pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2917
Digital Transformation in Public Services:
Effect of RBA OSS Implementation in South Jakarta
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari
, Dwi Putranto Riau
, Sofjan Aripin
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Keywords: Policy
Implementation; Quality
of Public Services;
Electronic Licensing
Service System; RBA
OSS System, Online
Single Submission Risk-
This research investigates the effect of implementing the
Risk-based Online Single Submission System (OSS RBA)
on the quality of licensing services in South Jakarta. This
research aims to evaluate policy implementation factors that
influence the quality of licensing services and identify the
implications of these findings. The research method used is
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Squares
(PLS), with a population of business actors in South Jakarta
and a sample of 100 respondents using the OSS RBA
System. The results of the analysis show that the factors of
Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic
Structure positively and significantly influence the quality of
licensing services. Even though the Public Factor does not
show a statistically significant influence, its contribution still
has an overall effect on service quality. These findings imply
that greater attention should be paid to these aspects in
designing policies and strategies to improve the
effectiveness of public services. Thus, this research provides
valuable insights for the development of practices and
policies in digital technology-based public services.
Digitalization of public services has become a global trend that cannot be ignored
in efforts to improve the quality of services to the community (Camilleri, 2020). The
quality of public services is an important aspect that significantly influences citizen
satisfaction and utilization of public services, with digitalization possibly being a key
element in maintaining the sustainability of public services and increasing public
satisfaction with those services (Coman et al., 2023). The quality of public services in
policy implementation is influenced by various factors. Previous research shows that
public policy design and individual factors play an important role in shaping the policy
implementation process (Kipo-Sunyehzi, 2022). The quality of policy implementation
directly influences the effectiveness of public services provided to the community.
Effective policy implementation ensures that public services are delivered efficiently and
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari, Dwi Putranto Riau, Sofjan Aripin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2918
in line with the intended policy objectives (Chriqui, Asada, Smith, Kroll-Desrosiers, &
Lemon, 2023). In this context, this research expands the existing literature by examining
the community of events related to the implementation factors of public service policies
on service quality in public sector institutions in the administrative city of South Jakarta.
As part of efforts to improve service quality, many countries including Indonesia
have adopted the digitalization of public services in the form of electronic systems to
simplify and increase efficiency in various aspects of public administration (Nugroho,
Rahayu, & Yusuf, 2023). One of them is using the Internet to carry out public affairs and
provide better public services to the community, which is referred to as digital governance
(Hartanto & Siregar, 2021). Digital governance of public services does not make it easy
for people to come directly to public institutions and queue to get various public sector
services that can be obtained easily and affordably through digital channels. Therefore,
the Government wants to realize the hopes of its people by providing easy access to
government services and information. Greater opportunities to participate in democratic
institutions and processes improve service quality (Bennett et al., 2020).
One of the important public service digital initiatives in Indonesia is the
implementation of the Risk-based Online Single Submission System (OSS RBA), which
is designed to speed up and simplify the business licensing process. Online Single
Submission (OSS) is a system that allows businesses to complete all licensing
requirements online through a single platform. The OSS RBA system simplifies the
licensing process by integrating various permits into one Business Identification Number
(NIB) for low-risk business activities (Firdaus, Sukowati, & Adi, 2023). The OSS RBA
system aims to reduce complicated bureaucracy and provide faster and more transparent
services to the public and business actors (Kharisma et al., 2023). This research is not
only relevant to Indonesia but also offers valuable insights for other countries that are
considering or implementing similar systems to improve the quality of their public
In the South Jakarta Administrative City, which is part of the DKI Jakarta Province,
the OSS RBA System Policy has been implemented by a public sector institution, namely
the Investment Management Unit and One-Stop Integrated Services (PTSP) of the South
Jakarta Administrative City, as part of the regional government's commitment to
improving efficiency and quality of public services (Knott, Rao, Summers, & Teeger,
2022). The implementation of this system is expected to bring significant changes in the
way public services are provided, with a focus on increasing speed, accuracy, and service
user satisfaction (Syarif et al., 2023).
Before the implementation of OSS RBA, the licensing process was often
characterized by complex bureaucracy, long completion times, and uncertainty for
business actors (Sutan & Novita, 2022). This situation not only hampers the investment
climate but also reduces public trust in the effectiveness of government services. It is
expected that there will be major advances in service transparency and efficiency with
the implementation of OSS RBA. However, although there are high hopes for the benefits
of this system, there are still various challenges and obstacles that require further
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2919
attention. Several problems arise, such as the reluctance of staff/policy implementers to
change, service users' resistance to new systems, and the readiness of technical
infrastructure. Previous research also explains that there are significant obstacles
including legal uncertainty, system compatibility, and knowledge gaps in the
implementation of the OSS RBA system (Firdaus et al., 2023).
In this context, this research seeks to evaluate the effect of OSS RBA
implementation on the quality of public services in the South Jakarta Investment
Management Unit and PTSP. By carrying out in-depth analysis using quantitative and
qualitative methods, it is hoped that we can analyze what factors play a role in the
successful implementation of policies so that they influence service quality. In practice,
since the OSS RBA System was implemented, there are still complaints from the public
or business actors regarding the difficulty of understanding the online licensing system,
difficulties in system integration, technical obstacles to the OSS RBA system in
operation, less effective coordination and communication with technical SKPD and the
impact on satisfaction service users (Source: Interview Results on 05 October 2023, 09.30
WIB at the UP PMPTSP Office, South Jakarta City). This raises questions regarding the
extent to which the implementation of OSS RBA is truly able to improve the quality of
public services at the local level, especially the South Jakarta Administrative City.
Based on the problems above, this indication is caused by the socialization aspect
where there is a lack of understanding for business actors to register for permits. Then on
the resource aspect, both infrastructure and human resources, where the internet network
is less stable, officers still don't understand the OSS RBA system and there are still
business licensing services that have not been registered on the OSS-RBA application,
making the service less effective. aspects of the bureaucratic structure still found a lack
of coordination with the relevant SKPD (Source: Interview Results on 05 October 2023,
09.30 WIB at the UP PMPTSP Office, South Jakarta City).
Much research has been carried out regarding the implementation of the OSS RBA
policy, including studying the implementation of the Standard Certificate policy at the
North Sumatra Province DPMPPTSP Service which has been well implemented,
although in terms of application, there are still many shortcomings and insufficient
socialization to the community (Dayantri, 2022). The implementation of the OSS RBA
policy in West Nusa Tenggara is also quite good, but there are still several obstacles in
the service process with the OSS application, namely the lack of adequate quality human
resources, the existence of business licensing services that have not been registered in the
OSS-RBA application, lack of public understanding or gaps. digital (digital divide) as
well as an unstable internet network (Bilita, Nurazmi, & Prasta, 2023). Therefore, this
research aims to answer the question, namely, to what extent are the Implementation
Factors of the Online Licensing Service Policy (OSS RBA System) consisting of
Communication, Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure and Public Factors
(Business Actors/Community can influence the quality of public services in South Jakarta
One-Stop Integrated Service and Investment Management Unit (PTSP).
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari, Dwi Putranto Riau, Sofjan Aripin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2920
With a clear focus on empirical evaluation, this research is expected to make a
significant contribution to the existing literature and offer practical insights for
policymakers and practitioners in the field of public services. Although many studies have
examined the impact of digitalization on the efficiency and transparency of public
services, there is a significant gap in the literature regarding in-depth empirical evaluation
of OSS RBA in the local context, particularly in South Jakarta. Previous research has
often focused on technological and public policy aspects without paying sufficient
attention to the experiences and perceptions of service users and operational challenges
in the field.
The current study is a valuable addition to public service research because it
examines factors that can influence the quality of public service. This will increase
understanding of communication strategies in public services, strengthening efficient
resources in supporting the implementation of licensing services, reliable disposition,
good bureaucratic structure, and perception and participation of the public
(society/business actors) in the successful implementation of policies, thereby improving
quality. public service. It is hoped that the results of this research can become the basis
for appropriate recommendations for continuous improvement and optimization of OSS
RBA implementation in the future, not only in South Jakarta but also in other areas that
implement similar systems.
This research adopts a quantitative research design to measure and analyze the
effect of implementing the Risk-based Online Single Submission System (OSS RBA) on
the quality of public services in the Investment Management Unit and PTSP of the South
Jakarta Administrative City. A quantitative survey approach is considered appropriate for
collecting data regarding individual attitudes, behaviour and opinions (Luetke Lanfer,
Reifegerste, & Kargbo, 2021). In addition, quantitative surveys are designed to minimize
researcher bias and intervention in the data collection process (Mellinger & Hanson,
2020). However, it is also necessary to pay attention to combining the survey instrument
with a theoretical framework regarding validity and reliability in data collection.
The population in this study are business actors registered in South Jakarta who
have used the OSS RBA system. This research sample consisted of 100 business actors
selected randomly from the population. Sample selection was carried out randomly to
ensure the representativeness and validity of the research results (Rendleman et al., 2022).
The data collection method uses questionnaires. Questionnaires were used to collect data
from respondents regarding their perceptions and experiences of the quality of services
provided through the OSS RBA system. The questionnaire was designed to cover various
aspects of service, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Respondents answered all questions
in the questionnaire and marked all questions as important to avoid missing values in the
Digital Transformation in Public Services: Effect of RBA OSS Implementation in South Jakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2921
Gambar 1 Kerangka Teoritis Penelitian
Survey Instrument
The questionnaire in the survey created by the researcher consists of 2 main parts,
namely (1) Demographic Characteristics of Respondents, namely age, gender, type of
Education, Type of Application Submission, Type of Business Activity, and Application
for Electronic Integrated Risk-Based Business Licensing Services and (2) 28 questions
related to the research construct. 4 Policy Implementation variables consisting of
Communication Factors, Resource Factors, Disposition Factors and Bureaucratic
Structure Factors were measured with 23 Questions based on Edward's Theory (1980),
Public Factors were measured with 2 questions based on the Theory of successful
implementation of policies (Grindle, 2017) and Quality Factors Service is measured with
5 questions based on Zeithml et al's (1990) theory of 5 dimensions of service quality
consisting of Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. A 5-point
Likert-type scale with responses ranging from 1 = very inappropriate to 5 = very suitable
rated the response.
Results and Discussion
Respondent Characteristics
In research, respondent characteristics provide detailed identity information and
help in accurately identifying respondents (Sayed et al., 2024). Respondent demographics
showed that 46% of participants were women, and 54% were men. The percentage level
of the age group is dominated by those aged 30 - 40 years at 42%. Participants were
dominated by those with a Bachelor's degree, 73.0%. Meanwhile, the highest percentage
of types of application submissions was the creation of a NIB (Business Identification
Number) at 58%, the application for a Standard Certificate at 8%, and the application for
other technical permits at 34%. The number of types of business activities that
respondents chose the most in the RBA OSS System were Activities Trade as many as 50
respondents. Finally, 84% of respondents chose to apply for permits independently.
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Measurement Model Analysis (Outer Model)
Data processing in this research uses the SEM-PLS Smart PLS 3.0 application. The
data that has been filled in by the respondent is combined into 1 in a CSV (Comma
Separated Values) type data tabulation. This data processing is to determine the model
form, loading factors, and significance of each latent variable. Data processing using
SEM-PLS is carried out by running the data repeatedly so that the validity and reliability
values are met (Rappaport, Amstadter, & Neale, 2020). There are 3 measurement criteria
for assessing the Outer model, namely Convergent Validity, Discriminant Validity, and
Composite Validity. Convergent validity is the principle that measures of a construct
should have a high correlation. The convergent validity test of the SmartPLS application
can be seen by the loading factor value for each indicator in each construct (Brundle et
al., 2019). For this purpose, Cronbach's Alpha (CA), Composite Reliability (CR), and
Cronbach's Average Variance Extracted (AVE) need to be calculated (Henseler et al.,
2015). Researchers recommend that the research construct CA and CR values should be
more than 0.70 (Homburg, Klarmann, & Vomberg, 2022).
As shown in Table 2, the results show that all CR and CA values of the current
research constructs are within the specified range. Likewise, the AVE values for all
research variables are in the recommended range, namely >0.50, with all factors
significantly loading on their respective constructs so that it can be concluded that all
variables are valid based on convergent validity testing. In addition, Figure 2 shows the
factor loadings on the research items.
Table 1
Reliability, and Validity
X1. Komunikasi
X2. Sumber Daya
X3. Disposisi
X4. Struktur Birokrasi
X5. Publik
Y. Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan
Table 3
Factor loadings / cross-loading
X4. Struktur
Y. Kualitas
Digital Transformation in Public Services: Effect of RBA OSS Implementation in South Jakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2923
Table 3 shows that all variables have a higher cross-loading value for each Latent
variable than the cross-loading between one Latent variable and another so it can be
concluded that all variables are valid based on discriminant validity testing.
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari, Dwi Putranto Riau, Sofjan Aripin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2924
Gambar 2
Full Measurement Model
Structural Model Analysis (Inner Model)
After analyzing the measurement model (outer model), researchers begin to
calculate and analyze the structural model (inner model) to evaluate the proposed
relationships empirically. Bootstrapping techniques can be used in structural equation
modeling (SEM), to assess structural models and account for sampling variability.
Hypothesis tests often take p-values and t-values for ß coefficients when presenting
research regression results. The p-value indicates the compatibility of the data with the
null hypothesis, while the t-value indicates the significance of the estimated coefficient.
In hypothesis testing, these statistical measures play an important role. The p-value
indicates the probability of a result of chance, and the t-value indicates the strength of the
relationship between variables (Ranstam, 2019).
The coefficient of determination (R2) is also determined to calculate the level of
Goodness of Fit of a structural model. The R-squared (R2) value is used to measure how
much the endogenous latent variable, which is a variable that is influenced by other
variables (in this study, the dependent and mediating variables), is explained by the
exogenous latent variable, which is an independent variable (Hayes, 2021). The suitability
of the relationship between exogenous variables and endogenous variables on the
Licensing Service quality variable is considered good, with an R2 value of 0.913. These
results indicate that this model is suitable for this research.
In addition, the researcher tested the relevance of predictions where it was found
that the value for the endogenous variable in the Licensing Service quality variable was
0.728. Hair et al (2017) stated that a Q2 value greater than 0 indicates that the model has
predictive relevance for the endogenous construct being considered. According to the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2925
predictive relevance test, the endogenous variable on the quality of Licensing Services
has a value of 0.728, which shows that the influence on the Quality of Licensing Services
is very large. Then the researchers analyzed how much influence the exogenous variables
had on the endogenous variables through the path significance test (Arizmendi, Gates,
Fredrickson, & Wright, 2021). To see the significance of both the inner and outer models,
this test was carried out using the bootstrapping method. The path coefficient will appear
after the T-Statistic step is complete. The t value can be considered significant if it is
greater than 1.96. The initial value of the sample indicates the direction of influence; if
the value is more than 0, then the direction is positive, and if it is less than 0, then the
direction is negative.
Table 4
T Statistics
X1. Komunikasi -> Y.
Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan
X2. Sumber Daya -> Y.
Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan
X3. Disposisi -> Y. Kualitas
Pelayanan Perizinan
X4. Struktur Birokrasi -> Y.
Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan
X5. Publik -> Y. Kualitas
Pelayanan Perizinan
The results of the regression analysis carried out on SmartPLS 3.3.0 software show
that H1 states that the Communication Factor in public sector agencies has a positive and
significant effect on the quality of the agency's public services. The research results show
that communication = 0.163, t = 2.102) has a positive effect on the quality of public
services. The results of this research also support hypothesis H2 which states that resource
factors in public sector agencies have a positive and significant effect on the quality of
public services in these agencies. The research results show that resources (ß = 0.279, t =
2.109) have a positive effect on the quality of public services. The results of this research
also support the existence of a positive and significant relationship between the
Disposition factor and the quality of public services (ß = 0.220, t = 2.003) thus supporting
hypothesis H3. The results of this research also support hypothesis H4, which states that
there is a positive relationship between bureaucratic structure and the quality of public
services. The research results also show that there is a positive and significant influence
of Bureaucratic Structure and the quality of public services = 0.182, t = 2.270). The
results of this study do not support hypothesis H5, which states that there is a positive
relationship between Business Actors and the quality of public services. The research
results show that there is a positive but not significant influence between Business Actors
and the quality of public services = 0.165, t = 1.285). Thus, the coefficient is
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari, Dwi Putranto Riau, Sofjan Aripin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2926
significant, HO is rejected, meaning that the Public Variable and its indicators do not
significantly influence the Quality of Licensing Services with its indicators. Lastly, the
results of this research also support hypothesis H6 stating that there is a positive and
significant relationship between Communication, Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic
Structure, and Public Factors simultaneously on the quality of public services. The overall
influence value of the independent variables on R Square is 91.3% on the dependent
variable and the partial influence values of the 5 independent variables are all positive
and 4 (four) of them have a significant effect. Figure 3 below presents the complete
structural model with hypothesis sections and t-statistic values.
Table 5
Hypothesis Test Results
T Statistics
X1. Komunikasi -> Y.
Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan
X2. Sumber Daya -> Y.
Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan
X3. Disposisi -> Y. Kualitas
Pelayanan Perizinan
X4. Struktur Birokrasi -> Y.
Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan
X5. Publik -> Y. Kualitas
Pelayanan Perizinan
Digital Transformation in Public Services: Effect of RBA OSS Implementation in South Jakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2927
Figure 3 Full Structural Model (Inner Model)
Based on the results of analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial
Least Squares (PLS), these findings provide important insight into the factors that
influence the quality of licensing services in South Jakarta. From these results, it appears
that Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure factors
significantly influence the quality of licensing services, according to the research
hypothesis. A positive P-value indicates that the independent variables have a strong
influence on the dependent variable, indicating that these factors have an important role
in increasing the effectiveness of public services. Even though the Public Factor does not
show a statistically significant influence, its contribution still has an overall effect on
service quality. Overall, the partial influence value of the five independent variables on
the dependent variable reached 91.3%, indicating that simultaneously, the factors of
Communication, Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure, and the Public play an
important role in improving the quality of licensing services. These findings provide
empirical confirmation of theories that support the importance of these factors in the
context of public services, as well as providing valuable insights for policymakers in
designing strategies to improve public services in South Jakarta.
The current study examines the extent to which communication in public service
units influences the level of public service quality. Communication has a very important
role in conveying a policy, therefore the policy to be conveyed must be well understood
by its implementers (Peckham et al., 2022). In this way, the policy can be communicated
and disseminated clearly, accurately, and consistently and without causing contradictions.
The research results show that communication has a positive effect on the quality of
public services in UP PMPTSP South Jakarta City. This can be linked to previous
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari, Dwi Putranto Riau, Sofjan Aripin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2928
research, which states that communication quality positively influences the overall
quality of e-government services, leading to increased user experience and satisfaction
levels (Hung, Chen, & Su, 2020). Effective communication quality contributes to users
finding e-government services more useful, indicating a direct relationship between
communication quality and perceived service quality. In addition, transparent and
informative communication fosters trust and cooperation between implementing agencies
and the community. Research shows that internal communication plays an important role
in the successful implementation of SIMBG and SLF. Effective communication also
encourages collaboration and understanding among stakeholders involved in the licensing
process. Previous research shows that governments benefit from improved
communication among stakeholders in the dam operation licensing process.
The findings of this research also support the hypothesis which states that there is
a positive influence of resources on the quality of public services. This means that the
higher the resources (X2) available, the higher the quality of public services (Y),
conversely the lower the resources, the lower the quality of public services in UP
PMPTSP South Jakarta City. The success of policy implementation in various sectors
depends on the availability of resources such as human resources (HR), competent policy
implementers, policy implementation guidelines, infrastructure facilities, and effective
time. This aspect of Resources is very important, according to research from various
contexts. For example, research conducted in Tanzania shows that adequate instructors
trained in curriculum delivery, sufficient physical resources, and other systemic elements
are essential to producing competent doctors. Apart from competence, according to
(Nyamtema et al., 2022), optimal human resource management is very important to
improve the quality of public services. Appropriate allocation of resources based on skills
and experience can improve motivation and overall quality of service in public
These results further follow previous research findings, which emphasized the need
to increase resources gradually. This includes investments in human resources,
infrastructure, management information systems, and equipment to increase effective
certificate issuance (Riau et al., 2024). However, what is still a resource constraint in UP
PMPTSP is service time, especially for licensing services that require technical
recommendations, it takes quite a long time to issue a Standard Certificate on the RBA
OSS System, thus affecting the level of service quality which results in low public
assessment of service performance. public. This is in line with research by (Jiang et al.,
2021), emphasizing that timeliness is one of the factors that influence quality in fresh
food e-commerce logistics services so it significantly influences consumer satisfaction.
The findings of this research also support the hypothesis which states that there is
a positive influence of disposition on the quality of public services. The disposition or
attitude of the implementer will create real obstacles to policy implementation if the
existing government apparatus does not implement the desired policy, which can affect
the quality of public services. Policy implementers must be people who are committed to
the established policies. Commitment is one aspect of the disposition factor. According
Digital Transformation in Public Services: Effect of RBA OSS Implementation in South Jakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2929
to Pahi et al. (2020), Commitment to service quality reflects the willingness and
dedication of implementers or employees to achieve excellence in service quality and
customer satisfaction by providing high-quality services. Commitment to service quality
is critical for organizations to achieve performance goals and provide exceptional
customer service, emphasizing the importance of employee attitudes and behaviour in
service delivery. Furthermore, in line with the research above, attitudes also have a
significant influence on the quality of public services at the Suwawa Subdistrict Office,
Bone Bolango Regency. Policies will function as intended by policymakers if the people
implementing them have a positive attitude. The policy implementation process will also
be unproductive if implementers and policymakers have different attitudes or points of
Bureaucratic structure is one of the factors that influence the quality of public
services. When the bureaucratic structure is not conducive to the implementation of a
policy, this will lead to low quality of public services and hinder the implementation of
the policy. The results of this research support the hypothesis which explains that there is
a positive relationship between Bureaucratic Structure and the Quality of Public Services.
In the organizational structure at UP PMPTSP South Jakarta City, there is a division of
work, job descriptions, and main duties for each staff. Edward III (Subarsono, 2011, p. 9)
believes that important sources in supporting the implementation of government policies
include the bureaucratic structure which consists of SOPs and division of work. A
bureaucratic structure involves the division of tasks, responsibilities, and authority among
various levels of the organization. Bureaucratic structures play an important role in
shaping organizational performance and the quality of services provided to citizens. Apart
from that, according to Riau, et al. (2023), this bureaucratic structure greatly influences
the implementation of public services where it is necessary to increase organizational
capacity through strengthening the bureaucratic structure. According to Rulinawaty
(2020), an inefficient coordination process causes delays in decision-making and policy
implementation, affecting service delivery. Implementing a good bureaucratic structure
certainly influences the quality of licensing services at UPPMPTSP South Jakarta City,
reinforced by the results of research conducted by Destrina Paliema, Jantje Mandey, and
Martha Ogotan (2016) which shows the influence of organizational structure on the
quality of public services
The results of this research explain that the Public (Business Actors/Society)
influences the Quality of Licensing Services positively but not significantly. This means
that the Public Factor (community or business actors) as users of the OSS RBA licensing
system services does not influence the quality of service at UP PMPTSP South Jakarta
City. This is because business actors/the public still do not understand the policy changes
that have occurred in electronic licensing services. According to (Grindle, 2017), the
success of a policy implementation is influenced by the extent to which the target group
or target group feels they have received benefits from the policy so that they change their
attitudes and behaviour into a form of compliance and participation for the success of the
policy program. Business actors or the public are the target groups in the RBA OSS
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari, Dwi Putranto Riau, Sofjan Aripin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2930
System service policy where business actors must understand and adopt the policies that
have been created as something new to meet their needs. This was also explained by
Quade (1984) that in the policy implementation process, there will be interactions and
reactions from the implementing organization, target groups, and environmental factors.
The target or targeted group is expected to adopt new interaction patterns through policies
and subjects that must change to meet their needs. According to the interview results, the
perception of business actors/community regarding the RBA OSS System service policy
has not been fully received. Apart from that, the implementation of the RBA OSS System
Service Policy is not the result of formulation by the community or business actors who
are fully aware of the problems and issues they are experiencing. The RBA OSS System
Policy is top-down where decision-makers do not know or are not even able to touch the
needs, desires, or problems that must be resolved. Referring to the opinion of Sabatier
(1986, pp. 21-48) where if the decision to act is dominated by the wishes of the
implementer at the central level then the implementation is centralized or a top-down
model, meanwhile, when the decision to act is based more on initiation, creation and
adjustment by the implementor at the lower level, the implementation is decentralized or
a bottom-up model. Improving licensing services in the OSS RBA System so that it is
more effective and has an impact on business actors requires efforts in the form of support
for business actors / the community. These efforts consist of:
1. Improvement of RBA OSS System Policy Information Services
Increasing the perception of the understanding of business actors/society can be
done by providing information services through online media owned by each policy-
implementing agency/organization.
2. Assistance with business/community participation in the process of making business
Implementation will run relatively more smoothly if public participation is allowed
in accessing the policy process, or at least in one of the processes such as setting the
agenda or evaluating policies (Riau et al., 2024). Therefore, there is a need to strengthen
assistance in processing business permits for novice business actors, especially MSMEs
(Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises), so that in the end MSMEs have business
legality, products can be marketed offline and online, and can increase sales and the
community's economy. Efforts to strengthen assistance to business actors can be carried
out by holding collaboration and coordination activities between PTSP officers and
technical agencies to speed up the licensing service process in the RBA OSS system
which requires technical recommendations.
In the relationship between the variables Communication, Resources, Disposition,
Bureaucratic Structure, Public and the Quality of Public Services, the overall influence
value of the independent variable on R Square is 91.3% on the dependent variable and
the partial influence value of the 5 independent variables is overall positive and 4 ( four)
of which have a significant influence so that it can be stated that there are Communication,
Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure and Public Factors that simultaneously
have a positive and significant influence on service quality. Therefore, the hypothesis that
Digital Transformation in Public Services: Effect of RBA OSS Implementation in South Jakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2931
states that the variables Communication, Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure,
and Public simultaneously have a significant effect on the quality of public services is
ACCEPTED. The results of the research show that there is synergy and mutually
supportive contributions between communication, resources, disposition, bureaucratic
structure, and the public (community or business actors) to the quality of public services
in UP PMPTSP South Jakarta City. If the factors of communication, resources,
disposition, bureaucratic structure, and the public (society or business actors) are
implemented together, then the joint influence of the five has a greater influence on the
quality of public services, namely 91.3%. It can be understood that something done
together will provide greater synergy and contribution than something done individually.
This is supported by research conducted by Suwarta (2013) in his journal entitled The
Influence of Communication Factors, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure
in the Implementation of the Population Administration Information System (Siak) Policy
on the Effectiveness of Making Population Identification Cards (KTP) in Kesambi
District Cirebon City. The results of the research show that communication, resources,
disposition and bureaucratic structure factors have a big influence on the effectiveness of
making KTPs in Kesambi District, Cirebon City.
The impact on theory and practice of the results of this research is very significant.
Findings that factors such as Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic
Structure positively influence the quality of licensing services. Even though the Public
Factor (Business Actors/Community) does not show a statistically significant influence,
its contribution still has an overall effect on service quality. This emphasizes the
importance of considering the role of all relevant factors in designing policies and
strategies to improve the quality of licensing services. The practical implication of these
results is that the government and related institutions must pay special attention to these
aspects to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of electronically integrated licensing
services. For example, investment in improving communication between government and
business actors, more efficient resource allocation, developing positive dispositions
among officers, reforming bureaucratic structures that are more responsive improving
information services as well and facilitating public participation in licensing services can
be strategic steps that are required. Apart from that, these findings can also be used as a
basis for developing new models or frameworks in public service management that can
be applied in other regions or different contexts. Thus, the results of this research not only
contribute to the development of public service theory but also provide valuable guidance
for practitioners and policymakers in improving the quality of public services more
effectively and sustainably to improve public services in South Jakarta.
Fitri Yunianto Hapsari, Dwi Putranto Riau, Sofjan Aripin
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