pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2946
Factors Factors Affecting the Form of Teacher Recruitment
in Schools
Masayuki Nugroho
, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri
, Umi Anugerah Izzati
, Amrozi
, Nunuk Hariyati
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Teacher
Recruitment, Teacher
Needs, Teacher
The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect
teacher recruitment in schools. This research method uses
the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. In the
future, small and medium-sized companies face the
challenge of retaining their best human resources to keep
working for the company. Aligning individual values with
work, organisation, and group is the best way to achieve
goals through creative changes in employee behaviour. They
found that misinterpretations of cultural roles, stigma, fear
and prejudice, low status of educators in the preschool
sector, and lack of male recruitment policies influenced male
recruitment into the preschool sector. This study concludes
that the factors that affect teacher recruitment in schools are
education, experience, gender, salary, facilities, working
conditions, job satisfaction, career advancement
opportunities, location (urban and rural), people
organisation, personal motivation, organisational practices,
compatibility between personal characteristics and job
needs, values, social cognitive career, self-decision, career
construction, living space, commitment, teacher
competence, social cognitive, sustainable professional
development. The recruitment stages at the school are
committee formation, socialisation, registration, and
selection process, which includes written exams, interviews,
and microteaching. After the selection process is complete,
qualified teachers are announced. Hiring can run smoothly if
supported by facilities, team collaboration, and human
Educational institutions are locations specifically designed to enable the learning
process to improve the quality of human resources. The school describes education as all
the efforts of adults in interaction with children to aid their physical and spiritual
development towards adulthood. Children's teaching is essential for development, and
Factors Factors Affecting the Form of Teacher Recruitment in Schools
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2947
educational institutions must be better managed. Optimising strategic planning to achieve
the vision and mission of an educational institution can improve its management. Over
time, the same approach will fail. Due to internal and external environment changes,
organisations must adopt new strategies and formulas to adapt. Educational organisations
always use the best strategies by considering internal and external factors. Every
organisation or agency that participates in implementing the program is always given
instructions to achieve its goals. An organisation is complex and seeks to align human
resources to achieve a specific goal fully. An organisation is considered effective if it can
achieve the goals that have been set. All organisations must now be able to compete to
provide the best service, including government organisations.
Teachers play an important role in education. Teachers directly deal with students
in transforming science and technology and teaching positive values to students.
Therefore, teachers are an important component that must continue to be considered to
improve the quality of education. Teachers have control over the success of education in
schools and madrasas, no matter how well the curriculum is created, complete, or
sophisticated. In this context, the central government has the authority to make
regulations so that these two things can be reduced/suppressed through various
regulations and policies, including Permendiknas Number 13 of 2007 concerning
Standards for School Principals/Madrasah and Permendikbud Number 6 of 2018
concerning the Assignment of Teachers as Principals/Madrasas. The Permendikbud
mandates reorganising the recruitment system and career coaching of school
principals/madrasas to obtain credible and competent principals/madrasas. Therefore, all
related parties, especially local governments in recruiting school principals/madrasas,
must have the same commitment to implementing Permendikbud Number 6 of 2018. To
implement the recruitment system and career coaching of school principals/madrasas, the
same commitment is needed at the policy level at the district/city government level
throughout Indonesia; so far, several institutions still need to implement the recruitment
process or stages. Although procuring educators in schools requires great responsibility,
this process is highly recommended. At this time, some schools use a nepotism system to
recruit teachers. Even when educators are admitted without a selection process, schools
must know whether they are qualified. One of the reasons why education in Indonesia
still needs to improve is this problem. Withdraw all previous studies mentioned above,
except for research conducted by the researcher himself.
Various educational institutions use the teacher recruitment process to get
competent teachers in their fields. The main goal of this process is to get the right people
to fill the vacant positions so that they can work well and stay in the company for a long
time. Teacher recruitment aims to get competent teachers in their field to educate students
in the best possible way. One must choose a teacher based on four qualities: personality,
pedagogy, professional, and social.
According to research conducted in Colombia, discrimination occurs when hiring
teachers. The main theoretical basis discussed is the theory of native-speakerism, which
argues that English teachers represent the ideal Western culture for teaching English. This
Masayuki Nugroho, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Amrozi Khamidi, Nunuk
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2948
concept encourages certain linguistic and cultural practices to dominate English language
education (Mackenzie, 2021). As the impact of colonialism and indigenous languages
shows, both contribute to the development of discriminatory recruitment practices in
Colombia. There is a preference for native English speakers because of this theory, and
the number of teachers who are not native English speakers is decreasing (Mackenzie,
To attract and retain teachers in the United States, the research must consider non-
salary factors such as working conditions, job satisfaction, and career advancement
opportunities. However, the research should consider competitive salaries (Loeb &
Myung, 2020). Studies in the UK and Australia found positive associations between
people who fit their jobs, people who fit their organisations, people who fit their groups,
and innovative work behaviours. This suggests that people are more likely to behave
innovatively when comfortable with their work, organisation, and group (Gordon, 2020).
The study was conducted in South Carolina, USA. Schools in rural areas often need help
with the number of employees. Some schools report that only some candidates make it to
the selection group. The "problem of schools in rural areas" largely depends on the
problem of teacher recruitment and retention in rural areas. However, several advantages
of teaching in rural settings should be more noticed and recognised. These include a lower
cost of living, smaller schools encouraging closer relationships between students,
providing learning plans tailored to each student's needs, stronger relationships with the
community, and greater teacher influence and autonomy in the classroom. Compared to
non-rural schools, teachers are more satisfied with these factors. The main organisational
factors that affect hiring are the location and characteristics of the school. For aspiring
leaders, urban, suburban, and rural settings can offer a variety of challenges and
opportunities (Lee & Mao, 2023).
The most compelling facts show that providing targeted monetary incentives can
attract people to become educators. However, these incentives may not be enough to
retain teachers in the long run. The size, competitiveness, and ability to offset the
disadvantages of working in a particular school or sector determine how effective
financial incentives are (See, Morris, Gorard, Kokotsaki, & Abdi, 2020).
First, the problem of higher staffing in rural areas arises. According to research,
compared to urban, suburban, and urban districts in California, inland districts face a
much greater personalisation problem. Lack of specific topics. The study showed that the
subject had specific shortcomings in areas such as special education and English language
teachers (ELL). Rural areas need special education teachers more than other urbanisation
categories. Second, geographical factors. Geographic location is crucial to explain
personalisation issues. Rural areas are more often on the borders of the country and do
not have teacher education programs, which is a factor strongly related to the steps of the
Third Staff Challenge, Staff Challenge Portrait Description. Rural schools always have a
higher vacancy rate throughout the year than other schools in urbanised areas. Although
there are generally more job vacancies in rural areas, there are few at the end of the school
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year. Fourth, Retention of Teachers. Factors such as relative wages, working conditions,
and early career experience are shown in this study (Goldhaber et al., 2020).
Emphasis on the importance of an effective recruitment strategy to attract high-
quality candidates likely to stay in their jobs. The study emphasises the issue of teacher
recruitment, especially related to the global need for qualified teachers. In addition, an
analysis of teacher recruitment messages and strategies from the Department of Education
(DfE) and Teach First shows that the message of personal utility, social utility, and the
importance of personal attributes in teaching is the focus of the strategy document.
Administration/messaging changes and personal utilities are the focus of public
advertising. This study shows that recruitment strategies must be based on relevant
theoretical and empirical work to attract and retain high-quality teachers (Klassen et al.,
A study in California found that self-reliance in career decision-making was
positively associated with a positive teaching experience, which increased teacher
recruitment and retention. This suggests that student educators with higher self-efficiency
in making career decisions are likelier to have a positive experience in their work as
educators. The second study found a link between teachers' motivation and their early
experience in the field. This suggests that a teacher's initial real-world experiences, such
as classroom observations, teaching practices, and student interactions, can influence
their desire to become a professional teacher. Third, the Influence of Learning
Experience: This study emphasises how important it is to collect learning experiences in
an environment relevant to the actual teaching of the classroom. Teachers are more likely
to gain a broad understanding of teaching work if they participate in various activities
outside the classroom curriculum, such as contacting parents and supervising student
breaks. Fourth Role of Professional Knowledge: Early learning experiences have been
shown to enhance professional knowledge, career exploration, and the ability to make
decisions more efficiently. Students can better understand the school culture, work
environment, and teacher needs by gaining hands-on experience in a teaching setting.
Results of the Structural Equation Model (SEM): This study can offer a model of
structural equations that describes the relationship between variables such as teacher
motivation, subjective evaluation of field experience, decision time, teaching career
determination, and teachers' future self-effectiveness. SEM makes it possible to
thoroughly analyse the relationships between the various components that influence
teachers' decisions about students (Wolf et al., 2021).
A study of the policies used to recruit English teachers in Iran found three main
categories: prioritising Islamic principles and values, emphasising commitment to
educational goals, and emphasising teachers' expertise and knowledge. The process of
recruiting EFL teachers in Iran is governed by this policy directive, which reflects the
broader educational context in the country. Analysis of official documents and interviews
with stakeholders involved in EFL teacher recruitment provides an overview of how this
policy is implemented. This study emphasises the importance of following Islamic
standards when choosing teachers (Mirhosseini et al., 2023).
Masayuki Nugroho, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Amrozi Khamidi, Nunuk
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2950
At a lower level, early childhood education. This study identifies the problems
preschoolers face when recruiting and retaining male teachers. These include public
perceptions of the role of gender in early childhood education and the low status of
educators in the industry. In addition, it is mentioned that the lack of awareness and
understanding of the importance of gender balance in preschool is an issue that needs to
be addressed (Okeke & Nyanhoto, 2021).
Greece researches the provision of special education. First, due to the workforce
shortage, studies may have shown a lack of parallel support that cannot be adjusted,
especially regarding teacher qualifications and experience. These findings may show how
difficult it is to ensure that students with special educational needs receive adequate help
in the primary classroom. Second, the postponement of teachers' work. Research may
show significant delays in teacher recruitment for parallel support roles. This suggests
that the government's recruitment process may need to be more efficient. These results
can indicate systemic problems affecting the timely delivery of special education services.
Third, Gender Distribution: A study may have examined the gender distribution of
teachers in parallel support and found any differences in representation. Understanding
the gender dynamics among special education teachers can help understand diversity and
inclusion in the workplace. The Fourth Academic Qualification of Studies may have
investigated the competence of teachers in parallel support, which includes additional
sign language certificates or Braille. These results may indicate that teachers can meet the
different needs of students with disabilities (Koutsoklenis & Papadimitriou, 2021).
The study involved 18 teachers in Lumajang, Indonesia. The study results show that
using Tahani's fuzzy logic in making teacher admission decisions is better than using
average scores. This is because Tahani's fuzzy logic considers many criteria, while the
average only considers one criterion with a high value. These results show that using
Tahani's fuzzy logic in a system that helps in teacher admission decision-making can be
beneficial. So that decision-making becomes fairer, this system considers the criteria
thoroughly. The results of the fuzzification of Tahani and the average score of the test
takers are different. This shows that Tahani's fuzzy is a more reasonable choice in
evaluating various criteria (Setiawan, 2020).
Written tests, interviews, and microteaching are some of the steps in the teacher
selection process. Out of 36 applicants, 28 were accepted, and 10 were not. This shows
that a rigorous selection process selects only qualified teachers. The teachers specialised
in various fields, such as Islamic religious education, Indonesian, and mathematics. These
subjects must be distributed to ensure the diversity of competencies among teaching staff.
Graduation Announcement: In February 2020, teachers who are qualified for the required
position are announced as graduates. Ten teachers were selected based on their teaching
ability, teaching program design, motivation, and aspirations to advance education
(Erialdy et al.. Yudi Muhtadi, 2021).
The study was conducted at Citra Insan Mulia Junior High School. First,
preparation. Recruitment committees for educators are formed to discuss and prepare for
new educator requirements, such as certificates and diplomas of education. Performance
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and ability determine committee placement. Second, information about teacher
recruitment is disseminated through popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and
WhatsApp. Third is admission, where the applicant's file is collected per the standards set
for new teacher candidates. This process examines applicants to ensure they meet the
requirements (Alfiyanto, 2022).
This study looks at how the pattern of principal appointments influences the
performance of junior high school principals in Central Lombok Regency. The process
of appointing principals greatly affects their performance. According to the Ministerial
Regulation, the appointment method is considered the best and affects the principal's
performance. Principal Work Discipline: The principal's performance is significantly
influenced by the principal's recruitment pattern and work discipline. High work
discipline can improve the performance of school principals in carrying out their duties
well. This shows how important these two components are to determine the quality of
school principals' performance in Central Lombok Regency (Zainuri, 2022).
The study was conducted at Nurul Palembang High School. Teacher recruitment
documents show that some schools in Indonesia rely on nepotism or informal recruitment
practices, resulting in teacher recruitment without a fair selection process. This can lead
to discrepancies between school standards and teacher qualifications and competencies,
leading to higher education in the country. The study emphasises that teacher recruitment
is essential to determine the quality of education. The school seeks to improve the
educational outcomes of students by selecting professional and high-quality teachers
through established processes and steps. To achieve high-quality education, educators are
needed who can effectively convey knowledge, attitudes, and skills to students (Intan et
al., 2023).
Institutions hold administrative exams, interviews, and teaching tests such as
microteaching to ensure that candidates are qualified. In this study, the role of schools as
human resource providers is very important in the recruitment and selection process of
employees. Schools play a crucial role in determining and evaluating potential candidates
before submitting them for final selection at the foundation. Placement Process: At SMK
Al-Islam Surakarta, teachers and staff are placed according to their education, work
experience, and area of expertise. This personalised approach ensures that teachers can
perform their duties well and contribute optimally to the school's goals. This study
provides insight into how SMK Al-Islam Surakarta conducts recruitment and selection.
This study shows that this process improves recruiting and placing teachers in educational
institutions (Dian et al., 2023).
This study was held at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Muthohhar Purwakarta. This
research shows that good human resource management is essential for educational
organisations. Organisations can increase efficiency and effectiveness by optimising
human resource activities. This will benefit both employees and the organisation as a
whole. Strategic planning in human resource management is essential to accommodate
an educational institution's short-term and long-term goals. The study also emphasises
that things such as interests, talents, abilities, and complexity of tasks must be considered
Masayuki Nugroho, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Amrozi Khamidi, Nunuk
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2952
when organising placement activities. A holistic approach to HR management ensures
that employees are placed in positions that match their abilities and interests. Ultimately,
this approach contributes to the organisation's success (Huda, 2022).
There are similarities and differences in teacher recruitment at different levels and
in various countries; this creates a new view that teacher competence continues to
develop. Based on the problems obtained, the researcher conducted a study entitled
"Factors Affecting the Form of Teacher Recruitment in Schools".
In writing a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), it is very important to develop a
quality thinking framework to solve problems in problem formulation. Research will
begin by looking for information related to the research topic. Researchers need to be
careful in finding relevant information through this step. By using this literature research,
duplication of research can also be avoided. Researchers can find out previous research
on the subject through this research. Therefore, literature must be used as supporting
material for scientific writing. Researchers can find literature from sources and then read,
understand, study, criticise, and review the work to obtain relevant literature. A literature
review is essential to get an idea and purpose for a major research topic.
The sources collected are national and international journals that discuss teacher
supervision and performance from 2020 to 2024. The data was identified and collected
using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method.
The SLR method aims to organise and review journals by following established
steps (Triandini et al., 2019). In other words, the SLR Method can minimise subjective
identification, and the results are hoped to contribute to the literature on its use in journal
To synthesise the results of thought, researchers usually must research writings
related to the topic. A popular way to create a synthetic is to find and classify the
components related to the problem. To conclude whether related writings have
similarities and differences, the preparation of collective conclusions can be used to
synthesise. The synthesis matrix, which is based on important research, is a commonly
used method for synthesis. This method consists of tables or diagrams that help
researchers group arguments from different papers and then combine the differences to
make conclusions (Triandini et al., 2019).
Results and Discussion
The study found linguistic elements in 36.8% of job ads. Language is considered a
biography component because of its impact on racial, regional, or national identity. Job
ads as English teachers in Colombia indicate nationality. The government needs a
certification program to ensure teachers have equal rights, desirable abilities, and equity
across countries (Mackenzie, 2021). Studies in the United States show that alternative
certifications aim to increase teacher availability by making access easier for people with
Factors Factors Affecting the Form of Teacher Recruitment in Schools
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2953
academic competence, thus adding to the list of teacher candidates (Loeb & Myung,
The in-depth study found that the new teacher experience was particularly clear
from five semi-structured interviews and survey responses from 67 qualified new teachers
in the UK and Australia. This research aims to determine whether human resources and
teacher needs meet the needs. This corresponds to the theory of people-organizational
adherence (P-O), which emphasises how important it is to align individual characteristics,
values, and goals with the organisation to improve recruitment and retention efforts. P-O
compliance theory states that individuals are more likely to be satisfied and perform well
in organisations that align with their values, beliefs, and goals (Gordon, 2020). The
government considers the theory of supply and demand in education when determining
teacher placement and its expansion. Additionally, the theory considers the factors that
drive educators to hold important positions and how superintendents or districts vet,
assess and hire candidates best suited for the position. This theory encourages analysing
personal motivation and organisational practices in school principals' recruitment and
selection process (Lee & Mao, 2023). According to Human Capital Theory, a person's
knowledge, abilities, and abilities are influenced by their success and productivity in the
workplace (See et al., 2020). Urban and rural areas often have more personalisation
problems than suburban areas. This is due to the location of the teacher's labour market,
as teachers often work in districts near their hometowns.
This theory states that the fit between personal characteristics and job needs
influences a person's career choice. People's desire to become teachers is influenced by
personal benefits such as job opportunities and social benefits. Elaboration Probability
Model: This model says that people use their motivations and abilities to assess whether
their attributes and job needs are appropriate. This model emphasises how important it is
to provide specific information about the job to help people make decisions. According
to the Hope-Value Theory, a person's expectations of success and their subjective values
on a particular career influence their decision to pursue it. The Social Cognitive Career
Theory (SCCT), proposed by Lent, Brown, and Hackett, emphasises how students' beliefs
about their teaching abilities and the expected outcomes of a teaching career influence
their decision to pursue teaching. Self-decision theory (SDT) was created by Deci and
Ryan and focused on intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and competence as key factors in
human behaviour and motivation. In the context of teaching, SDT can help understand
how teachers' intrinsic motivation to teach, their sense of autonomy in the classroom, and
their perceived competence as educators influence their decision to become educators.
This theory, which is based on the psychology of motivation, states that individuals make
decisions based on the expectations of success and the value they place on the outcome
of their decisions. When it comes to teaching, teacher students may choose to pursue a
career as a teacher based on their expectations of success in the job and their value that
teaching is meaningful and rewarding. Career Construction Theory: Savickas offers this
theory to emphasise how important narrative identity and life themes are in career
decisions. Educators can create a narrative of their teaching careers by using students'
Masayuki Nugroho, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Amrozi Khamidi, Nunuk
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2954
experiences, personal principles, and future goals to help them decide about becoming
teachers. The Living Space Theory, coined by Donald Super, focuses on the roles and
stages of a person's life development through their career development. This theory can
help explain how students' interests, self-concepts, and values developed during teacher
education programs influence their career decisions (Wolf et al., 2021).
Theory-based and thematic coding were used to analyse the data in this study.
Islamic criteria, teacher commitment, and expertise and knowledge are the three main
categories that make up the structure of teacher recruitment policy in Iran. These
categories emphasise the application of Islamic criteria in policy, which emphasises
consideration and observation of Islamic values when selecting teachers. Teachers'
beliefs, values, and practices are guided by theoretical structures such as the Islamic
system and the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle. In addition, the study considers the broader
context of Iranian education as policies that can target EFL teachers or teachers of various
subjects (Mirhosseini et al., 2023).
Social influence on individual behaviour, self-efficiency, and observational
learning is emphasised by the Social Cognitive Theory built by Bandura (1986). This
theory can help understand how male preschool educators see their abilities and address
gender issues (Okeke & Nyanhoto, 2021). This study can address the idea of how teachers
teach inclusive practices. How teachers prepare to support students with special needs can
impact the quality of education provided in the primary classroom (Koutsoklenis &
Papadimitriou, 2021). The decision-making support system thoroughly evaluates the
criteria using fuzzy Taha ni's logic, stating that the teacher selection is based on
personality, social, pedagogical, and professional qualities (Setiawan, 2020). According
to human resource theory, having high-quality human resources is essential for an
organisation. In this context, the appointment of high-quality teachers is essential for the
success of schools (Erialdy et al., 2021).
Human resources (HR) are an organisation's most valuable asset, and HR theory
emphasises its management strategically and consistently. In teacher recruitment, HR
theory helps schools plan, attract, select, and retain qualified teachers to meet school goals
(Alfiyanto, 2022). Permendiknas Number 13 of 2007 stipulates that school principals
must have five competencies: personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision, and
social. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 6 of 2018 clarifies
this dimension. This competence dimension ensures that the selected principal has the
necessary competencies (Zainuri, 2022). The Human Capital Theory emphasises the
importance of investing in human capital, including education and training, to increase
productivity and economic growth. In terms of recruiting educators, hiring high-quality
and experienced teachers can be considered an investment in human capital to improve
the quality of education (Intan Sari et al., 2023).
Nenden Najiatul Huda's research focuses on the main component of human
resources (HR), which is an important component in the success or failure of an
organisation or educational institution. He emphasised that human resources (HR)
activities can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations and their
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2955
employees if they are developed and managed properly. The study also shows that
strategic planning is very important in human resource management. Gaining an edge
over competitors and understanding a competitive plan requires strategy. Policies are
crucial in providing direction during the decision-making process. Ultimately, policy
changes the way decision-makers think about achieving desired goals. Many studies have
investigated this issue in the broader context of HR management. Hardianto (2017), for
example, investigates ways to maximise organisational strategic planning to achieve
educational goals. In addition, Mehrabad and Fathian Brojeny (2007) developed an expert
HR management system that allows job seekers to be selected and appointed
appropriately. Swanger (2004) looks at physical changes from the perspective of
recruiters and human resource managers.
The research found an easier and more supportive teaching-mentor-educate model
for the transition, improving teacher professionalism and well-being. In the future, small
and medium-sized companies face the challenge of retaining their best human resources
to keep working for the company. Aligning individual values with work, organisation,
and group is the best way to achieve goals through creative changes in employee
behaviour. It will also lay a solid foundation for new employees' hiring and selection
process that can improve their job performance. A realistic work preview (RJP) should
be created and incorporated into school teacher's work procedures. Compared to districts
of different urbanisation classifications, schools in rural areas face much greater
employee challenges. District-level characteristics explain some of these differences,
such as the proportion of poor students in the district. The geography of rural districts
also helps explain the high level of personalisation, as inland districts are more likely to
be located on the country's borders and far from teacher education programs, which are
closely related to staffing issues. The study shows that career exploration and self-
efficiency decision-making, as well as their sources, emotional support, field experience,
and motivation, affect teachers' career despair and self-effectiveness in the future. The
study showed that no male teachers worked in preschools in the education district where
the study was conducted. They found that misinterpretations of cultural roles, stigma, fear
and prejudice, low status of educators in the preschool sector, and lack of male
recruitment policies influenced male recruitment into the preschool sector. Therefore, the
Ministry of Education and Social Development should initiate an awareness campaign to
inform all stakeholders about the importance of gender balance in the preschool sector. It
is consistent with the philosophical basis of social role theory (SRT).
Collaboration between districts and colleges and alternative certification programs
have proven effective in increasing the number of potential educators available. These are
some of the variables that may affect teacher retention and recruitment. Having the ability
to support intern teachers is essential to support new teachers and increase retention. This
is especially true for those who are just starting their jobs. Ensuring that all students have
access to high-quality teachers. Leaders can leverage individuals who fit their jobs,
Masayuki Nugroho, Umi Anugerah Izzati, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Amrozi Khamidi, Nunuk
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2956
organisations, and groups to improve job performance, encourage innovative work
behaviours, and increase organisational success. Studies show that recruitment efforts
should focus on attracting and retaining teachers to rural schools in the long term. Schools
in rural areas can increase retention and build a stable teaching workforce by creating a
supportive and inclusive school culture that values the work of educators. These key
individual and organisational factors influencing recruitment and selection emphasise that
factors such as gender, race, qualifications, school location, and working conditions
influence the process of selecting school leaders.
Targeted Financial Incentives: Targeted financial incentives appear to attract
faculty, but how effective they are at long-term retention needs to be clarified. The size
of the school, its competitiveness, and its ability to provide sufficient financial incentives
to keep pace with the challenges of a particular school are important components to
consider. Early Career Support and Continuing Professional Development (CPD): CPD
and early career support are promising strategies for retaining teachers in the profession.
However, insufficient evidence supports this technique, suggesting that additional
research and evaluation are needed. Education stakeholders and policymakers must rely
on evidence when deciding teacher recruitment and retention strategies. Evaluation of the
quality of research results and contextual factors influencing interventions is essential for
effective policy implementation.
The study shows that California's rural districts face more personalisation issues
than urban, suburban, and urban districts. Some of the problems faced by California's
rural schools include higher vacancy rates and increased reliance on teachers with
emergency accreditation. The study emphasises how geographic location affects
personalisation issues. Rural areas face problems because they are farther away from
teacher education programs and closer to state borders. The study shows that teacher
retention and recruitment in rural areas require targeted policy interventions.
Policymakers should consider local hiring strategies, geographic differences, and subject-
specific shortages when planning to reduce staff difficulties in rural schools. Teacher
recruitment methods based on theory and research encourage creating and testing new
recruitment strategies to solve current problems and ensure that the teacher workforce is
the best.
Factors Factors Affecting the Form of Teacher Recruitment in Schools
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2957
Alfiyanto, A. (2022). Manajemen Rekrutmen Tenaga Pendidik Baru di SMA Nurul
Palembang. Adaara: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 12(1), 3041.
Dian Adelia, Sofia, Nuzul Arijannah, Dewi Saraswati, Erliyana, & Aulia Rachman,
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