pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2798
Capacity Limit Measuring Tool on Children's School Bags
Using Esp32 Microcontroller and GPS Tracker
Putri Oktari
Jaka Persada Sembiring
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Lampung
Keywords: Bot Telegram,
ESP32, GPS, Keypad,
Backpacks are the main choice for students as a means of
carrying school supplies and materials, but often they do not
pay attention to the weight of the load they carry every day,
potentially causing injuries and pain in the back. This study
aims to design and implement a capacity limit measuring
device on children's school bags using the ESP32
microcontroller as the control center. The tool is equipped
with a 10kg load cell sensor to accurately measure the weight
of the bag, as well as a keypad as a user interface to easily
enter the child's weight. Safety is also considered with the
addition of a buzzer as an alarm if the weight of the bag's
capacity exceeds the set limit. GPS trackers are also
integrated to monitor the geographical location of bags,
allowing parents to monitor the movement of children and
the location of bags directly through Telegram bots. With
ESP32 as the brain, this tool provides a comprehensive
solution to maintain the health and safety of children in
carrying their school load. This tool also utilizes Telegram
technology to provide direct notifications about the weight
and location of children's bags to parents or other users.
Telegram bots connected to this tool automatically transmit
this information, providing additional convenience and
security for users.
When children go to school, they often carry books, stationery, and other utensils
in their bags. The heavy weight of a child's bag can hurt their health, such as problems
with the spine and poor posture (Faridah, 2023). Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the
weight of the child's bag remains within safe limits for their health. Using a backpack is
considered the best method to distribute the load symmetrically, thus reducing pressure
on the spine (Trisnawati, 2020). Choosing a backpack with two shoulder straps is
obviously more advisable than a duffel bag or a sling bag, because in such a bag, the
entire load will be carried by one shoulder only. Although there is no absolute limit
regarding the standard weight of the bag that is allowed, it is necessary to pay attention
Capacity Limit Measuring Tool on Children's School Bags Using Esp32 Microcontroller and
GPS Tracker
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2799
to it in order to continue to prioritize the health of the child (Putri, Oktarin, & Setiawan,
Pain in the back of the body can be described as discomfort that is felt locally or
involves nerve roots, or both, that are localized around the thoracolumbar or lumbosacral
region (Handayani, 2023). The results of a survey conducted by the Archives of Disease
in Childhood on 1,403 students showed that as many as 61.4% of them experienced pain
in the lower back. This incident is more commonly experienced by students aged 12-17
years (Setiaji, 2020). These findings reflect that pain in the lower back is a common
complaint, especially in 12-17-year-olds, which is a period of rapid growth. Another
factor that plays a role is the habit of carrying backpacks with excessive weight when
children should not carry more than 10% of their body weight [2].
The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and the American
Physical Therapy Association (APTA) recommend that students do not carry backpacks
that weigh more than 15% (or are in the range of 10% to 20%) of their body weight. In
2012, this recommendation was changed to a maximum of 10% of the student's body
weight. Meanwhile, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) recommends that
children's backpack weight not exceed 510% of their body weight (Widyantari, Patni, &
Paramurthi, 2023).
The purpose of this study is to design and implement a capacity limit measuring
device on children's school bags that can help overcome the problem of lack of attention
to the weight of backpacks which can cause the risk of injury and pain in children's backs.
Research related to capacity limit measuring tools on children's school bags using
ESP32 microcontroller and GPS Tracker (Ratih, Saraswati, Antari, & Negara, n.d.). This
research is titled "Smart Bag Weight Detection Equipped with Loadcell Sensor with
Brainstorming Method". The tool uses an Arduino Uno with a loadcell sensor that can
load a capacity of up to 5 kg. In addition, the HX711 module converts the change of
resistance into voltage. The voltage is then converted to ground, which is displayed on
the LCD. If the weight of the bag reaches more than 10% of the user's weight, the message
"Overload" will appear on the LCD screen and a beep will be heard as a warning [4].
The next research is entitled "Making a Prototype of a Backpack for School
Children with an Arduino Uno Microcontroller". In this study, the tool was made using
an Arduino Uno microcontroller coupled with a 5 Kg loadcell weight sensor with an
HX711 scale module with buzzer supporting components and LCD (Liquid Crystal
Display) 2 x 16 characters. The way this tool works is to detect if the weight of the load
exceeds the safe limit, then there is a danger warning and alarm that the weight of the
load is not suitable to be carried if the weight of the load exceeds 10-15% of the body
weight. The weight sensor performs well with calibration of less than 5 % accuracy
difference with perpendicular position weighing measurements [5].
In 2021, the research was entitled "Design and Build a NODEMCU-Based
Backpack Security System ESP8266 with Android Application Notifications". In this
study, NodeMCU and GPS module function to help find out the position of the backpack
so that its existence status can be known. The vibration sensor and buzzer function to help
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2800
the user if someone opens the bag so that when the vibration sensor is in the HIGH
condition, a notification will be displayed on the "Secure Bag" application and the
location of the bag can be seen. The location accuracy level on the Android application
was 95% from three trials with different locations (REVITA LARASATI, 2021)
The research is titled "Smartbag with Arduino-Based Security System with PIR
Sensor and GPS via SMS". The design of programs and algorithms on backpacks with
quick response has been carried out and obtained good results because overall the design
consisting of emergency alarms, motion detectors, and tracking devices that can be
controlled via SMS has been appropriate and can be applied to backpacks (Mohammad
Farid Susanto, M. Azam Gresa Mahendra & Anggraeni, 2020)
The research method for the project of developing a children's school bag capacity
limit measuring device with an ESP32 microcontroller can involve several stages of
research and development. Here are the general steps that can be taken:
1. Literature Studies
A literature study was conducted to identify previous research related to the use of
load cell sensors, ESP32 microcontrollers, keypads, buzzers, and GPS in similar projects.
2. Tool Planning
The design of the tool aims to design a scheme of the device system for measuring
the capacity limit of children's school bags.
3. Prototyping
Prototyping is done to implement the design into a physical prototype.
4. Final Evaluation
The final evaluation aims to evaluate the system's response to bag weight variations,
the accuracy of the loadcell, and the sensors to the success of the system.
Tool Work System Flow Chart
The flow diagram of the work system of the tool used in this study can be seen in
Figure 1. In the initial stage, the microcontroller will initialize the module module
connected to the microcontroller, after all the modules are ready, the ESP32 will try to
connect to wifi to get an internet connection. After successfully connecting to the new
internet, the tool will allow to input the child's weight. After the weight is inputted, the
maximum load that can be carried by the child will be automatically calculated. After
success, the LCD will display the words "SMART BAG" where he will enter the loop to
send the current location to the telegram, and if the weight of the bag exceeds the
maximum capacity that the child can carry, the buzzer will automatically turn on and
notify the telegram that the child is carrying a load that exceeds the capacity. If the load
has been reduced then the buzzer will stop.
Capacity Limit Measuring Tool on Children's School Bags Using Esp32 Microcontroller and
GPS Tracker
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2801
Figure 1. Tool Flow Diagram
Schematic Networks
Schematic circuits are created to combine the components used with fritzing
applications. It can be seen that the LCD is connected to an I2C pin, where I2C will
minimize the use of ports on the ESP32. The LCD will display the weight of the bag (load
weight) as well as the maximum weight of the backpack. Furthermore, there is an HX711
module that is connected to an Arduino Uno pin as a module to calculate the weight of
the load on the load cell. Then there is a 3x4 keypad that is useful for inputting the child's
weight. Then there is a buzzer that functions as a warning alarm when the load on the
loadcell exceeds the set maximum weight. Lastly, there is GPS which is used to track the
geographical location of the bag and provide information to parents through Telegram
notifications. The overall schematic range can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Overall Schematic Network
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2802
Tool Design and Design
At this stage, the researcher designs the tool in the form of a 3D design design. The
3D design of the bag and tools can be seen in the image below:
Figure 3. Backpack Design
Figure 4. Mechanical Design
Results and Discussion
Load Cell Testing
Load cell testing is the first step to obtaining the necessary measurement results and
data. The test was carried out by applying a load on the load cell and was carried out 3
times. After that, look at and record the change in the weight of the load read by the
loadcell, and compare the weight of the load read by the loadcell with the actual weight
of the load.
Table 1
Load Cell Testing
Load Weight Yield Loadcell
1 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
Capacity Limit Measuring Tool on Children's School Bags Using Esp32 Microcontroller and
GPS Tracker
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From Table 1. The overall results of the test and measurement of the weight of the
load placed on the sensor load cell are displayed. The measurements and calculations
obtained from the 1 pcs lunch box are as follows:
Average load weight = Total = 0.47+0.47+0.47 = 0.47 Kg
Amount of Data 3
Error = Average Weight x 100 = 0.47 x 100 = 97 %
Actual Weight 0.46
LCD Testing
LCD testing is carried out to find out if the LCD can display the display according
to the given program and can receive input from the keypad. When the device is turned
on the LCD will display "SMART BAG", then when the weight is input through the
keypad the LCD will display "Child Weight: ... kg" after the load is put into the child's
bag or placed on the loadcell, the LCD will display "Bag Weight: ... Kg" "Max Weight:
... kg". The LCD can be seen in the image below.
Figure 5. LCD Initial Display
Figure 6. LCD Display When Child Weight Input
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2804
Figure 7. LCD Display When Load Has Been Inserted
3x4 Keypad Testing
The keypad test is carried out to find out the truth of the working principle of the
microcontroller through the keypad. The keypad is used to input the child's weight which
will later be displayed on the LCD. The keypad test can be seen in the image below.
Figure 8. Kid Weight Input Keypad Testing
Buzzer Testing
Buzzers are used to provide warnings or signals that the load put in the child's bag
exceeds the maximum capacity or weight. The results of the buzzer test can be seen in
Table 2., below.
Table 2. Buzzer Testing
Bag Contents Weight,
Loadcell Detection (kg)
24 Kg
1.9 Kg
No Sound
24 Kg
2.1 Kg
No Sound
24 Kg
2.5 Kg
24 Kg
2.7 Kg
24 Kg
2.8 Kg
Capacity Limit Measuring Tool on Children's School Bags Using Esp32 Microcontroller and
GPS Tracker
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2805
GPS Testing
GPS testing is carried out to test the accuracy of distance data on the device. So that
parents can find out the position of the bag used by the child. Here are the images from
the GPS test.
Figure 9. Bag Location
Overall System Testing
The results of testing and analysis of the tool are carried out to find out whether the
tool is functioning properly as a whole, either in the mechanical circuit or the electronic
circuit. The overall testing of the tool began with weight input, bag weight readings,
warning alarms, and bag geographic location notifications. The following overall test
results obtained by placing varying loads on the load cell can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3
Overall Testing
Tampilan “SMART BAG”
Input Berat Anak
30 kg
Input Berat Beban
1.00 kg
Tampilan Berat Tas
1.80 kg
Tampilan Berat Max
3.00 kg
Tidak Berbunyi
Notifikasi Telegram
Tampilan “SMART BAG”
Input Berat Anak
30 kg
Input Berat Beban
1.50 kg
Tampilan Berat Tas
2.30 kg
Tampilan Berat Max
3.00 kg
Tidak Berbunyi
Notifikasi Telegram
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Tampilan “SMART BAG”
Input Berat Anak
30 kg
Input Berat Beban
2.00 kg
Tampilan Berat Tas
2.80 kg
Tampilan Berat Max
3.00 kg
Tidak Berbunyi
Notifikasi Telegram
Tampilan “SMART BAG”
Input Berat Anak
30 kg
Input Berat Beban
2.50 kg
Tampilan Berat Tas
3.30 kg
Tampilan Berat Max
3.00 kg
Notifikasi Telegram
Tampilan “SMART BAG”
Input Berat Anak
30 kg
Input Berat Beban
3.00 kg
Tampilan Berat Tas
3.80 kg
Tampilan Berat Max
3.00 kg
Notifikasi Telegram
From Table 3. Above is displayed the overall test results. The measurements and
calculations of the bag weight display obtained from experiment 4 are as follows.
Bag Weight Display = Bag Weight + Load Weight Loadcell Measurement Result
= 0.80 + 2.50
= 3.30 Kg
With the development of this system, it is hoped that it can increase the awareness
of parents and teachers about the burden of bags carried by children. This smart solution
is expected to be the first step in preventing back injuries due to excessive burden on
children. Further research can be conducted to optimize the system and expand its
application to the wider educational environment.
Capacity Limit Measuring Tool on Children's School Bags Using Esp32 Microcontroller and
GPS Tracker
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2807
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