pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2823
The Dynamics of Early Marriage in Terms of Islamic Family
Psychology (Case Study in Sub-District of Bolo, Bima
Nadya Kurniyati
, Atun Wardatun
, Salimul Jihad
Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Indonesia
Keywords: Dynamics,
Underage Marriage,
Islamic Family
Marriage life will always experience changes and ups and
downs. Reviewing early marriage from the perspective of
Islamic family psychology provides important insights into
the dynamics that occur. It helps identify challenges and
opportunities to improve the welfare and success of
marriage. The objectives of this research were to understand
and analyze the dynamics of early marriage in terms of
Islamic family psychology and to understand and analyze the
efforts of early marriage actors in dealing with family
problems. This thesis used qualitative research based on
field research; it used primary data sources obtained from the
perpetrators of early marriage, parents, officials at the
Religious Affairs Office (KUA), and religious leaders in the
sub-district of Bolo, Bima Regency and secondary data
sources. The data were collected by doing observation,
interview, and documentation. The results of this research
showed that 1) The dynamics of early marriage in terms of
Islamic Family Psychology that every couple would
experience challenges and changes over time, the factors that
influenced failure in dealing with the dynamics of early
marriage were the couple's psychological factors, lack of
understanding and communication, not understanding the
roles and responsibilities, lack of family support, not being
able to adjust in marriage. 2) The efforts of early marriage
actors in dealing with family problems were a) there were
problems, b) there was no communication to solve, and c)
they silenced and ignored each other. While other couples
tried to understand each other, communicated, and the
support of direction from parents.
The journey of marriage will experience changes and ups and downs, and the
dynamics of marriage that each couple will feel will be different (Adam, 2020). Forming
a sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family is highly expected by many people; the two
Nadya Kurniyati, Atun Wardatu, Salimul Jihad
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2824
prospective brides should prepare their readiness before and after the marriage is carried
out because one of the goals of marriage is to get offspring, get a happy family full of
peace of life and affection (Utami, 2023). The dynamics that can occur in underage
marriage include low emotional maturity in facing the challenges and responsibilities
associated with marriage, then challenges in parenthood; if underage marriage is followed
by pregnancy, young couples will be faced with parental roles, which can make it difficult
for them to provide proper care and support for their children (Iqbal, 2020).
Couples who marry underage, including nine couples, experience various marriage
polemics due to lack of knowledge and are not ready to live a household life, unable to
manage the dynamics of married life due to lack of basic planning preparation both in
terms of maturity, lack of maturity in thinking maturity in dealing with problems in the
household so that small debates can become exaggerated conflicts (Anwar, 2023). As a
result, domestic relationships become less harmonious, and daily life shows that they are
still single, where they go to hang out without any restrictions if they are married. In
addition, what is very interesting is that the three couples who married underage were
able to live a married and harmonious life, even though they experienced marital
dynamics (Ilmiyah & Zunaidi, 2022). Therefore, this article is important to analyze the
dynamics that occur in living a domestic life for underage marriage couples from the
perspective of Islamic family psychology (Murcahya, 2010).
Previous research has explained a lot about the phenomenon and prevention of child
marriage; therefore, in general, some previous studies include. First, Achmad Subutul
Ulum explained early marriage's positive and negative impacts so that it has implications
for household harmony, as seen from the perspective of community leaders and married
couples who commit early marriage (Ulum, 2022). Sri Rahayu explained the main factors
for underage marriage and its implications for domestic life (Rom, 2022). Basriadi
explained the factors that encourage early marriage and the impact of early marriage from
Maslahah Mursalah's perspective (Kurniawan, Handesman, Rahmadi, & Najib, 2020).
Suba Dementia The research focuses on preventing early marriage by examining parents'
obligation to prevent child marriage: Maslahah Mursalah's perspective. Imroatul
Mufidah contains cases of marriage dispensation, which is increasing yearly (MUFIDAH,
2020). It contains the limitations of problems that focus on the prevention of underage
marriage, which is reviewed from Islamic family psychology and sees the element of
maslahah mursalah towards the prevention of underage marriage; this article contains
differences and novelties from previous research; this study focuses on two objectives,
namely to understand and analyze the dynamics of underage marriage from the
perspective of Islamic family psychology and also to understand and analyze the efforts
of underage marriage perpetrators in dealing with family problems in Bolo District, Bima
The research method used is qualitative field research (field research) / descriptive
field research. The research location is in the Bolo District, Bima Regency, in Tambe,
The Dynamics of Early Marriage in Terms of Islamic Family Psychology (Case Study in Sub-
District of Bolo, Bima Regency)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2825
Rasabou, Bontokape, and Nggembe Villages. The primary data sources used in this study
were obtained from underage marriage perpetrators, parents, officials at KUA Bolo
District, and religious figures; secondary data was obtained through literature such as
books, journals, and other written works. The data collection method in this study is by
using an observation method that is important and prioritized to be carried out in
observing the psychology, nature, condition, and understanding of the informants of
underage marriage perpetrators when answering questions so that the researcher can
describe the dynamics of marriage that occurs in underage marriage perpetrators.
Interviews are conducted directly between the researcher and the informants and
Results and Discussion
The dynamics of underage marriage reviewed by Islamic Family Psychology
The life journey in marriage will always experience changes and ups and downs.
Many things will affect the dynamics of marriage. Some marriages are disharmonious
because married couples are not ready to fulfill their roles (Mayangsari, Prabowo, &
Hijrianti, 2021). Married couples are not ready for various challenges that come one after
another, so conflicts are slightly exaggerated. The consequences of underage marriage
include low emotional maturity in facing the challenges and responsibilities associated
with marriage (Triadhari, Afridah, & Salsabila, 2023).
The life journey in marriage will always experience changes and ups and downs.
Many things will affect the dynamics of marriage. Some marriages are disharmonious
because married couples are not ready to fulfill their roles. Married couples are not ready
for various challenges that come one after another, so conflicts are slightly exaggerated.
The consequences of underage marriage include low emotional maturity in facing the
challenges and responsibilities associated with marriage.
The Impact of Underage Marriage in Dealing with Marriage Dynamics:
1. Fulfillment of Obligations and Responsibilities in the Family
Husband and wife have roles and responsibilities in domestic life. The husband
plays a very important role in his family, where he plays the role of the head of the family,
a source of material, a giver of protection and comfort to his wife, a director of
development, a model, and a role model for his wife and children. The husband's role as
the head of the family is to earn a living, which is the main role a husband must carry out.
Therefore, he must meet all the needs of his family members. In a family other than the
husband, a wife also has a role that is no less important than a husband, the husband's
companion. As a wife, it has become her instinct to accompany her husband in joys and
sorrows so that a family built together will be easy to achieve its goals and functions. A
wife must be a driver and supporter of her husband's progress.
Some underage married couples do not understand the roles and responsibilities in
the family; husbands who do not have a job and still spend time outside the home do not
pay attention to household conditions, and the maintenance of their wives and children is
not fulfilled. As happened with Na and Y, it shows that the average person who marries
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underage does not have a job due to financial unpreparedness, so prejudice and lack of
motivation that because they are still minors, they become dependents of their parents
even though they are married. This encourages some of these couples not to fulfill their
responsibilities to support their wives and children, and they still depend on and rely on
help from their parents.
Meanwhile, some couples with the motivation and maturity to carry out domestic
relationships fulfill the obligations and responsibilities that married couples must fulfill.
This happened to the couple U and D, who, although at the beginning of the marriage, the
wife had difficulties in carrying out their roles because the husband was more
understanding and the wife learned from experience, the couple was able to divide their
roles and duties.
2. Impaired Self-Adjustment
Humans are required to adjust to the social, psychological, and surrounding natural
environment. Life itself naturally also encourages humans to adjust constantly. Self-
adjustment means a dynamic process that aims to change individual behavior to create a
more appropriate relationship between the individual and his environment. With these
limitations, limitations can be given that human abilities can make pleasant relationships
between humans and the environment. Anxiety and depression come to underage couples.
Based on the results of interviews, several couples experienced impaired self-adjustment
because of embarrassment and regret for what happened, especially since the cause of
marriage was pregnancy out of wedlock, then on average, at the beginning of marriage,
lived with in-laws and was not well received by in-laws so that it was difficult to adjust.
3. Communication Established in Couples
Underage married couples cannot communicate well; in living a household life,
they have the habit of being silent or ignoring each other when there are difficulties for
each couple in dealing with marital dynamics, often prioritizing emotions so that conflicts
are never resolved. As is the case from the information of underage marriage perpetrators,
among others, couples M and A, couples G and H. Meanwhile, in couples U and D, Yu
and B, it is quite visible because they are maturing. Prejudiced that married people need
maturity in responding to challenges. Parents support the couple when they have
experienced conflicts that can be resolved by communicating. However, some emotions
are felt; it does not become a protracted conflict.
4. Domestic Violence (KDRT)
The potential for violence in underage couples is always there. It is very risky to
build a household because the age is not able to manage emotions and prioritize ego and
temperament, and couples often blame each other, leading to violence committed by
couples. As happened to NH and I, Pairs N and S.
5. Health in Babies
Women who marry underage have the risk of not being able to conceive and give
birth. It can cause miscarriage or death for mothers and babies, then babies born stunted.
Based on information from several underage marriage couples, due to circumstances, they
are not ready to feel pressure and stress during the pregnancy process, so they have a
The Dynamics of Early Marriage in Terms of Islamic Family Psychology (Case Study in Sub-
District of Bolo, Bima Regency)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2827
miscarriage. Marriage carried out by a minor married couple in Kec. Bolo has much
stunting that has an impact on the health of babies. Judging from the implementation of
the couple, the pregnant woman does not meet the nutrition standards and experiences
pressure and stress, which has an impact on the child conceived. Many of them, when
wives are pregnant, unconsciously feel emotional and angry that it will have an impact
on the child they are carrying.
The dynamics of underage marriage have an impact on the lives of couples. Every
behavior is based on many factors that determine it. The underage marriage that occurs is
based on the motive of getting pregnant outside of marriage and the desire of the
perpetrator himself, just like the perpetrator J gets married of his own volition, but if you
look at the implementation of the marriage that is carried out there is no motivation but
only limited to desire, it can be seen that the life that still spends time outside the home
does not have a job. The fulfillment of the needs of the wife still depends on the parents,
committing violence against the wife without emotional control, so indirectly, perpetrator
J does not realize that he has decided to get married just because of desire without any
behavior to fulfill the purpose of the marriage itself.
Marriage must be maintained through attitudes and behaviors that do good to each
other (Mua'syarah bil ma'ruf) in QS. An-Nisa/4:19:
"And properly associate with them. If you do not like them, be patient because you may
not like something, but Allah has done him much good."
The verse above illustrates that a husband and wife must always think, try, and do
everything best for each other. This verse is one of the pillars of marriage to deepen
mutual understanding and affection. All of this will be realized in the family to be
harmonious. For married couples who have motivation in marriage, always in the
implementation of marriage, they should maintain attitudes and behaviors towards each
other, both in fulfilling obligations and responsibilities and in communicating and
adjusting with the partner. Maturity is not necessarily about age but also about the
maturity of attitude and behavior. Marriage contains great social responsibility and carries
the vision of sakinah and mawaddah warmth (bringing self-peace, happiness, and love).
Dynamics is an allusion to the psychological system that emphasizes changes in the
causes of unconscious behavior. Where psychological factors emphasize control, desire,
motive, and the like, whether consciously or not, are the main determinants of behavior.
Marriage creates several moral, social, and economic consequences, which give rise to a
new role and responsibility for each husband and wife. The role carried out after marriage
will feel difficult if it is not previously balanced with good mental and financial
Influencing Factors in Dealing with the Dynamics of Underage Marriage in Bolo
District, Bima Regency, include:
1. Couple Psychology Factors
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The implementation of underage marriage by couples who have not been able to
overcome the dynamics of marriage in Kec. The Bolo does not consider and evaluate
whether the couple has enough emotional and intellectual maturity to live a married life
because most of those who marry are underage in the district. Bolo due to accident factors
(pregnancy out of wedlock) so that marriage is not based on knowledge, emotional
maturity, and mature preparation both financially. As a result, some couples have not
been able to manage their emotional temperament, so prioritizing emotions when facing
family problems leads to violence against their wives. Meanwhile, some couples who,
even at the beginning of the marriage, experienced difficulties in undergoing the marriage
process were able to mature themselves in the implementation, so they helped deal with
the ups and downs in marriage.
2. Factors of Lack of Understanding and Communication
The form of the implementation of underage marriage in Kec. Some couples often
blame each other, communicate ineffectively, and silence each other (ignore) because
they do not want to fight, preferring to keep the problem quiet rather than solve it.
Meanwhile, several other couples who can overcome the dynamics of marriage can be
seen in their implementation because they mature by trying to understand their partner's
needs and choose to communicate well.
3. Factors of not Understanding Roles and Responsibilities in the Family
In the implementation of underage marriage in some couples, the husband prefers
to spend time outside the house with friends; there is no difference in life before and after
marriage, so his role as a husband in being responsible as the head of the family should
provide an inward living is not fulfilled. Meanwhile, in the implementation of marriage
for some couples who have an understanding of living, their roles and responsibilities are
to meet the needs of the wife and children, provide birth and mental support, and divide
the roles when the husband works, the wife at home takes care of the children.
4. Factors Lacking Family Support
Underage marriage in Bolo District has been implemented for couples who have
not overcome the dynamics of marriage. Some lack support and direction from their
parents and those closest to them, so they experience difficulties living married. In some
other couples, even though the parents initially did not approve of the marriage, the
parents still provide direction and advice in helping to live a married life; this can be seen
in the implementation when the couple has problems are often assisted by parents in
providing direction, advice and helping to solve problems.
5. Factors that are not able to adjust themselves in marriage
The implementation of married life for couples experiences challenges in adjusting
because of the desire to defend themselves rather than choosing to adjust. Meanwhile,
some couples can overcome this by choosing to appreciate when there are differences
with their spouses, which can be seen in their respective abilities in adjusting to their
spouse and family circumstances.
The researcher's analysis of the dynamics of underage marriage shows that some of
the perpetrators have not fully carried out marriage properly; this can be seen when they
The Dynamics of Early Marriage in Terms of Islamic Family Psychology (Case Study in Sub-
District of Bolo, Bima Regency)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2829
still do not think maturely and do not fully understand the functions of a family.
According to the facts that occur in the field in dealing with the dynamics of marriage,
they have not been fully realized. The cause is associated with psychological aspects,
which are the cognitive aspects, and cognitive aspects are the basis for prejudice. So, if it
is related to the psychological aspect of the Islamic family, it has not been realized. When
these aspects of psychology are not met, it will greatly affect a person's psychology in
dealing with the dynamics of marriage. Some of them have not been able to overcome the
dynamics of marriage due to a lack of preparation and consideration of the psychological
state of the couple as seen from the cognitive aspect, namely the aspects of prejudice,
motivation, emotions, and interpersonal relationships of the couple have not been
realized. So that the husband and wife feel that their household is less harmonious because
they do not have a mature psychological readiness, both mentally and mentally, for
building a household.
Efforts of Underage Marriage Perpetrators in Dealing with Family Problems
Relationships between individuals will always experience problems and domestic
conflicts, whether family or social. Couples who marry underage are considered not
mature enough to control emotions, so they often experience conflicts just because of
differences of opinion. Uncontrolled and prolonged family conflicts will hurt the integrity
of the household. Facing family problems is also a learning process for couples to reach
maturity. Therefore, young married couples need to have skills in dealing with household
problems or the ability to manage problems well.
Diversity is commonplace as a gift from God and diversity in family relationships.
Married couples are certainly not always the same when fostering a household; there will
be differences, be it differences in habits, perspectives, or behaviors. For this reason,
couples must be able to deal with household problems, manage differences, know the
sources of conflict that are usually present in the family, and solve these problems
effectively so that they do not become prolonged problems.
The following are the efforts made by the perpetrators of underage marriage:
1. Self-Adjustment in Marriage
The importance of adjustment between each other and the responsibilities of
husband or wife in a marriage affect the success of family life. In this case, success will
have a positive impact on marital satisfaction. As with the implementation of underage
marriage that occurs in couples U and D, U has a mature attitude that, although at the
beginning of the marriage has difficulties in establishing a domestic life, the ability to
understand and respond positively to direction and the husband who provides an example
in behaving, solving problems, therefore the wife learns a lot so that she can adjust to the
process of married life. Based on the results of interviews obtained from the couple U and
D said: "My husband who understands and adjusts more, at first I was not immediately
able to accept and understand the situation of the household, especially in the early days
of marriage, slowly I was able to learn to understand and adjust to my husband in dividing
roles and duties when we have problems my husband is enough to make me understand
and not let my emotions go, and we can overcome well communicate to solve it".
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2. Yielding to Each Other and Respecting Differences
Each couple has advantages in their household with the factor that one of their
partners is still underage, so that they have advantages and disadvantages so the attitude
of mutual understanding and acceptance from each couple affects the creation of the
couple's ability to deal with family problems. As is the case with the implementation of
the marriage of the N and S couple, at the beginning of the marriage, the wife lacks
comfort because she still lives with her parents and lacks attention and direction; when
problems occur, the couple only tries in their way, but after moving from the parents, it
brings influence to both of them in carrying out the marriage, when one of them feels that
he has made a mistake choosing to give in and listen to each other. As can be seen from
the interview results of the N and S couple, the N and S couple said: "In the beginning, I
experienced a big conflict because I was not comfortable living with my in-laws.
However, moving out of my in-laws' house brought changes in our marriage if a problem
could have been overcome without using emotions, even if I made a mistake in giving in
and listening to what my husband said."
3. Couples are given Parental Direction
The family around the young couple also plays an important role in marriage,
which can affect its success. The ability of couples to deal with family problems, the
involvement of parents or close people in resolving conflicts, getting direction and advice
for the good and resilience of their households, couples try to add insight and experience
about domestic life, improve themselves so that they can mature themselves in dealing
with family problems. As happened to the couple Yu and B Yu and B, Yu (wife) said: "I
have experienced problems, but it did not become a big conflict because we usually fix it
with one of us giving in and not letting go of our emotions. Thanks to the support and
advice of my parents and those closest to me as well". B (Husband) said: "The problems
that have happened have not become big; we used to communicate to solve problems
even though there were emotions between us that did not drag on and could be resolved".
4. Couples Communicate in Solving Problems
The key to running a couple's life is communication between husband and wife
when dealing with family problems. Married couples who know themselves and know
their partner personally have provisions to understand each other more easily. Coupled
with continuing to maintain mature communication with your partner, as well as
maintaining passion between your partner, commitment and emotional closeness will be
well maintained. If viewed from the three efforts of the couple, communication is the key
for young couples in carrying out married life and facing family problems.
So, the three couples can be seen to have a positive attitude towards responding
to household conditions and maturing themselves to face family problems.
Meanwhile, the efforts of several couples who have obstacles in dealing with
family problems:
1. Couples Have not Been Able to Eliminate Habits Before Marriage
The implementation of marriage carried out by underage couples has difficulties
in leaving the customs before marriage. Couples still spend much time outside the house,
The Dynamics of Early Marriage in Terms of Islamic Family Psychology (Case Study in Sub-
District of Bolo, Bima Regency)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2831
hanging out with friends like other bachelors. So, because there is no attitude to change
and one is not aware of the treatment of marital life, it makes it difficult for couples to
face family problems. As happened to the NH and I couple, the husband often spends
time outside the home with his friends; there is no difference in life before and after
marriage with the wife who has difficulty accepting the habit triggers becoming an
obstacle in facing family problems, As the statement of the NH and I couple, NH (wife)
said: "the husband has not been able to leave his habits in the time before marriage, That
is what makes it difficult for me to accept and I cannot understand my husband yet. The
unfulfilled maintenance of my children and I triggered problems; even every day, we
quarreled, and my temperamental husband sometimes liked to play with his hands, always
emotional. I (Husband) said: "After marriage, I could not leave life fully when I was
single. Our wedding journey will flow, and we will be able to understand each other."
2. Couple's Habits in Keeping Problems Quiet
The personalities between husband and wife must shape each other to harmonize
through giving and receiving. This early period is the most vulnerable part for young
couples, and it can harm their household. The couple's demographic and psychological
situation requires adjustments to understand the couple's habits. A habit that often appears
in married households is that they are not used to changing attitudes. As happened to 4
couples who committed underage marriage, couples M and A, F, and D, NU and A, and
N and A in their domestic life, the couple turned out not to have implemented
interpersonal relationships properly. When there are problems in their household, they
silence or ignore each other and then argue, which then causes them not to greet each
other for a few days instead of solving it with a cool head. Based on the information
provided, Couple M and A in Rasabou Village, M (Wife) said: "During marriage there
must be problems, even small problems can become big problems, using more emotions,
there is no good communication, so every time there is a problem we keep quiet more
later. Sometimes, my mother is also the one who helps solve our problems." A (Husband)
said: "Surely in marriage, there will be problems; maybe during the marriage, we do not
solve it by communicating or talking about it because most of the problems we face will
be good on our own".
Couples F and D in Nggembe Village, F (wife) said: "We still learn a lot to
understand each other. Usually if there is a problem of keeping each other quiet, the next
day or two is good for ourselves". D (Husband) said: "In marriage, there must be
problems; maybe our marriage has not been resolved by communicating or talking about
it". Couples N and A, N (wife) said: "Often problems often cannot be solved; only put
on each other's emotions, the problems we face will improve themselves". A (Husband)
said: "There must be problems in the marriage relationship; later it will also improve by
3. Desire to Solve Problems from One Party
The obstacle in dealing with family problems is that one of the partners allows the
problem, and the other wants to solve it. Marriage is a process of relationship between
two people who should have mutual understanding. Because family problems will not be
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solved if only one person wants to try. As happened to couples E and B, the wife's
personality is emotional and quick to anger, so she does not solve problems properly with
her husband, where the husband provides much understanding but does not provide
success for the wife in the center of self-control managing emotions. Based on the results
of interviews with couples E and B in Bontokape Village, he said: "Because of
unpreparedness, I was emotional and angry, but my husband gave me the understanding
not to be angry. When there is a problem I want to solve quickly, maybe because my
husband is quiet, so that is what causes our communication to be less intense".
4. Temperamental Spouse Personality
Personality includes all patterns of behavior and traits that are distinctive and
predictable in a person. Couples who marry underage have different personalities.
Therefore, emotional feelings must be understood as symptoms that must be overcome
and can be changed. Emotional feelings must be controlled with caution and patience. As
in the J and W, Y and A couples, the facts of the underage marriage couple include they
have a temperamental personality that hinders in managing family problems and triggers
a quarrel; even though the parents have given direction, it does not change the personality
of the couple. Based on the results of interviews with the couple, J and W said: "A wife
who does not understand the journey of marriage still acts like a child of a person who
does not know anything, so I am more with friends who cannot fully understand my wife".
Couples Y and A, Y said: "My husband and I often quarrel, even though it is small, we
cannot understand each other. So that the problem is raised a little, sometimes the husband
cannot hold back his usual emotions of breaking things and likes to play with hands".
1. Attitude of Mutual Blame
Underage marriage perpetrators do not understand how to manage the household,
and married couples who often blame each other hinder them from facing family
problems. As only the information from the couple G and H said: "In living this married
life, of course, we have problems; I admit that we are still holding on to emotions, and
the slightest problem can become big. My husband, who often blames me for small things
that make me emotional, the habit of uttering rude words can trigger us to quarrel and end
up making conflicts".
So, based on the explanation above, what has much influence in dealing with family
problems for underage marriage perpetrators is behavior control itself, where behavior
control is a person's feelings about the efforts they make in realizing a certain behavior.
These feelings are related to control behavior and the control center. The center of control
relates to the individual's belief that success in doing something depends on his efforts.
The perception of this behavior control can change according to the situation and the type
of behavior performed. It can be seen from 3 couples who can deal with family problems
have a positive attitude towards the problems that occur, such as in couples N and S,
wives who from the beginning of marriage are not well accepted by their in-laws but can
behave and behave with adults even though their external factors from their in-laws do
not receive support and direction but because of the positive attitude and subjective norms
from the husband so that they can control themselves and help in dealing with family
The Dynamics of Early Marriage in Terms of Islamic Family Psychology (Case Study in Sub-
District of Bolo, Bima Regency)
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problems. Meanwhile, nine other underage marriage perpetrators experienced obstacles
in dealing with family problems because their attitudes, subjective norms, and, most
importantly, behavioral control had not been fulfilled. Where attitudes towards behavior
are determined according to a person's beliefs about the consequences that will be
obtained from a behavior (behavioral beliefs). Belief is related to subjective judgments
and understanding of a person and his environment. It can be seen from some of the
couples that have been described above that they experience obstacles in dealing with
family problems because the absence of an attitude to be aware of subjective norms is a
person's feelings or conjectures about the expectations of people in their lives about the
behavior done or not carried out in dealing with the family problems experienced, even
though some of them get direction and help from their parents, but have not been able to
help couples in dealing with family problems because of the lack of a person's self-control
center, so that in the implementation of the marriage that occurs emotions, temperament,
attitudes blame each other so that it leads to an inability to deal with family problems, and
allows problems to prolong.
So if viewed from the psychological aspect of Islamic families, the efforts of
underage couples in dealing with family problems have not been fully implemented. In
fact, in Islam, the principles in marriage should be managed by deliberation and
communication between married couples, as stated in QS. Al-Baqarah/2:23:
"So, by Allah's mercy, you (Prophet Muhammad) have been gentle with them. They would
naturally stay away from you if you were harsh and rough-hearted. Therefore, forgive
them, ask for forgiveness, and consult with them. Then, when you have made up your
mind, trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who put their trust." (QS. Ali-Imran
The above verse explains that in a family, it is important to establish
communication and prioritize deliberation between couples, speak good words, and
respect each other; it is undeniable that disputes or conflicts that occur in the household
of underage couples often occur because they are both selfish, blame each other, cannot
understand the personality between each couple and often couples who still want to be
free Have fun. Thus, when there is a conflict, they prefer to be silent and not greet each
other for a few days. Then, what can be reconciled between the two is advice from parents,
and there is one couple who tries to say hello first.
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that the Dynamics of Underage
Marriage Reviewed from Islamic Family Psychology in Bolo District, Bima Regency,
experiences a marriage phase that occurs in every marriage; each couple experiences
Nadya Kurniyati, Atun Wardatu, Salimul Jihad
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2834
challenges as time goes by. The psychological aspects of prejudice, motivation, emotions,
and interpersonal relationships have not been fully implemented. So, it impacts some
couples who have not been able to overcome the dynamics of marriage. Then, the efforts
of underage marriage perpetrators in dealing with family problems that have much
influence in dealing with family problems lies in the control of behavior itself, as seen
from the three couples who can deal with family problems have a positive attitude and
subjective norms towards the problems that occur, so that they can control themselves
and help in dealing with family problems. Meanwhile, nine other underage marriage
perpetrators experienced obstacles in dealing with family problems because their
attitudes, subjective norms, and, most importantly, behavioral control had not been
The Dynamics of Early Marriage in Terms of Islamic Family Psychology (Case Study in Sub-
District of Bolo, Bima Regency)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2835
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