Shinta Amalia, Hermawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2908
lack of human or financial resources, regulatory changes, or internal problems in the audit
process itself. The impact of audit delays can be significant, especially regarding investor
confidence in the credibility and quality of the company's financial statements. A study
(Indriani, 2020) found that audit delays can negatively impact stock prices, as investors
tend to feel uncertain and hesitant about delayed financial information. Therefore,
company management and auditors must work together to reduce audit delays as much
as possible by increasing efficiency in the audit process and identifying and overcoming
obstacles that cause such delays.
A previous study conducted (Ulita & Romdioni, 2019) stated that the variables of
company size, company age, profitability, solvency, profit and loss, and KAP size
simultaneously had a significant effect on audit delay in IDX-listed property and real
estate sector companies in 2018-2020. (Nurrahmani, Handayani, & Nusa, 2022) their
research stated that the company's profit and loss variables and bankruptcy prediction did
not affect the audit delay, while there were other variables, namely the type of industry
that affected the audit delay in the LQ45 company case study listed on the IDX in 2017-
2022. The profitability and solvency factors have been analyzed previously by (Liwe,
Manossoh, & Mawikere, 2018) and (Kurniawan & Laksito, 2015). They found that these
factors influence audit delay. Previous research by (Supadmo & and Arifin, 2020) and
Puspita (2017) also revealed that the company's operating profit and loss had a significant
influence on audit delay, although Wulandari's (2017) findings showed otherwise.
According to IDX Regulation Kep-307 / JSX / 07-2003 2003, IH number, in
addition to the declining relevance of financial statements, delays in submitting financial
statements also have the potential to result in companies being sanctioned by the IDX.
The sanctions can vary from warnings to suspension of securities trading from the
company in question, with fines as one possibility. Given the importance of timeliness in
influencing the essential quality of financial statements, researchers are interested in
exploring the factors that can affect audit delay. Although previous studies have examined
these factors, results have varied. Therefore, researchers are interested in analyzing the
results with research objectives: companies incorporated in IDX30 on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange in the last five years (2018-2022). The company is an entity that significantly
influences the Indonesian economy. IDX30 Index is a stock market index that includes
30 of the largest and most liquid companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX). Companies that are members of IDX30 have diverse profiles, ranging from the
financial, telecommunications, consumer, and energy sectors. Their presence reflects the
stability of the country's economy and becomes an essential indicator of the performance
of the Indonesian capital market. IDX30 is a benchmark for domestic and international
investors to measure the performance of the Indonesian stock market. By following
IDX30's movements, investors can gain extensive insight into market direction and
trends, allowing them to make more intelligent and informed investment decisions.
The hypothesis in this study is that the company sector has a positional influence
on audit delay in companies incorporated in IDX30 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(H_1); The company's profit and loss has a positional influence on audit delay in