Analysis of the linearity of the story on the creation of the game "Elephant Rescue.”
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2329
is a learning media that uses computers as the primary tool in delivering material in the
learning process. One of the computer-based technologies being developed today is
games or games. (van der Beek et al., 2013) Games as a learning medium could make the
learning atmosphere more pleasant and reduce the saturation of information or material
teachers deliver to students/students (Rahmanda, 2020).
Game-based learning is one solution to reducing boredom in the learning process.
Education or Education is a human need and the process of self-development as an
individual and social being (Qodr, 2020). Education is constantly changing, improving
and developing. Preserving the potential existence of local wisdom is limited to
conventional space and National Parks (TN). Currently, the existence of National Parks
is an inseparable part of people's lives (Trijayanti, Ernawati, & Budiarto, 2017). National
Park as a means to store, preserve and introduce the existence of biological creatures. In
addition, the existence of the National Park is also an effort to introduce culture to the
surrounding community (Saurik, Yuniarno, & Susiki, 2015). The existence of the
National Park is essential, as is the value of character education and the story surrounding
it (Wibawa, Mumtaziah, Sholaihah, & Hikmawan, 2021). However, public awareness,
especially the younger generation, regarding the existence of the National Park still needs
to grow. Hence, the benefits of its existence in the National Park should be addressed.
National Park is a nature conservation area with an original ecosystem, managed with a
zoning system used for research, science, education, supporting cultivation, tourism, and
recreation. One of the national parks in Indonesia is Way Kambas National Park, located
in Lampung.
Way Kambas National Park is famous as a conservation place for Sumatran
elephants native to Sumatra Island (Mustafa et al., 2019). Data from the Director General
of PHKA of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (2007) published that
the estimated population of Sumatran elephants ranges from 2400-2800 individuals; in
Aceh, it is estimated that 500-530 elephants remain comparable to 25% of Sumatran
elephants inhabiting Aceh forest areas and spread across 20 districts of 23
regencies/cities. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 1999 concerning the
conservation of biological natural resources and their ecosystems must be protected and
conserved. Elephants are one of the endangered animals whose existence on earth is
decreasing due to the narrowing of their natural habitat and various disturbances to this
animal, such as hunting and slaughter due to conflict with humans. In this modern era,
education about nature conservation, such as Way Kambas National Park, is rarely known
by the public. Especially for elementary school children, Indonesia is also being hit by a
pandemic that requires online schooling (online) to make the teaching and learning
system ineffective. This can be done in various ways in the increasingly sophisticated
world of technology. These efforts can be made by creating game-based learning through
storytelling. The creation of this work is a way to overcome several learning problems
and instil character education in the younger generation. The creation of works is not only
focused on gameplay aspects but also trying to create a story that can be unified (linear)
in the game. Digital game-based learning can be played on Android smartphones.