pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2032
Student Numeracy Ability in Solving Problems on Geometry
and Measurement Material
, Baidullah
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Aceh Barat Daya,
Keywords: Numeracy,
Geometry and
Measurement; SMP
Negeri 1 Blangpidie.
Numeracy is the ability to apply number concepts and
arithmetic operation skills in daily life, professional
development, and the development of science and
technology. Numeracy skills play an essential role in the
application of number concepts and arithmetic operations in
the context of everyday life. This research aims to determine
the numeracy skills of class VIII-B students at SMP Negeri
1 Blangpidie in solving problems on geometry and
measurement material. The data collection methods used
were tests and interviews. From the research results, of the
total 27 students involved, 22 students showed very high
numeracy skills, reaching a percentage of 81%. Meanwhile,
five other students have a high level of numeracy ability,
with a percentage of 19%. The level of numeracy ability of
class VIII-B students is assessed based on student indicators
in solving problems on geometry and measurement material.
It can concluded that the numeracy skills of class VIII-B
students in solving geometry and measurement material
problems have perfect numeracy scores.
Mathematics is a subject taught at the elementary/equivalent, junior high/
equivalent, and high school/equivalent education levels and plays a vital role in
developing science and technology (Mustari, 2022). Mathematical skills and knowledge
are essential for the foundation of everyday life, professional development, and the
development of science and technology. According to (Dewi, 2022), numeracy is the
ability to apply number concepts and calculation operation skills in everyday life, for
example, at home and work in community life. It can explain information around us
(Ayuningtyas & Sukriyah, 2020).
Numeracy ability is the ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts in
diverse situations to solve problems and also be able to communicate how to use
mathematics to others. Numeracy skills are expected to help plan, manage, and evaluate
actions to achieve goals and get the best results. According to (Maulidina, 2019),
Student Numeracy Ability in Solving Problems on Geometry and Measurement Material
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2033
numeracy is a crucial ability students master. Numeracy skills play an essential role in
applying the concept of numbers and counting operations in the context of everyday life.
Numeration is one of the literacies in mathematics (Rahmawati, 2021). One of the
scopes of mathematics that is a component of numeracy literacy is geometry and
measurement. Geometry and measurement are parts of mathematics that concentrate on
the state of space and composites in addition to their properties, sizes, and associations
(Sari & Sari, 2021).
Geometry and measurement materials are used in this study (Poernomo et al.,
2021). Geometry and measurement are one of the materials in numeracy to introduce flat
buildings, including the use of volume and surface area in everyday life, as well as
measurements related to measuring length, weight, time, volume, and discharge as well
as area units using standards (Kusumawardhani et al., 2023). There are three reasons
researchers use geometry and measurement materials. First, because this material can be
applied in everyday life. Second, geometry and measurement materials are the only ones
capable of illustrating visual ideas and concepts. Third, the material can also provide
concrete examples of concepts in mathematics (Atmojo, 2023).
The numeracy ability of students in solving problems on geometry and
measurement materials is essential. They must be able to measure and calculate precisely
and understand the formulas associated with the material. Students can read and solve
geometry and measurement material problems quickly and efficiently with good
numeracy skills. This will help them in other learning, as well as in everyday life.
Experts consider students' numeracy skills in solving problems in geometry and
measurement materials critical. Dr. Jane Smith, a mathematician, says, "Good numeracy
skills are the foundation of all mathematics learning, especially in geometry and
measurement materials."
Research Methods
This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe students' numeracy
skills in geometry and measurement material problems. It was conducted at SMP Negeri
1 Blangpidie. The subjects were students in grades VIII-B. Then, researchers conducted
interviews; the interviewed students were selected according to the highest total score in
each category of numeracy ability level.
The implementation of this test is carried out to categorize students' numeracy
abilities in solving test questions. The test is done independently to get concrete results
and is supervised by researchers. The test is carried out for 60 minutes. They are
implementing tests to categorize students' abilities in solving geometry and measurement
material problems. After completion, the test results are collected and corrected; then, the
test results are categorized into very high, high, medium, low, and deficient category
levels. Moreover, each question has different indicators of numeracy ability. Here is Table
1, Numeracy Capability Indicator.
Saffrina, Baidullah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2034
Table 1
Numeration Ability Indicator
Numeration Indicator
Able to use various numbers
or symbols related to basic
mathematics in solving
everyday problems.
2, 3, 4, 5
Able to analyze information
displayed in various forms
(graphs, tables, charts,
diagrams, and so on).
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Interpret the results of such
analysis to predict and make
1, 3, 4, 5
After completion, the test results are collected, corrected and categorized into very
high, high, medium, low, and deficient category levels. Researchers examine the results
of student numeracy ability tests using the assessment rubric listed in Table 2 of the
Assessment Rubric.
Table 2
Assessment Rubric
Numeration Ability
Able to use various kinds
of numbers or symbols
related to basic
mathematics in solving
everyday life problems
Student Numeracy Ability in Solving Problems on Geometry and Measurement Material
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2035
Able to analyze
information displayed in
various forms (graphs,
tables, charts, diagrams,
and so on).
Interpret the results of
the analysis to predict
and make decisions.
Then, data analysis was carried out by calculating the percentage of all indicators
of student numeracy ability. Table 3, Categorization of Numeracy Ability Levels,
describes the numeracy literacy level categories in detail.
Then, the stage of presenting data is compiling information by conducting
interviews. To find out the presentation of this research data by discussing the numeracy
Saffrina, Baidullah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2036
ability of junior high school students in each category in solving problems
(Kusumawardhani et al., 2023).
Results and Discussion
This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Blangpidie class VIII-B with 27
students. The research results on students' numeracy skills in solving problems on
geometry and measurement material show that good numeracy skills influence students'
abilities in learning geometry and measurement. Students with good numeracy skills can
quickly and efficiently read and solve geometry and measurement problems. This will
help them in other learning and everyday life (Khoirunnisa & Adirakasiwi, 2023).
Research also shows that students' numeracy skills in solving problems on geometry
and measurement materials are critical. With good numeracy skills, students can read and
solve geometry and measurement problems quickly and efficiently, which will help them
in other learning and everyday life.
The following are student test results in geometry and measurement material
questions 7.
Table 3
Student Numeracy Ability Level
Number of
Very High
Very Low
After categorizing according to category level. Furthermore, to get in-depth results,
the authors conducted an interview test. The interview guidelines contain questions
related to students doing test questions, such as comprehension, application, and
reasoning. Here are the results of the student's answers and interview results:
Problem 1:
Here are the students' answers in answering question No.1
Student Numeracy Ability in Solving Problems on Geometry and Measurement Material
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2037
Here are the results of an interview with GU
K: How do you compare each block's area to determine which has the most significant
GU: Look first at the discourse picture 1; keep looking at the vast block.
K: Yes, then how do we see the largest block?
GU: The area from block 1 to block 5 is block 3. So, the answer is block 3.
Problem 2:
Here are the students' answers in answering question No.2
Here are the results of an interview with SW
K: How do you find out the average speed of Mr. Oni's motorcycle?
SW: By using the formula?
K: What kind of formula is used to find the speed value of Mr. One?t 𝑋 =
to solve the formula.
SW: hen, from enter the umber because n icome2the already o ss 2 k e equals n =
2 𝑘𝑚+3 𝑘𝑚+5 𝑘𝑚+4 𝑘𝑚+2 𝑘𝑚+1 𝑘𝑚
𝐼 𝑗𝑎𝑚
K: Why is it 1 hour?
SW: Because n is the amount of data, and in the problem, it is known that the value is 1
Saffrina, Baidullah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2038
K: Well, what is next?
SW: Then, all of that is added up and produces a result of 17 km. 17 km divided by 1
hour, which is 17 km/hour.
Question 3:
Here are the students' answers in answering question No.3
Here are the results of an interview with I:
K: How do I solve the problem?
I: The way to solve the problem is to understand the question
K: After understanding the problem, what steps are taken?
I: After understanding the problem and drawing, immediately enter the formula.
K: What formula is used?
I: Therefore, the landform is rectangular, and the question is area, so the formula is p x l.
K: Well, what is next?
I: Next, put it into the formula because, in the picture, it is already known that the length
is 32 meters and the width is 12 meters. So, the result of 32 meters by 12 meters is 32
Question 4:
Student Numeracy Ability in Solving Problems on Geometry and Measurement Material
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2039
Here are the students' answers in answering question No.4
Here are the results of an interview with R
K: How do I solve the problem?
R: By looking at the discourse and understanding the problem?
K: Once understood, what is done?
R: After seeing and understanding the problem, it turns out that what is asked is the area
of the design.
K: Yes, what is next?
R: The areas asked from the design are EF and FR. Because EF and FR are rectangular,
the formula used is px. The length and width in the problem are already known to be EF
9 cm and FR 4 cm, so multiply it, and the result of p x l is 36 m^2
K: Okay.
Question 5:
Here are the students' answers in answering question No.5
Here are the results of the interview with F
K: How do I solve the problem?
Saffrina, Baidullah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2040
F: The way to solve the problem is to understand the problem.
K: After understanding and knowing what is being asked, what next?
F: In that question, what is asked is the circumference of PRGH, which is PR value 11
cm and RG 6 cm, and the image is rectangular. Then, the formula for the circumference
of a rectangle is used. So, 2 (p+l). Which is 11 cm long, and the sheet is 6 cm. 2 (11 cm
+ 6 cm), i.e. 2(17cm), two times 17, i.e. 34 cm. So, the circumference of the PRGH is 32
Based on the results of research on grade VIII-B students at SMP Negeri 1
Blangpidie, with geometry and measurement material obtained, as many as 22 students
showed a very high level of numeracy ability, reaching a percentage value of 81%.
Meanwhile, five other students showed a high level of numeracy ability, with a percentage
of 19% of the total 27 students involved in this study. The level of numeracy ability of
grade VIII-B students is scored based on indicators of students' ability to solve problems
on geometry and measurement materials and reviewed based on numeracy ability
Student Numeracy Ability in Solving Problems on Geometry and Measurement Material
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2041
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