Joni Yusufa, Dede Hermawan, Pradita Wuri Safitri, Ananda Sujati, Yuyut Prayuti, Arman Lany
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2798
skills in selecting the data to be used. Everything done illegally, such as deleting data and
transparency, is related to data sharing. While there is no protection without permission,
it is just as important as consent. This shows that the combination of consent and
additional permissionless protections can increase consumer benefits and encourage them
to be more willing to share data (Gupta et al., 2023). Data is personal data that must be
guaranteed confidentiality if it relates to an individual because it can identify the
individual as the owner of the data (Medlimo, Septania, Hapsari, Zuleika, & Agustin,
In the constitution of the State of Indonesia, it has been stipulated that all citizens
have the right to individual protection, which is one of the constitutional rights. This is
stated in Article 28G paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
(1945 Constitution). The article states that every individual has the right to personal
protection, feel safe, and be protected from the threat of fear (Ravlindo & Gunadi, 2021).
Protecting personal data rights is the same as protecting the right to freedom of speech.
So, the right to privacy also guarantees protection against various threats of fear of doing
or not doing because it is included in human rights.
Some of the reasons the right to privacy needs to be protected are: first, to foster a
network between one individual and another, an individual does not have to open his
entire personal life to the point that the individual can maintain his position in a certain
position. Two, individuals need time to be alone at some point, so privacy is sometimes
necessary. Third, privacy is a right to oneself and has nothing to do with others. However,
this right will only be recovered if the individual shares various private things with the
general public. Fourth, privacy includes the right of individuals to build internal
relationships such as fostering marriage, family, and close individuals who can know
about these private matters. Fifth, privacy must be protected by law because the losses
obtained are difficult to assess (Kusnadi, 2021).
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information
Technology Number 20 of 2016 concerning the Protection of Personal Data in Electronic
Systems, it is explained that personal data has a special meaning of information about
important individuals, so it is necessary to protect and give confidential data protection.
The types of personal data are divided into two: general and special. General personal
data includes information such as name, date of birth, occupation, and other personal
information. The personal data includes disease history, education, financial information,
race/ethnicity, sexual preferences, political views, family information, crime data, and
others (Karu & Febriansyah, 2024). Privacy is an individual freedom. Privacy is in every
individual, and it is important to respect it (Yel & Nasution, 2022). The importance of
protecting human rights and privacy is found in:
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948;
2. Law No. 12 of 2005 concerning the Ratification of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights;
3. Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health regulates the confidentiality of patients'