The Influence of Structure Height and Use of Shear Walls on the Behavior of Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2757
Loading Combination
The structural design analysis in this study is designed to determine the effect of
seismic or earthquake load. Therefore, combinations of loads on the influence by seismic
loads must be considered. The most decisive influence of seismic load should be
reviewed, but it does not need to be considered simultaneously with wind load. Based on
SNI 1726:2019, the combination of loads used in this study are listed as follows:
1. 1,4 D
2. 1,2 D + 1,6 L
3. 1,440 D + 1,0 L + 0,390 Ex + 1,300 Ex
4. 1,440 D + 1,0 L + 0,390 Ex - 1,300 Ey
5. 1,440 D + 1,0 L - 0,390 Ex + 1,300 Ex
6. 1,440 D + 1,0 L - 0,390 Ex - 1,300 Ex
7. 1,440 D + 1,0 L + 1,300 Ex + 0,390 Ex
8. 1,440 D + 1,0 L + 1,300 Ex – 0,390 Ex
9. 1,440 D + 1,0 L - 1,300 Ex + 0,390 Ex
10. 1,440 D + 1,0 L - 1,300 Ex – 0,390 Ex
11. 0,660 D + 0,390 Ex + 1,300 Ex
12. 0,660 D + 0,390 Ex - 1,300 Ex
13. 0,660 D - 0,390 Ex + 1,300 Ex
14. 0,660 D - 0,390 Ex - 1,300 Ex
15. 0,660 D + 1,300 Ex + 0,390 Ex
16. 0,660 D + 1,300 Ex – 0,390 Ex
17. 0,660 D - 1,300 Ex + 0,390 Ex
18. 0,660 D - 1,300 Ex – 0,390 Ex
Checking and Results of Structural Analysis
This study will present the structural analysis results in the form of structural
periods, elemental shear forces, intersections, P-delta influences, and reinforcement of
structural elements. The Determination of structural response refers to SNI 1726:2019,
while reinforcement refers to SNI 2847:2020.
Story Drift
The story drift is symbolized as ∆, and its value is determined by the provisions of
Article 7.8.6 in SNI 1726:2019. The deviation of the center of mass at the-x level
symbolizes as δ
must be determined by Equation P.1. In addition, the story drift must not
exceed the story drift limit, symbolized as
, which is 0,1 times the height between
........................................................................................................................................... (P.1)
Effects of P-delta
The higher the structure and buildings with a more significant number of stories
will experience the possibility of more significant P-delta influence (Rao, Janardhan, &
Narasaiah, 2022). Thus, the P-delta needs to be checked. Based on article 7.8.7 SNI
1726:2019, P-delta effect on the shear rate and moment, the force and moment of the
resulting structural elements, and the resulting story drift, need not be taken into account
if the denoted stability coefficient as determined by equation P.2 is equal to or less than