pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 Juny 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2460
The Influence of Work Culture Competence and
Digitalization on GPAI Performance at the Ministry of
Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency
Alfajar Nopriawan
Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, Indonesia
Keywords: HR
Competence, Work
Culture, Digitalization,
The purpose of the study is specifically to obtain the results
of the analysis of the influence of variables HR Competence,
Work Culture, and Digitalization on performance partially
or simultaneously. The research method uses descriptive and
verifiative surveys, and data collection using several
methods of questionnaire techniques, interviews, and
documentation. This research is an associative study, where
in this study there are variables that are related and can affect
other variables. The results of this study prove that partially
the competence of human resources has a positive and
significant effect on the performance of Islamic Religious
Education Teachers, Partially the work culture has a positive
and significant effect on the performance of Islamic
Religious Education Teachers, Partially digitalization has a
positive and significant effect on the performance of Islamic
Religious Education Teachers and simultaneously the
competence of human resources, work culture and
digitalization has a positive and significant effect on teacher
performance Islamic religious education can be proven by
the Fcalculate value of 487,964 greater than Ftabel of 3,090.
The influence of the three variables is shown through the
value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of 85.2% and
the remaining 14.8% is influenced by other variables that
were not studied in this study.
The industrial era 4.0, with digital technology and the internet, has a major impact
on life and industry. This development emphasizes the need to increase teacher
competence in bureaucratic reform, especially in the education sector which is
undergoing rapid transformation and more modern and democratic governance.
Competence, according to (Shohabatussa’adah, 2021), is a characteristic that
underlies the effectiveness of individual performance in work, which is the basis for the
assessment of achievement or performance. For teachers, these competencies include
The Influence of Work Culture Competence and Digitalization on GPAI Performance at the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2461
characteristics that are essential in teaching tasks and the achievement of effective
performance in educational contexts.
Human resource management, especially among Islamic Religious Education (PAI)
teachers, not only involves teaching duties but also personnel administration. The
challenges of HR competencies in the digital age are increasingly complex, with many
lacking the necessary digital skills such as data processing and software management.
Jobs that used to be done manually have now been automated or done with the help of
technology (Fajriyani et al., 2023).
Spencer & Spencer (1993) assert that competence is a basic characteristic and
affects the effectiveness of a person's performance in his work. Human resource
competencies, including PAI teachers, are crucial in the era of digital transformation
(Wijayanto, 2022). Competent PAI teachers can adapt quickly to new technology, master
tools, and applications, and are effective in the use of digital technology. Nevertheless,
the challenge of HR competence in the digital era remains a problem that needs to be
Work culture affects employee performance by facilitating adaptation to the
organizational environment and providing guidance by company values. According to
Sulaksono (2002), work culture includes employee attitudes and behaviours in carrying
out duties, which are key to achieving expected performance. Work culture is a mindset
that is constantly developed to overcome internal and external challenges in the
workplace. The existence of a positive work culture has an impact on the quality of
employee performance and strengthens teamwork.
The change towards digitalization in business activities creates new opportunities
to improve the value chain of business tasks and business cycles effectively, efficiently,
and quickly. Digitalization is important for many government organizations to support
their activities, with different goals according to the interests of each organization.
(Asaniyah, 2017) defines digitalization as the process of transferring information from
analogue to digital form, which can be done on various types of media such as documents.
Digitalization can also have a positive impact on teacher performance in improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of education administration management.
Table 1
Islamic Religious Education Teacher Administration Completion Index Use of SIAGA
Teaching Level
75 %
82 %
85 %
85 %
95 %
92 %
80 %
87 %
90 %
The implementation of Digital Services for the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office
of Muara Enim Regency using the Religious Teacher Administration Information System
(SIAGA) has overcome planning difficulties by replacing manual administrative
processes that are slow and error-prone. SIAGA facilitates monitoring, and information
Alfajar Nopriawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2462
management, and provides teaching tools and teacher competency development
programs, which in turn improves performance in administrative management.
Digitization of teacher administrative tasks can increase efficiency and give students more
time to teach and educate (Fahmiani, Qulub, & Mansyuri, 2020). However, there are still
obstacles to using SIAGA as a tool for assessing the performance of religious teachers
and the basis for paying performance allowances because teachers have not fully met the
targeted standards, so there needs to be special attention and efforts to improve teacher
performance through more intensive training and coaching.
Islamic religious education teachers who have a good understanding and
administration of education, with the right support, will improve their performance
(Rifa’i, Imtinan, & Dewi, 2021), which has an impact on achieving institutional
performance and supporting an effective and efficient learning process. According to
(Jasiyah, 2022), competence is several key behaviours needed to achieve satisfactory
performance. Teacher performance is the result of work based on quality and quantity in
a certain period, by their duties and responsibilities. Teacher performance plays a crucial
role in educational institutions because low performance can hinder the achievement of
educational goals.
The relationship between teacher performance and the use of information system
applications has a significant impact on the effectiveness of learning management and
administration in schools, including administrative management, monitoring teacher
performance, efficiency, productivity, timeliness, and consistency. Research (Bancin,
2022) shows that employee competence, digital transformation, and skill renewal have a
positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Water Resources, Cipta
Karya, and Spatial Planning Office of North Sumatra Province, stated that HR
competence and work culture can affect person-job fit and employee performance. The
international journal "Governance of Human Resources Management in the Digital Era"
(Shaddiq & Irpan, 2023) states that HR competence and digitalization contribute to
optimal performance and organizational effectiveness.
Based on the phenomena described in the background of this study, the following
problem formulation can be drawn.
1. How Does Human Resources Competence Affect the Performance of Islamic
Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency?
2. How is the Influence of Work Culture on the Performance of Islamic Education
Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency?
3. How Does Digitalization Affect the Performance of Islamic Education Teachers at the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency?
4. How is the Effect of HR Competence, Work Culture, and Digitalization of Services on
the Performance of Islamic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of
Muara Enim Regency?
The Influence of Work Culture Competence and Digitalization on GPAI Performance at the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2463
This study uses a casual associative type research method with a quantitative
approach, which aims to examine the relationship or influence between hypothesized
variables, according to the background of the problem that has been given.
Population and Sample
Population refers to the set or group of all units in which research findings will be
applied. In other words, the population is part of all variable units that have characteristics
according to the data in the study, without any generalization. In this study, the population
consisted of Islamic Education Teachers at the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs
of Muara Enim Regency, with a total of 738 people.
Sampling is a data collection procedure in which only a portion of the population is
taken to determine the desired traits and traits of a population. In this study, the sample
was all Islamic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara im
Regency. The mp random sampling, where sample members are taken randomly reason
the strata present. Based on Slovin's format number of samples in this study was 259
people, with the following cu.
 
 
The research design illustrates the causal relationship between the variables HR
Competency (KS), Work Culture (BK), and Digitalization (DG) to Performance (KY) as
The analysis model in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis which is
formulated as follows:
KY = a + b
+ b
+ b
KY = Bound variable (Performance)
a, b1, b2, b3 = Constanta
KS = First independent variable (Human Resource Competence)
BK = Second independent variable (Work Culture)
DG = Third independent variable (Digitization)
Alfajar Nopriawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2464
Researchers determine the direction of testing based on the research problem,
research objectives, and conceptual framework so that hypotheses appear in the following
H1: It is suspected that Human Resource Competence Has an Influential and Significant
Effect on the Performance of Islamic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious
Affairs of Muara Enim Regency.
H2: It is suspected that work culture has an influential and significant effect on the
performance of Islamic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara
Enim Regency.
H3: It is suspected that digitalization has an effect and is significant on the performance
of Islamic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim
H4: It is suspected that Human Resource Competence, Work Culture, and Digitalization
together have an effect and are significant on the performance of Islamic Education
Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency.
Results and Discussion
Validity and reliability testing is used for each statement that measures the variables
of HR Competency, Work Culture, and Digitalization to Performance. The results of the
validity test show the value of recalculate> table, meaning that all data spread through the
questionnaire is declared valid. The reliability test results show that each variable has a
Cronbach Alpha value of > 0.6, meaning that all statements are reliable. The normality
test aims to test whether, in a regression model, confounding or residual variables have a
normal distribution or not (Hafizhah & Kusumawati, 2021). The normality test results
can be seen in the following table.
Table 1
Normality Test Results
The results of the normality test with Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) obtained an
Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.413, greater than 0.05. This indicates that the data is
normally distributed.
Table 2
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Unstandardized Residual
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences
The Influence of Work Culture Competence and Digitalization on GPAI Performance at the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2465
Multiple Linear Regression Test Results
The test results are in the table above. show a constant of 8.994. This means that
when the variables of HR competence, work culture, and digitalization are considered
fixed, the performance value is 8,994. The regression coefficient () in HR competence
of 0.404; work culture of 0.674; and digitalization of 0.107, showing a positive influence
on performance. This means that increasing each unit of independent variable can
increase performance by one unit of score.
The results of the multicollinearity test obtained a VIF value for the HR competency
variable of 4,645; work culture of 4,894; and digitization of 3,419. All of these values are
smaller than 10, indicating that there are no symptoms of multicollinearity.
The results of the heteroskedasticity test obtained a significance value (Sig.) for the
HR competency variable of 0.264; work culture of 0.855; and digitization of 0.635. All
of these values are greater than 0.05, indicating that there are no symptoms of
The F test (simultaneous) is used to examine the effect of HR competency variables,
work culture, and digitalization on performance. The calculation results of the F test
(simultaneous) can be seen in the following table.
Table 3
Results of Test Hypothesis F (Simultaneous)
The results of the F test on the variables of HR competence, work culture, and
digitalization on performance, namely obtained a Fcalculate value of 487,964 greater than
Ftabel of 3,090 (Fcalculate > Ftable). This means that HR competence, work culture, and
digitalization have an effect and are significant on performance. The results of the t-test
can be seen in the following table.
Table 4
Alfajar Nopriawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2466
Hypothesis Results in Test t
Based on the results of the t-test in the table above, the HR competency variable
obtained a significance value of 0.000 < from 0.05, meaning that there is an influence
between HR competence on performance. Work culture obtained a significance value of
0.000 < from 0.05, meaning that there is an influence between work culture on
performance. Digitalization obtained a significance value of 0.036 < from 0.05, meaning
that there is an influence between digitalization on performance. In addition, the results
of the determination test can be seen in the following table.
Table 7
Determination Test Results
The results of the determination test of 0.852 (85.2%) showed the influence of HR
competence, work culture, and digitalization variables on performance by 85.2%. The
rest, 14.8%, were influenced by other variables not studied in the study.
The Effect of HR Competency on Performance
Human resource competence has a significant influence on the performance of
Islamic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim District.
Respondents' perceptions of the HR Competency variable showed high average scores,
with items such as task understanding and morale scoring the highest. The results of the
study confirmed that increasing HR competence has a significant impact on productivity,
work quality, satisfaction, and adaptation to changes in work culture. HR competencies,
which include abilities, knowledge, and work attitudes, are considered an investment in
improving the overall performance of the organization, as they encourage individuals to
achieve the best performance in their work. This finding is in line with the research of
Bafagehi et al. (2023) which shows that competence has a significant effect on
The Influence of Work Culture on Performance
Work culture has a significant influence on the performance of Islamic Education
Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim District. Respondents'
The Influence of Work Culture Competence and Digitalization on GPAI Performance at the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2467
perceptions of work culture variables showed fairly high average scores, with items such
as being happy to accept assignments and always looking for ways to improve the quality
of work scoring the highest. The results showed that a good work culture creates an
environment that motivates employees, focuses on results, and has a positive attitude
towards work, which in turn improves overall performance.
This finding is in line with research by (bafagehi Nur, Sendow, & Karuntu, 2023)
which shows that work culture has a significant effect on employee performance. Work
culture is not just a work environment, but also has a profound impact because it can
change the attitudes and behaviour of human resources to achieve higher work
productivity, and bring various benefits such as improving work quality, openness,
togetherness, and adaptability to change.
The Effect of Digitalization on Performance
Digitalization has a significant influence on the performance of Islamic Education
Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency. Respondents'
perceptions of the Digitalization variable showed a fairly high average score, with items
such as feeling that SIAGA software facilitates data access and management received the
highest score. Digitalization has great potential to affect performance by automating
operational processes and using paperless methods, which have proven to be more
efficient than conventional administrative systems (Anandita, Wolor, & Marsofiyati,
2024). The research also found that implementing digitalization holistically can create a
more modern, adaptive, and responsive work environment to change, which in turn
improves employee performance through increased productivity, quality of work
outcomes, efficiency, satisfaction, and positive work culture changes. This finding is in
line with the research of Darmayanti et al. (2023), revealing that digitalization has a role
in improving performance.
The Effect of HR Competence, Work Culture, and Digitalization on Performance
Human resource competence, work culture, and digitalization have a significant
influence on the performance of Islamic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious
Affairs of Muara Enim District. The magnitude of the influence of these variables in
explaining the performance of Islamic Religious Education Teachers was calculated to
reach 85.2%, while the rest was influenced by other factors that were not studied in this
High performance reflects increased efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of task
completion within a company. This is the main goal for individuals, groups, and
organizations in working, but the achievement of performance is not spontaneous but is
influenced by the factors in which they work (bafagehi Nur et al., 2023). The research
found that HR competencies play a role in ensuring skills that match job demands, while
a work culture that supports collaboration and innovation motivates employees to
contribute maximally. Digitalization opens up opportunities to improve efficiency,
productivity, and quality of work through automation and technology integration. A good
combination of these three factors forms a strong foundation to achieve optimal
performance in the organization.
Alfajar Nopriawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2468
The results showed that both partially and simultaneously, HR competence, work
culture, and digitalization had a positive and significant effect on the performance of
Islamic Religious Education Teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim
District, the influence of the three variables was 85.2%, while the remaining 14.8% was
influenced by other factors that were not studied.
The Influence of Work Culture Competence and Digitalization on GPAI Performance at the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of Muara Enim Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2469
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