pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2014
Job Satisfaction in the Workplace Systematic Literature
Review (SLR)
Agnes Dinda P
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Keywords: Job
Satisfaction, Employee
Relations, Systematic
Literature Review.
Job satisfaction and employee performance have become a
significant research focus in management globally. It is a
crucial concern for organizations to evaluate individual
achievements in the context of work. Employee performance
evaluation is based on their ability to execute their tasks in a
way that contributes to achieving organizational goals and
creates satisfaction within the scope of their work. This
research applies a Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
methodology that integrates several previous studies for
further analysis. Through a preliminary study, articles in
reputable journals, such as the Scopus database index, were
selected and compiled. The findings highlighted that
employees' attitudes and performance in the work
environment are influenced by their level of satisfaction with
their jobs. This systematic literature review provides an up-
to-date overview of job satisfaction and employee relations.
In analyzing 24 published articles, it was found that the main
factors influencing job satisfaction include human resources,
employee relations, and work environment. In addition, the
articles proposed various ways to improve job satisfaction,
such as performance improvement, job security, and
Research on employee satisfaction and performance has been a primary focus in
management studies worldwide, a significant concern for organizations in assessing
individual performance (Darto, 2014). Some researchers have previously focused on
evaluating employees' satisfaction with their work while also involving aspects of
satisfaction in life as a whole (Nugroho, Hutagalung, Asbari, Supriatna, & Novitasari,
2021). "Life satisfaction" reflects an individual's cognitive assessment of their satisfaction
with life (Eliyana & Ma’arif, 2019). The study results show that achieving life satisfaction
can contribute to better financial achievement, academic achievement, self-identity,
optimal mental and physical health, supportive relationships, and longevity (Oliveira,
Silva, Galvao, & Lopes, 2018).
Job Satisfaction in the Workplace Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2015
In today's context, maintaining a work-life balance has become an exciting topic in
academia, industry, politics, and society (Nabawi, 2019). Over the past 25 years,
organizational support has been geared toward helping employees achieve a better work-
life balance, with its popularity increasing in tandem with government regulations related
to employment (Wood et al., 2020). The support includes a variety of alternatives, such
as childcare and work time flexibility, including working from home. Work-life balance
includes managing time and responsibilities between work, family, and oneself, where
personal satisfaction can be achieved through this balance, including sustained emotional
stability and reliable job performance (Judge & Bono, 2001). Such balance is considered
a significant achievement and a source of happiness for everyday individuals, as well as
the belief that work and non-work life can be harmonious and support the individual's life
This study uses a systematic literature review to identify, summarise, and synthesize
articles that contribute to knowledge regarding the factors that determine job satisfaction.
In addition, this literature review also provides insight into the most recommended ways
to improve employee job satisfaction in an organizational context (Proctor et al., 2009).
This study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to identify,
evaluate, and review related and relevant research, focusing on answering the research
questions set (Triandini, Jayanatha, Indrawan, Werla Putra, & Iswara, 2019).
Several selected studies were taken from previous studies to answer the research
question by applying exclusion and inclusion criteria. Keyword searches generate
relevant articles, while the inclusion and exclusion criteria are described in Table 1
(Triandini et al., 2019).
Table 1
Inclusion Criteria and Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Article published in the journal
Article not published in a journal.
Articles in English
Articles not in English
The types of documents required are
The type of document required is not an article
Articles are in the final publication stage.
Articles are not in the final publication stage.
Articles relating to relations
Employee and job satisfaction
Articles not related to employee relations and
job satisfaction
From October to December 2022, 24 articles that met these criteria were
downloaded and filtered from the Scopus database (Triandini et al., 2019). Scopus was
chosen as the data source because it is considered one of the largest and most
comprehensive scientific databases (Mongeon & PaulHus, 2016; Singh et al., 2021).
Searches using specific search strategies are based on titles, keywords, and abstracts.
Agnes Dinda P
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2016
In the initial selection stage, 253 articles were identified, and after applying certain
restrictions, 84 relevant articles were selected. The following process involves a thorough
reading to filter out articles that meet quality and relevance criteria. The final article
selected must meet several criteria, such as relevance, clarity of information, trustworthy
sources, objectives, methods, significant results, limitations, and further advice. The final
result was 24 articles selected for this systematic literature study.
The selected articles are then organized using a logbook to manage important
content and information, such as article sources, research objectives, methodologies, and
significant results. Logbooks help simplify information for analysis and identify gaps
between selected articles. The analyzed data will be synthesized through a systematic
literature review to answer research questions and then presented in tables, charts, and
images to facilitate understanding, conclusions, and studies.
Job Satisfaction in the Workplace Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2017
n= 310
data from Scopus (before Keyword restrictions)
n= 253
data from Scopus (after Keyword
After applying the inclusion and exclusion
criteria (relevance)
Final selection of articles
Agnes Dinda P
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2018
Results and Discussion
Factors That Determine Job Satisfaction
Researchers have identified several factors that significantly affect employee job
satisfaction. Human Resources (HRM) is effective in increasing employee satisfaction,
and positively impacting productivity. HR management shapes employee attitudes and
behaviors, while good employee relationships are also recognized as components that
affect employee performance and motivation to achieve organizational goals (Rosna,
Niha, & Manafe, 2023).
In addition, employee relationships, which involve guidelines, laws, and contracts,
are also recognized as critical factors that affect job satisfaction (Hatjidis & Parker, 2018).
Management involvement in understanding individual motivations and maintaining
positive relationships is essential in achieving employee performance, efficiency, and
satisfaction (Han & Stieha, 2020).
Workplace conflicts have also negatively impacted employee performance and job
satisfaction. Conflicts between employees can hinder interaction and affect feelings
toward work, reducing performance (Currie, Gormley, Roche, & Teague, 2017).
Recommended Ways to Improve Employee Job Satisfaction
Several studies recommend various ways to improve employee job satisfaction.
High levels of job satisfaction are positively related to employee performance. Support
from a positive and conducive work environment, including job satisfaction, contributes
to better motivation and performance (Akilu & Junaidu, 2015).
Job security is also identified as a factor that affects job satisfaction. This
characteristic ensures continuous work and can increase employee commitment, loyalty,
and engagement (Alqubati, Dixon, & Hossan, 2019).
In addition, fulfilling basic human needs, such as physiological needs, a sense of
security, belonging, self-identity, and self-actualization, is also considered to contribute
to job satisfaction (Akilu & Junaidu, 2015). Effective leadership also plays a crucial role
in determining job satisfaction; leaders giving more attention and rewards to employees
can improve their job satisfaction and performance (Yukl et al., 2013).
Thus, various strategies can improve employee job satisfaction, including effective
human resource management, attention to employee relationships, good conflict
management, job security, fulfillment of basic needs, and supportive leadership.
Success and achievement are critical factors shaping employees' lives and job
satisfaction. Work-life balance is also associated with positive psychological
consequences, such as lower work-family conflict levels and more controlled workplace
stress. Organizational psychology establishes an essential relationship between employee
job satisfaction and performance (Mira et al., 2019) to maximize employee satisfac.
Health factors, both mental and physical, also have a significant impact on
employee performance. Employees with good health are likelier to show good
performance and dedication and have a low tendency to quit their jobs (Liao et al., 2017).
Conversely, low performance can be caused by low job satisfaction, which contributes to
human resource problems (Bulińska-Stangrecka & Bagieńska, 2021).
Job Satisfaction in the Workplace Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2019
Job satisfaction is also affected by the quality of the workplace. A high workload
can cause stress and negatively impact employees' physical and mental health (Alqubati
et al., 2019). Organizational support, especially in addressing work and non-employment
conflicts, can protect employees from mental and physical health issues.
Regarding employee turnover, organization-sponsored facilities can reduce truancy
rates and increase employee loyalty, dedication, and satisfaction (Gautam & Agrawal,
2020). Organizational commitment and employee loyalty significantly influence an
employee's decision to stay or leave.
(Babalola, 2016) emphasizes the critical relationship between employers and
employees. The quality of these relationships can affect employee performance and
organizational commitment. Leaders who understand employees' needs and expectations
can increase job satisfaction and employee motivation to provide the best effort.
Workplace relationship management is crucial to employee productivity and
happiness (Scholtz et al., 2019). Employees who feel valued and supported by
management are likelier to put in extra effort. Therefore, organizations must understand
and respond to its humanitarian aspects to create a positive work environment.
This study concludes that job satisfaction and employee performance significantly
impact global management. It uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to
integrate the findings from several previous studies. The results show that the level of
satisfaction with work influences employee attitudes and performance in the work
In analyzing the 24 selected articles, the main factors affecting job satisfaction
involved human resource management, inter-employee relationships, and work
environment conditions. Organizational support, particularly in overcoming work and
non-employment conflicts, is recognized as protection against employees' mental and
physical health problems. In employee turnover, organization-sponsored perks can
increase employee loyalty and satisfaction.
The research also highlights that the quality of the relationship between employers
and employees plays a crucial role in work performance and organizational commitment.
Workplace relationship management is proving to be an essential factor in increasing
employee productivity and happiness.
This study recommends strategies to increase job satisfaction, including
implementing effective human resource management, paying attention to employee
relationships, practicing good conflict management, ensuring job security, fulfilling basic
needs, and providing supportive leadership.
Overall, the study provides an up-to-date overview of the factors affecting job
satisfaction and employee relationships. These findings can help organizations design
more effective management policies and practices to create a positive work environment
and support employee well-being
Agnes Dinda P
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2020
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