Jelita Adelina Bago, Rina Shahriyani Shahrullah, Nurlaily
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3048
development, and causing disappointment among the community. For example, what
happened in Batam City was two Batam civil servants who were fired for skipping work,
and two civil servants who were dismissed for violating the code of ethics (Yusak &
Subroto, 2023).
Work discipline is a step to increase awareness and compliance with all company
regulations and applicable social norms, it is important to implement work discipline. One
approach, in this case, is to provide sanctions in the form of punishments and reprimands
as an effort to create a deterrent effect for employees, as well as to prevent the repetition
of mistakes and improve their performance. Disciplinary violations that often occur
include late arrivals, absences without clear reasons, leaving early, and various other
forms of violations that result in low productivity of the employees concerned, as well as
hindering the development process in the government environment. This is important to
overcome for the realization of good governance (Sutoro, Mawardi, & Sugiarti, 2020).
According to Batam Mayor Regulation Number 37 of 2023 concerning Main
Duties, Functions, Job Descriptions, and Work Systems within the Education Office, the
Head of the Batam City Education Office has the main responsibility to lead, regulate,
formulate, foster, control, coordinate, and be responsible for technical policies for the
implementation of local government affairs in the field of Regional Education. All these
actions are carried out by the principle of autonomy and assistance duties, as well as by
holding the authority that has been determined.
Based on the Circular Letter of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and
Bureaucratic Reform Number 16 of 2022 concerning the Obligation to Comply with the
Provisions of Working Hours for State Civil Apparatus, which was then implemented
through the Batam Mayor Circular Letter Number 47 of 2022, the obligation to comply
with the provisions of working hours for State Civil Apparatus within the Batam City
Government is clarified, where in Point 5 letter (c) it is stated that the number of effective
working hours for Local Government Agencies that Carry out 5 (five) or 6 (six) working
days to meet a minimum of 37.5 hours per week.
Based on data from the State Civil Apparatus Advisory Board (BPASN) of the State
Civil Service Agency in 2021-2022, it was found that there were cases of violations of
civil servant discipline that were administratively appealed at BPASN, including non-
attendance at work (152 cases), criminal acts of position/having a relationship with the
position (36 cases), drugs (28 cases), cases of living together without marriage/violation
of PP 10/1983 jo 45/1990 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for Civil Servants
(26 cases), and abuse of authority (23 cases). The importance of work discipline for Civil
Servants (PNS) as a vital element in government administration and national
development. Referring to Article 11 of Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning the State
Civil Apparatus (ASN), civil servants are expected to implement public policies, provide
professional public services, and strengthen the unity and unity of the Republic of
Indonesia. The role of civil servants is considered crucial in supporting the effectiveness
of the implementation of government duties, which requires high professionalism,
responsibility, and integrity.