pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2774
Digital Innovation in Culinary Tourism Services at Galeri
Indonesia Kaya, Jakarta
Regita Giri Karuna
, Vishnuvardhana S. Soeprapto
Universitas Bunda Mulia Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Tourism;
Digital Technology;
Galeri Indonesia Kaya;
This research discusses implementing innovative digital
technology at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Jakarta, which
combines cultural richness with modern concepts. Using a
qualitative approach and case studies, this research aims to
understand this phenomenon in-depth. Data analysis is done
inductively to identify patterns, themes, and relationships
among various aspects emerging from the collected data.
The results show that the use of digital technology in the
food and beverage segment of tourism services at Galeri
Indonesia Kaya has had a significant positive impact. This
technology improves operational efficiency, and service
quality, and provides a more personalized experience for
visitors. Visitors' response to informative and interactive
digital menus is also very positive. In conclusion, the use of
digital technology in tourism services at Galeri Indonesia
Kaya has brought significant positive impacts, improving
operational efficiency, service quality, and visitor
experiences on a personal level.
Tourism is one of the vital sectors of a country's economy, including Indonesia.
With its cultural, natural, and culinary diversity, Indonesia has great potential in the
tourism industry. One of the growing aspects of this industry is the use of digital
technology to improve the tourist experience, especially in the food and beverage
Digital technology has changed the way people travel and explore tourist
destinations. With the advent of travel apps, websites, and social media platforms,
travelers can easily search for information, book accommodations, and find exciting
places to eat. This has changed the paradigm of tourism services, including services in
the food and beverage sector. Amid this development, Galeri Indonesia Kaya in Jakarta
has become one of the popular destinations that offers cultural, artistic, and culinary
experiences for its visitors (Ernawati & Hananto, 2023).
In addition to being an art exhibition space, this gallery also offers a variety of
culinary experiences through restaurants and cafes. However, in the face of increasingly
fierce competition and increasingly high tourist expectations, applying innovative digital
Digital Innovation in Culinary Tourism Services at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Jakart
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2775
technology in tourism services in the food and beverage segment at Galeri Indonesia Kaya
is essential for further study (Ningsih & Arianto, 2024).
Some of the innovative digital technologies that can be applied in tourism services
include mobile applications for booking and payment, the integration of artificial
intelligence technology to personalize the visitor experience, and the utilization of social
media and other online platforms for promotion and interaction with visitors. By
understanding the potential and challenges in implementing digital technology at Galeri
Indonesia Kaya, effective strategies can be developed to improve the quality of tourism
services in the food and beverage segment (Jamilati, Anshori, & Salsabila, 2023).
Through this research, it is expected to gain a deeper understanding of how
innovative digital technologies can influence and improve tourism services in the food
and beverage segment. The results of this research are expected to contribute to
developing the tourism industry in Indonesia, especially in applying digital technology to
improve the tourist experience.
The objectives of this research are:
1. Identify innovative digital technologies applied in tourism services in the food and
beverage segment at Galeri Indonesia Kaya.
2. Assess the level of adoption and utilization of innovative digital technology by visitors
to Galeri Indonesia Kaya.
3. Analyze the effect of applying innovative digital technology on the tourist experience
of enjoying food and beverage services at Galeri Indonesia Kaya.
4. Assess the impact of applying innovative digital technology on business performance
(marketing, operations, and finance) in the food and beverage segment at Galeri
Indonesia Kaya.
5. Formulate recommendations for increasing the application of innovative digital
technology in the food and beverage segment tourism services, which can improve the
tourist experience and business performance at Galeri Indonesia Kaya.
This study aims to examine the application of innovative digital technology in
tourism services in the food and beverage segment, focusing on the location of Galeri
Indonesia Kaya in Jakarta (Solemede, Tamanea, Selfany, Solemede, & Walunaman,
Research Design
This research investigates the application of digital technology in tourism services
at Galeri Indonesia Kaya with a qualitative approach and case study. This approach was
chosen to gain a deep understanding of the phenomenon, capturing complex nuances in
the visitor and staff experience. Case studies allow researchers to explore the
implementation process, challenges, benefits, and impact of digital technology in detail.
The results are expected to provide valuable insights for tourism practitioners and
technology developers to improve sustainable tourism services (Achjar et al., 2023).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2776
Galeri Indonesia Kaya is a place that combines the richness of Indonesian culture
with modern and innovative concepts. This gallery is located at Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.1,
RT.1/RW.5, Kb. Melati, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital
Region of Jakarta 10230.
Place and Time of Research
This research was conducted at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, a cultural center in Jakarta,
Indonesia. Galeri Indonesia Kaya is a tourist destination that showcases various
Indonesian cultural heritage, art, and traditions. This place was chosen because it is a
location that is relevant to the research context, namely the application of digital
technology in tourism services in the food and beverage segment.
The study was conducted over a predetermined period, with a sufficient period to
collect the necessary data and analyze the findings. The research time was also chosen to
suit the activities and density of visits at Galeri Indonesia Kaya so researchers could
observe visitor interactions with digital technology representatively. In addition, the study
also considered the time adjusted to the schedule and availability of participants, both
visitors and officers/staff of Galeri Indonesia Kaya involved in the research.
Data Collection Techniques
Researchers will use several data collection techniques to collect comprehensive
and in-depth data on the application of digital technology in tourism services at Galeri
Indonesia Kaya. First, in-depth interview techniques will be used to interact directly with
visitors using digital tourism services and with officers or staff involved in implementing
digital technology at the location. This interview aims to understand the experiences,
perceptions, implementation processes, challenges, and benefits associated with digital
technology. Furthermore, observation will be carried out by directly observing the
interaction between visitors and digital technology when using tourism services and the
work process of officers or staff in managing the technology. These observations will
provide insight into how technology is used in everyday practice at Galeri Indonesia
Kaya. Finally, document analysis will be carried out by analyzing documents or
promotional materials related to digital tourism services, as well as internal
documentation related to the implementation of digital technology at the location.
Analysis of these documents will assist in obtaining additional information and support
findings from other data collection techniques. With this combination of techniques,
researchers are expected to obtain diverse and in-depth data on the application of digital
technology in tourism services at Galeri Indonesia Kaya (Jailani, 2023).
Data Analysis
Data analysis in this study is carried out inductively, where researchers will
identify patterns, themes, and relationships between various aspects that arise from the
collected data. With this approach, researchers will open data without any prior
assumptions, thus enabling organic and in-depth discoveries about the use of digital
technology in tourism services at Galeri Indonesia Kaya (Sarosa, 2021). In addition,
researchers will compare various cases or participants to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the application of digital technology. By comparing experiences and
Digital Innovation in Culinary Tourism Services at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Jakart
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2777
perspectives from different data sources, researchers can explore variations and
similarities in the use of digital technologies, as well as the factors that influence their
acceptance and effectiveness. The results of this data analysis are expected to provide
deep and diverse insights into the use of digital technology in the context of tourism in
Galeri Indonesia Kaya, as well as enable the identification of relevant practical and
theoretical implications (Rifa’i, 2023).
Results and Discussion
This research found that the use of digital technology in tourism services in the food
and beverage segment at Galeri Indonesia Kaya has had a significant positive impact.
Digital technology has helped improve operational efficiency and service quality, as well
as provide a more personalized and customized experience for visitors. One of the staff
said "My experience using digital technology at Galeri Indonesia Kaya was very positive.
This technology has brought about a huge change in the way I serve visitors." This is also
confirmed by visitors who say "My experience using digital technology at Galeri
Indonesia Kaya was very positive. The website provides clear and detailed information
about the food and beverage menu offered digitally".
Improved Service Quality and Operational Efficiency
The electronic booking system allows staff to make explanations quickly and
accurately and reduces human error in the process. It also allows staff to focus more on
interacting with visitors, rather than getting stuck in administrative work. One staffer
stated, "Digital systems minimize human error in the process of explaining food." This is
also evidenced by a statement from a visitor who said "I used the official website of Galeri
Indonesia Kaya to support my experience during the visit. This website is easy to use and
provides various features, such as event information, exhibition schedules, as well as
digital explanation of food and beverages, and QR scans. I chose this website because it
offers convenience and easy access to all the information I need while in the Gallery."
Visitor Response to Digital Technology
Visitors generally responded positively to the use of digital technology in tourism
services at Galeri Indonesia Kaya. Many visitors find it helpful to have an informative
and interactive digital menu that makes it easier for them to see the menu explanation.
One visitor commented, "The interactive digital menu gave me a visual overview of the
dishes offered, and additional information such as ingredients and food origins was
Use of Digital Technology in Tourism Service Strategy
Galeri Indonesia Kaya has integrated digital technology into its strategy through
steps such as implementing a digital explanation system, as well as digital menus. They
also utilize social media and online platforms to promote services and interact with
visitors before and after their visit. In the interview excerpt, it is said "I used the official
website of Galeri Indonesia Kaya to support my experience during the visit. This website
is easy to use and provides various features, such as event information, exhibition
schedules, as well as digital explanations of food and beverages, and QR scans. I chose
Regita Giri Karuna
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2778
this website because it offers convenience and easy access to all the information I need
while in the Gallery."
Digital Technology Development and Improvement Plan
Galeri Indonesia Kaya plans to continue to develop and improve the application of
digital technology in tourism services. One plan is to improve integration with third-party
applications to facilitate visitors' access to gallery services. The supervisor stated, "We
also want to develop more advanced personalization features, such as recommendations
based on previous visitor preferences and history." Some Supervisor interviews say that
"Cooperation with technology providers will remain our priority to ensure that our
hardware and software are always up to date. It also allows us to address technical issues
quickly and keep our operations running smoothly."
The discussion on the use of digital technology in tourism services in the food and
beverage segment at Galeri Indonesia Kaya showed a significant positive impact. Digital
technology has helped improve operational efficiency and service quality, as well as
provide a more personalized and customized experience for visitors. The results of this
study are consistent with information systems theory which states that digital technology
can increase productivity and effectiveness in business operations (Kertajadi, Handika, &
Minanda, 2023).
The electronic QR annotation and scan system at Galeri Indonesia Kaya allows staff
to process orders quickly and accurately, reducing human error. This allows staff to focus
more on interaction with visitors rather than administrative work. This finding is in line
with previous research showing that the use of digital technology in reservations and
payments provides significant benefits for operational efficiency.
Visitors generally respond positively to the use of digital technology, especially
informative and interactive digital menus. This response supports the customer
experience theory that emphasizes the importance of convenience and accessibility in
tourism services. The results of this study also reflect the trend of using digital technology
in the tourism industry that increase customer engagement (Herinanto & Gumanti, 2024).
Galeri Indonesia Kaya has successfully integrated digital technology into its
strategy, including hardware systems, digital explanations, and digital menus. This
strategy is in line with previous research showing the importance of leveraging social
media and online platforms to promote services and interact with visitors.
While digital technology brings many benefits, challenges such as network
disruptions or malfunctioning devices can hamper the ordering and payment process. This
challenge is similar to research conducted by (Evi, 2023) which shows the need for strong
infrastructure and customer education to overcome obstacles in implementing digital
technology. Galeri Indonesia Kaya plans to continue to develop and improve the
application of digital technologies, including integration with third-party applications and
the development of advanced personalization features. This plan reflects the gallery's
commitment to continuously innovate and create a better experience for visitors, in line
with the latest trends and theories in the tourism industry. This is in line with research
conducted by (Heliany, 2019) which says that this era is characterized by easy access to
Digital Innovation in Culinary Tourism Services at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Jakart
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, Juny 2024 2779
information through digital media. In this case, Indonesia also does not want to be
defeated, but in Indonesia the era of the new Industrial Revolution in the 4.0 Era. This is
the reason for the emergence of the phenomenon of cultural shift from manual systems to
virtual and visual worlds, as well as in the tourism sector, especially Indonesian tourists
who are millennial generations.
The conclusion of the research on the use of digital technology in tourism services
in the food and beverage segment at Galeri Indonesia Kaya shows a significant positive
impact. Digital technologies have helped improve operational efficiency, service quality,
and visitor experience, in line with previous theories and research. Electronic ordering
and payment systems minimize human error and speed up transactions, allowing staff to
focus more on interacting with visitors and providing more personalized service. Visitors
generally responded positively to the use of digital technology, such as informative and
interactive digital menus, as well as electronic payment options that facilitate
Overall, this research shows that the application of innovative digital technology in
tourism services in the food and beverage segment at Galeri Indonesia Kaya has
successfully improved service quality, operational efficiency, and visitor experience.
Galeri Indonesia Kaya is committed to continuously developing and improving the use
of digital technology to create a better and more satisfying tourism experience for visitors.
The study's findings could provide valuable insights for other institutions in the tourism
industry to adopt and optimize the use of digital technology in their services.
Regita Giri Karuna
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