pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2827
A case report: Maternal complications from severe dengue.
What can happen?
Reny Faristin Putri Arifin
, Wildan Firmansyah
RSUD dr. Soedono Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Pregnancy,
DHF, Pulmonary Edema.
Dengue fever (DHF) is an acute infectious disease caused by
dengue virus. Thrombocytopenia results from viral
suppression in the bone marrow, and platelet destruction
occurs. Damaged platelets worsen plasma leakage. When the
amount of filtration fluid exceeds the ability and fluid
trapped in the interstitium eventually enters the alveoli, there
is an increase in alveolar capillaries, resulting in pulmonary
edema. The patient was referred with complaints of fever for
5 days, dizziness (+), shortness of breath (+), nausea (+), and
vomiting (+). Laboratory examination showed platelets 109
x 103/µL, positive Ig G DHF Immuno Serology, and thorax
X-ray with pulmonary edema. Cesarean section and IUD
insertion were performed. During and after surgery, there
were no complications.
Dengue viruses (DENVs) form dengue complex in the genus Flavivirus, family
Flaviviridae, and consist of four antigenically related but distinct DENV serotypes
(DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4). These DENVs can cause a
spectrum of illnesses ranging from asymptomatic dengue infection to dengue fever (DF)
to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) to dengue shock syndrome (DSS). It is estimated that
close to 3.6 billion are at risk, with 390 million infections, of which 96 million are
symptomatic. Among the 96 million symptomatic cases, 2 million end in severe forms of
infections, that is, DHF and DSS, and around 21,000 fatal cases occur annually around
the world. Most of these infections occur in developing and underdeveloped countries
where the surveillance network for infectious diseases is not robust, which means there
is a possibility of gross underreporting of dengue (Iskandar, 2022). In this chapter, we
will discuss the evolution of the virus and its vector, the epidemiology of dengue, the
molecular and genomic structure of DENV, their pathogenesis, the immune response of
the host to the infection, laboratory diagnosis, management, and recent developments in
dengue drug and vaccine development (Thergarajan & Sekaran, 2023).
Dengue is endemic to the Southeastern geographical area of Asia (SEA) and spreads
through the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti (Organization, 1997). Globally, the incidence
of dengue increased from 30,668,000 in 1990 to 56,879,000 in 2019 (Murugesan &
Reny Faristin Putri Arifin, Wildan Firmansyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2828
Manoharan, 2020). In SEA alone, there were 7,700,000 cases of dengue in 2019 (Tian et
al., 2022).
It was reported that dengue is the most common cause of fever during pregnancy
(46%) in Vientiane, Laos (Chansamouth et al., 2016). In 2015, 82,000 patients in Vietnam
had dengue infection nqw /i25 deaths. The mortality rate for severe dengue fever is 0.8
2.5%, and pregnancy should be recognized as a coexisting risk factor for severe infection.
However, the maternal and fetal outcomes remain not fully understood. The first systemic
review could not determine whether maternal dengue infection is a risk for adverse effects
because there were few comparative studies (Pouliot et al., 2010). Recently, the first
systematic review on outcomes of neonates born to mothers with dengue fever was
reported, and it demonstrated that preterm birth and low birthweight were reported to be
the most common adverse pregnancy outcomes; however, dengue fever was not
significantly associated with these adverse outcomes, suggesting that symptomatic
dengue fever may indicate risk (Paixão, Teixeira, Maria da Conceição, & Rodrigues,
The picture of DHF cases in 2023 in Madiun City has affected 144 people, with 1
case of death. The dengue morbidity rate in 2023 was 80.75/100,000 population, and the
dengue mortality rate in 2023 was 0.69%. And the DHF mortality rate in 2023 was 0.69%.
Data for 2024 up to 16 February 2024 show that 66 cases of DHF have been reported, 1
case of death, a morbidity rate of 36.89/100,000 population, and a mortality rate of 1.52%
(Astuti, Dwiningwarni, Atmojo, Masfufa, & Yanesty, 2023).
Case report of Mrs. E, 26 years old, referral from a private hospital, gravida 3, the
first child aged 8 years, abortion 1x. With complaints of fever for 5 days, accompanied
by dizziness (+), headache (+), weakness (+), nausea (+), vomiting (+) 3 times today, and
shortness (-). Mucus comes out of the birth canal. Bleeding complaints such as nosebleeds
or bleeding gums are denied. Complaints of red spots on the skin are denied (Amanda,
Wiratmo, & Utami, 2023). Complaints of tightness - tightness and feeling of fluid seeping
from the birth canal are denied. Paien is 37-38 weeks pregnant from HPHT. Blood
pressure 105/72, pulse 115 times/minute, respiratory rate 20 times/minute, temperature
36.5 degrees Celsius, SpO2 100%. Physical examination found anemis in the conjunctiva.
From the obstetric examination, Leopold I inspection palpable soft, non-bouncy, podium
fundus height of 30 cm; Leopold II palpable flat part on the right side of the mother;
Leopold III palpable round, hard, bouncy part; Leopold IV Not yet entered the upper
pelvic door (PAP), Fetal movement: present, DJJ: 134 x/min, His: (-), VT: Opening 0/10
cm; 0% eff. The results of the reactive NST reading category 1. Ultrasound examination
of a single live baby, head position, estimated fetal weight of 2900 grams. Laboratory
examination results of Hemoglobin 9.3 x 103, Platelets 136 x 103.
The method used is a case report.
A case report: Maternal complications from severe dengue. What can happen?
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2829
Results and Discussion
Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a dengue virus infection with four serotypes: Den-1,
Den-2, Den-3, and Den-4. It is characterized by a sudden fever of 2-7 days, which can be
accompanied by joint pain, retroorbital pain, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. Bleeding,
thrombocytopenia, and evidence of fluid permeation into the interstitial are also present.
The exact mechanism of the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of dengue
hemorrhagic fever is still unknown, but most adhere to the "secondary heterologous
infection hypothesis", which says that dengue fever can occur if a person after the first
dengue infection gets reinfected with a different type of dengue virus for a certain period
which is estimated to be between 6 months and 5 years.
As a result of a second infection by a different type of dengue virus in a patient with
low levels of anti-dengue antibodies, the anamnestic antibody response that will be caught
in a few days results in the proliferation and transformation of immune lymphocytes by
producing high-titer anti-dengue IgG antibodies. Dengue virus replication occurs as a
result of the presence of a large number of viruses. All of these things will form an
antibody-antigen complex, further activating the complement system. The release of C3a
and C5a due to the activating of C3 and C5 causes increased permeability of the blood
vessel wall and the seepage of plasma through the endothelium of the blood vessel wall.
In people with severe shock, plasma volume can be reduced to more than 30% and lasts
24-48 hours.
Shocks that are not adequately treated can cause tissue anoxia, metabolic acidosis,
and death. Thrombocytopenia is a hematological disorder found in most dengue patients.
The platelet value decreases during fever and reaches its lowest value during shock. The
number of thrombocytes rapidly increases during convalescence, and average values are
usually reached by the 10th day after the onset of the disease.
The endothelium has a vital function, namely maintaining vascular tone, preventing
blood clots and cell migration, producing chemoattractants, and maintaining the
permeability of blood vessels. This function is needed to maintain the blood supply to the
body's organs. In order to function correctly, endothelial cells must remain stable. The
links between cells composed of protein molecules maintain the stability of vascular
endothelial cells. The links between endothelial cells that play the most role are tight
junctions and adherens junctions. The links between endothelial cells form a narrow gap
between endothelial (paracellular pathways). They can only be passed through small
molecules < 2 nm in diameter, such as water, urea, glucose, electrolytes, etc. However, if
the gap widens, the gap between the endothelium can pass through larger molecules and
blood cells (plasma leakage).
In dengue, there is a plasma leak. The release of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, tumor
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), histamine, bradykinin, anaphylaxis C3a and C5a, vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), activation of complements, thrombin, and antibodies
during infection can cause activation and contraction of capillary endothelial cell filament
actin. The contraction that occurs makes the link proteins between endothelial cells (tight
Reny Faristin Putri Arifin, Wildan Firmansyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2830
junction and adherens junction) enter the cell, making the gap between cells widen and
subsequently causing plasma leakage.
Non-cardiac pulmonary edema is an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fluid
in the interstitial and alveolar spaces of the lungs due to increased microvascular
permeability. Pulmonary edema occurs when the capillary alveoli membrane filtration
rate increases beyond the capacity of lymphatic duct flow.
Under normal circumstances, the mechanisms that maintain the pulmonary alveoli
remain in a fluid-free state by feeding are regulated by the anatomy and physiology of the
lungs themselves, namely the balance of capillary pressure and osmotic pressure of
plasma fluid, as well as the state of permeability of the capillary wall that remains normal.
In general, pulmonary edema occurs due to an increase in pulmonary microvessels
due to an increase in pulmonary veins, generally due to mitral stenosis and left ventricle
decompensation, known as cardiopulmonary edema. Another cause of pulmonary edema
is an increase in capillary alveoli, caused by toxic substances from inside and outside the
lungs due to inhalation of toxic gases. In this state, there is a buildup of protein and fluid
in the pulmonary intertidal without an increase in microvascular, known as non-cardiac
pulmonary edema.
Management of DHF with pulmonary edema in pregnancy
Spreading dengue to the ovaries by its endemic vector can increase the incidence
of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The increase in the number of cases also occurred due to
overcrowding of residents, movement from one place without reporting, poor
environmental sanitation, travel in endemic areas, and ineffective vector eradication
(Organization, 1997). WHO divides the clinical manifestations of dengue hemorrhagic
fever by degrees one to four, according to the manifestations caused.
Acute pulmonary edema is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in
pregnant and recently pregnant women (Wilkinson, 2011). It is characterized by sudden
onset breathlessness, may be accompanied by agitation, and is often the clinically severe
manifestation of various pathophysiological processes. The Scottish Confidential Audit
of Severe Maternal Morbidity, one of the most extensive maternal morbidity audits,
reported that acute pulmonary edema was the fourth most common form of maternal
morbidity (Wilkinson, 2011). It is also frequently the reason for intensive care admission
(Pollock, 2010) and may occur during the antenatal, intrapartum, or postpartum periods.
Estimated rates of acute pulmonary edema in pregnancy vary from 0.08% to 0.5%
(Dunne, 2008; Altman, 2008). The wide ranges reported are due to the poor reporting of
maternal morbidity and the lack of minimal reporting datasets of key outcomes in
pregnancy and the postpartum period (Tornton, 2011).
Iatrogenic causes remain an essential factor for acute pulmonary edema without
hypertension. The management of preterm labor with the use of tocolytic agents such as
adrenoceptor antagonists (terbutaline and salbutamol) has been associated with acute
pulmonary edema. Important mechanisms in this setting include effects on capillary
permeability, reduced myocardial contractility, and fluid administration.
A case report: Maternal complications from severe dengue. What can happen?
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2831
Britain and Ireland during tocolytic therapy and the concurrent use of steroid
medication. Newer single agents such as nifedipine are associated with less acute
pulmonary edema (level 1++ evidence). Magnesium sulfate and corticosteroids have both
been implicated as precipitators of acute pulmonary edema in pregnant or postpartum
women. Women in whom magnesium sulfate infusions are administered for fetal
neuroprotection in preterm labor (level 1++ evidence) need to be carefully monitored and
their fluid balance meticulously recorded.
Non-cardiac pulmonary edema is an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fluid
in the interstitial and alveolar spaces of the lungs due to increased microvascular
permeability. Pulmonary edema occurs when the capillary alveoli membrane filtration
rate increases beyond the capacity of lymphatic duct flow.
Under normal circumstances, the mechanisms that maintain the pulmonary alveoli
in a fluid-free state by feeding are regulated by the anatomy and physiology of the lungs
themselves, namely the balance of capillary pressure and osmotic pressure of plasma
fluid, as well as the normal state of permeability of the capillary wall.
Inhaling toxic gases in this state can cause toxic substances to build up inside and
outside the lungs. This buildup of proteins and fluids in the intertidal lungs without an
increase in microvascular blood flow is known as non-cardiac pulmonary edema.
The administration of diuretics aims to reduce the pre-load that becomes a burden
on the ventricles. In situations where hypotension occurs with low pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure requiring fluid resuscitation to increase blood pressure and tissue
perfusion, if there is no response to inotropic administration, it may be considered.
The triggering factors of non-cardiac pulmonary edema must be identified and
managed optimally. Causes of pulmonary edema with normal microvascular pressure
include inhalation of toxic gases (Nitrogen dioxide, CO, Sulfur dioxide, etc.), gastric fluid
aspiration, and pulmonary edema due to altitude. Pulmonary edema should be treated in
the intensive care unit to monitor and evaluate blood gas analysis, fluid balance, blood
pressure, and radiological picture. Specific treatment refers to the underlying cause of
>40,000 cases of pulmonary edema unless obstetric or termination measures cannot be
avoided in the next six hours.
Attention if urine output is minimal, persistent vomiting, lethargy, weak pulse, slow
filling of capillaries >2 seconds, liver enlargement >2cm, mucosal hemorrhage (epistaxis,
gum bleeding, petechiae, and vaginal bleeding and increased hematocrit >20% from the
baseline line), these symptoms are DHF with warning signs (Group B). Check your vital
signs every hour to know exactly how much urine you will output each hour. (urine target
Intensive fluid resuscitation is carried out with normal fluid saline bolus 5-7
cc/kg/hour within 1-2 hours; if the situation improves, continue to administer 3-
5ml/Kg/hour in 2-4 hours, gradually reducing to 2-3ml/Kg/hour in 2 to 4 hours. If the
situation improves, stop fluid therapy at 48 hours. Evaluate urine output and pulse
pressure and avoid induction of labor or surgical planning in this phase.3 DHF with shock
Reny Faristin Putri Arifin, Wildan Firmansyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2832
on admission is categorized in group C. Patients in this category require Intensive Unit
Care (ICU).
Dengue infection is significant in pregnancy. Viral infection can affect the
incidence of morbidity and mortality rates in femtometers. Case recognition to establish
the correct diagnosis of fluid therapy administration is not delayed. DHF in pregnant
women can cause preterm birth, intrauterine fetal death, placental abruption, pulmonary
edema, and miscarriage in early pregnancy. Childbirth is performed by cesarean section
due to the presence of pulmonary edema to evaluate, and pregnancy is highly dependent
on obstetric indications as well as the choice of termination method. It is not
recommended to perform labor induction or surgery planning in the critical phase because
it will cause heavy bleeding. Platelet administration is also not recommended to be done
routinely without any accompanying indications. The administration of PRC is prepared
and can be given immediately if bleeding occurs after termination. The administration
does not wait for the loss of blood volume to reach 500 cc, which will make the hematocrit
drop to the lowest level. Postoperative care is carried out in the ICU room due to the
presence of pulmonary edema that requires observation.
A case report: Maternal complications from severe dengue. What can happen?
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