pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2814
Identifying HR Management and Supervision Activities at
SMAN 1 Merangin to Face Society 5.0 and Industrial
Revolution 4.0
Taufik Ridho Iano
, Nellitawati
, Hanif Al Kadri
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: HR
Supervision, Society 5.0,
Industrial Revolution 4.0.
The article explains the importance of managing and
supervising human resources, especially teachers, in Society
5.0 and the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is full of
knowledge of technology and digital-based activities. The
principal and the driving/developing teachers did this
management and supervision effort. The author observed
this, with the school being the main focus, SMAN 1
Merangin. This article uses a qualitative research method by
prioritizing the process of communication interaction and
observation in research and a systematic literature review
(SLR) method by collecting other sources regarding HR
management and supervision in facing society 5.0 and the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 from books, journals, and other
sources. The challenge faced by SMAN 1 Merangin based
on the interview is how to get all teachers, or at least 50% of
the teachers at SMAN 1 Merangin, to get a driving teacher
certificate and other training certificates so that they can get
out of the safe zone and become proficient in information
technology. While facing this era, SMAN 1 Merangin
teachers adept at technology and good at solving learning
problems are appointed to drive teachers and supervise other
teachers in collaboration with the school principal to
improve performance and catch up with the times.
The progress of the times will never be inevitable. This inevitable development can
affect the world, especially education (Bayu, 2020). For this reason, education and the
learning process must constantly develop according to the changing times. The
adjustment that must be made by current learning is to have competent human resources
in the world of education, which must be owned by educational institutions in the era of
the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Ferreira & Serpa, 2018).
Identifying HR Management and Supervision Activities at SMAN 1 Merangin to Face Society
5.0 and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2815
Schools must respond to the development of their competencies in this
revolutionary era as a survival strategy from competition in education. If the school or
institution reacts well, the school can adjust to the existing environment and gradually be
abandoned (Casino et al., 1992). One of the competencies that must be possessed by
school stakeholders or principals, teachers, and other staff is to adapt to various
developments of the times, including in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which
requires them to have the ability to cooperate with others and be proactive in responding
to what is around the environment (Hecklau et al., 2016).
Good cooperation skills will produce human resources who can survive various
circumstances, survive the development of an era different from the previous era, and get
a chance to live a successful life according to the specified time (Nimah & Nanik, 2022).
Therefore, schools need arrangements to realize this, such as through human resource
management and supervision activities (Nisa & Prasetyo, 2020).
The qualitative method is the primary research method in this article, the source of
which is obtained from interviews with the principal, principal, and data from the
supervisor of SMAN 1 Merangin. The systematic Literature Review (SLR) method is the
source method of discussion in this article, where the literature used is in the form of
articles, journals, and books. The things interviewed were HR performance, the
challenges of the Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 era, and how principals and teachers drive
in managing and supervising teachers so that their performance and understanding of
technology improve.
Results and Discussion
The Era of Society 5.0 and the Industrial Revolution 4.0
The role of information technology is a characteristic of the Industrial Revolution
4.0, which means that in this era, all human life orders cannot be separated from
information technology. Incredibly, educational institutions such as schools have begun
to focus their attention on technology as the basis of their learning media, so if there are
academic institutions that do not apply this concept, they are likely to be left behind or
even lose in the competition so that the school will be closed. In its development,
education requires mature information technology to innovate on all fronts, especially in
the field of education in the era of globalization, which in this day and age is full of quality
or quantity disparities in the world of education (Pereira, Lima, & Santos, 2020).
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is characterized as a real-time, intelligent, and digital
network in the approach of objects, especially for humans, and related to industrial
management that makes it possible to improve the digitization of the entire value chain,
and interconnection between people, objects, and systems through the exchange and
turnover of data in real-time (Dombrowski et al., 2017). The point is that the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 is an era where digital devices are experiencing rapid improvement, and
Taufik Ridho Iano, Nellitawati, Hanif Al Kadri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2816
these devices are needed in real-time in human daily life, as described above (Hecklau et
al., 2016).
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 can be described in the following three paradigms:
1. An intelligent digital product that makes it possible to collect the necessary resources
and coordinate the production process, as the product has a memory to store
operational and standard data individually.
2. Intelligent Machines, where traditional production hierarchies are replaced by
ddddddddddddd, self-organizing systems, enabling flexible and modular production
3. Augmented Operator with knowledge automation to promote flexible and adaptive
parts of the production system.
Meanwhile, society 5.0 focuses on positioning humans as the center of
technological modification and innovation for the benefit of humanity and revolution in
society. The main goal of Society 5.0 is to improve the community's quality of life by
utilizing the potential obtained from the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Ferreira et al., 2018).
Apart from using the Industrial Revolution 4.0, society 5.0 was also optimized for its
development by the Industrial Revolution 4.0, let alone by optimizing resources,
especially human resources. Society 5.0 directs technology towards broader social
challenges so that changes in the community environment are possible.
The Importance of Human Resource Management in Facing Society 5.0 and the
Industrial Revolution 4.0
Management is an essential thing in building an organization. Management comes
from the English word to manage, which means to manage. It can be concluded that
management is a regulating activity that helps achieve the goals of individuals, groups,
or organizations. The things that are regulated in management are man, method, materials,
market, machine, and money. These elements are usually called 6M (Supomo &
Nurhayati, 2018).
The main focus of this discussion is the human element or human resources, which
are the main driving elements of an organization. The science that studies and explains
how to manage the relationships and roles of resources owned by individuals or
organizations and use them efficiently and effectively to achieve common goals is the
definition of human resource management (HR). HR management discusses the issues of
planning, organizing, directing, controlling, procuring, developing compensation,
integrating, maintaining, disciplining, and dismissing workers or HR to help realize
organizational goals.
HR management starts by recruiting human resources who will later become
individuals driving the organization towards achieving goals. According to (Rezky et al.,
2019), HR recruitment is gathering prospective office holders through a human resource
plan to occupy a particular position or job. Meanwhile, according to (Syaifullah, 2022),
recruitment is defined as finding, inviting, and appointing several people inside and
outside the nnnnnnnnnnnn as prospective workers with specific characteristics that have
been determined. From these two opinions, the definition of HR recruitment is obtained,
Identifying HR Management and Supervision Activities at SMAN 1 Merangin to Face Society
5.0 and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2817
namely the process of finding and gathering prospective human resources, both from
inside and outside the organization, to occupy certain positions or jobs according to the
criteria given by the organization.
According to (Hasibuan, 2005) and an interview with the principal of SMAN 1
Merangin, in planning and implementing human resource recruitment in the era of
Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, several things need to be considered, namely:
a. Prediction of Organizational Human Resources Needs
Before recruiting human resources, it is a good idea to identify positions and
positions that are vacant or needed in the organization. After finding the required
positions and positions, it begins to be included in the planning or estimation of where
the human resources will be recruited from; it can be from the internal environment of
the organization, such as recruiting existing workers for transfer, promotion, mutation,
etc., while from the external environment, it can be by recruiting competent outsiders
using promotion, job opening, advertising, etc. and not forgetting to select human
b. Factors Affecting Recruitment
1) Remuneration given to applicants (try to provide remuneration that is large enough
and as much as possible for the organization so that the number of interested
applicants increases or increases)
2) Provides permanent worker status in the organization
3) Providing job promotion opportunities to applicants
4) Increasing organizational solidarity
5) Implementing staffing and labor supply regulations
c. The Right Method and Selection for HR
There are many methods of recruiting human resources, some of which are through
advertisements, employee referrals, walk-ins, and write-ins, the Ministry of Manpower,
job search companies, and so on, depending on the situation and conditions in the
organization. The selection process is needed to identify the feasibility of recruiting
prospective human resources with various assessments of knowledge, abilities or skills,
skills, and other aspects required by the organization so that the prospective human
resources carry out their work correctly and smoothly. The selection process is also
influenced by technological developments, especially as we enter Society 5.0 and the era
of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, so prospective human resources can use the information
technology the organization provides and adapt to the Society 5.0 environment.
d. Job Offer
After selecting prospective human resources or workers considered suitable, the
following process is a job offer, which includes a work agreement and a more in-depth
introduction to the organization's provisions. After the recruitment process is completed,
the worker needs to be assisted in directing his work so that it is carried out optimally and
lasts according to the expected time.
Taufik Ridho Iano, Nellitawati, Hanif Al Kadri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2818
After recruitment and selection activities, the next stage in managing human
resources is introducing or orienting the workplace and its position. According to Dessler
(2015), human resource orientation provides information to new workers that can help
them emotionally bond with their organization. Proposed that effective orientation
programs actively involve new human resources. These programs consist of:
1. Submission of questions by new HR
2. Introduction to the technical and social aspects of work
3. Avoiding reprehensible actions such as insulting new employees, etc
4. Formal and informal interactions with colleagues
5. Learning about work, products, services, and customers
As for the placement of new human resources, this activity matches the
qualifications of the new workforce (HR) with the job requirements and gives them tasks
to be carried out. New employee placement has various ways, namely:
a. Promotion occurs when an employee is transferred from one job to another with higher
pay and responsibility. Generally, when awards or rewards for past efforts and
achievements are given, two problems will arise.
b. Transfer: occurs when a worker is transferred from one field to another field whose
level is almost the same in terms of salary, responsibility, and structure level
c. Demotion: occurs when an employee is transferred from one position to another
position with a lower level, both salary level, responsibility, and structural level
To prepare mature performance to face the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 of
this new workforce, it is a good idea to conduct training and human resource development
based on the following three levels or levels of analysis in determining the training needs
that must be met:
a. Organization analysis: Focuses on the introduction within the organization where
training is needed.
b. Operations analysis: Trying to know what training content the workforce must do to
work competently.
c. Individual analysis: Determining how well each workforce performs tasks in
completing them. For the training and development strategy of human resources
needed in Society 5.0 and the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the plan is divided into the
following 4 points:
d. Appreciating the Workforce: Schools need to appreciate the workforce (in this case,
employees and teachers) for their achievements. Appreciation can be manifested in
various ways, such as bonuses, allowances, and other incentives that increase
e. Organizing Training Programs: Schools usually organize training programs over a
certain period, using independent platform applications, e-learning, and other methods.
f. Providing Opportunities for Brainstorming Ideas: Schools are encouraged to facilitate
employees' and teachers' submissions of ideas. The school shows that it is willing to
listen to ideas by providing an opportunity to brainstorm.
Identifying HR Management and Supervision Activities at SMAN 1 Merangin to Face Society
5.0 and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2819
g. Calibrating the Workforce: This program aims to change the mindsets of teachers and
employees so that they are out of the safe zone. It uses programs available in schools,
such as the driving teacher program and using digital-based learning media.
The Importance of Human Resources Supervision in Facing Society 5.0 and the
Industrial Revolution 4.0
Supervision is very influential in education, especially in teacher performance and
learning outcomes; besides that, supervision is needed as the basis for school
development, including the curriculum. Supervision comes from the English word Super
and vision, which means supervision or high-level vision. According to Oteng (1983),
supervision can be directional, but supervision is more than that. Supervision is an activity
to foster, supervise, and encourage educators to have creative, active, professional, and
innovative abilities. The individual who supervises is usually the principal, known as the
Supervisor. The primary duties of a supervisor consist of:
1. Coaching and developing school quality, teacher performance, and school staff
2. Evaluate and supervise the course of school programs held
3. Assessing the teacher's learning and teaching process
It is not a simple thing to improve the performance of human resources, in this case,
teachers, especially in the current era or era which demands to require teachers to be
proficient in information technology and have adequate competence in all aspects of
education, so there is a need for professional guidance from the supervisor. For
supervision activities to run smoothly and systematically, it is good to carry out the
following activities:
1. Listening: Supervisors are required to listen to the interlocutor, in this context, the
teacher, pay attention to it, and respond when some things need to be responded to
(questions, irregularities, etc.);
2. Clarify: If there are irregularities or improvements, it is a good idea for the supervisor
to ask questions and make statements to clarify;
3. Motivating: The supervisor should give appreciation and response if the supervised
teacher begins to lose motivation even though his performance has already started to
4. Reflect: The supervisor summarises and paraphrases the message conveyed by the
5. Present: The supervisor gives his ideas regarding the problems he is facing;
6. Problem-solving: It is suitable for supervisors to take initiatives such as discussing
issues or issues raised, allowing all parties involved to present solutions, etc.;
7. Negotiating: The supervisor is required to be able to discuss or defuse a conflict and
resolve it with negotiations in which there are bound consequences and narrow the
options of the conflict to benefit both parties or the supervisor;
8. Directing: Supervisors are required to be able to manage the course of supervision
activities effectively;
Taufik Ridho Iano, Nellitawati, Hanif Al Kadri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2820
9. Standardize: The supervisor sets the criteria and expected time for decision-making to
be implemented;
10. Reinforce: The supervisor reinforces the directives and criteria that must be met by
recounting the possible consequences.
These activities are arranged according to teachers' intelligence level in overcoming
the learning problems of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0. Suppose the
teacher is still in the learning stage and unreliable in solving their learning problems. In
that case, the approach used is direct (Directive et al.), while the right strategy for teachers
who are proficient in solving their learning problems in the current era is to use an indirect
(Nondirective) and collaborative approach (Collaborative).
Figure 1: Supervisor Behavior/Approach
The supervision approach and activities in the figure above show the movement
from teacher-centered actions ("big T") to supervisor-centered actions (big "S")
(Glickman, 2018). In addition to the supervision approach, it is good that in facing the
era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0, teachers now have the requirements for
professionalism as expressed by Mastuhu (2004):
a. Teachers should have a high love and concern for the tasks and responsibilities related
to the work network as a whole
b. Teachers must have skills in handling how their assignments are completed
c. Teachers must get their rights fairly according to their duties and responsibilities
If these three things are fulfilled, supervision activities will be more accessible with
an indirect approach. They can be carried out effectively and efficiently to deal with the
problems of the current era.
Human resource management and school supervision are critical in the era of
Society 5.0 and the Industrial Revolution 4.0. They should conduct training and create
programs to improve teachers' performance, and they should be good at overcoming
learning problems and using information technology. The challenge faced by SMAN 1
Merangin based on the interview is how to get all teachers, or at least 50% of teachers at
Identifying HR Management and Supervision Activities at SMAN 1 Merangin to Face Society
5.0 and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2821
SMAN 1 Merangin, to get a driving teacher certificate and other training certificates so
that they can get out of the safe zone and be proficient in information technology.
Taufik Ridho Iano, Nellitawati, Hanif Al Kadri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2822
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