Deli Oktopani, Yulindasari Sutejo, Febrian Hadinata
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3002
1.15%. If there is a lot of sand mixture, the percentage of expansive soil development will
decrease. This is seen at a variation of 35% sand; the growth rate is 0.214%. The results
of expansive soil stabilization in Banyuwangi Regency with Ca(OH)2 lime, variations of
4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, and 24-hour curing time, namely: the percent development of
1.15% was reduced to 0.064% with a lime variation of 4%, and 0% at the variation of 6%
to 12% (Carisa et al., 2019).
Peatlands are stabilized by adding coconut shell coal ash (CSCA), varying between
3%, 6%, 9%, and 12%, and a fly ash constant of 10%. Samples treated were preserved
for 0, 7, 14, and 28 days. The results of the unconfined compression strength test (UCS),
which were treated after 0, 7, 14, and 28 days, were 25,388 kPa, 29,253 kPa, 36,611 kPa,
and 39,953 kPa, respectively. All UCS are capped at 12% CSCA (Yusof et al., 2023).
(Waluyo et al., 2023) stabilized clay soil with 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% oil palm bunch ash
(ATJS), and 10% cement. The maximum increase in ATKS variation of 20% and cement
10% increases the shear angle value. This study concluded that the shear strength value
of clay was stable with an increasing percentage of variation in oil palm bunch ash and
In this study, the maximum result of the CBR test of soaking in Parit Village with
a curing period of 7 days was at a variation of 5%, which is 4.68%. For Lorok Village,
the most significant result was obtained: a 14-day curing period, a 25% variation of
4.76%. The CBR value obtained in this study is 3%-5% (normal) if used for subgrade
strength with compaction conditions depending on the road category.
The conclusions obtained from this study are described as follows: The results of
soil properties testing on native peatland are the moisture content ( ) of Parit Village of
226.39% and Lorok Village of 252.39%. The specific gravity (Gs) result of Parit Village
was 0.91, and Lorok Village was 0.89. Furthermore, the fiber content (FC) test results in
Parit Village were 25.18% and Lorok Village 28.01%. Organic content (OC) of Parit
Village with a value of 69.32%. Meanwhile, Lorok Village obtained an organic content
value of 74.41%. Furthermore, the ash content (AC) test results in Parit Village obtained
an ash content value of 83.57%. Meanwhile, Lorok Village obtained an ash content value
of 19.46%. The Acidity Degree (pH) test results showed that Parit Village obtained 4.32,
while Lorok Village obtained 3.57. From the results of soil properties on the original
peatland from 2 locations, peatland is classified as fibrous peatland. The results of the
Standard Soil Compaction (PTS) test of Parit Village, the ωopt value was 23.80%, and
the γdmax value was 0.90 gr/cm3. And from Lorok Village, the ωopt value was 18.33%,
along with a γdmax value of 0.91 gr/cm3. The results of the CBR value obtained at
0.1inch penetration in Parit Village were 3.27% and 0.2 inches worth 4.60%. The results
of the CBR value obtained at 0.1inch penetration in Lorok Village were 3.15%, and 0.2
inches were worth 4.16%.