pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3050
LAN Network Optimization to Support Practicum Activities
Using Action Research Method at STMIK Jayakarta
Fendi Alviyanto
, Thomas Budiman
, Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK), Indonesia
Keywords: computer
networks; Data rate;
network performance;
Action Research Methods;
LAN Network
The importance of using computer networks in campus
laboratories to improve the quality of education and research
is also increasing. The purpose of this study was to find out
the factors that affect the performance of computer networks
in campus laboratories, including data transmission speed.
The research methodology involves experimental data being
tested, for example, the effect of communication speed on
the performance of computer networks in campus
laboratories. Based on the research that has been described,
the results are obtained that a good network can be known
by low timed-out and ping numbers. The smaller the
number, the better the network quality on the computer, this
is also true for other things. In conclusion, the network can
be said to be good if the number indicated in the ping process
or others shows a relatively low number, on the other hand,
if the network shows a relatively larger number, then the
network in the computer begins to be disturbed.
The development of computer networks is currently experiencing rapid growth along
with the human need to seek convenience, speed, and accuracy to obtain data (Kuspandi
Putra, Sadali, & Mahpuz, 2020). The need for computer networks is increasingly
important, both in education, work, and in a game. One of the important things in
managing a computer network is the security of the network itself, with many accesses to
the network, there will also be many opportunities for crime to occur on the network
(Azharuddin & Nurhastuti, 2023). To achieve this, every part or component of the
computer network must be able to receive and share services. The client plays the role of
resource use while the server provides various types of services (Tangkowit, Palilingan,
& Liando, 2021). In addition to the positive impact of technological developments
mentioned above, it turns out that there are also many negative impacts. Science and
Technology stands for Science and Technology Development, which is a study that
studies the development of technology and science (I Kadek & Adi Wardana, 2023). All
information in the computer network system within the University must certainly be kept
LAN Network Optimization to Support Practicum Activities Using Action Research Method at
STMIK Jayakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3051
confidential or private data so that it is not used by parties who do not have the right to
use the information on the server computer (Umar & Prasetyo Marsaid, 2023).
The importance of using computer networks in campus laboratories has increased
in improving the quality of education and research. Students and lecturers can share
information, work together, and access a wider range of resources through computer
networks. However, there are several issues in the use of computer networks in campus
laboratories, including low data transmission speeds, lack of network security, and limited
access to resources. In this study, several factors that affect the performance of computer
networks in campus laboratories will be tested, such as data transmission speed, and
In a peer-to-peer network, any computer connected to the network can act as either
a workstation or a server. Meanwhile, in the ClientServer network, only one computer
serves as a server and another computer acts as a workstation (Widiyaningrum &
Awalludin, 2024). A communication network is a resource that can be used
simultaneously (shared) by several end users to communicate with other users who are
located far away. Not all users use the network at the same time, therefore it is logical
that these very important network resources are used together (Candra Laili, 2023).
LAN Computer Network or Local Area Network is a computer network consisting
of several computers that are interconnected in a relatively small area such as buildings,
campuses, or offices. LANs allow these computers to communicate and share resources
efficiently. This network is usually used by companies or institutions that need access to
data and information quickly and easily (Aswar, Alfin, 2024). We often find that the
quality of the network decreases over time, this is usually caused by the increasing
number of LAN network users and is exacerbated by the lack of increased bandwidth
(Baso, Hanifa A, Putri Azzahra, & Mukhtar, 2023).
WLAN or Wireless LAN is a computer network that uses radio frequency as its
transmission medium, where the access point uses frequency radio ao media connected
to the user as a configuration of the WLAN network (Reivaldi Kesuma Kagi,
Muchammad Ficky Duskarnaen, & Hamidillah Ajie, 2020). As a wireless network that
uses electromagnetic wave frequencies, the WLAN entry point is the basis in the
transmitter of electromagnetic waves from two directions which works on the bandwidth
of 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz (Saputra, Saryoko, Maulidah, Hidayati, & Dalis, 2023).
The initial concept of computer networks is the communication of data from one
computer to another. For the first time, data communication between computers is only
point-to-point, so there are only two computers that will be connected. After a long period
of development, the concept was developed so that the exchange of data at that time was
an exchange between 2 computers turned into a computer network. The concept of
computer networks is different from the concept of ordinary data communication, where
several computers will be connected by cables so that each computer can exchange data
with each other (M.Kom & Khairina, 2019).
The purpose of a computer network is to achieve its goal, every part of the computer
network can request and provide services. The party that requests/receives services is
Fendi Alviyanto, Thomas Budiman, Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3052
called the client and the one who provides/sends services is called the server (server).
This design is called a client-server system and is used in almost all computer network
applications (Astuti, 2020). To connect between computers, a connecting medium is
needed to connect. Media can also be interpreted as the number of arrivals of a package
that has been successfully observed in a destination at a certain time interval divided by
the duration of that time interval (Rofik, 2021).
STMIK Jayakarta was established to answer the challenges and rapid development
in the field of information, in the early 1990s and the Jakarta Dharma Education
Foundation established the Jayakarta Academy of Informatics and Computer
Management (AMIK Jayakarta) which was subsequently based on the decree. Minister
of Education and Culture Number 159/D/0/1993 was upgraded to the Jayakarta College
of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK Jayakarta), which has a department
in Informatics Management and Informatics Engineering. STMIK Jayakarta has 3 (three)
study programs, each D.3 Informatics Management, S.1 Informatics Management, and
S.1 Informatics Engineering. STMIK Jayakarta already has 2 (two) buildings, called
Building/Campus A on Jl. Salemba Raya No. 23 and building/Campus B consists of 3
(three) building blocks with 4 (four) floors with 40 (forty) lecture rooms with a capacity
of 75 (seventy-five) students, located on Jl. Salemba I No.8-10 Central Jakarta (100 M
from Campus A) which is at the level of improving the quality and quantity of the school,
in this case, there is still a lack of LAN network in the computer laboratory area. So to
support school facilities to students who are easy and able to provide more advantages.
Having a LAN network is hoped that it will provide added value and can improve the
learning process at STMIK Jayakarta.
Research Methods
In the study, the author's main focus was on how the authors concluded network
testing through CMD. The author uses an action-based research method because my
actions involve a lot. Thus, the author uses the action research method because the method
attaches importance to reflection-based actions, evidence, and evaluation of actions that
have been completed. This research was conducted in the STMIK Jayakarta computer
In addition, action research has its characteristics, namely collective, collaborative,
self-reflective, and critical, and includes people who will conduct research. The purpose
of this research is to understand practice and improve the course of a practice. In the
action research method, researchers can describe, interpret, and explain a social condition
at the same time while carrying out interventions aimed at improvement or participation.
LAN Network Optimization to Support Practicum Activities Using Action Research Method at
STMIK Jayakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3053
Figure 1. Research Outline
Results and Discussion
The results of this study are divided into 2, namely:
1. Results of Research Analysis
This study explores the analysis of LAN network functionality using CMD at the
STMIK Jayakarta Computer Laboratory. The reason why this analysis is important is
because networks play a crucial role in computer access which impacts speed and
efficiency. The goal is to identify possible solutions and alternatives in facing challenges
when accessing the network. The approach of this article involves leveraging the
capabilities of network analysis commands through CMD. CMD acts as a diagnostic tool,
allowing network measurements and checks on computer systems.
2. Results of Internet Network Analysis
Seeing the situation at STMIK Jayakarta, especially in the Laboratory, the study of
LAN network analysis through CMD was carried out through several stages. However,
the main focus of this article lies in network verification via Ping 192.168.01. The
following are the results of the network check:
a) Ping
1) Here are the results of the ping test on the 1st pc
Figure 2
Fendi Alviyanto, Thomas Budiman, Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3054
Ping test results on 1st pc
2) Here are the results of the ping test on the 2nd PC
Figure 3 Ping test results on the 2nd pc
3) Here are the results of the ping test on the 3rd PC
Figure 4. Ping test results on 3rd pc
4) Here are the results of the ping test on the 4th PC
Figure 5. Ping test results on 4th pc
LAN Network Optimization to Support Practicum Activities Using Action Research Method at
STMIK Jayakarta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3055
b) Tracert to Google testing
1) Below are the results of the tracer test on the 1st PC
Figure 6. Tracert test results on the 1st pc
2) Below are the results of the tracer test on the 2nd PC
Figure 7. Tracert test results on the 2nd pc
3) Below are the results of the tracer test on the 3rd PC
Figure 8. Tracert test results on the 3rd pc
Fendi Alviyanto, Thomas Budiman, Anton Zulkarnain Sianipar
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3056
4) Below are the results of tracer testing on the 4th PC
Figure 9
Tracert test results on the 4th pc
This study explains from the results of the above analysis that on LAN and WiFi
networks the access time can be regulated, in other words when ping is done through the
WiFi network if it is used frequently, the network will be bad and vice versa when it is
rarely used. Based on the research that has been described above, the results are obtained
that good networks can be known with low timed-out and ping numbers. The smaller the
number, the better the network quality on the computer will be, this also applies to other
things. This study also shows that the application of the CMD analysis method in LAN
network optimization in the STMIK Jayakarta computer laboratory brings several
benefits. CMD enables a thorough evaluation of network performance at low cost and
minimal resources required. In addition, CMD also provides a better understanding of the
structure of LAN networks, detects hidden problems, and serves as a foundation for
further improvement in improving the quality of network services around the academic
environment. Nonetheless, CMD is only the first step in LAN network optimization, and
frequent maintenance is still necessary to maintain optimal network productivity levels.
The network can be said to be good if the number indicated in the ping process or
others shows a relatively low number, on the other hand, if the network shows a relatively
larger number, then the network in a computer begins to be disturbed. Solutions in
optimizing the network, Some computer network conditions experience obstacles/delays
in accessing, such as disconnection of cables from the PC Client, different settings of the
IP Client and server and the ping packet does not arrive. From all the results above, the
author has solutions and suggestions that the author can do to keep the computer network
stable. Some solutions and suggestions that the author can do are to use the CMD
command by putting the "ping" command to the default gateway, delete DNS, and the
Netsh command. The author can also suggest checking the hardware to see if there is any
damage that requires some repairs, network checks, and so on. In addition, it can also be
done by changing the internet service provider.
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STMIK Jayakarta
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