Analysis of English Lesson Plans of Junior High School Teachers in Bumiayu District
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2375
students. Thus, this 4C ability must be embedded in students to face the challenges in the
millennium era.
In the future, the lesson plan needs to be evaluated regarding the presentation of the
4Cs. This evaluation is important so that teachers can understand the components and
meaning of the 4Cs well and can implement them into lesson plans so that the competence
of 21st-century students can be realised. The importance of conducting an evaluation
related to the formulation of learning must be in accordance with the 21st century so that
learning with the application of the 4Cs will improve the quality of education.
d. Aspects of character strengthening, numeric base, old/new literacy, HOTS, HOMS,
and self-determine learning (independent) explore the potential of multiple
intelligence in students.
From the results of the analysis, it can be seen that 66% of lesson plans were less
than perfect in presenting these components. This was because there were still many
teachers who did not understand the true meaning of aspects of character strengthening,
numerical basis, old/new literacy, HOTS, HOMS, and self-determined learning. In the
presentation of the lesson plan, there were still many incomplete components. In addition,
aspects of character strengthening, numerical basis, old/new literacy, HOTS, HOMS, and
self-determined learning are very important components.
Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character
Education is in the context of realising a cultured nation through strengthening religious
values, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democratic,
curiosity, national spirit, love for motherland, appreciation achievement, communicative,
love peace, love to read, care for the environment, care about social, and be responsible,
need character education.130 According to Al Ghazali in Megawangi, the character is
similar to morality, which means the character or habit of doing good things. He describes
that character as a person's behaviour that comes from a good heart. Therefore, character
education is an active effort to form good habits.
Based on the explanation above, this learning activity is very important and must
be presented properly. The researcher suggests that teachers receive counselling so that
they will know more about the true meaning of aspects of character strengthening,
numerical basis, old/new literacy, HOTS, HOMS, and self-determine learning
(independent). With counselling, the teacher can present the components of this activity
and achieve the learning objectives well.
e. some activities facilitate attitudes, knowledge and skills
From the results of the analysis, it was still found that 82% of lesson plans did not
present activities that facilitated attitudes, knowledge, and skills perfectly. At the same
time, 13% of lesson plans did not present this component. Only 5% of lesson plans were
able to present this component perfectly. This indicates that the teacher has not been able
to master writing lesson plans for this component. Meanwhile, presenting activities that
facilitate attitudes, knowledge, and skills is very important so that learning activities can
be understood and clearly described. If the description of learning activities is presented
clearly, in practice, the teacher can be more maximal and master the teaching.