pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2783
The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the
Performance of Contracting Companies in North Sumatra
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon
, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan
M. Ridwan Anas
, Ricky Bakara
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Quality of HR
Performance of the
Contractor Company;
This research aims to determine the influence of the quality
of human resource management on the performance of
contractor companies in North Sumatra. The hypothesis
proposed is that there is a positive relationship between the
quality of human resources and the performance of
contractor companies. A total of 24 respondents from 6
contractor companies were selected as samples using the
probability sampling method. The research results show that
there is an influence between the quality of human resources
on company performance. This is proven by the results of
the hypothesis test which shows the calculated t value of
10.785, exceeding the t table value of 2.074. Therefore, the
null hypothesis is rejected, indicating that there is a
significant influence between the quality of human resource
management and the performance of contractor companies
in North Sumatra. From the research results, it can be
concluded that the quality of human resource management
has a significant influence on the performance of contractor
companies in North Sumatra 84.1%; the remaining 15.9% is
influenced by other factors. Therefore, it is recommended to
improve the quality of human resource management to
improve the performance of contractor companies.
The performance of contracting companies in the construction industry is a key
factor in determining the success and competitiveness of the company (Prasetijo,
Tjendani, & Witjaksana, 2023). Contracting companies that can manage human resources
(HR) well have the potential to achieve project objectives efficiently, generate greater
profits, and meet client expectations. In a broader scope, improving the performance of
contracting companies can contribute to the growth of the construction sector and
economic development (Rusli, Afifuddin, & Abd Rani, 2018).
Construction companies have a variety of complex problems and factors such as
cost, quality, and safety. The construction sector involves many parties from various
expertise. This cannot be separated from the role of humans as the main resource in a
construction company. So the management of human resources (HR) is one of the key
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan, M. Ridwan Anas,
Ricky Bakara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2784
elements of success in the sustainability of the company (Miswar, Hidayat, & Ophiyandri,
2017). One of the key factors for the success of construction companies in achieving their
vision and mission is the good quality of human resources (Dharmayanti, Adnyana, &
Nugraha, 2020). This is because human resource management in the construction sector
is an important factor. After all, in its implementation, the construction organization is
dominated by human labor (Kirchev & Bartoschek, 2021).
The construction process with a high level of complexity and continuous process
also requires a high level of education from the workers. (Hecklau et al., 2016). In
addition, to increase the company's attractiveness to stakeholders, human resource
training that suits the company's needs also needs to be carried out to gain the trust of
these stakeholders (Pinto & Soekiman, 2022).
Improving the quality of human resources needs to be done so that the organization
becomes more competitive and able to respond to external challenges for the existence
and sustainability of the company (Arshad, 2021). The increase in the strategic role of
HR management can be realized through recruitment, placement, payroll/compensation,
and career development policies based on competencies. Implementing competency-
based HR management in the company will have an impact on more reliable human
resource ownership in the face of changes and shifts in the era of globalization (Artini,
Based on a preliminary study that has been conducted (Andius, 2019) in Malang
City, it was found that a phenomenon or problem was produced by the company itself
and existed within the control of the company's organization. This problem is usually
related to weak human resource management, so human resource management problems
are the single biggest factor behind many company failures. In addition, the problem that
usually occurs in construction service companies, namely recruitment that is carried out
consistently, is not supported by the efficiency of employee training, both new and
permanent employees, and will cause someone to be ineffective in working and can
further reduce performance. In the long run, this can have an impact on the company's
In a previous journal by Ihedigbo, Kingsley Sunday and Richard Jimoh explained
that the success of an organization depends on the effective and efficient use of human
resources. In addition, in any project-based industry, for example, the construction
industry, the performance of the project is highly dependent on the effectiveness of its
human resources. Labor turnover in the construction industry and poor performance of
the construction industry in terms of project delays, cost uncertainty, and lack of quality
are caused by inadequate utilization of human resource management practices
(Maddeppungeng, 2015).
Therefore, it is important to recognize that human resources are valuable assets in
a contractor company. The quality of HR management is a very important factor in
achieving optimal performance. In the context of North Sumatra, which is one of the
provinces with significant construction activity in Indonesia, contractor companies
operate amid increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, it is important to understand the
The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the Performance of Contracting
Companies in North Sumatra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2785
impact of HR management quality on improving the performance of contracting
companies in this region.
The objectives of this research are:
1. Analyze and understand the quality of human resource management (HR)
implemented by contracting companies in North Sumatra.
2. Measuring the performance of contractor companies in North Sumatra. This will
involve indicators such as quality, quantity, timeliness, effectiveness, independence,
transformation, and maintenance.
3. Whether the quality of HR management has a significant influence on the performance
of the contractor company. It involves statistical analysis that reflects the relationship
between HR management and company performance.
Research Location
The location of this research was carried out in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Data Used
The data to be researched and analyzed in this study consists of primary data and
secondary data.
1. Data Primer
Primary data was obtained by conducting structured interviews (surveys) with
competent construction companies on the problems studied. As a theoretical basis in
primary data collection, literature studies are carried out through books, journals,
magazines, and articles.
2. Data Seconds
Secondary data used in literature studies contained in books, journals, and various
media related to the topic being researched.
Research Variables
The research conducted by the author consists of two variables, namely independent
variables and dependent variables.
Independent Variable (Independent Variable)
In this study, there are independent variables that are studied, namely the quality of
human resource management
Bound Variable (Dependent Variable)
Bound variables are variables that are influenced or become a result, because of the
existence of independent variables". In this study, the dependent variable is Company
Population and Sample
1. Populasi
The population in this study is contractor companies in North Sumatra that handle
public and private projects.
2. Sample
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan, M. Ridwan Anas,
Ricky Bakara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2786
The sampling technique in this study is the probability sampling method where the
sampling is random or random. This method gives all members of the population the same
probability or chance to be a selected sample. A sample of contractor companies is 6 (six)
companies that will be taken by each respondent.
Data Collection Techniques
In this study, the data collection technique used is structured interviews (surveys).
Structured interviews and surveys were aimed at several respondents such as directors,
project managers, site managers, etc. who are in the contracting company related to
human resource management and improving the performance of the contracting
Research Stages
The stages carried out in this study can be depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Diagram of the research stages
Results and Discussion
Tabulation of Human Resource Management Quality Questionnaire Results (X)
The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the Performance of Contracting
Companies in North Sumatra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2787
The analysis of variable data on the quality of human resource management (X)
was based on 19 statements. Based on table 3.1. Operational Research Variables, then in
the personality dimension with moral, ethical, and 5S indicators (greetings, greetings,
politeness, courtesy, smile) which is based on 7 statements received an average score of
4.05 with a good interpretation of agree. Likewise, in the productivity dimension with
indicators of intelligence, work, and knowledge based on 7 statements, it received an
average score of 3.95 with interpretations tending to agree. In the dimension of creativity
with indicators of critical thinking, skills, and intention based on 5 statements received an
average score of 4.19 with a good interpretation of agree.
Each indicator is based on the statements described in the table below:
Table 1
The statements of respondents in Questionnaire No.1 stated that they agreed with
13 respondents (54.2%), and respondents stated that they strongly agreed with as many
as 11 respondents (45.8%). None of the respondents answered strongly disagree, disagree,
or disagree. This means that respondents agree by applying ways of interacting (deeds,
behaviors, and speech) between fellow employees.
Tabulation of Company Performance Questionnaire Results (Y)
The analysis of the company's performance variable data (Y) is based on 16
statements. Based on table 3.1. Operational Research Variables, then in the dimension of
contextual performance (interpersonal or interpersonal work achievement of a person)
with the dimensions of quality, quantity, timeliness, effectiveness, and independence
based on 8 statements received an average score of 4.27 with a good interpretation. As
well as in the dimension of task performance (work performance, technique, or behavior
in organizationalization or interpersonal) with indicators of transformation and
maintenance based on 8 statements getting an average score of 4 with a good
Each indicator is based on the statements described in the table below:
Table 2
Statements of respondents in questionnaire No.20 stated that 13 respondents
(54.2%) agreed, and respondents stated that they strongly agreed with 11 respondents
(45.8%). There were no answers from respondents who answered strongly disagree,
disagree, and disagree. This means that respondents agree with the quality of human
STS % TS % KS % S % SS % %
Karyawan mendapatkan penataran
mengatur cara berinteraksi
(perbuatan, perilaku, dan ucapan)
antar sesama karyawan
0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 13 54,2 11 45,8 24 100
Jawaban Responden
Karyawan dapat menyelesaikan
pekerjaan dengan baik, teliti, serta
sesuai standar yang ditetapkan
Jawaban Responden
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan, M. Ridwan Anas,
Ricky Bakara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2788
resource management applied by completing work well, thoroughly, and according to
Table 3
The statements of respondents in questionnaire No.35 stated that they strongly
disagree and disagree with each as many as 1 respondent (4.2%), respondents who stated
that they disagree as many as 2 respondents (8.3%), respondents who stated that they
agree as many as 8 respondents (33.3%), respondents who stated that they strongly agree
as many as 12 respondents (50.0%). And respondents answered all of these statements.
This means that respondents agree with employees that they expect to become permanent
employees, in order to guarantee compensation and benefits.
The average score based on 16 statements on the company's performance variables
can be seen in the following table:
Table 4
Average value on the Company's performance variables
Based on Table 1, a company performance profile can be made for construction
companies in Indonesia as shown in the following figure.
STS % TS % KS % S % SS % %
Karyawan memiliki harapan menjadi
karyawan tetap, karena kompensasi
dan tunjangan yang terjamin
1 4,2 1 4,2 2 8,3 8 33,3 12 50,0 24 100
Jawaban Responden
Reponden Rata-ra ta P enafsiran Reponden Rata-ra ta Pen afsiran
1 3 Ragu-ragu 13 4 Baik
2 3 Ragu-ragu 14 4 Baik
3 3 Ragu-ragu 15 5 Sangat Baik
4 4 Baik 16 4 Baik
5 4 Baik 17 5 Sangat Baik
6 4 Baik 18 5 Sangat Baik
7 4 Baik 19 5 Sangat Baik
8 4 Baik 20 5 Sangat Baik
9 4 Baik 21 5 Sangat Baik
10 4 Baik 22 5 Sangat Baik
11 4 Baik 23 5 Sangat Baik
12 4 Baik 24 5 Sangat Baik
The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the Performance of Contracting
Companies in North Sumatra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2789
Figure 2. Company Performance Profile
Figure 2 shows that the performance of contractor companies in North Sumatra with
very good conditions is 38%, good condition is 50%, and hesitant is 13%. This condition
shows that most of the performance of construction companies in North Sumatra is in
good condition.
Prerequisite Analysis Testing
The prerequisite analysis test that will be applied in this study is a reliability and
validity test.
In this study, the data obtained from the list of statements and documentation was
analyzed with the help of a computer using the Statistical Product for Service Solution
(SPSS) program, because the questionnaire item scores were on an interval scale, so the
validity test used product-moment correlation. The value of r of the table with the number
of samples (n = 24) at a significant level (α = 0.05) is obtained from the r table of 0.404,
meaning that if r counts < r table then the instrument item is invalid and if r calculates >
r table then the instrument item can be used (valid). The values of the correlation
coefficient for the validity test of each variable's instrument, the researcher presents in the
form of a table as follows:
Human Resource Management Quality Variable (X)
The values of the correlation coefficient for the validity test for the Human
Resource Management Quality variable can be seen in the following table:
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan, M. Ridwan Anas,
Ricky Bakara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2790
Table 5
Based on the data listed in the table, it is known that the values of the correlation
coefficient for the validation test of the variable instrument Quality of human resource
management (X) obtained by the Pearson corelation (r calculation) are greater than the r
of the table and always the instrument as many as 19 items are said to be valid. As for the
results of the Reliability Coefficient Test (Alpha Cronbach) listed in the table above the
Sig. (2-
**. Correlation is significant at the
0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the
0.05 level (2-tailed).
N %
Valid 24 100,0
Total 24 100,0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.
Case Processing Summary
s Alpha
N of Items
0,875 19
Reliability Statistics
The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the Performance of Contracting
Companies in North Sumatra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2791
variable Alpha Cronbach value is greater than the Critical Alpha value (0.05), this can be
said that the instrument used is reliable, meaning that the instrument is reliable enough to
be used as a data collection tool, because the instrument is already considered good.
Company Performance Quality Variable (Y)
The correlation coefficient values for the validity test for the Company Quality
variable can be seen in the following table:
Table 6
Based on the data listed in the table, it is known that the values of the correlation
coefficient for the validation test of the Company Performance variable instrument (Y)
obtained by Pearson Corelation (r calculate) are greater than the r table and always the
Sig. (2-
*. Correlation is significant at the
0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the
0.01 level (2-tailed).
N %
Valid 24 100,0
Total 24 100,0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.
Case Processing Summary
Reliability Statistics
s Alpha
N of Items
0,899 16
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan, M. Ridwan Anas,
Ricky Bakara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2792
instrument as many as 16 items are said to be valid. As for the results of the Reliability
Coefficient Test (Alpha Cronbach) listed in the table above the Alpha Cronbach value of
each variable is greater than the Critical Alpha value (0.05), this can be said that the
instrument used is reliable, meaning that an instrument is reliable enough to be used as a
data collection tool, because the instrument is already considered good.
Hypothesis Testing
After calculating the value of each variable studied, the next thing is to test the
hypothesis proposed in the research. Hypothesis testing is proposed to see how the
independent variable of human resource management quality affects the company's
performance-bound variable. In this study, the hypothesis to be tested is "There is a
positive influence between the Quality of Human Resource Management and Company
Performance". To find out whether there is an influence of the independent variable on
the bound variable, it is first searched whether the two variables are related. The strength
of the relationship between the human resource management quality variable (X) and
Company Performance (Y) can be determined through correlation analysis while finding
the form of the relationship between the two variables is carried out by regression
Coefficient of Determination (Determining Coefficient)
The determination coefficient analysis was used to determine the percentage of
contribution (share) of the influence of the human resource management quality variable
(X) on the company's performance (Y). The results of the calculation process carried out
using SPSS can be seen in the table below:
Table 7
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Kualitas Manajemen SDM
Based on the calculation above, a value of (r)² of 0.841 or 84.1% of the variability
of the company's performance occurred due to the quality of resource management. In
other words, the influence of the human resource management quality variable (X) on the
company's performance (Y) is 84.1%, and the remaining 15.9% is influenced by other
factors that in this case are not researched by the author.
Simple Linear Regression Analysis
A simple regression between the human resource management quality variable (X)
and the company's performance variable (Y), can be seen as shown in the table below:
The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the Performance of Contracting
Companies in North Sumatra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2793
Table 8
Std. Error
Quality of HR
a. Dependent Variable: Company Performance
From the results of computer calculations with the SPSS program, it is known that
the constant price from the regression analysis of the variable pair of Human Resource
Management Quality (X) to Company Performance (Y) is obtained as a regression
After the calculation above, it is known that a simple regression between the human
resource management quality variable (X) to the company performance variable (Y) can
be interpreted that there is a regression model, namely
A constant of 0.582 states that if there is no increase in the value of the human
resource management quality variable (X), then the company's performance (Y) is 0.582.
The regression coefficient of 0.851 states that every increase in the quality value of human
resource management (X) will give an increase in the quality of human resource
management by 0.851.
Partial Correlation Coefficient Significance Test (T-test)
To test the hypothesis or alleged influence (correlation) between the human
resource management quality variable (X) on the company performance variable (Y) with
the following statistical formulation:
Ho: The human resource management quality variable has no influence (correlation) on
the company's performance variable
H1: The human resource management quality variable has an influence (correlation) on
the company's performance variable
The stages in hypothesis testing are as follows:
a. Initial hypothesis
Ho: ß 0, there is no influence between the quality of human resource management
and employee performance
H1: ß > 0, there is an influence between the quality of human resource management
and employee performance
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan, M. Ridwan Anas,
Ricky Bakara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2794
b. Correlation Test Formula (t calculate)
c. Compare the observation results with the table test
T table = t ( α ; df = n-2 )
α =5% = t ( 0,05 ; pdf = 24 2 )
= 0,05 ; 22
= 2,074
d. Hypothesis Test Results
Because t counts > t table (10,785 > 2,074), Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted,
meaning that there is a significant influence between the quality of human resource
management and a positive and significant effect on the company's performance.
From the calculation of a simple determination coefficient, a regression equation is
obtained: The constant is 0.582. stated that if there is no increase in the value of the human
resource management quality variable (X) then the company's performance (Y) is 0.582.
The regression coefficient of 0.851 states that every increase in the value of human
resource management quality (X) will provide an increase in company performance of
Based on the data listed in the table above, the correlation value between the human
resource management quality variable (X) and the company's performance (Y) is 0.917
or 91.7% in the quadrant of 0.80 1,000 with a very strong category, this means that the
influence of the human resource management quality variable (X) on the company's
performance (Y) is very strong and positive
Based on the calculation above, a value of (r)² of 0.841 or 84.1% variability in the
quality of human resource management occurred due to the company's performance. In
other words, the influence of the human resource quality management variable (X) on the
company's performance (Y) is 84.1%, and the remaining 15.9% is influenced by other
factors that in this case are not researched by the author.
Based on several studies such as those conducted by Dhita Gusfita Sari, Heriyanto,
and Andrian Noviardy at PT Waskita Beton Precast, Tbk Batching Plant Palembang
Airport, it was concluded that there is a strong and positive relationship between the
quality of human resources and employee performance. Next in the previous research by
(ZAINUDDIN, 2021), MM and Woro Dyah Pratiwidi PT. Petrosea Tbk, Tangerang also
concluded that there is an influence between performance management variables on the
quality of human resources with strong and positive categories.
In the wider population scope, in the research of A.A Diah Parami Dewi, I Gusti
Ketut Sudipta, and Dewi Suci Setyowati in the research Analysis of Human Resources
Aspects on Performance in Construction Projects in Badung Regency; concluded that
Human Resources (competence, motivation, loyalty, work discipline) partially had a
positive effect on employee performance in construction service companies in Badung
Regency and showed that there was a strong and positive correlation between competency
aspects, motivation aspects, loyalty aspects, and work discipline aspects on performance.
The remaining 53.8% is caused by other factors. Likewise, a previous study entitled
The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the Performance of Contracting
Companies in North Sumatra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2795
Human Resource Quality in the Era of Industry 4.0 Construction Services Case Study of
Construction Service Companies in Malang City written by (Winarti, 2018) and (Andius,
2019), concluded that the lower motivation, technical expertise, and knowledge affect the
quality of human resource work. So the assessment of the quality of human resource
performance in construction service companies in Malang City is 51%.
In addition, in a study conducted by Natalicio Pinto, and Dr. Anton Soekiman with
the title The Influence of the Quality of Human Resource Management (HRM) on the
Performance Improvement of Contracting Companies in the Implementation of
Construction Projects in Timor Leste, it was concluded that the quality of human
resources in the implementation of construction projects in Timor Leste simultaneously
affected the performance of improving contractor companies in Timor Leste. This is in
line with one of the conclusions of a previous study in the same year (2022) entitled
Influence of Human Resources Management Practices on Organisational Performance of
Construction Firms: A Review by Kingsley Sunday Ihedigbo and Richard Ajayi Jimoh,
namely that the success of an organization depends on the effective and efficient use of
human resources. In every project-based industry, such as the construction industry,
project performance is related to human resource effectiveness and human resource
management practices.
Based on the results of the research and data analysis that has been carried out, the
conclusion of this study is:
1. In this study, the analysis of the quality of human resource management applied by
contracting companies in North Sumatra with good conditions was 64%. This shows
that most of the performance of construction companies in North Sumatra is in good
2. Measurement of the performance of contractor companies in North Sumatra. With
indicators such as quality, quantity, timeliness, effectiveness, independence,
transformation, and maintenance in very good condition at 38%, good condition at
50%, and indecisive at 13%.
3. The quality of human resource management has a positive and significant influence
on the performance of contractor companies by 84.1%; The remaining 15.9% was
influenced by other factors that in this case were not researched by the authors.
Moses Hasiholan Septian Tampubolon, Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan, M. Ridwan Anas,
Ricky Bakara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2796
Andius, Dasa Putra. (2019). Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
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Arshad, Nadia. (2021). Backers’ crowdfunding journey–An engagement perspective.
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The Influence of HR Management Quality on Improving the Performance of Contracting
Companies in North Sumatra
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