pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3865
Analysis of Generation Z Communication Identity in Novo
Club Online Community Members
Angelia Revina
, Haris Annisari Indah Nur Rochimah
Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia
communication identity,
generation Z, online
community, social media.
Generation z in Indonesia has a high interest in joining
online communities or groups. Through online communities,
Generation Z can interact via digital media or directly with
people who have similar interests. So, it will be easier for
them to show their identity. However, several irresponsible
parties take advantage of Generation Z's enthusiasm by
exploiting their creative ideas. In this way, there is a
potential that the identity that one wants to show and develop
cannot be achieved. Therefore, a community needs to
support Generation Z in forming the identity that its
members want. This research aims to analyze the
communication identity of Generation Z who are members
of the Novo Club online community. The research method
used is a qualitative approach using interviews and
observation as data collection methods. The research results
show that the communication identity that Novo Club
members want to show is very diverse, including being an
innovator, and the positive characteristics of Generation Z.
They show their identity through social media or in person,
through their style of speaking and dressing.
In the era of Society 5.0, the phenomenon of the existence of online communities
or groups of Generation Z is quite high in Indonesia. This is based on data from Kominfo
in 2021, which states that the number of communities in Indonesia reaches 395 thousand.
The development of online communities in Indonesia shows that online communication
behavior in Indonesia is quite high. Where users can interact with communities or groups
that have similar interests through social media (Nam, 2021). By having similar interests,
young people can communicate online by exchanging ideas with their peers. By joining
online communities, it is easier for young people (Generation Z) to express their identity.
In addition, young people will also feel that their identity is recognized or validated
(Rubin, Scanlon, Cechony, & Chen, 2021). However, excessive use of social media can
lead to dependence on online media, and hinder identity formation. Because this makes
an individual compare his life with others. This causes Fear of Missing Out (FoMO)
Angelia Revina, Haris Annisari Indah Nur Rochimah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3866
behavior, which is not wanting to be left behind by others. Based on survey data (Kaloeti,
Kurnia S, & Tahamata, 2021) in (Aresti, Lukmantoro, & Ulfa, 2023), 64.6% of
Generation Z experience fear of missing out (FOMO) on social media.
Research data shows that 40% of Generation Z want the same identity, namely
wanting to be considered an organizational activist (Mansur, 2014). This phenomenon
shows the stigma of the previous generation against Generation Z, namely in
kumparan.com Generation Z is considered not serious in living life. They have tried to
participate in positive activities, such as by participating in online communities.
However, after Generation Z carried out these activities to achieve the desired
identity, some irresponsible parties took advantage of the moment. This is based on data
found by researchers in a post on @perempuanberkisah's Instagram account on October
22, 2023, that there are cases of fraud and exploitation in the online community. In the
post, it was said that there were hundreds of victims. In addition, the majority of victims
are under the age of 18, including Generation Z. The exploitation carried out is related to
the working time of its members who must be ready for 24 hours, including on holidays.
So, the creative ideas they put out are misused by them.
Based on the previous presentation, it shows that there is a potential that the identity
desired by Generation Z when joining the community, cannot be achieved. Therefore, the
researcher wanted to see what kind of identity Generation Z wanted to show or get when
participating in online communities. This research on communication identity needs to
be carried out because identity is a link between individuals and society, and social
activities such as following the community, can also form self-identity.
Related to this, many Generation Z online communities in Indonesia can form a
Generation Z identity, one of which is the Novo Club online community. In a
liputan6.com article, the CEO of ParagonCorp said that Novo Club was established to
prepare the young generation to become innovative, collaborative, and characterful future
leaders. In connection with what was conveyed, the Novo Club community wants its
members to be able to manage a good communication identity by having an identity that
is in line with the community and can provide innovations that are also beneficial to the
Referring to the explanation above, the researcher wants to see how the problems
related to the communication identity of Generation Z exist in Novo Club community
members, which are seen through the context of the personal layer and the attachment
layer. Because, with the existence or popularity of the community among Generation Z,
will the community be able to meet the expectations of Novo Club community members
when they have joined the community? In addition, the researcher also wanted to see if
the communication identities owned by its members would match the identities owned
by the Novo Club community. This is also related to the data that 50% of Generation Z
expectations want to be seen as a leader, namely with characteristics that are
communicative, innovative, courageous, and others. Which is also in line with the
communication identity owned by the Novo Club community.
Analysis of Generation Z Communication Identity in Novo Club Online Community Members
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3867
Previous research (Mansur, 2019) said that in the formation of the identity or self-
concept of Generation Z, social media consumption patterns have a significant influence.
In research (Nam, 2021), social media allows Generation Z to connect in communities
with similar interests, thus strengthening their identity. Being a member of a community
can also affect lifestyle, as well as the style of dress in daily life (Hidayat and Hidayat,
2020). Based on previous research, the researcher found that previously there had been
no research that examined communication identity analysis, in members of the online
community of Generation Z. What's more, the object of this research is an online
community called Novo Club, which has more than 35,000 members. This online
community is a community that is followed by Generation Z. So, this shows that a lot of
Generation Z want to have an identity as a member of a community or organization.
The researcher uses the identity communication theory of Michael Hecht. Through
this research, it can be known that 2 out of 4 layers of communication identities are from
online community members. So, based on the explanation that has been presented, the
researcher will find out how the communication identity of Generation Z who is a member
of the Novo Club online community.
In this study, members of the Novo Club online community are young people who
belong to Generation Z. According to Santrock, in 2018 (Alfaruqy, 2022) Generation Z
is a generation born from 1995 to 2010. Generation z is very tied to technology because
all needs depend on technology, such as accessing or seeking information (Hisan, 2022),
as a medium of education or learning (Nurzaman et al., 2023) and so on. According to
Apaut, 2021 (Arum, Zahrani, & Duha, 2023) with technology, Generation Z will be more
able to do many activities at one time or multitask when compared to the previous
generation. However, Generation Z is also seen as having weaknesses, such as a lack of
expertise in verbal communication or real-world communication. In addition, Generation
Z is also seen as a generation that likes something easier or instant (Adityara & Rakhman,
2019). However, according to Elizabeth, 2015 in the book "Raising Children In the
Digital Era" (Adityara & Rakhman, 2019) several characteristics of Generation Z are
considered positive, including:
1. Having great ambitions to succeed, so Generation Z can plan their lives to achieve
their goals. The goal can be in a high job position or become a person who can
influence others (Afifah, Anjani, Ks, & Ap, 2021).
2. The love of freedom, which is essentially the Z generation likes freedom. Such as
freedom of expression, freedom of opinion, freedom of choice, and other freedoms
3. Confident, Generation Z often feels proud of the behavior they do. Thus, Generation
Z is considered more capable of knowing themselves (Mukhlis et al, 2022). In addition,
Generation Z can take advantage of social media to share their achievements with
4. Likes details, because Generation Z is considered a critical generation when it comes
to thinking. So that when a problem arises, they will think about it carefully (Putri &
Yanzi, 2020).
Angelia Revina, Haris Annisari Indah Nur Rochimah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3868
5. The desire to get recognition, namely Generation Z wants their social identity to be
recognized by others (Rubin et al., 2021).
Research Methods
In this study, the researcher will use a qualitative method to analyze the
communication identity of Generation Z as members of the Novo Club community, using
the theory of identity communication according to Michael Hecht. Based on this, there is
a compatibility between the theory and the method used, because the qualitative method
is a method that is suitable for theories that are in the sociocultural tradition such as
identity communication theory. The approach in this study is a case study approach, to
find out in detail how the communication identity of Generation Z in Novo Club
community members is.
The object of the research was regarding the identity of communication in the Novo
Club online community. Meanwhile, the subject of the study was a member of the Novo
Club online community. In this study, the determined informants are the main informants
and supporting informants. The main informants consisted of 4 members of the Novo
Club community who had felt an identity gap. Meanwhile, the supporting informants
consisted of 2 resource persons who did not follow the community.
The data collection method uses interviews and observations. Through interviews,
the researcher asked several questions to the informants related to the focus of the
research, namely about communication identity based on 2 (two) layers in identity
communication theory according to Michael Hecht, which focuses on the context of the
personal layer and the enactment layer. Meanwhile, through observation, the researcher
will observe the appearance shown by the informants, either directly or through their
social media. This can help researchers in expanding research data, related to the
communication identities of Novo Club members shown through social media.
Results and Discussion
In this section, the researcher will connect the results of the interview with Michael
Hecht's theory of identity communication, which explains how an individual expresses
his or her identity through a "code" or symbol. Communication identity can be seen
through four concepts or layers. The layer consists of a personal layer, an enactment layer,
a relational layer, and a communal layer. In addition, in this section, the researcher will
also triangulate the data by comparing the results of interviews between the main
informant, namely Novo Club members as Generation Z who actively participate in the
community, and supporting informants, namely Generation Z who are not actively
participating in the community. The main informants include Resti Ratna Anjani (main
informant 1), Imam Mursid Istiqomah (main informant 2), Salla Salika (main informant
3) and Radhinal Satrio (main informant 4). Meanwhile, the supporting informants, among
others, are named, Lulu Khafiyyani Azka (Supporting Informant 1) and Endah Firly
Choirunissa (Supporting Informant 2). To strengthen the results of the data obtained, the
Analysis of Generation Z Communication Identity in Novo Club Online Community Members
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3869
researcher will also observe the Instagram social media of the informants, to see how they
show their identities through social media.
Based on the results of the interviews obtained, the goal highlighted by the four
main informants is to expand their relationships, to make it easier to get a job, and to be
successful in the future. This is because the Novo Club online community is under the
auspices of PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation, is one of the major beauty industry
companies in Indonesia. The results of the analysis or discussion of the data that have
been obtained, by the researcher will explain as follows.
Personal Layer
The communication identity of Generation Z of Novo Club online community
members can be seen through the personal layer that they have a communication identity
that corresponds to several positive characteristics of Generation Z according to Elizabeth
T. Santosa (Adityara & Rakhman, 2019). Among them are the characteristics of being a
confident person. By having a confident attitude, their communication skills or abilities
are increasing. This can be seen through the informant's ability in public speaking, and
becoming a master of ceremony (MC) in one of the projects organized by them as
members of the Novo Club.
The members also have positive characteristics of Generation Z, namely having
ambitions to succeed. Such as showing their identity as a good leader when they volunteer
as a vice chairman in a "group project" when they dare to handle a class in elementary
school (SD) to carry out a project called an English club, and also when they take the
initiative to become someone more active among other members. In addition, they also
show their identity as someone who can think critically and solutions. This is shown when
they try to find the core of the problems that occur in their group, as well as think to find
the best solution so that the problems that occur can be solved properly.
Based on the characteristics and attitudes that the informants have, it can be seen
that they have an identity as student or Generation Z who has high ambitions to succeed.
This is of course also accompanied by their identity as members of the Novo Club online
community, which is shown through social media and when meeting other people in real
life. One way is to upload content in the form of photos or videos on their social media,
then they make it a Highlight on Instagram. In addition, they also showed their identity
as a member of the Novo Club to others, by mentioning the @Novoclub.id account on
their personal Instagram bio. This can certainly expand their relationships, and make
Novo Club members connect. The use of social media is also by several characteristics
of social media as said by Nasrullah (Kurnia, Johan, and Rullyana, 2018), namely for
networking, sharing, and information.
To triangulate the data, the researcher also conducted interviews with two
informants who did not follow a community. In contrast to the results of the analysis
related to the identity owned by Novo Club members as Generation Z. Supporting
informants lack a sense of confidence or attitude when communicating with others, either
on social media or in person. They think that even though they are not feeling confident,
they will be able to pretend to be confident when communicating with others online. This
Angelia Revina, Haris Annisari Indah Nur Rochimah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3870
is also due to the lack of direct implementation of interpersonal communication with
newly introduced people. Unlike members of the Novo Club online community who are
trained to communicate with new acquaintances, even in large numbers.
Supporting informants have an identity that is by the characteristics of Generation
Z (Nurhuda, 2021), namely net-journalistic, where they tend to share content related to
information or personal experiences more often. On the second Instagram account, they
often share their daily activities in more detail than on the first account. Thus, the use of
social media is more focused on the use of social media as Information and Interaction.
In addition, in the use of social media, supporting informants feel that they do not want
to miss trends that are being talked about by others. So it causes a feeling of fear of
missing out (FOMO). This is also stated in the journal according to (Sachiyati, 2023),
which says that the main factor that causes the Fomo attitude is due to a person's fear
when missing a trending event.
Enactment Layer
Showing identity through the style of dress is carried out by the informants. Among
them is showing their identity as a relaxed person, by using comfortable and simple
clothes in their daily lives and also through social media. The clothes they wear are also
not very formal, so they can avoid identity as someone who is rigid. In addition, they
show their identity as someone who is educated, by wearing neat and polite clothes. Then,
to show identity as someone active in a community can also be shown by dressing in
uniforms from the Novo Club community. The style of dress that the informants showed,
was also shown by them through their personal Instagram social media. Thus, it can be
said that they utilize social media in various types that exist, as mentioned in (Liedfray,
Waani, & Lasut, 2022). Among them is for photo/video sharing, where they share their
photos and videos on Instagram social media, and show how they dress.
In addition to being seen through the style of dress, the speaking style can also be a
"symbol" to show the identity of communication, whether shown through social media or
in person. Members of the Novo Club online community show their identity as someone
easy to socialize and mingle with, using polite language. In addition, they also like to start
an interaction with new people. At the beginning of an interaction, a communicator who
is always on the initiative to start a conversation is needed. Especially if communication
is carried out through digital media that has a lot of noise or distractions. Therefore, good
communication skills are needed, so that messages can be conveyed, and communicators
can understand what the communicator is saying. So, in interpersonal or group
communication, communicators can provide feedback, and an interaction occurs that
makes it easier for them when they are in the online community.
The communication identity of Novo Club members shown through their speaking
style is as someone friendly, friendly, and also able to lead other members. In addition,
they also have an identity as someone who is expressive. This was shown by members of
the Novo Club online community when communicating online. This identity is shown by
the use of emoticons or emojis, which are considered to be able to express the feelings of
a communicator and communicator.
Analysis of Generation Z Communication Identity in Novo Club Online Community Members
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3871
In addition to emoticons, Generation Z also considers that the use of capslock or
not in writing can give different meanings. This is because they consider the use of
capslock to maximize their way of conveying emotions, energy, and also feelings felt
when sending a message through social media. But of course, there are still Generation Z
who are not too expressive and only speak as necessary or directly to the point.
To triangulate the data, the researcher also conducted interviews with two
informants who did not follow a community. The informant considered that the use of
emoticons could be used as a manipulation of feelings. This is because when sending a
message through social media, the recipient cannot see directly how the communicator
shows the expression. Meanwhile, Firly feels that the use of emoticons is indeed
important so that he can become someone more expressive when speaking through social
media. However, he feels less confident if he uses too many emoticons because he is
afraid of disturbing the recipient of the message (communicator). In addition, they feel
that the use of emoticons is indeed important, however, they feel less confident if they
use it too much, because they are afraid of disturbing the recipient of the message
Based on the research question that the researcher has explained in the previous
chapter is related to the identity of Generation Z who are members of the Novo Club
online community. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers through
interviews and observations, it can be concluded that their identity is also by several
characteristics of Generation Z that are considered positive. Such as being confident,
having ambitions to succeed, loving modesty, and liking details so that they can think
critically, as well as digital and information. Generation z cannot be separated from digital
technology. However, members of the Novo Club community can use social media as a
positive tool. Such as for interacting (Interactivity), providing Information (Information),
improving networks (both social and professional networks), and is used to disseminate
(sharing) related to useful experiences or content. In addition, the communication identity
shown by the members of the Novo Club community is dominated by someone active in
the organization, so that they can expand their relationships and potential so that they can
work in a good industry. Therefore, having a good communication competency strategy
is very much needed by Generation Z when they are active or active in a community. This
is important to have so that they can know how to show the identity of the communication
Meanwhile, the identity of Generation Z who do not join a community is more of
someone who focuses on only one thing, such as focusing on academics, lectures, and
relationships they feel that there are enough because they have friends or acquaintances
from elementary school (SD) to college. So, their ambition to succeed is only fixated on
campus academic results, or do internships, as recommended by their campus. Then, they
also use social media more to share or show daily activities (daily life).
Angelia Revina, Haris Annisari Indah Nur Rochimah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3872
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