pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5 May 2024 2440
Analysis Of Marketing Mix Strategy Mix On Sales In Batik
Quu Ciwaringin
, Haliza Amera
, Dini Selasi
Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
Keywords: Digital
Marketing, Marketing Mix
7P, Batik Sales.
Digitalization has affected many aspects of daily life,
including family and business. Increased flexibility and
adaptability are necessary for businesses to deal with
constant change. The marketing mix concept (4Ps: Product,
Price, Promotion, Distribution) has evolved into 7Ps by
adding People, Process, and Physical Evidence. The batik
industry, including QUU Ciwaringin Batik in Cirebon, West
Java, has great potential to utilize digital marketing
strategies to increase sales and consumer loyalty. This
research aims to identify the most significant marketing
factors in increasing batik sales. With a descriptive
qualitative approach, data is collected through interviews,
observation, and documentation. Results show that product
quality and promotional strategies are the main factors
affecting sales. Batik QUU Ciwaringin offers high-quality
products with various fabrics, such as silk and cotton, and
custom design services. Effective promotion through
exhibitions, cooperation with hotels, and online marketing,
despite the constraints in digital content management.
Promotion through exhibitions and word-of-mouth is proven
to increase visibility and sales. Thus, implementing the right
7P marketing mix strategy can support the growth and
competitiveness of QUU Ciwaringin Batik in the Indonesian
batik market, helping them face challenges and take
advantage of opportunities in the digital era.
Digitalization has affected many aspects of daily life, including family life, which
is increasingly complex and varied along with information technology. Increasingly
fierce competition encourages business actors to be more flexible in facing continuous
changes (Ananda et al., 2023). To increase revenue, businesses must increase their sales
and marketing efforts (Estefany & Latifah, 2022). The concept of a marketing mix
consisting of product, price, promotion, and distribution, as explained by Kotler and
Armstrong in 1997, is an effective formula for businesses that want to maximize the
productivity of their sales force (Noor et al., 2021). By concentrating on these aspects,
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 2441
businesses can become more responsive to market fluctuations and increase their sales in
more sensitive markets.
One significant change occurred in the Marketing Mix concept, which used to
consist of 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) but has now developed into 7P with
the addition of People, Process, and Physical Evidence (Chasanah & Prihatiningtyas,
2022). This transformation explains how businesses must keep up with technological
advances to remain relevant in an increasingly competitive market (Erwin et al., 2023).
Batik is one of Indonesia's traditional crafts used in several media, the most famous
of which is cloth (Marzuqi, 2015; Qurrata et al., 2021). In the end, batik became one of
the official and informal trademarks used by Indonesian consumers and became a
potential industry. Based on these needs, batik production has the potential to meet
clothing needs. In Indonesia, the batik industry is one exciting example of mass
digitalization (Rossanty et al., 2018). With the emergence of digital platforms, handicraft
producers such as Batik Ciwaringin can now implement digital marketing strategies to
expand their market reach.
By understanding more clearly how digitalization affects batik sales and marketing
strategies either through direct selling or through profiles like Batik QUU Ciwaringin,
researchers can identify opportunities, address concerns, and provide more in-depth
advice for those involved in the batik industry as they navigate the dramatic changes in
today's digital age.
Research (Miati; Tresna, 2020) concluded that the marketing mix of Gendhies Batik
in Banjar City has been well implemented with attractive and innovative products,
affordable prices, and quite effective promotions. However, less strategic business
locations are an obstacle. (Rozi, 2017) found that Djawa Batik Solo successfully uses
marketing strategies that focus on young consumer segmentation, quality products,
competitive prices, and online distribution and promotion, which have been proven to
increase sales. (Nurngaeni, 2021) found Subama Batik's main strength in famous
trademarks, but batik motifs are less varied and modern. Threats from competitors with
better management offset the vast opportunity for customer interest in batik.
Research (Wibowo & Zainul Arifin, 2015) revealed that Batik Diajeng Solo focuses
its marketing strategy on the young consumer segment and targets various institutions
with high-quality products. However, the price is relatively higher, and this strategy
effectively increases sales. Research (Pratiwi &; Suranto, 2022) through a mentoring
model with the concept of "to do" in the marketing mix increases the sales turnover of
Rafida Batik, showing that the implementation of the marketing mix is effective in
solving marketing problems early. (Firmansyah &; Mahardhika, 2015) This study on
marketing mix strategies (products, prices, promotions, distribution) on batik purchasing
decisions in Surabaya shows that these four variables significantly influence purchasing
decisions. However, this study is still limited to 4P marketing mix variables, so other
variables need to be explored further.
Most previous studies only emphasized the 4P marketing mix variables (product,
price, promotion, distribution) and limited market segmentation, with some obstacles
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5 May 2024 2442
such as less strategic business location and less varied and modern product motives. These
studies also have not fully explored other variables that might influence the purchasing
decisions of batik consumers. Therefore, the new research can explore additional
variables beyond the 4P marketing mix: People, Process, and Physical Evidence. In
addition, this study can examine strategies to overcome business location constraints and
innovation of batik products that are more modern and varied, as well as utilize social
media effectively for promotion.
Based on the above background, this study aims to identify the 7P marketing
factors that significantly influence batik sales at QUU Batik. Therefore, this research will
provide valuable insights for QUU management in developing more effective marketing
strategies, supporting the batik industry in increasing employee productivity, inspiring
successful marketing strategies, and providing academic literature analysis on factors
influencing batik sales in the digital era.
This research was conducted at Batik QUU, a batik business located at 05 block,
Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.07, Kebon Gedang, Ciwaringin, Cirebon, West Java 45167. The
approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative, which allows researchers to
understand the phenomenon of batik marketing in Batik QUU in depth. This method will
collect primary and secondary data needed to answer the research question (Achjar et al.,
2023). Primary data will be obtained through direct interviews with resource persons
involved in the batik business process at Batik QUU, such as managers, designers, and
production employees. Meanwhile, secondary data will be obtained through literature
studies on the batik industry and relevant marketing practices. Data collection techniques
used in this study include in-depth interviews, direct observation of business processes,
and documentation from various relevant sources.
Results and Discussion
QUU Ciwaringin Batik, produced by Mrs. Hj. Tati Rochmawati, located at Block
05, Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.07, Kebon Gedang, Ciwaringin, Cirebon, West Java 45167,
has produced Cirebon batik for over 20 years. QUU Ciwaringin batik motifs that are
distinctive and unique have been widely known. Special batik-making services are also
provided according to customer requests. Active involvement in various exhibitions and
promotional activities of batik at local and national levels adds to the excellence.
In marketing, QUU Ciwaringin Batik faces several weaknesses. Administrators
who can provide online content are not yet available, so there are bottlenecks in online
transactions. In addition, capital to conduct large-scale transactions is still inadequate. An
effective marketing strategy is also not optimal to increase sales. However, other
advantages can be seen from using simple materials and natural resources that are
environmentally friendly, as well as unique and intricate batik motifs. The resulting batik
fabric is high-quality, soft, and safe for health. The benefits to local communities are
significant, providing economic stability for school-age children, senior citizens, and
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rural residents. QUU Ciwaringin Batik can be purchased directly at the production site or
through the Anugerah Batik Cooperative, which is located in Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo
Blok Kebon Gedang, Desa RT.07/RW.05, Ciwaringin, Kec. Ciwaringin, Cirebon
Regency, West Java 45167. This batik product has even been marketed in Malaysia and
1. Product
A product is something that producers must develop to meet consumer needs. The
results of an interview with Mr Fatoni on March 1, 2024, stated that the batik products
produced by QUU Ciwaringin Batik are based on customer requests. However, QUU
Batik can also provide product previews before the final product, allowing adjustments
according to customer preferences. Batik products produced and marketed by Batik QUU
are classified according to the type of fabric used to make batik. The fabrics used are
made of silk, cotton, and so on. In addition to producing finished batik products, the
company also offers custom design services and the creation of batik motifs that are fully
tailored to customer needs.
The results of the interview delivered by Mr Fatoni regarding Ciwaringin batik
"Here, we do not make batik every day; we make motifs according to order; it can be the
motif of growing plants, animals, or anything according to the buyer's request. So, the
type of batik depends on the fabric. There are many types of fabric, mainly cotton and
silk. There is such a motive as Primissima. There is such a thing as a chariot, such as
busulfan, machete, and many more." (Interview March 1, 2024, with Mr. Fatoni as a Batik
business actor of QUU Ciwaringin)
2. Price
Setting prices is one of the crucial aspects of managing a company's business. The
price set is usually based on calculating the required costs (including raw material,
production, and promotional costs) plus the desired profit margin. The product's price
may vary depending on the design, materials, and complexity of production of the product
demanded by the consumer. The most considered thing when pricing Ciwaringin batik is
the type of cloth used. The price of QUU Ciwaringin batik starts from RP.400.000 to
millions of rupiah.
Results of an interview with Mr Fatoni about the price of Ciwaringin batik:
"Cotton is also a variety of kinds, and silk is also a kind. There is the most basic super
silk, super Perla, and the cheapest, the most expensive embossed silk. Then there is the
ATBM Sutra, which is already middle class. Where else is his name, Baron? There is also
a kind of 500 thousand at the top of the ride. If there is super silk, it is embossed; there is
ATBM and Baron. However, if the usual silk still arises, our production period is still
standard; there are about 2 million." (Interview March 1, 2024, with Mr. Fatoni as a
Batik business actor of QUU Ciwaringin).
3. Promotion
Promotion is a series of activities by Batik QUU Ciwaringin to convey
information and introduce and influence consumers on the products offered. Batik QUU
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Ciwaringin started the promotion by creating a brand that illustrates the advantages of
Ciwaringin batik. Furthermore, the company also conducts promotions through internet
marketing (through websites and social media), installs displays in hotels, participates in
batik events or exhibition exhibitions, and participates in fashion exhibitions. According
to Mr. Fatoni, the most influential is from colleagues who have bought and exhibited
Results of an interview with Mr Fatoni about the promotion of QUU Ciwaringin
"There are two types of marketing: offline and online. If you go offline, we first join the
exhibition. Then, before the pandemic, we had four more hotels collaborating with our
hotel to install displays. Well, the one in Lombok is safe because of the pandemic, so we
pulled it back. Then, there is another example of a friend who is a lecturer. Taken to
national news events, once also taken Malaysia everywhere. The lecturer brought things
from me and offered them to his colleague. They are friends of lecturers. Seniors have
been strengthened, but offline, there are guests in hotels, there are exhibitions, some are
friends, lecturers, or anyone who participates in marketingthe second for online used
to be Facebook from Sabang modo, open stalls, and shop also existed. It used to be
complete because there was an admin from Jakarta. The admin is now gone. I had trouble
creating the content; I was in the production department already high from morning to
morning, and Gaada uploaded it. For example, expenses can be up to twice as much if
we exhibit or visit a hotel. For example, we exhibit in a city where out of 400 can be sold
until 800 900. Meanwhile, for marketing, it is average; at least the exhibition is the same
as the guests who come." (Interview March 1, 2024, with Mr. Fatoni as a Batik business
actor of QUU Ciwaringin)
4. Place
Distribution channels relate to business activities to flow products to consumers.
Most products are sold through pre-orders to be directly sent to consumers. Currently,
Batik QUU Ciwaringin does not have a physical store to sell products directly to
consumers. Although Batik QUU Ciwaringin has a cooperative where products are
distributed, the location of the cooperative is not located on the main route, making it
difficult for consumers to access the location. The cooperative is called Koperasi
Anugerah Batik and is located in Jl. Gen. Urip Sumoharjo block kebon gedang, village,
RT.07/RW.05, Ciwaringin, Ciwaringin district, Cirebon regency, West Java.
5. People
Understanding the target market is crucial in designing marketing strategies for
Ciwaringin Batik. As a batik producer with unique motifs and qualities, mapping the
target market is crucial. In this context, Batik Ciwaringin directs its products to consumers
who appreciate the authenticity of local culture, lovers of traditional arts, and individuals
or groups interested in promoting Indonesia's cultural heritage. In addition, Batik
Ciwaringin also targets a broader market segment, including domestic and international
tourists looking for typical Indonesian souvenirs or high-quality products.
Results of interviews with Mr. Fatoni regarding participants:
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"The target is people who already work in offices. It is not expensive actually, because
young people sometimes do not understand. The target is socialites, just like foreigners."
(Interview March 1, 2024, with Mr. Fatoni as a Batik business actor of QUU Ciwaringin).
6. Process
The process of making batik is a complicated and time-consuming process that
requires attention to detail and patienceaccording to an interview with Mr Fatoni, the
manufacturing process varies depending on the type of material and design. The most
extended process, taking about two to three weeks, is required for ATBM and Baron Silk.
This relates to the plummeting price of batik, where the selling price of ATBM and Baron
batik reaches Rp 500,000 per strand, around 2.5 meters to 3 meters. The choice of fabric
depends on the preferences of the buyer and the financial situation. Although cotton
fabrics are more flexible and easy to hold, silk fabrics are usually denser and smoother.
Batik offers a variety of options to meet everyone's needs and preferences.
7. Physical evidence
Based on an interview with Mr. Fatoni, the Physical Evidence aspect of batik
includes several essential elements that determine its quality and beauty. The fabrics used
vary widely, with cotton and silk as the top choices. Cotton fabrics such as Primissima,
Kereta Kencana, and Yusufan offer variety in quality and texture, while silk fabrics are
available from super to ATBM and Baron types. The quality of this fabric largely
determines the final result of batik, where smooth and brightly colored fabrics are
preferred to produce beautiful and durable batik. The choice of fabric type is also strongly
influenced by budget and buyer preferences, with silk fabric being more expensive and
delicate than cotton, which is more affordable and easy to maintain.
Motifs and colors are also important aspects of batik physical evidence. Various
batik motifs, ranging from traditional to modern, are usually hand-painted by skilled
craftsmen. The beauty and uniqueness of motifs depend heavily on the creativity and skill
of craftsmen, with the "Yusufan" motif being one of the most sought-after due to its
beauty and deep meaning. The colors in batik, which are generally bright and produced
from the natural dyes of plants, are essential to creating a harmonious and attractive batik.
The right combination of colors according to the motif makes batik not only a fabric but
also a work of art of high value.
Batik QUU Ciwaringin offers high-quality products with unique and attractive
designs, meeting customer demands with various traditional, modern, and custom motifs.
The fabrics used vary, ranging from Primissima cotton, Kereta Kencana, and Yusufan to
ATBM and Baron silk. In addition, Batik QUU Ciwaringin provides custom design
services to meet customers' specific needs. Product prices vary depending on the type of
fabric, design, and complexity of motifs, ranging from Rp 400,000 to millions of rupiah.
ATBM batik and Baron silk, due to the complicated and time-consuming manufacturing
process, have the highest price, reaching Rp 500,000 per meter. The choice of fabric
depends on the preferences and budget of the buyer.
QUU Ciwaringin Batik promotion is carried out through offline channels, such as
batik exhibitions and cooperation with hotels, and online, through websites, social media,
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and marketplaces. They also work closely with influencers and mass media to increase
reach. Although it does not yet have a physical store, sales are made through pre-orders,
with products shipped directly to consumers. Batik QUU Ciwaringin also collaborates
with Koperasi Anugerah Batik in Ciwaringin for distribution. Its target market includes
individuals who appreciate the authenticity of local culture, lovers of traditional arts, and
domestic and international tourists looking for typical Indonesian souvenirs. Making
batik is done manually with great attention to fabric quality and motifs, taking 2-3 weeks
for fabrics such as ATBM and Baron silk. With the right 7P marketing mix strategy, QUU
Ciwaringin Batik has an excellent opportunity to develop and compete in the Indonesian
batik market.
Based on the study's results, the aspects that most influence the sales of QUU
Ciwaringin Batik are products and promotions. Products are a significant factor because
Batik QUU Ciwaringin offers high-quality fabrics with various types, such as super silk,
cotton, and ATBM, and it provides custom design services tailored to customer needs.
The fabric quality significantly used determines the final result of batik, so fabric
selection becomes an essential factor in attracting buyers. The promotion also plays a
crucial role, primarily through exhibitions and cooperation with hotels, which helps
increase the visibility and reach of products. Despite the constraints in online marketing,
promotional efforts through offline and word-of-mouth channels from satisfied customers
have helped increase sales. Effective promotion, including through social media and
cooperation with influencers, can further overcome obstacles and support the sales growth
of Batik QUU Ciwaringin.
Analysis Of Marketing Mix Strategy Mix On Sales In Batik Quu Ciwaringin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 2447
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