Masayuki Nugroho, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Amrozi Khamidi, Nunuk
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2954
experiences, personal principles, and future goals to help them decide about becoming
teachers. The Living Space Theory, coined by Donald Super, focuses on the roles and
stages of a person's life development through their career development. This theory can
help explain how students' interests, self-concepts, and values developed during teacher
education programs influence their career decisions (Wolf et al., 2021).
Theory-based and thematic coding were used to analyse the data in this study.
Islamic criteria, teacher commitment, and expertise and knowledge are the three main
categories that make up the structure of teacher recruitment policy in Iran. These
categories emphasise the application of Islamic criteria in policy, which emphasises
consideration and observation of Islamic values when selecting teachers. Teachers'
beliefs, values, and practices are guided by theoretical structures such as the Islamic
system and the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle. In addition, the study considers the broader
context of Iranian education as policies that can target EFL teachers or teachers of various
subjects (Mirhosseini et al., 2023).
Social influence on individual behaviour, self-efficiency, and observational
learning is emphasised by the Social Cognitive Theory built by Bandura (1986). This
theory can help understand how male preschool educators see their abilities and address
gender issues (Okeke & Nyanhoto, 2021). This study can address the idea of how teachers
teach inclusive practices. How teachers prepare to support students with special needs can
impact the quality of education provided in the primary classroom (Koutsoklenis &
Papadimitriou, 2021). The decision-making support system thoroughly evaluates the
criteria using fuzzy Taha ni's logic, stating that the teacher selection is based on
personality, social, pedagogical, and professional qualities (Setiawan, 2020). According
to human resource theory, having high-quality human resources is essential for an
organisation. In this context, the appointment of high-quality teachers is essential for the
success of schools (Erialdy et al., 2021).
Human resources (HR) are an organisation's most valuable asset, and HR theory
emphasises its management strategically and consistently. In teacher recruitment, HR
theory helps schools plan, attract, select, and retain qualified teachers to meet school goals
(Alfiyanto, 2022). Permendiknas Number 13 of 2007 stipulates that school principals
must have five competencies: personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision, and
social. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 6 of 2018 clarifies
this dimension. This competence dimension ensures that the selected principal has the
necessary competencies (Zainuri, 2022). The Human Capital Theory emphasises the
importance of investing in human capital, including education and training, to increase
productivity and economic growth. In terms of recruiting educators, hiring high-quality
and experienced teachers can be considered an investment in human capital to improve
the quality of education (Intan Sari et al., 2023).
Nenden Najiatul Huda's research focuses on the main component of human
resources (HR), which is an important component in the success or failure of an
organisation or educational institution. He emphasised that human resources (HR)
activities can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations and their