pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2229
Preeclampsia in Multiples: A Comparative Case Study on
Dichorionic-Diamniotic Twin Pregnancy
Reny Faristin Putri Arifin
, Via Rustiani
, Wildan Firmansyah
RSUD dr. Soedono Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Preeclampsia;
multiple pregnancy; Twin.
Multiple pregnancies have a 2-3 times greater risk of
developing preeclampsia and have a significant long-term
effect on both mothers and babies. The underlying cause of
preeclampsia in women with multiple pregnancies is higher
demand on the cardiovascular system, increased exposure of
the chorionic villi, increased antiangiogenic substances
compared to angiogenic substances, and placental
hypoperfusion. The condition of preeclampsia can worsen
quickly, and without warning signs, it must be detected and
managed appropriately; if the treatment is late, this condition
can lead to eclampsia. The patient was referred with severe
preeclampsia and multiple pregnancies with complaints of
irregular contraction (+), a history of dizziness (-), nausea (-
), vomiting (-), blurred vision (-), and breathlessness (-).
Physical examination showed Blood pressure 188/125
mmHg with laboratory findings of proteinuria +3. Cesarean
section and IUD insertion were performed. During and after
surgery, there were no complications.
Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disease during pregnancy that occurs after 20 weeks
of gestation and is characterized by an increase in blood pressure (>140/90 mmHg)
accompanied by proteinuria (0.3 grams/day or >+1) in women whose blood pressure is
normal at gestational age before 20 weeks. Preeclampsia is not only limited to
hypertension but can be accompanied by manifestations of damage to other organs, such
as the kidneys, liver, lungs, and brain (Thakur, Tayade, Patel, Gupta, & Batra, 2024).
In Indonesia, data collection on preeclampsia, especially at the national level, is still
limited. In the Indonesia Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) for the period 2008 to 2012,
there were 359 deaths per 100,000 live births, with the incidence of preeclampsia in
Indonesia as much as 3-10% of all pregnancies (Warouw, 2016). In Indonesia, the
maternal mortality rate in 2016 is still high, namely 305/100,000 live deliveries. This is
very far from the target of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in 2015, a maternal
mortality rate of 102/per 100,000 live births (Ertiana & Wulan, 2019). Maternal Mortality
Reny Faristin Putri Arifin, Via Rustiani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2230
Rate (MMR) indicates the degree of women's health. MMR is also one of the goals in the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is contained in goal 3.1 by 2030, namely
reducing MMR to less than 70 per 100,000 live births (Marlina, 2022).
Although knowledge of clinical symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and management of
preeclampsia has been sought in-depth to date, the underlying causes of preeclampsia still
need to be understood. A currently widely accepted hypothesis based on the theory of
abnormal placentation causing maternal physiological dysfunction (Driul, 2023).
In the 2019 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines,
a woman is categorized as at high risk of preeclampsia if she has a history of hypertension
in previous pregnancies or inherited diseases such as chronic kidney disease,
autoimmune, diabetes, or chronic hypertension (Parikh et al., 2017). Women are
categorized as medium risk if they are nullipara, aged >40 years, have a body mass index
of >35 kg/m2, have a family history of preeclampsia, multiple pregnancies, or pregnancy
intervals of more than ten years (Fox, Kitt, Leeson, Aye, & Lewandowski, 2019). Risk
factors for preeclampsia are as follows (Konar, 2018).
1. Primigravida
2. Family history of hypertension and preeclampsia
3. Disorders of the placenta, such as hyperplacentosis in twin pregnancies, diabetes, and
placental ischemic
4. Obesity: BMI >35 kg/m2 leading to insulin resistance
5. Have a history of vascular disorders
An additional risk factor that affects the incidence of preeclampsia is that mothers
with multiple pregnancies are 3-4x more likely to develop PE. This is due to an increase
in the workload of the cardiovascular system, which causes an increase in cardiac output
and vascular resistance (Bergman et al., 2020).
Metode yang digunakan adalah case report
Results and Discussion
Hypertensive disease due to pregnancy is more likely to occur in multiple fetuses.
The exact incidence associated with twin gestation is challenging to know because twin
pregnancies are more likely to be born less than months before preeclampsia can occur
and because women with twin pregnancies are often older and multiparous. For example,
the incidence of pregnancy-related hypertension in women with multiple pregnancies is
20 percent.
Santema et al. conducted a case-control study with 187 twin and 187 single
pregnancies matched for maternal age, parity, and gestational age at birth. The incidence
of hypertension was significantly higher in women carrying twins-l5 versus 6 percent.
Mastrobattista et al. compared 53 triplet pregnancies with 53 twin pregnancies and
observed that the rate of severe preeclampsia was significantly higher in women with
triplet-23 versus 6 percent. These data suggest that fetal number and placental mass play
Preeclampsia in Multiples: A Comparative Case Study on Dichorionic-Diamniotic Twin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2231
a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. In multifetal gestation, hypertension not only
arises more often but also tends to appear earlier and more severely.
The management plan carried out is blood pressure regulation, seizure prevention,
and termination of pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy is carried out by cesarean
section and IUD insertion without complications. After surgery, cesarean section
treatment is carried out in the usual room and observation.
This is in line with the results of research from (Monteiro et al., 2021), which states
there is a difference in the incidence of preeclampsia in Gemelli's pregnancy and singleton
pregnancy, namely 13% of the incidence of preeclampsia in Gemelli's pregnancy and 7%
of the incidence of preeclampsia in singleton pregnancies and with an odds ratio of 3x.
Gemelli's pregnancy is thought to be able to trigger severe preeclampsia because it causes
hyperplacentosis. Hyperplacentosis is believed to increase antiangiogenic levels
circulating in the maternal circulation, affecting the balance of angiogenic and
antiangiogenic factors (Nelson, Ogunkua, & Cunningham, 2022).
VEGF is the main angiogenic factor that aids the angiogenesis process and
stabilizes the mature endothelium. VEGF works on two receptors, namely VEGF tyrosine
kinase and felt-1 receptor. PIGF, which is also an angiogenic factor, helps amplify the
performance of VEGF by replacing the VEGF placed on the felt-1 receptor so that VEGF
can bind more to the VEGF tyrosine kinase receptor. Soluble flt-1 or sflt-1 is one of the
antiangiogenic secreted by the placenta and has antagonistic properties against VEGF and
PIGF. When Gemelli pregnancy occurs, the number of angiogenic factors increases and
causes an imbalance in the amount of antiangiogenic and angiogenic and causes
An increase in placental mass also affects the increased need for blood supply
demand, causing hypoperfusion and producing oxidative stress (Kiondo et al., 2012).
Increased amounts of exposure to chorionic villi can also spur the onset of preeclampsia.
In Gemelli pregnancies, the amount of chorionic villi exposure is more significant than
in singleton pregnancies (Nelson et al., 2022). In addition, the increasing number of
trophoblastic debris and antigens can trigger excessive inflammatory processes and the
onset of preeclampsia (Parmadi & Pratama, 2020).
Multigravida pregnancies are thought to develop a protective system against
preeclampsia, although, in previous pregnancies, abortions have occurred. For
pregnancies five or more, it is believed to be more at risk for preeclampsia compared to
muligravida, with several pregnancies 2-4 due to older age factors and suspected to have
developed essential hypertension (Kiondo et al., 2012).
Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome that occurs after the 20th week
of pregnancy in the form of reduced organ perfusion due to vasospasm and endothelial
activation. Pre-eclampsia is a particular condition in pregnancy characterized by
increased blood pressure (TD) and proteinuria. Pre-eclampsia is a collection of symptoms
that arise in pregnant women, childbirth, and the puerperium consisting of the triad:
hypertension, proteinuria, and edema. Maternity mothers with Severe pre-eclampsia
(PEB) are performed mainly by cesarean section cito. Severe Pre-Eclampsia (PEB) is an
Reny Faristin Putri Arifin, Via Rustiani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2232
indication of childbirth that is at risk of threatening the lives of mothers and babies.
Therefore, maternity mothers who have been diagnosed with Severe Pre-Eclampsia must
be immediately carried out by SC for the safety of mother and baby. Close monitoring is
needed during and after surgery (Tambuwun, Natalia, & Muharni, 2023).
Hypertensive disease due to pregnancy is more likely to occur in multiple fetuses.
The exact incidence associated with twin gestation is challenging to know because twin
pregnancies are more likely to be born less than months before preeclampsia can occur
and because women with twin pregnancies are often older and multiparous.
An increase in placental mass also affects the increased need for blood supply
demand, causing hypoperfusion and producing oxidative stress. Increased amounts of
exposure to chorionic villi can also spur the onset of preeclampsia. In Gemelli
pregnancies, the amount of chorionic villi exposure is more significant than in singleton
pregnancies. In addition, the increasing number of trophoblastic debris and antigens can
trigger excessive inflammatory processes and the onset of preeclampsia. Multiple
pregnancies are at risk of causing PEB.
Preeclampsia in Multiples: A Comparative Case Study on Dichorionic-Diamniotic Twin
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