pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3144
Communications Identity Analysis @Viviatal in Forming
Personal Branding in Tiktok
Magdalena Yohana
, Maylanny Christin
Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia
communication identity,
personal branding,
This research aims to analyze @viviatal's communication
identity in forming personal branding on TikTok. This
research was conducted using a qualitative approach. This
research uses a case study type of research. The subject of
this research is the content creator of book reviews, namely
Cut Vivi Talita who has the social media account TikTok
@viviatal. Data collection methods in this research are
interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation.
Data analysis in this research uses the Identity
Communication theory proposed by Michael L. Hecht. The
analytical method used in this research is based on the
interactive model analysis technique of Miles, Huberman,
and Saldana. The research results show that Cut Vivia,
through her TikTok social media account @Viviatal, has a
strong personal brand and never gives up even though she
comes from an underprivileged family background. Cut
Vivia builds personal branding through book review content
about self-development which is then linked to her life
journey to provide motivational value to the audience. Based
on the content shared, Cut Vivia is a visionary as seen from
her ability to express opinions regarding divorce even
though it is known that she has never built a household
The development of technology and science has a very intense influence on human
life in various aspects, namely the ease of accessing information and knowing the news
and developments in the world through the internet network. The Internet offers a wide
range of websites, including social networks, which are currently quite popular, in
addition to being a tool for data exchange. The internet is an innovation in information
and communication technology that offers the option to get information quickly and
cheaply (Maulana, Hidayatullah, & Fajar, 2023).
The easy use of internet access via mobile phones while living in the era of
globalization has resulted in a generation that is dependent on the internet. The impact of
ease of accessing the internet creates the internet as the main source of reference in finding
Communications Identity Analysis @Viviatal in Forming Personal Branding in Tiktok
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3145
information. As global connectivity improves, generational shifts may play a more
important role in determining behavior than socio-economic differences. Young people
have been a powerful influence on people of all ages and incomes, as well as on the way
those people consume and relate to them (Firamadhina & Krisnani, 2020).
Figure 1 Internet users in Indonesia (2023)
Internet users in Indonesia have experienced a fairly high increase in number, as of
January 2023 there are 212.9 million Internet users, which is 77% of the total population.
This number has increased dramatically when compared to 2022 when internet users were
204.7 million while in 2021 it was 202.6 million. The existence of the internet has
triggered the development of communication technology such as the emergence of
various social media platforms that can be used as entertainment, a place to express
yourself and interact with other people online. One of the social media in Indonesia that
is in high demand is TikTok.
Figure 2 Most Commonly Used Social Media in Indonesia
As of January 2023
Based on the image above, shows that the TikTok application ranks fourth after
Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook as the most widely used social media in Indonesia
as of January 2023. Tiktok is not in the first place as the most widely used social media,
but Tiktok is the fastest-growing social media in Indonesia. TikTok social media was
widely used in early 2021 and continues to grow to this day. A study conducted by Geyser
Dalam (Fahira, Februadi, & Amalia, 2021) shows that TikTok's social media has the
Magdalena Yohana, Maylanny Christin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3146
largest engagement rate of 17.96% compared to other social media such as Instagram and
YouTube which have engagement rates of 1.63% and 0.37%.
Social media has a feature where users can upload photos and videos that describe
the characteristics of the account owner. One example is @viviatal, a TikTok content
creator with content characteristics related to science, motivation, and education.
Figure 3 TikTok account @viviatal
The content that is often shared by @viviatal through his TikTok account is quite
varied but still in the same theme concept, namely educational and motivating. The
educational concept can be seen from posts about various information about life and
motivation based on the content creator's personal experience related to the world of
education. One of the hashtags that is a characteristic of @viviatal is #LuarKelas, which
is like a segment to open a further explanation of the topic to be discussed. This is a form
of personal branding @viviatal the way it communicates and becomes the identity of the
account. Hashtags #LuarKelas are always used to bring audiences to a deeper discussion
of the topic of discussion as shown in the following image.
Figure 4 TikTok Account Posts @viviatal
Another characteristic of @viviatal always mentions and shows books that are a
reference for topic discussions as a reinforcement of theory and maintaining audience
trust. This is the identity of @viviatal communication so that it forms personal branding
as an informative, educational, and motivating content creator so it is by Tamimy's
explanation (Yusanda, Darmastuti, & Huwae, 2021) that a person can find out the
Communications Identity Analysis @Viviatal in Forming Personal Branding in Tiktok
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3147
character of the owner of a social media account just by looking at the social media
Comparison with Previous Research
Table 1 Previous Research
Research 1
Research 2
Tiktok as Melinda
rohita's Personal
Branding Media
Teenage Virtual
Identities on Instagram
Social Media
Year, Location
Ardiansyah &
Sinduwiatmo, 2020,
Idaman & Kencana,
2021, Instagram.
Variables and
Personal branding
Identity communication
Data Analysis
Qualitative analysis
Qualitative analysis
Melinda Rohita fulfills
the 8 elements of
Montoya's branding
Teens' virtual identities
on Instagram are formed
through a series of four
levels of personal.
Research subjects and
Research subjects and
Research 1
Research 2
Fadil Jaidi's Personal
Branding on Instagram
Social Media
Jenda Munthe's Personal
Branding Power on
Instagram Content
#Tanyajawabjenda for
Content Creator Career
Year, Location
Rahyadi et al, 2023,
Lambe et al, 2021,
Variables and
Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Data Analysis
Qualitative method
with a combination of
literature meta-
analysis and
Qualitative analysis
Magdalena Yohana, Maylanny Christin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3148
Fadil Jaidi has
succeeded in building
his personal branding
well, fulfilling the
eight concepts from
Montoya & Vendehey
Jenda Munthe has
succeeded in building his
personal branding well,
fulfilling the eight
concepts from Montoya
& Vendehey (2002)
Research subject,
location, and focus
Research subject,
location, and focus
The purpose of this study is to analyze the identity of @viviatal communication in
Forming Personal Branding on Tiktok.
Research Methods
This research is carried out with a qualitative approach, Based on the opinion
(Sugiyono, 2013), qualitative research can be called naturalistic research because its
implementation is according to the facts found in the field. According to Denzin and
Lincoln in (Kaharuddin, 2021), qualitative is defined as research that is descriptive and
analyzes in depth. This study uses a type of case study research, Baxter and Jack in (Fadli,
2021) revealed that a case study is a research whose implementation is carried out in detail
and in depth about a matter that is the object of research with the aim of obtaining
important information.
Research Location
The location of the research is the place where the implementation of the research
is carried out. In this case, the object of the research is the TikTok social media account
belonging to one of the book review content creators, namely @viviatal. Thus, to facilitate
the data collection process, the research location in question is via WhatsApp. This means
that the researcher will ask questions to the key informant, namely Cut Vivi Talita related
to the research topic online via whatsapp because the location of the researcher with the
informant is quite far away and the informant has quite dense activities.
Data Collection Methods
1. Interview
The interview technique in this study uses an in-depth interview with a semi-
structured interview using interview guidelines. Researchers can develop the questions
asked after the questions in the interview guidelines. The goal is to find deeper and
more open information related to the research topic (Abdussamad & Sik, 2021).
2. Observation
The definition of observation is the activity of in-depth observation of activities
both in the form of subjects and objects at the research location and when there is a
phenomenon or event it will be immediately recorded for later analysis.
study book
One of the methods that can be used for data collection as a support is by literature
study. This method uses various journals or previous research that are relevant related to
the variables and theories used (Waruwu, 2023).
Communications Identity Analysis @Viviatal in Forming Personal Branding in Tiktok
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3149
Data Validity
The validity of the data in this study is maintained by triangulation techniques. The
technique triangulation method is carried out by checking data on the same source but the
techniques used are different. The data generated through interviews is then checked
using other techniques, namely observation and documentation, if the data generated by
the three testing techniques are different, it is necessary to conduct further discussion on
the relevant data sources in order to ensure and determine which data is correct.
Results and Discussion
TikTok account @Viviatal
TikTok's social media account @Viviatal its first post since February 3, 2021. His
first post told about his life journey to be able to go through the training at the Bandung
Institute of Technology. The following is information about the TikTok account Cut Vivia
Talitha with the account name "@Viviatal"
Figure 4.1 Screenshot of TikTok account @Viviatal
Based on the information on the TikTok homepage above (figure 4.1), it can be
seen that until now TikTok Cut Vivia Talitha has approximately 290.6 thousand people
who are followers of TikTok @Viviatal. This means that there are approximately 290.6
thousand TikTok users who know about the content shared by Cut vivia Talita. The
TikTok look of the TikTok account Cut Vivia Talitha also clearly explained that she is a
book writer with the title "Confidence in You" by also displaying the jargon that she
always says in her various videos, namely "welcome outside the classroom". In addition,
Cut Vivia Talitha also linked her youtube account on the main display of her account.
Magdalena Yohana, Maylanny Christin
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The results of the research are data obtained after the data collection process
through interviews, observations, and documentation. The data obtained is then reduced
or adjusted to focus more on the topic of discussion. The data that has been reduced is
then presented based on the sub-chapter of the problem formulation, which is as follows.
Identity Communication built into TikTok accounts @Viviatal
An influencer must have characteristics that are characteristic and become an
identity so that they are easily recognized by the audience. These characteristics can be
formed in various ways, one of which is the characteristics of communication or the way
influencers communicate with followers as well as the style of speaking when conveying
information through videos uploaded to social media such as @viviatal as one of the book
reviewers on Tiktok social media.
Identity communication is the process of forming a person's social identity, the
underlying thing is how the process of placing oneself in an environment. In accordance
with Michael L. Hecht's opinion, the self-identity that Cut Vivia Talitha built in her
TikTok social media account, self-identity can be seen from four layers, namely:
a. Personal Layer
In the TikTok social media account, @Viviata a personal layer that seems to
indicate that Cut Vivia Talitha declares that she is part of every social situation. Cut Vivia
Talitha presents herself as an individual who is able to be free from the dark shackles of
the past. So that identity consists of how she felt as a child and ideas about herself at this
time, which describes who and what Cut Vivia Talitha really is.
b. Enactment layer
In TikTok's social media account, @Viviata an Enactment layer that appears to
indicate that Cut Vivia Talitha is showing her identity. So that others will have
knowledge based on what Cut Vivia Talitha shows.
c. Relational layer
In the TikTok social media account, @Viviata Enactment layer which shows how
Cut Vivia Talitha relates to other individuals. That is, the identity that is formed when
Cut Vivia Talitha interacts with other people.
At this level, TikTok's social media accounts @Viviata less visible how Cut Vivia
Talitha has established relationships with certain groups. So if you review the identity of
Cut Vivia, Talitha does not look like a group or community that is followed. However,
judging from the books that are often reviewed, Cut Vivia Talitha wants to present herself
in a community that cares about self-development.
Personal Branding akun TikTok @Viviatal
TikTok social media can understand the things that its users usually do, so that it
can adjust and increase market demand. This is because of the variety of effects services
that can be used instantly. Tik Tok is enough to provide a breakthrough that complements
facilities and services for other social media platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp,
Line, Twitter, Facebook, and so on. The many various effects in content creation in the
Tik Tok application make this application quite popular with many people.
Identity Communication built into TikTok accounts @Viviatal
Communications Identity Analysis @Viviatal in Forming Personal Branding in Tiktok
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3151
An influencer must have characteristics that are characteristic and become an
identity so that they are easily recognized by the audience. These characteristics can be
formed in various ways, one of which is the characteristics of communication or the way
influencers communicate with followers as well as the style of speaking when conveying
information through videos uploaded to social media such as @viviatal as one of the book
reviewers on Tiktok social media.
Cut Vivi Thalia, an influencer with a TikTok social media account, @viviatal has
characteristics in conveying information from her communication style. The speaking
style @viviatal adjust to the TikTok account managed as a book reviewer so that the
impression displayed is communicative and educational. Communicative here means
@viviatal trying to maintain a good relationship with his audience. Meanwhile,
educational, related to content that contains information about various things according
to the book being discussed.
The invitation to communicate is shown at the beginning of the video as an opening,
namely 'do you have any?' or 'have you ever been?' and then continued with the topic you
want to discuss. The use of this question sentence is very useful because the audience will
feel like they are being asked and start looking for similarities between the questions in
the video and the reality of their personal lives. This is a powerful way to grab the
audience's attention and watch the video until the end of the duration.
The theory used in this study is the theory of identity communication according to
Hecht. Identity communication theory is one of the theories that focuses on the formation
of identity contained in individuals. This theory was invented by Michael L. Hetch. In
this theory, communication is the key to an identity, where communication is seen as
identity and identity as communication (Gerungan, Priyowidodo, & Lesmana, 2022).
Based on the theory put forward by Hetch regarding identity communication,
identity is the main link between individuals and society and communication is the link
that allows this relationship to occur (Idaman & Kencana, 2021). The results of the study
show that Cut Vivi Thalia's communication identity is in two layers, namely the personal
layer and the enactment layer. Personally, Cut Vivi Thalia knows her identity as someone
with minimal confidence and then motivated after reading several books about tips for
self-development, building confidence, and the arts of living life. Starting from a book,
in the end Cut Vivi Thalia began to have a desire to motivate many people through social
media which was on the rise at that time, namely social media TikTok.
The second layer, enactment, is the way individuals show their identity. Thus others
will have knowledge based on what the individual shows. The results of the study show
that Cut Vivi Thalia also builds an identity as a book reviewer through content with
characteristics to form personal branding. The identity formed by Cut Vivi Thalia through
the @viviatal account is the delivery of information by storytelling but in a clear, concise,
and non-verbose manner. This style shows an intellectual impression and strengthens its
branding as a TikTok influencer with content related to books.
Based on the ascribed dimension, the results of the study show that the personal
branding formed by Cut Vivia is able to make the audience interested in self-development
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content which has an impact on increasing the followers of their social media accounts.
This is shown by the TikTok social media account @viviatal as a book reviewer has many
supporters, as can be seen from the number of TikTok followers reaching more than 300
thousand. The number of followers makes @viviatal the number one book reviewer
influencer among other similar influencers. This is in accordance with McCall and
Simons' identity theory in (Farida Nurfalah, Kholil, Puji Lestari, & Titi Widaningsih,
2021) that one aspect of measuring a prominent identity is how much support individuals
get for the identity they claim.
Personal Branding akun TikTok @Viviatal
Characteristics are one of the aspects that influencers must pay attention to to build
a personal brand. Research by (Tika, 2020) explains that these characteristics will make
others quickly know and understand how a person's identity is from the appearance or
carrying. Characteristics can be formed in various ways, one of which is the
characteristics of communication or the way influencers communicate with followers and
the style of speaking when conveying information through videos uploaded to social
media. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the characteristics of
@viviatal communication in forming personal branding through TikTok social media are
as follows:
a. Using effective sentences to make it easier for the audience to understand the message
conveyed Social media content can be made in the form of writing, images/photos,
and videos with audio. Social media such as TikTok is synonymous with content in
the form of various types of entertainment videos, information, motivation, and so on.
Some influencers or content creators create videos as they are without pre-arranged
sentences or text.
The explanation above is different from @viviatal who first compose effective
sentences to then read during the video making process. This is done to make it easier for
listeners or viewers to understand the meaning of the message conveyed. The way
@viviatal convey information in Tiktok social media content has a distinctive consistency
and character, namely straightforward, clear, and not wasting words. This reflects the
characteristics of effective sentences, research by (Trismanto, 2020) explains that
effective sentences will make communication easy to understand.
b. Using persuasive communication
Based on the results of the research, one of the characteristics of communication
owned by @viviatal is the use of persuasive communication. Through the content shared,
the audience is invited to join the discussion of a topic by @viviatal that is in accordance
with the life experience of most people. An example is the discussion of the art of
speaking using books as a reinforcement of the topic of discussion, in this case @viviatal
provide information and invite the audience to practice how to speak well and correctly.
The use of communication by @viviatal is in accordance with the communication
model put forward by Aristotle. Factors that play a role in determining the persuasive
effect of a speech include the content of the speech, its arrangement, and the way it is
Communications Identity Analysis @Viviatal in Forming Personal Branding in Tiktok
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3153
delivered. Aristotle also realized the role of the audience, persuasion takes place through
the audience when they are directed into an emotional state (Tahalele et al., 2023).
c. Using interrogative sentences as an opening in video content
Based on the results of the research, another characteristic that @viviatal have in
communicating is inviting the audience to communicate through the uploaded content.
The invitation to communicate is shown at the beginning of the video as an opening,
namely 'do you have any?' or 'have you ever been?' and then continued with the topic you
want to discuss. The use of this question sentence is very useful because the audience will
feel like they are being asked and start looking for similarities between the questions in
the video and the reality of their personal lives. This is a powerful way to grab the
audience's attention and watch the video until the end of the duration.
Based on Montoya in (Angelika & Setyanto, 2019), it can be known that eight
concepts of personal branding formation are packaged by TikTok @Viviatal social media
accounts, including the following:
1. Specialization: The characteristic of a personal brand has been carried out by Cut Vivia
on its TikTok account because Cut Vivia has been able to specialize in reviewing
content of its books through TikTok social media accounts, concentrated only on the
strength of books that are worthy of being recommended to its audience, besides that
Cut Vivia is also able to display its skills as a good public speaker, and even highlight
the achievements it has received.
2. Leadership: the spirit of leadership is not only given to someone who has a position.
How he is able to handle himself is also a form of leadership. Where personal branding
leadership is in the form of the ability of a Cut Vivia Talitha to have full control over
her own power and credibility so that she is able to position herself as a leader formed
from her perfection.
3. Personality: TikTok social media account @Viviatal has shown a Personal Brand Cut
Vivia Talitha by displaying a personality figure who is as he is and comes with a
background of imperfections in his childhood life even from a broken family.
4. Differences: TikTok social media accounts have @Viviatal shown a Personal Brand
Cut Vivia Talitha who is not afraid of differences. He has a firm passion for himself,
and in living his life he does not want to be dictated by the expectations of the
surrounding environment.
5. It can be seen: the consistency of TikTok social media accounts @Viviatal has shown
a Personal Brand Cut Vivia Talitha to be known by many people.
6. Unity: The personal life behind the personal brand must be in line with moral ethics
and attitudes that have been determined. This is as conveyed by Sherly that every
content uploaded on TikTok social media accounts @Viviatal contain educational
content that can even change the mindset of the audience for the better.
7. Steadfastness: it seems clear that in the TikTok social media account @Viviatal has
shown a Personal brand Cut Vivia Talitha Personal as someone who is formidable. His
success now as a content creator is a long and full journey full of twists and turns that
he has conquered.
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Based on the results and discussion of the research that has been described earlier,
the conclusion in this study is that Cut Vivia through the TikTok social media account
@Viviatal has a strong personal branding and does not give up even though it comes from
an underprivileged family background. Cut Vivia builds personal branding through book
review content about self-development which is then associated with her life journey to
provide motivational value to the audience. Based on the content shared, Cut Vivia is a
visionary seen from her ability to express her opinion on divorce even though it is known
that she has never built a household before. The characteristic of a personal brand has
been carried out by Cut Vivia on its TikTok account because Cut Vivia has been able to
specialize in reviewing its books through TikTok social media accounts, concentrated
only on the strength of books that are worthy of being recommended to its audience,
besides that Cut Vivia is also able to display her skills as a good public speaker, and even
highlight the achievements she has received. Cut Vivia Talitha by displaying a personality
figure who is as it is and comes with a background of imperfections in her childhood life
even from a broken home family.
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