pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2073
Improving Teacher Performance By Worship Motivation and
Work Discipline Case Study at Bakong Pittaya School,
Rahma Izzati Fitri
, Eni Candra Nurhayati
, Bahtiar Effendi
Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an Wonosobo, Indonesia
Keywords: Motivation,
Work Discipline, Teacher
This study aims to determine how work discipline and
motivation affect teachers' performance. This study used
total sampling for data collection, which involved
distributing questionnaires and measuring the results with a
Likert scale. Work discipline and motivation are the study's
independent variables, and Teacher Performance is the
study's dependent variable. The outcomes of this study
demonstrate that work discipline and motivation positively
and significantly affect teachers' performance. Conclusion
Teacher performance is significantly impacted by work
discipline. This demonstrates that teachers' performance at
Bakong Pittaya School in Thailand will improve the more
work discipline they possess. With the T-statistic value of
6.947, the influence of work discipline is more significant
than motivation.
Education is one of the most vital areas of life, shaping and obtaining the highest
standard of living in society. Within the field of education, the activities of teaching and
learning are inextricably linked to the role of the teacher. Essentially, a teacher's primary
duty is to ensure that the students they guide and assist in learning meet the established
educational objectives. Teachers are also crucial to the efficiency of education since they
significantly impact how all educational resources are used (Riyanto, 2017).
The 20-year National Strategy is based on Thailand's National Education Act 1999
and Amendment Version 2 2002. Number 12 of the National Economic and Social Plan
(20172021). All of these policies, plans, and initiatives seek to mould students into
flawless human beings who are disciplined, capable of taking care of their families,
communities, and country, and who are intellectually, mentally, and physically strong
country (Rizal, 2019). Bakong Pittaya School is a multi-level school that offers
instruction from kindergarten to senior high school. It is situated in Nong Chik District,
Pattani, Thailand. Thailand's government has formalised this institution. Thus, it can be
Rahma Izzati Fitri, Eni Candra Nurhayati, Bahtiar Effendi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2074
said that Bakong Pittaya School aims to develop its pupils' cognitive, moral, and
behavioural skills.
According to (Alimmudin and Basuki, 2022), teacher performance factors include
motivation and work discipline. The role of motivation improves teacher performance.
Motivation can achieve the expected performance of another thing (Anwar et al., 2021).
One of the popular theories of motivation is the hierarchy of needs theory presented by
Abraham Maslow. It is explained in this theory that humans have needs that are highly
dependent on individual interests. Maslow assumes that five levels of needs exist.
Namely, they need psychological security, social, self-esteem, and self-actualisation
(Nurhayati et al., 2022). It is also explained in the Al-Qur’an (At-Taubah: 105), which
means, “Work! Then Allah and His messenger and the believers will see your work, and
you will be returned to Him (Allah) who knows the unseen and the real. Then He will tell
you what you have done”. According to that explanation of the opinions and verse, it can
be concluded that the ideal motivation is what is expected to arise in someone when
carrying out work, not only motivation regarding personal needs but also there is a value
of worship that is applied in their life and it is to increase faith and devotion to Allah
SWT. In reality, Bakong Pittaya School still only supplied conventional motivation,
namely to get rewards, and has not been motivated that working is for worship. Get
rewards as evidenced by the existence of several teacher who only come to carry out their
primary duties without involving the value of worship in doing it. It shows that the
existing motivation is not balanced between motivation as a human being and motivation
to worship God.
According to (Maryani et al., 2021), work discipline is a measuring tool to
communicate with employees so that they are willing to increase awareness and obey the
company regulations and applicable social norms. (Fachrunnisa & Adhiatma, 2014)
Discipline is an attitude of respect and appreciation for regulation that is applied both in
writing and unwritten, and it can carry out or may accept sanctions if it violates the duties
and authority given. Al-Qur’an (Al-Ashr: 1-3) explains that time is the principal capital
for humans. If time is used for valuable things, it will be a positive value; otherwise, if
time is not used for positive things, it will be wasted, and the principal capital will be lost.
So, it can be concluded that both conventional and Islamic disciplines have an attitude of
respecting and using time as well as possible with awareness and not violating or wasting
This Relationship between Motivation and Teacher Performance
Motivation is an internal driving force that propels a person to perform specific
tasks or activities (Riyanto, 2017). Recently, there has been much publicity about the
relationship between motivation and performance. Motivation is still a crucial factor
affecting how well people work, whether they are school teachers or business employees.
Several studies have shown that motivation significantly affects teacher
performance (Riyanto, 2017). They argued that the motivation within each individual
/teacher dramatically influences the progress of teacher performance, which will improve
school performance. According to this opinion, a hypothesis can be formulated as
Improving Teacher Performance By Worship Motivation and Work Discipline Case Study at
Bakong Pittaya School, Thailand
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2075
HI: Motivation has a positive influence on teacher performance.
Research Methods
The study's participants were Thai teachers at Bakong Pittaya School, including
every elementary, junior, and senior high school teacher. In this study, the entire
population is sampled by total sampling. (Sugiyono, 2019) defines entire sampling as a
sampling technique in which every member serves as a sample. There are 74 teachers in
the sample and the population in this study. IBM SPSS 25 was the analytical tool used in
this study.
This study used total sampling for data collection, which involved distributing
questionnaires and measuring the results with a Likert scale. Work discipline and
motivation are the study's independent variables. Teacher Performance is the study's
dependent variable.
Results and Discussion
Validity Test
A validity test determines whether or not a questionnaire may be taken for granted
(Sugiono, 2019).
Table 1
Validity Test Results
ion n
Readability Test
A reliability test evaluates the dependability of a questionnaire. Cronbach's Alpha
value indicates the reliability of the test results. The critical limit of the alpha value for
Cronbach's Alpha calculation, which uses SPSS assistance, is 0.70. Therefore, a Cronbach
alpha value greater than 0.70 indicates the reliability of the questionnaire.
Rahma Izzati Fitri, Eni Candra Nurhayati, Bahtiar Effendi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2076
Table 2
Reliability Test Results
Alpha Based on
Work Discipline
This table shows that all variables match the Cronbach Alpha requirements and are
dependable because they are more significant than 0.70.
Normality Test
Apply the normality test to determine whether a variable is normal. The One-
Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test is a non-parametric statistical test employed in this
study to assess normalcy.
Table 3
Normality Test Results
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Monte Carlo Sig. (2-
Improving Teacher Performance By Worship Motivation and Work Discipline Case Study at
Bakong Pittaya School, Thailand
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2077
99% Confidence Interval
The provided data indicate that they are typically distributed because the probability
value is 0.61, higher than the significance level of 0.05.
Hypothesis Test
Multiple Regression Linear Analysis
This approach ascertains the impact of one dependent variable on two or more
independent variables by analysing the data using SPSS.
Table 4
Multiple Linear Analysis Results Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: total_Y
Multiple linear regression models are produced due to the computations done
using SPSS version 25.0. These results are as follows :
Y=a + β1X1 + β2X2 + e
The results of the multiple linear regression equation can be obtained as follows.
Y= 7,499 + 0,126 + 0,927
This equation allows for the following conclusions to be made:
1. 7.499 is the coefficient cost (α). This implies that teacher performance will be
enhanced by employing 7.499 every occasion where motivation and work discipline
are regular and unaffected by motivation and the work discipline.
2. β1 is equal to 0,126. This indicates that the motivation variable's regression coefficient
(X1) is 0.126, meaning that if all other factors remain constant, an increase in the
motivation variable of one score will likewise increase teacher performance by 0.126.
3. β2 is equal to 0,927. This indicates that the work discipline variable's (X2) regression
coefficient is 0.927, meaning that for every one-point rise in the work discipline
variable, there will be a 0.927 increase in teacher performance.
The Influence of Motivation on Teacher Performance
The count value 2.242 is associated with the motivation variable at a significance
level of 0.028. Based on this statistic, the count is 2.242> t table 1.99346. Following that,
Ho is turned down, and Ha is accepted. This suggests a somewhat substantial relationship
Rahma Izzati Fitri, Eni Candra Nurhayati, Bahtiar Effendi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2078
between the motivation variable and instructor performance. As a result, one may say that
the incentive variable has a favourable effect on repurchase interest. H1 has been
The Influence of Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
The work discipline variable has a count value of 6.497 and a significance level of
0.001. Based on this value, the count is 6.497> t table 1.99346. Following that, Ho is
turned down, and Ha is accepted. This suggests a somewhat substantial relationship
between the work discipline variable and teacher performance. Thus, it can be concluded
that the work discipline variable positively affects teacher performance. H2 is accepted.
Dessler (2001) said that motivation, which is one's ability to meet individual needs
while exerting high levels of effort to attain organisational goals, is contingent upon
performance. Teachers must receive guidance and support to ensure that they complete
this responsibility. Therefore, they will have a high level of commitment. In Hazberg's
theory, intrinsic motivation is related to the content of the work itself, and therein lies the
psychological need for growth and recognition. Humans are also by nature on this earth
to worship Allah SWT, just as a teacher is motivated to teach and carry out his first
worship, as explained in the Qur'an letter Azzuriyat. 56: 56.
This study suggests that motivation positively impacts teacher performance. The
indications demonstrate how psychological, security, social, self-esteem, and self-
actualisation needs can enhance a person's motivation for work. The results of the
statistical testing on the impact of motivation on teacher performance indicate that Ha is
accepted and Ho is rejected, with a significance value of 0.028, or less than 0.05, and a
count value of 2.424>, table 1.99346. Thus, it is evident that H1 is approved since
motivation improves instructor effectiveness.
This study aligns with previous research findings. (Andriani et al., 2018)Sudirman
et al. (2019) argued that each individual/teacher's motivation dramatically influences the
progress of the teacher's performance, which in turn will improve school performance.
Work discipline demonstrates employees' compliance with rules to meet
organisational objectives (Salim & Ernanda, 2023). Work discipline among employees
can produce high-performing workers since more disciplined workers will perform better
overall and conversely.
According to this study, a person's attitude toward following the established
guidelines and performance expectations is a good indicator of how well he or she is
performing. An individual who demonstrates high conformity with current regulations is
accountable for his work. Work discipline has a significant impact on teacher
performance, according to studies by Sukrisna et al. (2022), Yoel Brando (Sitopu et al.,
2021), and (Fauzi & Herminingsih, 2021). Ahmad Fauzi and Anik Hermaningsih contend
that raising teacher awareness of following rules and being able to succeed without
escaping consequences for persistent rule violations is one way to improve teacher
According to the tested variable, the measured value for work discipline indicates
that <0,001 can explain why <0,05 is consistent with the outcome of count 6,497>.
Improving Teacher Performance By Worship Motivation and Work Discipline Case Study at
Bakong Pittaya School, Thailand
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However, the available data indicates that the ttable is 1,99346 that has been set. As a
result, it is possible to see that H2 is accepted and Ho is rejected based on the presumption
that strengthening work discipline will come first, then teacher performance.
Their motivation significantly impacts teacher performance. This indicates that
teachers' performance at Bakong Pittaya School in Thailand increases with their level of
motivation. When conventional and spiritual motivation are balanced, teacher
performance will be of higher quality. Teacher performance is also significantly impacted
by work discipline. This demonstrates that teachers' performance at Bakong Pittaya
School in Thailand will improve the more work discipline they possess.
With the T-statistic value of 6.947, the influence of work discipline is more significant
than motivation.
Rahma Izzati Fitri, Eni Candra Nurhayati, Bahtiar Effendi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2080
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