pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3203
Interactive Multimedia Development of Indonesian Endemic
Plants: Species Uniqueness with MDLC Approach
Yani Ami Atun
*, Bryan Bagus Pambudi
, Bayu Azra Maulana
Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Indonesia
Keywords: interactive
multimedia, endemic
plants, MDLC, media
development, interactive
This research explores the development of interactive
multimedia with a focus on Indonesia's endemic plants,
applying the Multimedia Development Lifecycle (MDLC)
as a design approach. MDLC provides a systematic
foundation with six related phases, including concept,
design, material collection, assembly, testing, and
distribution, to ensure the success of educational media
development. The hardware and software required for
multimedia creation are also outlined, providing a
comprehensive overview of the technology infrastructure
used. Design steps include concepts that consider visual
uniqueness, intuitive navigation, deep content, and
connectivity to learning needs. The storyboard design breaks
down into sections, including splash screens, main menus,
material menus, evaluations, and information, each designed
to provide an optimal user experience. Material collection
involves selecting multimedia assets, including images,
letters, and icons, integrated using Adobe Illustrator
software. The assembly process is carried out through
Construct 2, creating an interactive and dynamic interface.
Black Box testing is conducted to verify compliance with
optimal design and functionality. Supporting theories, such
as multimedia concepts, MDLC, and the definition of
Indonesia's endemic flora, provide a strong theoretical
foundation. Results and discussions include evaluations of
Alpha and Beta testing that show positive user responses.
Overall, this research concludes that interactive multimedia
successfully provides an effective and engaging learning
experience, ready for widespread distribution.
The latest technological advances are the main factors supporting the renewal
efforts. The role of technology is very important, especially in society in developing
countries (Mertayasa & Pascima, 2024). The government and the public are very
concerned about the current technological developments because they realize that the role
Yani Ami Atun, Bryan Bagus Pambudi, Bayu Azra Maulana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3204
and function of technology are very important for life. The presence of modern
technology in the field of communication has affected all fields, including education
(Novita & Harahap, 2020).
Media is an inseparable part of the learning process because educational goals can
be achieved through media. One of the media that keeps students engrossed in learning is
interactive multimedia content, such as PowToon-based themed learning. PowToon-
based interactive multimedia in class V theme learning has been validated by material
experts, linguists, and media experts (Pratiwi, 2021). Therefore, it is suitable for use in
theme learning. PowToon-based interactive multimedia proved to be very practical when
tested to students and teachers. Practicality is tested in small group experiments and field
tests. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test, PowToon-based interactive
multimedia content is suitable for use in thematic learning in class V because it can have
a significant impact (Donna, Egok, & Febriandi, 2021).
Interactive multimedia is a combination of various media (file formats) in the form
of text, images (vectors or bitmaps), graphics, sounds, animations, videos, interactions,
etc., used to convey messages packaged in digital files (computerized) and used for
general use (Albani, Rachman, & Kurniawan, 2022).
Previous work on interactive multimedia content was carried out by (Rejekiningsih,
Budiarto, & Sudiyanto, 2021) The results of this research and development are interactive
multimedia products based on local potential which is a learning media innovation as well
as an overview of the feasibility of interactive multimedia products developed. Further
research by (Sama & Fransisco, 2022) This research aims to create an augmented reality
endemic plant AR application that will help introduce endemic plants to grade 4 students
of SDN 03 Siddadi.
In an effort to develop a multimedia-based learning system, it is necessary to apply
a methodology that is in accordance with the needs of the system. One of the relevant
approaches is to involve the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) development
model. In this method, there are six stages that must be passed, namely Concept, Design,
Material Collection, Assembly, Testing, and Distribution (Lee & Herman, 2023).
MDLC is a technology that combines the real-world dimension with the virtual
world dimension that is displayed in real time, in contrast to virtual reality which only
adds to or complements what exists in the real world, not completely replaces it. MDLC
specifically refers to applications related to multimedia and is currently widely used in
research related to multimedia and mobile applications (Mazda & Fikria, 2021).
Indonesia is a country with a very diverse diversity of flora and fauna, from Sabang
to Merauke. Indonesia's amazing diversity of flora and fauna is due to its geographical
location located near the equator and stretching across the islands of Indonesia (Wardana,
Ramadhan, Aznur, Putri, & Ikhwan, 2023).
Due to the lack of material innovation, the opportunity to introduce children to
plants and animals is still considered low. Education that introduces children to flora and
fauna is very important to preserve the existence of flora and fauna in Indonesia (Wardani,
Interactive Multimedia Development of Indonesian Endemic Plants: Species Uniqueness with
MDLC Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3205
Based on the above research, the author designed a learning media about endemic
flora with the aim of getting to know the diversity of endemic flora and how to make
interactive multimedia-based learning media using construct 2 to find out how to apply
the methods used.
Research Methods
Research Stages
In designing a multimedia-based learning system, the Multimedia Development
Lifecycle (MDLC) methodology is used as an appropriate approach for learning media
design. MDLC, as a tested and structured design method, provides a comprehensive
framework to oversee every stage of learning media system development. This
methodology consists of six interrelated phases, namely the Concept, Design, Data
Collection, Assembly, Testing, and Distribution phases, which are designed to ensure
success in producing effective learning media and in accordance with the desired learning
objectives, in line with the quality standards and timeliness required in the context of this
research (Ambarwati & Darmawel, 2020).
Here are the tools needed to make learning media:
Table 1
Windows 11 64-
AMD Ryzen 5 5500U with Radeon
8.00 GB
512 GB
Table 2
Asset editing software
Looking for the assets needed to create
learning media
Software used to design and design
learning media
In designing interactive multimedia of Indonesia's endemic flora, the following are
the stages:
a. Concept
In order to succeed in the development of interactive multimedia focusing on
Indonesia's endemic plants, it is necessary to consider a number of critical criteria,
including attractive visual distinctiveness, intuitive navigation, in-depth and informative
content, and a close connection to the needs of the learning process.
Yani Ami Atun, Bryan Bagus Pambudi, Bayu Azra Maulana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3206
b. Design
The next stage will lead to the creation of storyboards, which are based on the
concepts that have been obtained in the previous stage in this research. The storyboard
design process will be articulated into several segments, including detailed visualizations,
interactive navigation settings, and the incorporation of multimedia content. It aims to
ensure the development of interactive multimedia that is not only informative but also
facilitates engaging and structured learning.
c. Material Collection
The author will collect a number of essential materials to support the design of this
learning media. This process involves the search and selection of information sources,
including text, images, and multimedia elements that are relevant to content about
Indonesia's endemic plants
d. Perakitan
The incorporation of design elements for learning media about endemic flora is
realized through the use of Construct 2 software. By utilizing this platform, authors
compose and put together various visual elements such as images and illustrations, audio
elements including backgrounds and sound effects, and navigation buttons.
e. Testing
The designed learning media will undergo testing using the Black Box method to
verify the suitability of the content with the established storyboard. In addition, testing
will also focus on its functionality on the platform in question, by ensuring that the
application can run smoothly. All buttons in the app will also be tested to ensure good
functionality, so that users can access and interact with learning content optimally.
Results and Discussion
The results arising from the application of the MDLC method in the development
of interactive multimedia for endemic plants can be achieved through a series of research
stages that have been carried out. The details of the steps that have been taken in this
study include:
In this step, the researcher designs the concept of the system flow in a short and
easy-to-understand way. This is so that the system can help in counseling about endemic
plants to the community at large.
This design step produces a research plan using the program structure, UML, and
system design as an overview of how the system will be implemented. Here are the details
for the program structure design, UML, and system design:
1. Program Structure
The following is the program structure of an interactive multimedia system that
delves into endemic flora:
Interactive Multimedia Development of Indonesian Endemic Plants: Species Uniqueness with
MDLC Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3207
Figure 1. Structure of the Endemic Flora Interactive Multimedia Program
UML Design
In the development of interactive multimedia about endemic flora, the application
of UML is carried out as a means of providing visual modeling languages or graphic
representations for users with various programming backgrounds or in the context of
general engineering. The types of diagrams used are as follows:
Figure 2
Use Case Diagram Multimedia Interaktif Flora Endemic
Figure 4 shows a use case diagram of an interactive multimedia being developed,
which provides an overview of the interaction between the user and the system. In this
interactive multimedia, there is one involved party (actor) and six main use cases, as well
as two use cases included in the material menu, such as use cases for flora and video.
Next, the next UML diagram is a sequence diagram as shown in figure 3.
Figure 3. Sequence Diagram
Yani Ami Atun, Bryan Bagus Pambudi, Bayu Azra Maulana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3208
Sequence diagrams play a role in explaining and visualizing the interactions
between objects in a system in detail. In the context of this interactive multimedia, there
are two sequence diagrams, where the first sequence diagram depicts the user's interaction
when starting the application. The second sequence diagram illustrates user interaction
when running the application.
An Activity Diagram will illustrate the activities or processes that can be performed
by the system, not just the actions performed by the actors. Therefore, this diagram will
highlight the activities that the system can perform. In the context of interactive
multimedia that is being developed, there are eight activities that can be carried out by
users. Starting from displaying the main page, displaying evaluations, displaying material
in the form of text or video, to returning to the main menu.
Design Perancangan Program
Program planning plays an important role in the development of interactive
multimedia. From this design, a guide was generated regarding the display and layout of
the menu and content that will be displayed on the interactive multimedia that is being
The main page is designed with a clean and responsive layout, featuring a variety
of functional buttons for easy user navigation. There is an "Information" button that
provides access to more information or instructions related to the application, as well as
a "Mute/Unmute" button to control the sound or music that accompanies this interactive
In addition, there is a "Material" button that allows users to explore the content or
materials presented in multimedia. The "Evaluation" button provides direct access to the
evaluations or quizzes integrated in this app, allowing users to gauge their understanding.
Finally, there is an "Exit" button that gives you the option to exit the app. This design
aims to provide an intuitive and enjoyable user experience, making it easy for users to
explore and interact with the various features provided.
Figure 4. Material Page Design
The material menu page is designed with an attractive and informative layout,
featuring a "Back to Home" button to return to the main page, a "Mute/Unmute" button
to control the sound, and a "Next/Back Material" button for content navigation. The
material is accompanied by pictures, providing an interactive learning experience and
attractive visuals.
Interactive Multimedia Development of Indonesian Endemic Plants: Species Uniqueness with
MDLC Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3209
The information button is created to provide the user with information about the
developer when clicked. The window that appears contains the identity of the developer,
namely, photo, name, and study program.
Once the user enters the answer, they can click on the "Check" button to instantly
know if their answer is correct or not. This design provides a quick and clear interactive
experience, making it easy for users to participate and get immediate feedback on the
answers they provide.
Material Collecting
In endemic flora research, the process of gathering material involves retrieving
assets from external sources, such as Google, that fit into the context of the endemic flora
being studied. Once the assets are acquired, the next step is to separate and merge them
using Adobe Illustrator (Freepik, 2024).
Figure 5. Set assets in adobe illustrator
In the early stages, the assets obtained from Google were processed and separated
using Adobe Illustrator to customize and optimize their functionality in the interactive
multimedia of endemic flora. Using this technique, the assets can be rearranged and
adjusted to better suit the needs of the research.
In this step, the researcher designed interactive multimedia as best as possible in
order to convey information about endemic flora to users. Here are the results of the
assembly process:
Figure 6. Interface Splash Screen
When you open the interactive multimedia, the initial experience will be preceded
by a splash screen page display displaying the title of this multimedia, which is "Flora
Yani Ami Atun, Bryan Bagus Pambudi, Bayu Azra Maulana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3210
Endemic." This page is designed to give an interesting first impression and immediately
focus the user's attention on the uniqueness and diversity of endemic flora that will be
explored in the interactive content.
The main menu page presents a variety of features that include information about
the developer's profile, allowing users to explore further. In addition, there is a music
setting button to turn the music on or off according to the user's wishes. There is also a
material menu button that facilitates access to various informative content, as well as an
evaluation option to measure user understanding. Lastly, an exit button is provided to
provide an option to exit the app easily. The design of this page is designed to provide an
intuitive user experience and a wide range of features that support convenient interactive
multimedia exploration.
The information page is designed as an access point to get to know more about the
developer profile behind this interactive multimedia. With the presence of photos that
depict the developer's face and expressions, users can feel more personally connected.
The name of the developer along with the study program (study program) that is followed
provides more detailed information about the academic background and expertise that can
enrich the user's understanding of the resources they use.
The material page presents rich informative content about Indonesia's endemic
plants, complementing the material with real images that enrich the user's visual
experience. Each material is comprehensively designed to provide an in-depth
understanding of the uniqueness and diversity of Indonesia's endemic flora, creating an
informative and engaging learning experience.
In this video material, a more detailed explanation of endemic plants will be given.
Through this video, it is hoped that users can gain a deeper understanding related to its
characteristics, uniqueness, and distribution. The existence of this video material is
expected to increase user understanding of the material presented, creating a more
interactive and informative learning experience.
Figure 7. Evaluation Interface
The evaluation feature on this interactive multimedia is designed through a guessing
format, where users will be shown a picture. After that, they can input an answer in the
form of the name of the endemic flora described. Through the press of the "Check" button,
the results of the evaluation of the user's answer will appear immediately, providing
instant feedback on whether the answer is correct or incorrect. The design aims to enrich
Interactive Multimedia Development of Indonesian Endemic Plants: Species Uniqueness with
MDLC Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3211
the user's learning experience in an interactive way and provide an opportunity to test
their knowledge of Indonesia's endemic flora.
In this phase, researchers will run two types of tests, namely Alpha testing carried
out by the researcher himself, and Beta testing that involves direct user participation.
Alpha Testing
In this testing stage, the researcher will evaluate the visual aspects and functionality
of each button contained in the venomous animal interactive multimedia, as listed in
Table 1.
Table 3
Alpha Testing
From the data contained in Table 1, five test sessions were carried out on each
feature available in the interactive multimedia. Every component successfully operates
smoothly without encountering errors.
Beta Testing
In the beta test, after 30 respondents fill out a Google form, the data from the
questionnaire will be analyzed using the beta test method to evaluate the effectiveness of
the interactive multimedia that has been developed. There are 14 assessment indicators
with five levels of assessment, namely: 1 = very bad, 2 = not good, 3 = not good, 4 = quite
good, 5 = very good. For example, on the indicator "Attractive and satisfying multimedia
visual display"
In figure 19, it can be seen that the measurement results for assessment indicator 1,
where out of 30 respondents, 18 gave very good assessments, 12 gave quite good
assessments, while no respondents gave poor assessments, bad assessments and very bad
assessments. Therefore, when calculated in terms of ratings, the results are as follows:
After the evaluation stage is complete, the application is ready for publication. The
distribution process can be done through a link on the website and using storage media
such as a usb drive, so that it can be easily accessed by users.
Komponen yang
Skenario Pengujian
Menu Utama
Memilih Tombol "Informasi"
Memilih Tombol "Musik"
Memilih Tombol "Materi"
Memilih Tombol "Evaluasi"
Memilih Tombol "Exit"
Memilih Tombol "Home"
Memilih Tombol "Musik"
Memilih Tombol " Previous"
Memilih Tombol "Next"
Memilih Tombol "Video"
Memilih Tombol "Home"
Memilih Tombol "Musik"
Memilih Tombol "Play"
Memilih Tombol "Pause"
Memilih Tombol "Home"
Memilih Tombol "Musik"
Memilih Tombol "Previous"
Memilih Tombol "Next"
Memilih Tombol "Cek"
Memilih Tombol "Keluar"
Yani Ami Atun, Bryan Bagus Pambudi, Bayu Azra Maulana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3212
This research succeeded in developing interactive multimedia focusing on endemic
plants in Indonesia with the Multimedia Development Lifecycle (MDLC) approach. The
MDLC methodology is used as a structured framework, involving six related phases,
namely concept, design, material collection, assembly, testing, and distribution. Involving
detailed hard and soft tools, this study describes the process of creating interactive
multimedia about Indonesia's endemic flora, which is piloted through Alpha and Beta
testing. The test results showed a positive response from users, with an average score of
4.74 out of a scale of 5. Thus, the conclusion of this study confirms that the interactive
multimedia developed is able to provide an effective and enjoyable learning experience
around the uniqueness of Indonesia's endemic plant species. The distribution of this media
can be done extensively through website links and storage media, ensuring optimal
accessibility for users interested in exploring Indonesia's endemic plant diversity.
Interactive Multimedia Development of Indonesian Endemic Plants: Species Uniqueness with
MDLC Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3213
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