pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2495
Gap Analysis of the Environmental Management System
Performance of PT. XXX to ISO 14001:2015 Standard
Adri Efendi
, Sodikin
, Prabawa Eka Soesanta
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Keywords: Evaluation,
Gap Analysis, EMS ISO
14001: 2015 Performance.
PT. XXX is one of the oil and gas exploration companies in
Indonesia operating in the Rokan Block of the Riau
Province. To maintain the level of petroleum production in
operation, PT. XXX adds oil and gas wells, improves, and
improves operation reliability through upgrading several
existing facilities; seen from the environmental setting at the
current operational location activity has an impact on
environmental components. To mitigate it, PT. XXX has
developed an Environmental Management System (EMS)
according to the international standard ISO 14001:2015.
This quantitative descriptive research aims to determine the
gap in QMS performance implemented by companies with
ISO 14001: 2015 standards using seven clauses: Self-
Assessment Checklist Internal Audit ISO 14001: 2015
GEMI 2015. To find out the Company's SML gap score with
ISO 14001: 2015 standard is determined by the Gap
Analysis method. The gap results from the 7 (seven) clauses
analyzed to show the readiness score of SML PT. XXX to
implement ISO 14001:2015 Standard is 98.83% refers to
range gap analysis if the score range of 75% - 100% indicates
PT. XXX is ready to complement EMS ISO 14001:2015 and
carry out certification. The gap score between the
Company's Environmental Management System (EMS) that
is being implemented and the ISO 14001:2015 standard is
1.17%. The gap in clauses that have not met the requirements
of SML ISO 14001: 2015 is Clause Support, which scores
95%, and Clause Performance Evaluation, which scores
Oil and gas resources are strategically important, and their role is the central pillar
in meeting national energy needs and national and international economic aspects.
Petroleum energy is the primary energy source used in Indonesia (Rahmayanti, Rahmah,
& Larashati, 2021). In addition to positively impacting economic growth, the mining
sector can negatively impact social, environmental, political, and cultural life (Ridwan &
Adri Efendi, Sodikin, Prabawa Eka Soesanta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2496
Mursyidah, 2023). For the management of these problems, it is necessary to implement
an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. QMS ISO 14001 is an environmental
management system that plans, implements, and controls activities to improve a
company's environmental protection (Purwanto et al., 2021). PT. XXX is one of the oil
and gas exploration companies in Indonesia operating in the Riau province. To maintain
the level of oil production in its operational area PT. XXX added oil wells and improved
and improved operating reliability through repairs and construction of new facilities.
Judging from the environmental setting at the existing operational site and the area
activity plan, it impacts the environmental component. According to research (Ramadan,
Hapsari, Pramesti, & Ikhlas, 2019). Every production activity in a company has the
potential to cause environmental problems. This environmental problem includes air
pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, waste and hazardous materials, noise and
vibration, and radiation. To mitigate it, PT. XXX has developed an Environmental
Management System (QMS) DSF Operating Area referring to the international standard
ISO 14001:2015. ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard that sets out the
requirements for an environmental management system. This standard helps
organizations improve environmental protection, improve resource use efficiency, reduce
waste, and gain competitive advantage and trust from stakeholders (Kurnianto, 2019).
Gap analysis is a tool or process that aims to identify differences between the
current state of the organization and the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard.
The gap analysis method is the most appropriate method to find out and assess the
company's current condition so that opportunities for improvement in the application of
ISO 14001 can be known (Nurfida, Putra, & Usman, 2020). Gap analysis, as defined by
the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), refers to comparing two data sets to identify
differences. Gap analysis is crucial in work planning and evaluation. Gap analysis is a
tool or process for identifying where the gaps lie and the differences between the current
organizational situation and the current "what should happen".
According to research by (Utomo, Usman, & and Sridadi, 2002), Gap analysis can
determine the mismatch between existing standards and organizational processes.
Research (Isroqunnajah, Mustikawan, & Rofiq, 2022) states that the ISO 14001
Environmental Management System is a systematic approach to identify environmental
aspects and impacts and formulate goals and objectives. Based on the research studies
described, the Environmental Management System (SML) of PT. XXX Operating Area
needs an in-depth study to find out the gap with the international standard ISO
14001:2015 (Hastuti & Hodijah, 2023).
This research used a quantitative descriptive method. Researchers write, describe,
and describe the actual state of the environmental management system (QMS), focusing
on 7 ISO 14001: 2015 Clauses, namely Organizational Context Clauses, Leadership
clauses, Planning clauses, support clauses, operating clauses, Performance Appraisal
Clauses, and Remedial Clause.
Gap Analysis of the Environmental Management System Performance of PT. XXX to ISO
14001:2015 Standard
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2497
Data Collection Methodology
According to (Hidayati & Sodikin, n.d.), research data collection methods can be
carried out by field observation, planned interviews with respondents who have
knowledge and experience to provide information related to QMS using the ISO
14001:2015 Internal Audit Checklist Self-Assessment guide, and company document
review. In this study, researchers also applied the same method to collect research data.
Data analysis methodology
The data analysis method in quantitative descriptive research is carried out with the
following steps:
1. The score of each ISO 14001:2015 Internal Audit Checklist Self-Assessment question
refers to the Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) 2015. Table 1.
Conformity Score Fulfillment (Fikri, Zulkarnain, Afifah, & Firmansyah, 2023). If the
requirement is not met, a score of 0 is partially met with a score of 1, and if the total
requirement is completed, a score of 2.
Table 1
Conformity Value Fulfillment (GEMI:2015)
Requirements not met
Partially fulfilled requirements
Full requirements completed
The results of the scoring checklist, audit, and interview are processed using the
GEMI:2015 application with the method of the number of values obtained from each
question in the sub-clause, then added and divided according to the many questions, tn
multiplied by 0% so that core for each clause is obtained.
In implementing 14001 205, the existing SML's description of the value range is
set out in Table 2range gap analysis. Meanwhile, to determine the percentage value of
compliance with the ISO 14001: 2015 standard calculated based on the fulfillment score
100%-Gap Velue, the smaller the percentage of gaps obtained, the better.
Table 2
Gap range analysis
75% 100%
The organization is ready to complete QMS ISO 14001:2015 and
carry out certification.
50% 74%
Organizations need to complete the QMS in preparation for ISO
14001:2015 certification.
Adri Efendi, Sodikin, Prabawa Eka Soesanta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2498
Results and Discussion
Table 3 lists the results of document reviews, observations, and planned interviews
with respondents with the knowledge and experience to provide information related to
QMS that are being implemented using the ISO 14001:2015 Internal Audit Self-
Assessment Checklist.
Table 3
Results of document reviews, observations, and interviews
Parameter Audit
Organizational Context
Understand the organization and its context
Understand the needs and expectations of interested parties
Determine the scope of the environmental management
Environmental management system
Leadership and commitment
Environmental policy
Roles, responsibilities, and authorities of the organization
Actions to address risks and opportunities
Environmental Aspects
Compliance obligations
Planning actions
Environmental goals
Planning actions to achieve environmental goals
Communication - General
Internal communication
External communications
Documented Information - General
Build and update (Documented information)
Control of documented information
Operational planning and control
Emergency preparedness and response
Performance Evaluation
1% 49%
SML organization in need of improvement
Gap Analysis of the Environmental Management System Performance of PT. XXX to ISO
14001:2015 Standard
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2499
Compliance evaluation
Program audit internal
Management Review
Nonconformities and corrective actions
Continuous improvement
Table 3 shows that of the 31 sub-clauses analyzed, 28 (twenty-eight) sub-clauses
get a score of 2, indicating the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 are fully completed, and
3 (three) sub-clauses that get a score of 1 (requirements are partially met) namely, sub-
clause 7.2 competence, sub-clause 7.3 concern and 9.1.1 General.
Gap Analysis
The results of GEMI:2015 weighting are examined using the Gap Analysis method,
which aims to determine the extent of the difference between the Company's
environmental management system (QMS) that is being implemented with the ISO
14001: 2015 standard. The GEMI:2015 weighting and Gap analysis results are listed in
Table 4 and Figure 1.
Table 4
Gap Analysis Klausul ISO 14001:2015
Checklist Section
Section Score (%)
Organizational Context
Performance Evaluation
Gap Score (98.83% = 692% / 7*100%)
1.17% = 100% - 98.83%
Figure 1. Gap Analysis
Adri Efendi, Sodikin, Prabawa Eka Soesanta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2500
The results of the 7 (seven) clauses analyzed show the performance score of SML
PT. XXX with ISO Standard 14001:2015 is 98.83%. Using the formula method, 98.83%
= (688%)/7 x 100% refers to table 2 if the 75% - 100% score indicates PT. XXX is ready
to complete SML ISO 14001:2015 and carry out certification. The score for fulfilling the
company's environmental management system (QMS), which is being implemented with
ISO 14001: 2015 standards, is 1.17%. The gaps in clauses that have not met the
requirements of SML ISO 14001: 2015 are:
Clause 7. Support, score 95%, which is the gap in this clause is sub-clause 7.2
Competence, Documentation records of training and human empowerment (HR)
competencies related to environmental management that reflect conformity with the
needs are inaccessible to the author. Subclause 7.3. The concerns, policies, and principles
of QMS have not fully reached all levels of workers.
Clause 9. Performance Evaluation, score 96%, which is the gap in Sub Clause
9.1.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation; the data record of the
calibration certificate of the monitoring and measurement tools of the essential elements
of the QMS is not accessible to the author.
The results of the study of 7 (seven) clauses analyzed showed the performance score
of SML PT. XXX in implementing ISO 14001:2015 Standard 98.83% refers to Range
gap analysis if the score range of 75% - 100% indicates PT. XXX is ready to complete
the SML gap and carry out ISO 14001:2015 certification. The fulfillment score for the
company's environmental management system (QMS), which is being implemented with
the ISO 14001: 2015 standard, is 1.17%. Clauses that have not met the requirements of
ISO 14001:2015 SML are the Support Clause, which scored 95%, and the Performance
Evaluation Clause, which scored 96%. The sub-clauses that have not met the
requirements of QMS ISO 14001:2015 are sub-clause 7.2 Competence; the gap is a record
of training documentation and human resources (HR) competencies related to
environmental management that reflect conformity with the needs of the inaccessible
author, Sub-clause 7.3. The concern is that the QMS policies and principles have not been
fully reached at all levels of workers, and Sub Clause 9.1.1, which is the gap in
monitoring, measuring, analyzing, evaluating, recording data calibration certificates,
monitoring tools and measuring essential elements of QMS are not accessible to the
Gap Analysis of the Environmental Management System Performance of PT. XXX to ISO
14001:2015 Standard
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2501
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