pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2870
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356
to Evaluate Structural Performance in the Alton Apartment
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia
Keywords: Performance
Level, Pushover,
Ductility, Deviation,
Alton Apartment is a high-rise residential building. The city
of Semarang, within a radius of 500 km, has a fault range
with a strength of up to 8.3 magnitude. The purpose of this
study is to calculate the performance level of the structure,
find out the nonlinear static procedure conditions and
whether the analysis results can be used, calculate the value
of ductility R, check the boundaries between levels, check
the influence of P-delta, adjust horizontal irregularities, and
check the vertical irregularity conditions. This study uses the
FEMA 356 method. New regulations are used in the
analysis, such as peak acceleration maps and response
spectra from PuSGeN in 2021, deaggregation maps of
Indonesian earthquake hazards for planning and evaluation
of earthquake-resistant infrastructure from the Director
General of Cipta Karya in 2022, and earthquake resilience
planning procedures for building and non-building structures
from SNI 1726-2019. The result of the structure
performance of the drift value is below 1% for the life safety
(LS) performance level on the 250-year earthquake map, and
the result of the drift value is below 2% for the collapse
prevention (CP) performance level on the 100-year
earthquake map. The results of the FEMA 356 condition one
analysis show that the strength ratio (μstrength) value of less
than μmax has been met for 250-year and 1000-year
earthquake maps with a review of the x and y directions of
the earthquake. The value of the R ductility in 250-year and
1000-year earthquakes is above seven according to the
earthquake force holding system of special reinforced
concrete sliding walls.
Seeing the development of the city of Semarang, a destination for higher education
and tourist attractions, the need for housing or housing is increasing (Lalo, 2023). The
city of Upper Semarang, especially the Banyumanik and Tembalang sub-districts, is the
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356 to Evaluate Structural
Performance in the Alton Apartment Building
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2871
center of the crowd as the place where many universities are located. Seeing the
increasing population and decreasing land is a challenge to developing vertical housing.
The Alton Apartment is located on Jalan Prof. Sudarto no.10 Pedalangan, Banyumanik
District. The residence in the apartment has two basement floors, five podium floors, and
25 floors for each of the 3 towers. The total height of the building is 96.7 m from the
basement floor (Suwandi, 2019).
With the condition of the building, which is a category of high-rise buildings, it is
necessary to review the reliability of the structure from the earthquake side and the
elements that hold the earthquake force. The city of Semarang, within a radius of 500 km,
has several faults as follows (Masbudi, Purwanto, & Supriyadi, 2015). The first fault, the
Pati fault, has a strike-slip mechanism with a value of 6.8 magnitude. The second fault,
the Lasem fault, has a strike-slip mechanism with a value of 6.5 magnitude. Another
earthquake source is the Java megathrust subduction, which has a reverse mechanism of
8.3 magnitude (Muttaqin & Afifuddin, 2020). The overall data collection is used to find
out each potential source that can produce energy for soil movements heading to the city
of Semarang. Data collection was recorded by the Meteorology, Climatology, and
Geophysics Agency/BMKG, then the international institution National Earthquake
Information Center, and the U.S. Geological Survey/NEIC-USGS. Earthquake data was
collected from 1900 to 2013 with a minimum of 5 Mw and a maximum magnitude
(Mmax) of 8.3 Mw (Partono, Irsyam, & Wardani, 2017).
At the time of planning, Alton Apartments used old regulations, including SNI
1726-2012 for earthquake resistance, SNI 1727-2013 for minimum load design, and SNI
1729-2015 for structural steel buildings. Seeing the high level of operational buildings
and the need to adapt to earthquake resistance rules for buildings, damage mitigation is
needed through pushover analysis or non-linear static analysis procedures. Pushover
Analysis is a method of evaluating the structure contained in a new concept for earthquake
engineering based on Performance Seismic Evaluation (PBSE) (Nabhilla & Hayu, 2020).
This analysis method includes a specific static load with a lateral direction that is
increased gradually until the collapse of the structural element is achieved due to the
presence of plastic joints or reaching a specific displacement target (Andrio & Masagala,
Previous research related to the evaluation of building structure performance using
pushover analysis, such as those conducted at RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo Building,
Faculty of Law, Sam Ratulangi University Manado, podium-type multi-story building
structures, buildings with soft first stories, Postgraduate Building of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM, and the University of Indonesia Teaching
Hospital Building, as well as the Graha Wiyata UNTAG Building Surabaya, the research
has similar objectives and analysis methods. Namely to evaluate the performance of
building structures against earthquake loads using pushover analysis. The results showed
that the structure's performance was at a certain level of performance, such as Immediate
Occupancy, which indicates the ability of the building to be reused after an earthquake
without significant structural damage (Nabhilla & Hayu, 2020).
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2872
This study uses FEMA 356 rules with a non-linear static procedure method to assess
the performance level of buildings, especially in meeting the drift value and strength ratio
(μstrength) requirements. The formulation of the problem includes evaluation of
performance point values, compliance with the requirements of the Non-Linear Static
Procedure according to FEMA 356 rules, calculation of ductility values from pushover
results, checking the boundaries between levels, calculation of P-delta stability, the need
to adjust horizontal irregularities, and when the structure can be said to meet the
requirements of vertical irregularities. The objectives of the study include understanding
the performance level of the structure, verification of Non-Linear Static Procedure
requirements, assessment of ductility, checking the difference of deviation at the center
of mass, calculation of P-delta stability, adjustment of horizontal irregularities, and
verification of vertical irregularities. The limitations of the problem include the building
being studied, the type of structure, the source of earthquake data, the evaluation
procedure, the earthquake resistance regulations used, and the performance evaluation
method of the structure applied.
This study was conducted in Pedalangan, Banyumanik, focusing on the Alton
Apartment, which has two basement floors, five podium floors, and 25 floors for three
towers, totaling 96.7 m. The research is divided into several stages, from preparation, to
data collection and analysis. Data collection consists of secondary data from direct
surveys and literature studies. The data includes images, test reports, and maps of
earthquake acceleration. The analysis process involves a pushover method using the
ETABS V 18.1.1 program. The analysis steps include defining the mass source, gravity
load, and pushover load. The analysis results are evaluated to determine the performance
category of the structure, such as Immediate Occupancy, Life Safety, or Collapse
Prevention. The analysis also considers aspects such as ductility, boundaries between
levels, P-delta influence, and horizontal and vertical irregularities. All of these steps are
important to ensure the structure's performance against earthquakes.
Research Flow Diagram
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356 to Evaluate Structural
Performance in the Alton Apartment Building
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2873
Figure 1. Research Flow Diagram
Results and Discussion
Earthquake Risk Categories and Priority Factors
Alton Semarang Apartment is an apartment function building, so the risk category
based on Table 3 of SNI 1726-2019 is II. The Ie earthquake's priority factor is 1.0
according to Table 4 of SNI 1726-2019.
Categories Seismic Design and Seismic Force Bearing System
If a 1000-year reage earthquake map is used by the point of the research location,
it is known that the SMS value = 0.792 and SM1 = 0.600. It can be known that the value
of the seismic design category is according to Tables 8 and 9 of SNI 1726-2019. As a
calculation of short periods, 0.5 0.792 SMS are included in type D. For a period of 1
second, 0.20 ≤ 0.600 are included in type D.
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2874
The seismic force-bearing system is regulated in Table 12 of SNI 1726-2019, where
it is determined based on the results of the selection of seismic design categories and the
selection of frames to withstand seismic forces. In the structure of the Alton Apartment
building, reinforced concrete walls are chosen as the seismic style carrying frame. Then,
it is determined that particular reinforced concrete sliding walls can be allowed. The value
of the specified factor is R = 7; Ω = 2,5, and Cd = 5.5.
Structural Modeling
The modeling is based on the results of the as-built drawings, which were issued by
the contractor PT. PP (Persero) Tbk with the approval of PT's construction management.
Maksi Engineering Solutions. Here is the application of modeling to ETABS and as-built
Figure 2 Basement Floor 1
Figure 3 Basement Floor 1 on ETABS
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356 to Evaluate Structural
Performance in the Alton Apartment Building
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2875
Earthquake Response Spectrum Map
The map used is sourced from the results of a study by the National Center for
Earthquake Studies on May 1, 2021, to retrofit and seismic evaluation of existing
buildings. The types of maps used are 250-year and 1000-year periods. The following is
the map used.
Figure 4
250-year repetition period with 0.2 second response spectral acceleration
Figure 5 250-year reage period with 1.0-second response spectral acceleration
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2876
Figure 6
1000-year re-period with 0.2-second response spectral acceleration
Figure 7
1000-year re-period with 1.0-second response spectral acceleration
Entering Earthquake Data
On the earthquake map, 2 data were obtained: the Short-Period Acceleration
Spectrum of 0.2 seconds (Ss) and the Period Acceleration Spectrum of 1.0 seconds (S1).
Then, the site coefficients Fa and Fv are looked for; the soil site class also determines this
at the project site (Dalo, Handono, & Wallah, 2019). The Alton Semarang Apartment
Project is determined by the medium soil site (SD) class. For the sake of the 250-year and
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356 to Evaluate Structural
Performance in the Alton Apartment Building
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2877
1000-year earthquake recurrence periods, the 2/3 multiplier is not used. The following
are the results of the earthquake data input.
Figure 8
Comparison of 250-year, 1000-year, and 2500-year re-period Spectral Responses
Entering the Block Repeating Area
The beam repetition area and effective height (d') need to be entered according to
the results of the implementation and installation drawings. These results are needed to
consider the moment yields and test a block's level of vitality. The following are the
results of the block repetition input.
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2878
Figure 9 Repeating of B25 40x70 Beam
Figure 10 Input ETABS Repeatability Area and effective height of B25 Beam 40x70
Enter the Column Repetition Area
The repetition input is intended to check the size, diameter, number of repetitions,
and quality of the repetitions. The following are the results of the input on ETABS.
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356 to Evaluate Structural
Performance in the Alton Apartment Building
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2879
Figure 11 K24 column repetition ETABS input 100x180
Entering the Shearwall Repeating Area
The sliding wall's repetition is divided into a special boundary element area and a
body area. The following is the sliding wall's repetition on ETABS.
Figure 12
Shearwall SW23 Retraction
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2880
Figure 13 SW23 Shearwall Repeating ETABS Input
Mass Source Analysis and Gravitational Load Cases
In the non-linear analysis, the live load is calculated at 25% without reducing by
ASCE rule 7 but not less than the actual live load.
Figure 14 Mass Source
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356 to Evaluate Structural
Performance in the Alton Apartment Building
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2881
Figure 15 Gravitational Load Case
Pushover Load Case Analysis
The performance target in the Alton Apartment project is determined, namely Life
Safety, with a drift of 1% according to the function of the structural concrete wall. To
control the magnitude of displacement, the formula 150% x drift performance target x
building height is used. This is by FEMA 356 Table C1-3 rules.
Beam Hinge Analysis
The beam hinge was determined based on the distance between the plastic joints,
which is 0.05 from the left edge and 0.95 from the right edge. Then, the degree of freedom
is determined using the M3 value. The repetition distribution in this study is considered
conforming because, in past work practice, reinforcing the beam structure was very
concerning. Beam hinge parameters are based on ASCE 41-17 rules with table 10-7.
Column Hinge Analysis
For hinge columns based on ASCE rules 41-17 with tables 10-8 and 10-9. The
degree of freedom in the column is determined using P-M2-M3. The repetition of the
columns is considered adequate based on the drawings as-built drawings. The axial force
P is determined based on the case of gravity and gravity plus lateral load in the form of
pushover load in the x and y directions.
Hinge Shearwall Analysis
This is in contrast to columns and beams, which apply sliding walls using hinge
properties in the form of fiber. The following are the results of the sliding wall shell hinge
assignment on ETABS.
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2882
Figure 15
Shell Assignment Hinges for Sliding Walls
Performance Point Analysis
The following are the results of analyzing the performance level of buildings for
pushover in the x and y directions on the 250-year and 1000-year earthquake maps. It is
known that the height of the building is 96100 mm, with two basements and 30 floors that
function as apartment occupancy (Nugroho, 2015). If you look at Table 2.1 ASCE 41-17
regulations, the risk category is II. On the 250-year earthquake map, the specified
performance requirement is life safety (LS) if you look at Table 2.1 ASCE 41-17 with a
1% drift according to Table C1-3 FEMA 356. Meanwhile, in the 1000-year earthquake
map, the specified performance requirement is collapse prevention (CP) if you look at
Table 1 ASCE 41-17 with a drift of 2% according to Table C1-3 FEMA 356. The results
of the breakdown are described in the form of a table.
Table 1
X-Directional Pushover Performance Point Value
Earthquake Map
Direction X
Displacement (D)
Drift (D/H)
Drift limits
Table 2
Y Direction Pushover Performance Point Value
Earthquake Map
Direction Y
Analysis of Non-Linear Static Procedure Based on Fema 356 to Evaluate Structural
Performance in the Alton Apartment Building
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2883
Displacement (D)
Drift (D/H)
Drift limits
The results above show that the Alton Apartment building still meets the life safety
and collapse prevention performance level.
Analisis Syarat 1 Non Linear Static Procedure
The purpose of this check is to determine whether the Non-Linear Static Procedure
(NSP) analysis results can be used if the strength ratio (μstrength) is less than μmax.
Analisis Syarat 2 Non Linear Static Procedure
Checking this condition is to compare story forces of the first model structure with
capital participating mass ratios of 90% and not more significant than the second model
in analysis of one variety only and by taking into account 130% x Vstory forces model 2.
The primary purpose of checking one variety for the second modeling is not significant
for the higher mode of the first modeling (Kurniati, 2019).
Structural Ductility Calculation
The greatest is the calculation of ductility to see the level of the structure's ability
to experience post-elastic deviation when it reaches the condition on the verge of collapse.
The ductility value was achieved based on calculating the R-value from the pushover
analysis with the formula μstrength, μmax, and RR factor. The result of the ductility value
R must be achieved according to the seismic force-bearing system.
Calculation of Inter-Tier Limits
The diaphragm in the Alton Apartment research is divided into two types:
diaphragm 1 (D1) and diaphragm 2 (D2). The diaphragm 1 (D1) division includes
basement floors 1 to the rooftop floor with podium area, towers 1 and 2. The division of
diaphragm 2 (D2) covers the 8th floor to the rooftop floor with a tower area of 3. An
example of calculation is taken for the 1st floor with diaphragm 1 (D1).
= 0,02 h
ρ = 1,3
= Δ
/ ρ
= 0,015 h
Cd = 5,5
Ie = 1,0
floor 1 = Δ
x h
floor 1 = 0,015 x 2900 mm
1 lanai basement
) * Cd / IeΔx floor 1 = (1,33 0,41) * 5,5
/ 1,0Δx floor 1 = 5,02 mmΔy floor 1 =
2 lantai 1
1 lantai basement
) * / Ie0
 
 
Hastria Iqbal Pratama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2884
Horizontal Irregularity Calculation
In this calculation, horizontal irregularities are calculated based on several types,
namely torque irregularities, excessive torque irregularities, inner angle irregularities,
diaphragm discontinuity irregularities, irregularities due to perpendicular shifts to the
plane, and nonparallel system irregularities.
Based on the results of the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that this building
can withstand the earthquake force that occurs well. The requirements for Non-Linear
static procedure analysis have been met, indicating that the building has adequate
strength. In addition, the ductility of buildings against earthquakes has also been fulfilled
and safe. All deviation values and calculations of P-delta values show that the building
remains stable and safe against the effects of earthquakes. Although horizontal
irregularity adjustment is necessary, the building is safe from vertical collapse failure in
the event of an earthquake. Suggestions for the next research include the addition of
Linear Dynamic Procedure (LDP) analysis, review of displacement points, maintenance
of the shape and function of existing spaces, and checks by earthquake maps and the latest
building evaluation rules.
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