pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2015
Comparison of Physical Activity Levels by Sex in Public
Elementary Schools and Private Elementary Schools
Wulan Rahmadona
, Wulandari Putri
, Lukmannul Haqim Lubay
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Comparison
of Physical Activity;
Public Primary School
Students; Private Primary
School Students; PAQ-C.
In the development process of primary school students,
physical activity plays a vital role in supporting this
development. Several factors, including school type and
student gender, can cause differences in physical activity
levels. This study sought to review how physical activity
levels are based on school type and how physical activity
levels differ between male and female students in public and
private primary schools. This study was conducted in
Purwakarta Regency, Wanayasa District, and took a
population of 3 public and three private elementary schools,
with a sample of 60 people. This type of research is
descriptive quantitative and uses the Physical Activity
Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) research
instrument. From the results of the study, it is known that
public primary schools have better physical activity levels
compared to private primary schools. Male and female
students in public primary schools have better physical
activity levels than private primary school students.
Physical activity is significant in children's development; the World Health
Organization (WHO) recommends that children and adolescents aged 5-17 do at least 60
minutes of daily physical activity (RAHMAWATI, n.d.). However, from the results of a
study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2018, only
21.7% of elementary school students got the amount of physical activity recommended
by the American Heart Association. Similarly, in the Asian region, the Sun Life-supported
Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance 2022 report, the report highlights the lack of
physical activity and many sedentary behaviours among children and adolescents in Asia,
increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, mental health
disorders, as well as various other adverse health conditions. According to the Active
Healthy Kids Global Alliance 2022 report, in terms of physical activity, Hong Kong and
Malaysia scored D, while Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam scored F. These results
indicate that less than 20% of children aged 6 to 17 years achieve an average of moderate
Wulan Rahmadona, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2016
to intense physical activity for at least 60 minutes daily. So, the level of physical activity
in elementary school students is a problem that needs serious attention so that it does not
cause even more significant gaps (Kriswandaru, 2018).
In Indonesia, gaps in students' levels of physical activity can occur based on school
type, where private school students often have more access to resources and structured
physical education programs than their peers in public schools (Tribby et al., 2020, p. 5).
In a study conducted by (Shabbir et al., 2014), private schools provide superior physical
facilities compared to public schools; this happens because private schools mainly depend
on financial resources obtained from school fees paid by students or parents, while public
schools obtain funding from the government and are often constrained by government
education budgets. More resources in finance and policy can affect the availability and
quality of sports facilities in schools (Thapa et al., 2019).
In addition to differences caused by school type, gender can cause physical activity
gaps (The Lancet Public Health, 2019, p. 360). In society, especially in Indonesia, there
is a stereotype that boys are more physically active than girls (Nur. 2020, p. 47). The
research of Tribby et al. supports the sentence (2020, p. 4), which states that these
stereotypes often translate into fundamental differences in the implementation of physical
activity given to students at school, with boys encouraged to participate in sports and
outdoor activities, while girls are often directed towards more sedentary activities.
Several studies have indicated differences in physical activity patterns between male and
female students in some countries. For example, a study by (Telford et al., 2016) found
that men engage in high-intensity physical activity more often than women, who tend to
do light-intensity physical activity. Still, his research stated that women were more active,
fitter, and had less body fat than participants with low physical activity. This sex-based
bias in physical activity at a young age can have long-term consequences for an
individual's health and well-being (Granero-Jiménez et al., 2022).
In several previous studies, it is known that there are differences in physical activity
between male and female students (Istiqomah, 2022), (Kurnianingsi, 2022), (Prasetyo &
Hidayat, n.d.), (Supriyatna et al., 2019), (Telford et al., 2016). However, there have not
been many studies exploring differences in physical activity based on sex in public and
private elementary school students, such as research conducted by Makhmudin &
Wahjuni (2017, p. 54), which found that there was no difference in physical fitness levels
between students in private schools and students in public schools. Still, the weakness of
the study was that it did not compare sex and physical activity between Male and female
students in public and private schools. Some studies focus on differences in physical
activity by school type without delving into the gender aspect. In contrast, others focus
on gender but do not compare between public and private schools. This encourages
researchers to conduct research by comparing physical activity between public and
private schools by exploring aspects of gender.
Perbandingan Level Aktivitas Fisik Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin di Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan
Sekolah Dasar Swasta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2017
Research Methods
The type of research used is descriptive quantitative. The method used in this study
is survey research because this method allows researchers to collect data from several
respondents in a relatively short time. The data analysis technique used in this study was
categorising five categories according to Azwar (2012) and cross-tabulation to compare
physical activity levels between public and private elementary school students. The
population in this study is public and private elementary school students in Purwakarta
Regency, Wanayasa District, consisting of 21 public elementary schools and three private
elementary schools. Then, to get a balanced comparison, researchers took three public
and three private elementary schools, with the number of participants in each school
namely ten students consisting of 5 boys and five girls. The data in this study was obtained
through the offline distribution of questionnaires; the research instrument used in this
study was The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C).
Results and Discussion
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics
Valid N (listwise)
The results of descriptive statistical calculations show that the maximum value
obtained is 47, with a minimum value of 18, then a mean value of 31.30, and a std value
a deviation of 6,057. After conducting descriptive statistical analysis, the next step is to
divide the categories into five categories by following the calculations (Widiyatmoko &
Hadi, 2018); these categories include very low, low, medium, high, and very high. The
following are the results of the categorisation calculations obtained in this study:
Table 2
Categorisation Calculation
Decision / Category
Std. Deviation
Mean (1.5 * Std. Deviation)
< 22 / Very Low
Mean (0.5 * Std. Deviation)
23-28 / Low
Mean + (0.5 * Std. Deviation)
29-34 / Medium
Mean + (1.5 * Std. Deviation)
35-40 / High
X > (Mean + (1.5 * Std. Deviation))
> 40
> 40 / Highly Tall
After getting the calculation of the categories to be used, the next step is to perform
data analysis using cross-tabulation, with the following results:
Physical Activity Comparison of Primary School Students by School Type
Wulan Rahmadona, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2018
Table 3
Cross-tabulation by school type
Activity Level
Types of
From the results of cross-tabulation, it can be seen that public school students have
a higher level of physical activity compared to private school students; this condition can
be seen in the very high category owned by only five public school students, while private
school students are not in the very high category. Then, in the high category, public school
students numbered as many as nine people, while private school students only numbered
two. However, in the medium, low, and shallow categories, it is dominated by private
schools. To get a clearer picture, it can be seen in the following picture:
Figure 1
Physical activity comparison chart by school type
Figure 1 shows that public school students have a higher level of physical activity
than private school students; public school students have a physical activity level in the
low-very-high category, while private school students have a physical activity level in the
very low-high category and do not get a very high category. From these conditions, it can
be interpreted that public elementary school students have a better activity level than
private elementary school students.
Comparison of physical activity of primary school students by gender
In this section, a comparative review of physical activity by sex will be conducted
in public and private elementary school students. The following are the results obtained
in this study:
Physical Activity Comparison of Male Students in Public and Private Primary
Rendah Sedang Tinggi Sangat Tinggi
Negeri Swasta
Perbandingan Level Aktivitas Fisik Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin di Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan
Sekolah Dasar Swasta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2019
Table 4
Cross Tabulation of Male Public and Private Primary Schools
Activity Level
State Men
Go to a Ford
The cross-tabulation results show that male students in public schools have a higher
level of physical activity than male students in private schools. Five male students from
public schools occupy the very high category, while male students from private schools
do not occupy the very high category. Almost the same thing happened in the high
category; male students from public elementary schools met the category of as many as
five people, while male students from private elementary schools only numbered as many
as two people. In the medium category, male students from private elementary schools
fill this category the most, with 7 people, while male students from public elementary
schools only number 4. While in the low category, male students from private schools
dominate with six people, and male students from private schools only number 1 person.
Then, in the deficient category, no male students from public and private elementary
schools occupy this category. To provide a clearer picture of these conditions, the
researchers made the following graph:
Figure 2
Comparison Chart of Physical Activity of Male Students in Public and Private Elementary
Figure 2 shows that male students in public schools have a higher level of physical
activity than male students in private schools. Thus, these conditions suggest that male
public elementary school students have a better physical activity level than male students
from private elementary schools.
Physical Activity Comparison of Female Students in Public and Private Primary
5 5
Sangat Rendah Rendah Sedang Tinggi Sangat Tinggi
Laki-Laki Negeri Laki-Laki Swasta
Wulan Rahmadona, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2020
Table 5
Cross-tabulation of Public and Private Primary School Women
Physical Activity Level
Women of
the Country
The results of cross-tabulations between female students of public and private
elementary schools show that female students of public elementary schools have a higher
activity level than female students from private elementary schools. To provide a clearer
picture of these conditions, the researchers made the following graph:
Figure 3. Comparison Chart of Physical Activity of Female Students in Public and Private
Elementary Schools
From Figure 3, it can be seen that female students in public schools have a higher
level of physical activity compared to female students in private schools. This condition
can be seen from the number of female students in the high category with four people. At
the same time, no female students from public elementary schools occupy the deficient
category. The opposite condition occurs in students from private elementary schools; in
the high category, there are no female students from private elementary schools who
occupy the category, while in the deficient category, there are as many as four people who
occupy the category. From this condition, it can be interpreted that female students from
public elementary schools have a better level of physical activity when compared to
female students from private elementary schools.
Physical Activity of Primary School Students by School Type
The study results show that public elementary school students have a better level of
physical activity than private elementary school students. This study's results align with
research conducted by Mahaur Badiger (2018), which states that public elementary school
0 0
Sangat Rendah Rendah Sedang Tinggi Sangat Tinggi
Perempuan Negeri Perempuan Swasta
Perbandingan Level Aktivitas Fisik Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin di Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan
Sekolah Dasar Swasta
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2021
students show higher physical activity levels than private elementary school students.
However, research by Makhmudin Wahjuni (2017) states that there is no difference in
physical activity between public and private elementary school students. The condition
in this study occurred because the private elementary school that was the subject of the
study was Madrasah Ibtidaiyah; in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, physical education and health
learning were obstacles such as the lack of teacher competence to conduct physical
education learning, which could potentially affect the quality of physical education
provided and failed in motivating students to do physical activity both in school scope
and outside school. This sentence is supported by research conducted by (Husnan et al.,
2023), which states that the sports activity of students in Madrasah Ibtidaiah does not
meet the specified qualifications.
Physical Activity Levels of Male Students in Public and Private Primary Schools
The study results show that male students in public elementary schools have a better
level of physical activity than male students in private elementary schools. This condition
can occur because, in public elementary schools in Purwakarta Regency, the facilities
available to support the physical activity of male students are more adequate than in
private schools. The results of the evaluation of the PAQ-C instrument show that male
students of public elementary schools during recess prefer to play with their peers,
compared to male students in private schools who prefer to sit and talk. This condition
can also be influenced by the increasingly widespread use of gadgets, as stated by
(Wiguna et al., 2020), which state that the ease of daily activities can make a person move
from one place to another less often.
Physical Activity Level of Female Students in Public and Private Primary Schools
The study results show that female students in public elementary schools have a
better level of physical activity than female students in private elementary schools. The
evaluation of the PAQ-C instrument shows that female students at school prefer to talk
with friends and rest, but female students are more active after school. The opposite is
true for students in private elementary schools; many students tend to be more active
during school than after school. However, considering that the time after school is more
extended than when at school, this can cause this condition to occur. However, despite
female students' better physical activity levels in public schools than in private schools,
the absence of female students occupying very high physical activity categories must be
a concern. According to (Anjani et al., 2023), to increase the desire of female students to
carry out physical activities can be done by focusing learning that takes place on students
to become more active, then providing precise and detailed motion task instructions by
accompanying students directly so that students can complete their movement tasks and
enter the results of their activities on predetermined criteria.
From the findings of research conducted in this study, it can be concluded that the
level of physical activity in public elementary school students is better than that of private
Wulan Rahmadona, Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 2022
elementary school students. Then, the physical activity levels of male and female students
in public elementary schools were better than male and female students in private
elementary schools. However, the level of physical activity in female students in both
public and private elementary schools still needs to be improved, considering the absence
of female students who occupy very high physical activity categories in both public and
private elementary schools.
Perbandingan Level Aktivitas Fisik Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin di Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan
Sekolah Dasar Swasta
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