pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 Juny 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2781
The Effect of CEO Narcissism, Company Size, and Free Cash
Flow on Financial Performance through CSR in SOEs on the
IDX 2018-2022
Gunawan Hadi Prastiyono
, Andini Nurwulandari
Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Keywords: CEO
Narcissism; Company
Size; Free Cash Flow;
Corporate Social
Responsibility; Financial
This study aimed to determine the effect of CEO Narcissism,
Company Size, and Free Cash Flow through Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) on Financial Performance in
State-owned enterprises Companies. This study uses a
quantitative approach with data sources from the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (IDX) official website using the Warppls
7.0 application. The research sample data were from 16
state-owned enterprise companies. The test results show that
CEO Narcissism has a negative and significant effect on
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Company Size has a
negative and insignificant effect on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR), Free Cash Flow has a positive and
insignificant effect on Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR), CEO Narcissism is unable to mediate the effect of
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on financial
performance. Company Size cannot mediate the effect of
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on financial
performance. Free Cash Flow cannot mediate the influence
of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on financial
performance. The Total Determination Coefficient in this
study is 0.285 or 28.5%. This indicates the model can explain
28.5% of the data's information. Other factors not included
in the study model account for the remainder.
Indonesia's rapid economic growth has created a dynamic business environment in
recent years. The role of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in supporting economic
stability and growth is becoming increasingly important (Gao, Gao, Long, & Wang,
2023). The financial performance of SOEs is the focus of attention, considering its impact
on sustainability and the contribution of SOEs to national development (Gao et al., 2023).
Problems related to the financial performance of state-owned companies in Indonesia
have become complex, involving several factors that can affect the company's financial
Gunawan Hadi Prastiyono, Andini Nurwulandari
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2782
Financial performance is a significant factor for a company to achieve its goals in
terms of seeing the performance of a company. According to research conducted by
(Onoyi & and Windayati, 2021), financial performance is a description of financial
aspects related to the operational conditions of a company, both increasing and
decreasing. Therefore, financial performance provides a general picture of the company's
results from financial activities that have been carried out. A company's performance can
be assessed by analyzing financial reporting ratios, such as profitability ratios (ROA).
Many factors affect a company's financial performance, and one of them is the
CEO's role in decision-making. Decisions made by a CEO are more strategic and
challenging to analyze, not just operational decisions.
Based on the study's results, the company's size can be used to indicate that larger
companies have better financial performance. The larger a company, the better its
financial performance. This is due to the company's size, which proper management
supports. The research results (Pratiwi, 2020) show that the company's size refers to how
big or small a company is.
In agency theory, larger companies have more resources to manage risk and monitor
operational activities. Large companies usually have more assets than small companies.
This suggests that the size of a company, measured by market capitalization, is positively
related to total assets. The larger the company's size (in terms of market capitalization),
the greater the number of assets owned.
Research from (Kalbuana, Suryati, & and Pertiwi, 2022) stated that narcissistic
CEOs negatively influence a company's financial performance. Such characteristics can
hinder the project's success since narcissistic CEOs tend to impose their opinions on
employees while monopolizing the decision-making process.
Based on the results of research from (Rofiah et al., 2024), Free Cash Flow
Negatively Affects Financial Performance. The Free Cash Flow available in a company
has not been adequately utilized. The free cash flow available in a company can be
invested in profitable investments to increase operating profits, and thus, the company's
Financial Performance will improve.
The Effect of CEO Narcissism, Company Size, and Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance
through CSR in SOEs on the IDX 2018-2022
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2783
Research Mindset
Research Mindset
Research Hypothesis:
H1: CEO Narcissism negatively affects Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
H2: Company Size positively affects Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
H3: Free Cash Flow positively affects Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
H4: CEO Narcissism negatively affects Financial Performance.
H5: Company Size has a positive effect on Financial Performance.
H6: Free Cash Flow negatively affects Financial Performance.
H7: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) positively affects Financial Performance.
H8: CEO Narcissism negatively affects Financial Performance through Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).
H9: Company Size positively affects Financial Performance through Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).
H10: Free Cash Flow positively affects Financial Performance through Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).
Data Collection Methods
This study uses a quantitative approach, using secondary data on state-owned
companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 2018-2022.
Population and Sample
The population in this study is state-owned companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for 2018 2022. The research sample is 16 state-owned companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange under the following conditions:
1. State-owned companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2022.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2784
2. Provide Annual Reports published consistently throughout the research period.
3. Companies that experienced fluctuations in financial performance from 2018 to 2022.
Data Analysis Techniques
Data processing in this study uses WarpPLS 7.0 to test research hypotheses in State-
Owned Enterprises (SOEs) listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 2018
2022. The similarities of this study are as follows:
CSR = β1CN + β2UP + β3AKB + e (Equation 1)
KK = β1CN + β2UP + β3AKB + β4CSR + e (Equation 2)
CN = CEO Narsisme
UP = Company Size
AKB = Free Cash Flow
CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility
KK = Financial Performance
Results and Discussion
Table 1
Validity and Reliab Testilitas
Based on the validity test based on loading in Table 1, the above variables have a
loading value of > 0.7 and a p-value of < 0.001. Based on the loading value, the data can
be concluded to have met the validity requirements.
The Effect of CEO Narcissism, Company Size, and Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance
through CSR in SOEs on the IDX 2018-2022
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2785
Table 2
Discriminant Validity Test
Table 2 of the Discriminant Test shows that the CEO Narcissism variable has a low
correlation with other variables, which shows this is a different construct. Free Cash Flow
has a higher correlation with itself (0.844), which indicates strong discriminant validity.
Financial Performance negatively correlates with CEO Narcissism (-0.349), which can
imply an inverse relationship.
From the table above, it can be concluded that:
1. The discriminant validity of most variables seems to have been good, given the low
value outside the diagonal.
2. The negative correlation between CEO Narcissism and Financial Performance can be
an interesting one, potentially indicating that higher levels of CEO Narcissism may be
associated with poorer financial performance.
Table 3
Validity Test Based on Average Variance Extracted (AVE) and
Composite Reliability (CR)
Based on the AVE results in Table 4.3, all AVE values are> 0.5, which means that
all indicators have absorbed the variance of each variable valued at 1, meaning it is said
to be valid.
Overall Model Fit Testing (Model fit)
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Table 4
Model Conformity Test
Table 4 includes several match and quality indices, analysis results, matching
criteria, and corresponding descriptions.
1. The match indices mentioned in the table consist of Average Path Coefficient (APC),
Average R-squared (ARS), Average Adjusted R-squared (AARS), Average Block VIF
(AVIF), Average Full Collinearity (AFVIF), and Tenenhaus GoF (GoF). The table
provides analysis results for each match index, including numeric values and p-values.
2. A p-value less than 0.05 is used as the model fit criterion.
Structural Model / Inner Model Test (Significance Test of Direct and Indirect
Influence (Intervening)
The Effect of CEO Narcissism, Company Size, and Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance
through CSR in SOEs on the IDX 2018-2022
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2787
Figure 2
Uji Model Struktural
The similarities of this study are as follows:
Equation 1
CSR = -0,314 CN 0,066 UP + 0,069 AKB
Equation 2
KK = -0,267 CN + 0,009 UP 0,172 AKB + 0,226 CSR.
CN = CEO Narsisme
UP = Company Size
AKB = Free Cash Flow
CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility
KK = Financial Performance
Direct Effect
The table below shows the results of the direct influence of the independent variable
on the dependent variable in this study:
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Table 5
Direct Effect Significance Test
Regression Equation
a) CSR = -0,314 CEO- 0,066 UP + 0,609 AKB (equation 1)
R2 = 0,100
b) KK = -0,267 CEO + 0,009 UP - 0, 172 AKB + 0,226 CSR (equation 2)
R2 = 0,204
In this context, CSR is an intervening variable. While CEO, UP, and AKB are
independent variables or variables used to make CSR predictions. In this equation, the
coefficient is a number that follows the independent variables. This shows that each
independent variable influences the dependent variable, assuming the other variables are
So, from the given equation, we can interpret the influence of each variable as
Equation 1
1) Chief Executive Officer (CEO):
The coefficient for the CEO is -0.314. This means that every one-unit increase in
the CEO variable will lead to a 0.3140.314 unit decrease in CSR, assuming UP and AKB
2) Company Size (UP):
The coefficient for Enterprise Size is -0.066. This means that every one-unit
increase in the UP variable will lead to a 0.066-unit decrease in CSR, assuming the CEO
and AKB remain.
3) Free Cash Flow (AKB):
The Effect of CEO Narcissism, Company Size, and Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance
through CSR in SOEs on the IDX 2018-2022
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2789
The coefficient for AKB is 0.609. This means every one unit increase in the AKB
variable will lead to a 0.609 unit increase in CSR, assuming the CEO and UP remain.
Next for the value of R2 is the coefficient of determination. This value indicates
how well the independent variable explains the variation in the dependent variable. In this
case, the value of R2 = 0.100, which means that about 10% of the variation in CSR can
be explained by the CEO, UP, and AKB variables in the regression model. This implies
that other factors beyond the variables used in the model can also affect CSR variables
but are not described in this equation.
H1: CEO Narcissism negatively and significantly affects Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).
Research has shown that CEO narcissism significantly negatively impacts
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Wardoyo (2023) found that CSR disclosure has
a negative or insignificant effect on profit management, often influenced by CEO
Research by (Gao et al., 2023) also supports this by showing that CSR disclosure
significantly negatively impacts company value. Suaidah (2020) also found a significant
negative impact of CSR on the company's financial performance. Therefore, it can be
concluded that CEO narcissism, as the company's main characteristic, does have a
significant negative impact on CSR.
H2: Company Size has a negative and insignificant effect on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).
Several studies have shown that Company Size can positively influence Corporate
Social Responsibility. Companies with more excellent resources often have more
opportunities to engage in significant CSR initiatives, including contributions to society,
environmental conservation, or sustainable business practices.
The results of research conducted by Andira, Andriyanto &; Sumilir (2021) show
that company size negatively affects Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure.
Companies with significant total assets, high stock market values, or large sales volumes
tend to be less active in disclosing their CSR activities and programs. Companies with
high stock market values or large sales volumes tend to be more pressured to meet
investor and shareholder expectations. The main focus is often on revenue growth, profits,
and company value.
Companies may be more inclined to allocate resources and attention to efforts that
directly contribute to financial performance rather than CSR programs that may be
perceived as unimportant "additions."
H3: Free Cash Flow has a positive and insignificant effect on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).
The study's results show that free cash flow is the remaining operating cash after
deducting investments made by the company in fixed assets and working capital. The
remaining cash is to be distributed to shareholders (Inggrawati, 2016). In its distribution,
free cash flow often causes conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2790
This study provides empirical evidence from research from (Habib & and Hasan,
2019) that companies with high free cash flow tend to have a greater tendency to carry
out CSR initiatives. This can be explained by a more significant financial ability to
support social and environmental activities.
H4: CEO Narcissism has a negative and significant effect on Financial Performance.
Research shows that narcissism refers to psychological constructs that include
personality traits such as excessive selfishness, self-superiority, lack of empathy, desire
to be admired, control and power, and strengthening self-image through external
The research conducted by Al-Albrow et al. (2019) and (Kalbuana et al., 2022)
stated that narcissistic CEOs negatively influence the company's financial performance.
Such characteristics can hinder the project's success since narcissistic CEOs tend to
impose their opinions on employees while monopolizing the decision-making process.
The results of the study above provide empirical evidence that CEO narcissism has
a negative influence on financial performance because CEO narcissism can be used as a
guideline for the level of achievement of a company's financial goals. This can explain
why a company with a good image can attract investors to invest in the company.
Investors and creditors typically look at financial statements to check financial
performance and determine how confident a CEO is.
H5: Company Size has a positive and insignificant effect on Financial Performance.
The study's findings show that a company's size can be a benchmark for its financial
performance, with larger organizations often showing more robust financial performance.
The company's financial performance increases along with its size. This is the result of
the work of the right management team that can support the company's size.
The research results of Warianto Rusiti (2016) show that company size refers to
how big or small a company is. The amount of assets reported in its financial statements
can be used to determine a company's size, which impacts its financial performance.
The size of a company can be determined by the number of assets reported in its
financial statements. The greater the total assets, the larger the size of the company. The
smaller the number of assets, the smaller the company's size.
H6: Free Cash Flow negatively and significantly affects Financial Performance.
The results showed that the existence of free cash flow can affect a company's
financial performance. The research shows that the company's internal funding sources
are insufficient to meet investment needs, so the company must obtain additional funds
through debt or the issuance of new shares. According to agency theory, companies with
free cash flow tend to grow faster than the ideal point for maximizing shareholder wealth.
This is related to financial performance, which also declines, as research conducted
by (Mujiburrahman, Kartiani, & and Parhanuddin, 2023) shows that free cash flow hurts
financial performance. Jensen (1986) showed that managers can use free cash flow for
unprofitable projects, inefficient resource allocation, excessive consumption behaviour,
and poorly targeted spending. This provides empirical evidence that excess free cash flow
can hurt financial performance.
The Effect of CEO Narcissism, Company Size, and Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance
through CSR in SOEs on the IDX 2018-2022
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H7: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) positively and significantly affects
Financial Performance.
Based on the results of research conducted by (Wa’alin & and Munandar, 2024),
which examined the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the financial
performance of banking companies, where the research sample used was banking
companies listed on the IDX during the period 2009-2011. The results of this study show
that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a significant positive effect on the
company's financial performance, which is proxied by Return on Assets (ROA) and
Return on Equity (ROE).
Companies that develop CSR by improving environmental performance can
improve their performance. Companies can do this by showing people that they have
taken responsibility for behaviours and decisions that impact people's well-being.
According to research conducted by (Mubarrok, 2017), implementing social
responsibility can generate savings and increase a company's profitability. However,
environmental disclosure about a company's financial performance is becoming more
important today because investors can see how much the company can contribute to the
surrounding environment and cannot escape environmental activities. The food and
beverage industries are often highlighted as industries that produce much waste, which
has a terrible environmental impact.
H8: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) cannot mediate the influence of CEO
Narcissism on Financial Performance.
The results showed that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) cannot mediate the
influence of CEO Narcissism on Financial Performance because narcissistic CEOs tend
to hurt Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). That goes hand in hand with agency and
self-interest theory: narcissistic CEOs may focus more on fulfilling personal interests and
achieving personal goals than the interests of shareholders or society.
Research conducted by (Kalbuana et al., 2022) found that narcissistic CEOs
negatively impact a company's financial performance. These traits can hinder project
success, as narcissistic CEOs tend to impose their opinions on employees and dominate
This can lead to decisions that are detrimental to social and environmental
sustainability. In addition, narcissistic CEOs may be less capable or less willing to form
good relationships with external parties or the general public. A company's reputation is
an important concern for potential investors before investing in it.
H9: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) cannot mediate the effect of Company
Size on Financial Performance.
The results showed that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) cannot mediate the
effect of Company Size on Financial Performance because CSR activities can burden a
company, meaning that the more excellent CSR issued by a company reduces the
company's profit. The results of this study show that CSR disclosure, for the first time,
does have a significant impact on market reaction. However, this impact is not always
Gunawan Hadi Prastiyono, Andini Nurwulandari
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2792
The research found that the market tends to respond positively to companies with
significant CSR disclosures. This response mainly comes in the form of an increase in the
share price and liquidity of the company's shares. The results of research conducted by
Yulius Ardy Wiranata (2013) explained that the company's size, when measured by total
assets, negatively affects financial performance with an insignificant influence.
Companies with significant resources often have more opportunities to engage in
Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. However, larger companies often care less
about CSR because it is burdensome for a company and considered something less
influential on financial performance.
Thus, although first-time CSR disclosure can be considered an additional burden
and challenge for the company, it does not necessarily hurt financial performance.
Companies that manage CSR will often find that this improves reputation and stakeholder
support and provides significant financial and operational benefits.
H10: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) cannot mediate the effect of Free Cash
Flow on Financial Performance.
The results show that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is unable to mediate
the effect of Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance because companies may need to
evaluate and improve their financial strategies to ensure healthy free cash flow, despite
CSR practices undertaken to encourage investors to be interested in investing their capital.
Other things, such as the business side carried out by state-owned companies in the
mining, finance, and construction sectors, require effective strategies in carrying out
activities to manage free cash flow that can be used properly.
Research conducted by Elena Petrova (2017) explores the effect of free cash flow
on the relationship between CSR and financial performance in European companies. The
results show that CSR cannot mediate the effect of free cash flow on financial
performance. Studies have shown that the relationship between CSR, free cash flow, and
a company's financial performance can be complex. CSR can provide long-term benefits
not always reflected in short-term financial performance. On the other hand, Free Cash
Flow can have a more direct impact on current financial performance. Therefore,
sometimes CSR and free cash flow can affect financial performance independently,
without one variable mediating the other.
Based on the data obtained and analyzed, conclusions can be drawn from this study,
namely CEO Narcissism has a negative and significant effect on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR), Company Size has a negative and insignificant effect on Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR), Free Cash Flow has a positive and insignificant effect on
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), CEO Narcissism has a negative and significant
effect on Financial Performance, Company Size has a positive and insignificant effect on
Financial Performance, Free Cash Flow has a negative and significant effect on Financial
Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a positive and significant effect
on Financial Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is unable to mediate
The Effect of CEO Narcissism, Company Size, and Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance
through CSR in SOEs on the IDX 2018-2022
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2793
the influence of CEO Narcissism on Financial Performance, Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) is unable to mediate the influence of Company Size on Financial
Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is unable to mediate the effect of
Free Cash Flow on Financial Performance.
Gunawan Hadi Prastiyono, Andini Nurwulandari
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2794
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