis defines a process to find all FP-Growth rules
that meet the minimum requirements for support and the minimum requirements for
confidence (Shawkat, Badawi, El-ghamrawy, Arnous, & El-desoky, 2022). In this study,
the FP-Growth algorithm will be used for an association approach, so that the right
product recommendations will be found (Brous, Janssen, & Herder, 2020).
Digging association rules is a procedure to find relationships between items in a
dataset. Start by looking for frequent itemsets, which are the combinations that most often
occur in an itemset and must meet the minimum support (demand). Itemset mining that
often arises from large transactional databases is one of the most challenging problems in
data mining, in many real-world scenarios, data is not extracted from a single data source
but from distributed and heterogeneous data. The knowledge found is expected to help
better business operations (Merliani, Khoerida, Widiawati, Triana, & Subarkah, 2022). In
the data mining method, association rules are one of the most popular. However, digging
up information patterns that use association rules often results in very large individual
patterns, thus leaving the analyst to complete the task with all the rules and find the one
of interest (Hasan, Aziz, & Nofendri, 2023).
Based on research that has been conducted previously, including research entitled
"Application of the Apriori Algorithm in Sales Transactions for Food and Drink Menu
Recommendations". In this research, the Apriori method was used to find out the menu
at Warung Tenda to be used as a menu package with 50 sales transaction data for a total
of 10 items, 11 rule associations were formed which could use these results as reference
material to be added as a menu package to the Warung Tenda menu list (Hilman, 2022).
Clothing Product Recommendations Using the FP-Growth Algorithm in Siny.CO Stores
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3325
Research Methods
Figure 1. Research Methods
In conducting this research in order to get the appropriate results as desired, the
research method that has been determined in accordance with the algorithm in this study
is used. The following are the steps used in this research object using the FP-Growth
algorithm that has been adjusted, as shown in figure 1 above. The explanation of each of
the stages above is as follows:
Problem Identification
The problem identified in this study is to get recommendations related to clothing
products in the Siny.Co store to produce maximum product sales as well as maximize
product promotion by determining the best product recommendations.
Transaction Data Collection
The data collection stage is the second stage in doing this research task. The data of
this research was collected from transaction data on Siny.Co stores. The data comes from
transactions that have occurred, namely from January to November in 2022. In collecting
data using certain techniques or methods in the process. The following is an explanation
of data collection at the Siny.Co Shop:
study book
It is carried out with the aim of finding out what method will be used to solve the
problem to be researched, as well as obtaining a strong reference basis in applying a
method that will be used in this Research Project, namely by studying articles and journals
related to the problem of Clothing Product Recommendations in Siny.Co Stores using the
FP-Growth algorithm.
Duny Muhamad Firmansyah, Sunjana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3326
The observation technique used is direct observation of the object being studied,
such as making direct observations at Siny.Co stores. Observation activities are carried
out in the circulation room to see transaction activities and products of goods sold.
Preprocessing Data
This stage includes the data processing process using a predetermined method,
namely the Association Rule Mining method using the FP - Growth Algorithm. The
process of processing sales transaction data is as follows:
1. Selection
At this stage, transaction data that contains information on the item number and
item code in the transaction data is not included in the dataset to be processed. In addition,
the price of purchased goods is not used in this study and is not included in the FP-Growth
2. Cleaning
At this stage, the process of correcting incomplete or blank data is carried out
because the transaction is recorded in the exel. The handling for this problem is to add/fill
in the blank data so that the dataset is complete.
3. Transformation
In this transformation process, the data is transformed or combined into a format
that is suitable for processing in data mining. Transaction data will be made into
tabulation data in a boolean table presented in binary form, where the number 1 (one)
indicates the existence of a transaction and 0 (zero) indicates the absence of a transaction.
Application of FP Growth Algorithm
The FP-Growth algorithm is carried out using the RapidMiner Studio tool
application, the minimum support and confidence is determined by comparing support
and confidence values from the highest to the lowest so that effective support and
confidence values are obtained. The step to carry out the FP - Growth algorithm by
building the data structure used is Tree or commonly known as FP - Tree. The FP-Growth
algorithm is divided into three main stages, namely:
a. The conditional pattern base
b. FP-Tree conditional generation stage
c. Frequent itemset search stage
d. Results and Discussion
The results and discussions in the research are in the form of information generated
from the data mining process. The information generated is in the form of rules for
purchasing items that are often purchased by consumers at the same time, from this point
store owners can Siny.Co take a promotional strategy to find out product
recommendations for customers and store owners can find out which products can be
used as promotions for the future.
Clothing Product Recommendations Using the FP-Growth Algorithm in Siny.CO Stores
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3327
Results and Discussion
Data Selection
At this stage, the data used for the research will be selected to match the title of the
research to be researched. In this study, secondary data is used, namely transaction data
at Siny, Co stores with attributes consisting of dates, customer names, item names,
number of goods, and item prices.
Table 1
Clothing Store Transaction Data Before Pre-processing
Customer Name
Item Name
2 pcs
IDR 200.000
1 pcs
IDR 125.000
1 pcs
IDR 125.000
1 pcs
IDR 100.000
2 pcs
IDR 300.000
Table 1 shows the data of clothing sales transactions before the pre-pcessing stage.
Where the data is still intact when data is still being collected at the store Siny.Co each
number in the quantity attribute shows the number of clothes purchased.
Data Prepocessing/Cleaning
At this stage, the focus is on the cleaning process. The cleaning process includes
transaction data on Siny.co stores in 2022, removing data duplication and several
unnecessary attributes, including dates, customer names and prices. The removal of the
attribute was carried out because it was considered that it would not affect the rules of
association. Then, in this process, changes are made to the number of clothes purchased
replaced with 1 and the number of clothes not purchased is replaced with the number 0.
Tabel 2
Data Transaksi Toko Pakaian Setelah Pre Processing
At this stage, data transformation is carried out by providing initialization to
attributes that are adjusted to the type needed in the Fp-Growth algorithm. In this
transformation process, initialization is carried out on the attributes of the customer data,
which can be seen in Figure 2 below.
Duny Muhamad Firmansyah, Sunjana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3328
Figure 2. Data Transformation
Application of FPGrowth Algorithm
In this study, the Fp-Growth algorithm is used in clothing sales transactions at
Siny.co stores shown in the figure below.
Figure 3. Application of the Fp-Growth Algorithm
Figure 3 above shows the processing of the sales transaction dataset using the
RapidMiner application. In this data processing using several operators, including:
1. Clothing sales transaction data retrive
The retrive operator is used to enter clothing sales transaction data after going
through the pre-processing process to be subsequently processed by the RapidMiner
2. Numerical to binominal
This numerical operator serves to convert the type of numeric attribute to binomial.
Binominals are attributes that only have two values, namely true or false.
Clothing Product Recommendations Using the FP-Growth Algorithm in Siny.CO Stores
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3329
Figure 4. Numerical to binominal results
Figure 4 above shows the results of the numerical to binominal process, where the
attributes change to "true" and "false". A true value indicates a transaction while a false
value indicates no transaction.
This Fp-Growth operator is used to identify the frequency of the itemset that will
be used by the operator later for the association process by determining the support value
of the sales transaction data at the Siny.co store. Below you can see the results of the
frequency itemset on clothing sales transactions with a support value of 20%.
Figure 5. Frekuent Itemset Results
Create Association Rule
This operator association rule is used to establish associative law by setting a
minimum confidence value of an item or itemset from a clothing sales transaction at a
Siny.co store.
The results of the Association rule used in this study to determine the pattern of
clothing sales transactions in Siny.co stores using the RapidMiner application with a
minimum support of 20% and a minimum confidence of 80% resulted in 9 association
Duny Muhamad Firmansyah, Sunjana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3330
Gambar 6. Graph Association Rules
In Figure 6 above is the result of the application of the Fp-Growth algorithm method
to clothing sales transactions at Siny.co stores in the form of graphs. Each rule is based
on the direction of the arrow.
Gambar 7. Description Association Rules
In Figure 7 above is the result of the application of the Fp-Growth algorithm method
to clothing sales transactions at Siny.co stores in the form of descriptions. Where there
are 9 rules that are eligible to build association rules on clothing sales transactions at
Siny.co stores and are used as the final rules in the dataset analysis. The 9 rules can be
explained as follows:
1. If you buy Canna products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products is also with
a confidence value of 0.879.
2. If you buy Alice products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products is also with a
confidence value of 0.911.
3. If you buy Tartan products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products is also with
a confidence value of 0.922.
4. If you buy Aruna products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products is also with a
confidence value of 0.949.
Clothing Product Recommendations Using the FP-Growth Algorithm in Siny.CO Stores
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3331
5. If you buy Cassandra products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products is also
with a confidence value of 0.952.
6. If you buy a Nala product, then the possibility of buying a Sashi product is also with a
confidence value of 0.959.
7. If you buy Lalita products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products is also with a
confidence value of 0.961.
8. If you buy Alice and Cassandra products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products
is also with a confidence value of 0.974.
9. If you buy Acio products, then the possibility of buying Sashi products is also with a
confidence value of 0.987.
Based on the research that has been carried out, a conclusion can be drawn from
this study, namely that the data of clothing sales transactions at the Siny.co Store can be
carried out association rules using the FP-Growth algorithm in the RapidMiner
application. From the application of the FP-Growth algorithm model, the sales transaction
data of the Siny.co Shop clothing was generated by 9 rules, including products that can
be recommendations for the Siny.Co Shop, namely Sashi, Canna, Alice, Tartan, Aruna,
Cassandra, Nala, Lalita, and Acio. Where these products can help the Siny.co Store to
recommend products that are of interest to customers so that they can launch a
promotional strategy for the Siny.co Store in the future.
Duny Muhamad Firmansyah, Sunjana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3332
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