pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1915
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of
motivation on repurchase intentions through the decision to
stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Promotion,
Brand Image, Motivation
Level, Desire to Stay.
The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted the
tourism sector, especially the hotel industry in Indonesia.
Restrictions on travel and community activities have
drastically declined hotel room occupancy rates and overall
hotel industry revenues. This research aims to understand to
what extent the Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga can survive and
strengthen its existence after the COVID-19 pandemic. With
a focus on the influence of the promotional mix on the
decision to stay at a hotel, this research involves analysis of
promotional aspects, brand image, and consumer behavioral
motivation. This approach will provide deeper insight into
the strategies needed to recover and strengthen the
hospitality industry after the pandemic. This research uses
an explanatory research method, with quantitative data used.
The data collection technique used non-probability sampling
techniques, using 100 respondents who had stayed at the
Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga, and then the data was analyzed
using SEM-PLS. The results show that promotional mix,
brand image, and consumer motivation significantly
influence decisions. Within the framework of Planned
Behavior theory, the findings highlight the role of attitudes,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control in
influencing individuals' intentions to stay at a hotel. This
research concludes that the promotional mix positively
affects the decision to stay at the Grand Wahid Hotel
Salatiga, indicating that the more promotional media there
are, the more respondents' interest will increase. A good
brand image and superior service quality also positively
influence the decision to stay.
Tourism is the most affected sector and the first to be hit hard by the Covid-19
pandemic. This situation is caused by restrictions on everyone's activities and the
requirement to move indoors for a long time. In Indonesia, restrictions on public travel
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1916
activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 are known as large-scale social
restrictions or PSBB. Throughout history, only this time, 100% of destinations in the
world out of 217 locations have restricted tourist travel, either in total or in part, starting
April 2020. In addition to the aviation industry, the hotel industry, the leading tourism
supporter, is automatically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (Raditya, 2022).
The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges for Indonesia's hotel industry to
survive. The occupancy rate of hotel rooms touched 15.6%, which caused 27,607
accommodation businesses to close in 2020. The hospitality industry has a significant
role in sustaining the economy and providing employment in some areas. The disruption
of hotel industry activities will disrupt the region's economy (Widayat, 2019).
The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association noted that 1,642 hotels
throughout Indonesia have been forced to close due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), Haryadi
Sukamdani, said that of the 1,642 hotels, the tourism industry could lose revenue of up
to tens of trillions (Diayudha, 2020).
In 2021, the Covid-19 outbreak still affected hotel activities in Central Java.
However, it slightly increased with a survey proven by the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) noting that the Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star-rated hotels in Central Java
was recorded at 43.64% in November 2021. This figure increased by 2.16 points
compared to the TPK in the previous month, which was 41.48% or an increase of 5.75
points in all-star hotels. 1-star rose by 2.74 points, 2-star rose by 0.15 points, 3-star rose
by 2.11 points, 4-star rose by 2.81 points and 5-star rose by 4.27 points. Judging from
the hotel classification, the highest TPK occurred in 4-star hotels, which reached 54.66%,
followed by 5-star at 50.6%, 3-star at 41.88%, 2-star at 37.26%, and the lowest at 1-star
hotels at 24.67%. Meanwhile, all hotel guests' average length of stay in November 2021
was recorded at 1.36 nights, an increase compared to the average length of stay in the
previous month of 1.32 nights (Rizaty, 2022).
In Salatiga City, the hospitality sector is a business that supports local revenue.
When COVID-19 occurred in early 2020, hotel revenue in Salatiga decreased. This is due
to the government's policy to temporarily close all hotels in Salatiga. With a policy from
the government, all hotels in Salatiga were relieved from not paying hotel tax for three
months at the beginning of 2020 or the beginning of the COVID-19 virus. The ban on
travel to any region, including Salatiga, and restrictions for several months closed the
hotel sector, affecting its financial performance.
Communication is one of the most essential elements in introducing products and
services to consumers. Communication becomes a link between a good relationship and
the creation of marketing activities. One of the communication models from Harold
Lasswel in the book (Athar, 2020), which is still widely used by people in the era of
modernization, is very suitable to describe how the initial process of communication to
achieve specific goals includes five components of questions:
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1917
Figure 1
Lasswell Communication Model
From the statements can be explained including (1) Who is referring to whom the
person who takes the initiative to start communicating; (2) Say What the relationship with
the communication or what message is to be conveyed in the communication is; (3)
Through What is through what media, what is meant by media is a means of
communication, such as speech, body movements, eye contact, touch, radio, television,
letters, books, and pictures; (4) To Whom is asking who is the audience or recipient of
the communication, or in other words to whom the communicator is speaking or to whom
the message is to be conveyed/given; (5) What Effect is the effect of such communication.
Questions about the effects of this communication can ask two things: what to achieve
with the results of the communication and what people do from the results of
Marketing is a business function that identifies current unmet wants and needs.
Measure how large the market is, determine which markets or targets are best served by
the organization, and choose the right products, services, and programs to serve those
markets. To find out the state of the market, entrepreneurs must see what consumers want
and satisfy what consumers need. Entrepreneurs are tasked with finding information to
determine what the needs of consumers are currently, including those that contain
messages and images of a product that the company represents to potential consumers
and stakeholders.
One of the Theories of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Widagdo, 2015) arises based on
intention. The intention is an individual's impulse or tendency to perform a behavior. In
acting, the individual must be rational enough (reasonable) to analyze information and
consider the possible consequences of an action before the individual decides on planned
actions. This Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) explains that the intention arising from
an individual is influenced by several factors internal, external and one's intention, which
is influenced by three variables, namely attitude toward the behaviour, subjective norms,
and perception of behavioural control (Permatasari, 2020).
According to Frank Jefkins in Soemirat and Elvinaro Ardianto (2007), an image is
an impression from a person or individual about something that occurs due to knowledge
and experience. Brand image has a significant role in influencing potential customers,
especially in selling high-risk and complex products.
Research by Ninda Fauizah (Amanda, 2020) entitled "The Influence of Brand
Image on Buying Interest: A Study on Beauty Products" provides clarity that brand image
influences buying interest with a positive and unidirectional relationship.
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1918
Consumers are social creatures who constantly interact with others, including their
influence in motivating others to get references and encouraging interest from other
parties in buying goods/services, especially those that are not cheap. On the other hand,
nowadays, consumers rely not only on WOM (word of mouth) but look further at how
promotional media from various social media platforms can attract potential consumers
to decide on purchases.
In addition, Grand Wahid Salatiga still opens opportunities for visitors if anyone
wants to stay at a hotel or do self-isolation (iceman) with fantastic "price slams" or price
drops up to 50% of average prices. That is because the number of visitors staying at the
hotel is not there at all. Although public facilities are usually open, such as swimming
pools, karaoke places, and gyms, during the pandemic, it was closed by the hotel so as
not to cause crowds.
Figure 2
Grand Wahid Salatiga Cheap Hotel Promotion
Amazingly, hotel operations continued to run normally, and Grand Wahid Salatiga
Hotel employees continued entering as they had before. Even though hundreds of
employees depend on their lives by working under the auspices of the Grand Wahid
Salatiga Hotel, the author collected data showing approximately 102 people who were
actively working, and not a single person was affected by job cuts.
In essence, providing the best service with a prioritized level of customer
satisfaction will positively impact the brand image you want to build. The author proves
this by looking at Google's visitor reviews.
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1919
Image 3 Google review of Grand Wahid Salatiga hotel
This is not a barrier for Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel to continue to improve its
service and hospitality. So after the pandemic ends, Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel expects
better conditions. Especially to see how far customers will return to the Grand Wahid
Salatiga Hotel. In this case, it is to increase revenue, which has dropped rapidly due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, which hit some time ago.
Based on the description above, researchers want to see how far the Grand Wahid
Salatiga Hotel can remain after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. Researchers examined
some aspects based on the influence of recent promotions, brand image, and the level of
motivation of Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel customers' behavior in their decision to stay
to see someone make a repeat purchase. This study examines the effect of promotion mix
on hotel stay decisions.
Research Methods
This type of research is explanatory research, which aims to explain the position of
the variables to be studied, the relationship between one variable and another, and testing
hypotheses formulated previously. In the positivist paradigm, research is a tool for
analyzing social events so that causal laws can be discovered, explained, and documented.
Knowledge of events and social laws allows people to control and predict these events
(Hamid et al., 2019). This study aims to explain the relationship between variables using
survey methods and data analysis with statistics. Knowing the relationship between
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1920
variables is expected to predict consumers ' repurchase intentions when making hotel stay
The type of data in this study is quantitative data. The measurement scale in this
study uses the Likert scale, which measures the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a
person or group of people about social phenomena. Sample data collection was carried
out using non-probability sampling techniques using 100 respondents aged 19-60 years
who had stayed at the Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel. The data that has been collected is
then processed using Structural Equation Models - Partial Least Square (SEM - PLS).
Results and Discussion
Convergent Validity
The convergent validity testing stage is a way to determine the validity of a question
item, which can be known through the AVE (Average Variance Extracted) score and
outer loading instrument. The outer loading score is used to show the magnitude of the
correlation of an indicator to the latent variable. Validity testing can be considered good
if the loading factor is above 0.70 and the AVE score is above 0.5. Fornell and Larck
(1981) thus can formulate the following conditions:
1. An outer loading score of > 0.70 can be said to be valid.
2. An outer loading score of < 0.70 can be said to be invalid
Table 1
Outer Loading Results
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1921
Source: processed primary data, 2024
Based on the validity testing results, Table 3.1 shows that the outer loading score
of the variables promotion mix, brand image, level of motivation, stay decision, and
repurchase intention met the requirements, where the score exceeded 0.7. The results of
this validity test concluded that several 40-question items distributed to 100 respondents
could be declared valid. So that data processing can proceed to the next stage, namely
looking at the AVE (Average Variance Extracted) score. This variable can be considered
valid if it has an AVE score above 0.5, according to Fornell and Larck (1981).
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1922
Table 2
AVE Results
Average Variance Extracted
The AVE score in Table 3.2 shows that the AVE of the promotion mix variable is
0.691, brand image is 0.768, motivation level is 0.733, stay decision is 0.776, and
repurchase intention is 0.774. It can be seen that the AVE value obtained by each variable
is above 0.5, which meets the minimum requirement for this research variable to be
declared valid.
Reliability Test
Table 3
Reliability Test Results
Composite Reliability
Cronbach’s Alpha
Source: processed primary data, 2024
Table 3 shows that Cronbach's Alpha score is the minimum in the Repurchase Intent
variable 0.927, while the maximum in the Motivation Level variable is 0.959. Then, the
minimum Composite Reliability score is found in the repurchase intention variable, which
has a score of 0.945; the maximum value is in the promotion mix variable and brand
image, which has the same score of 0.964. This proves that each variable's Composite
Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha scores have met the requirements exceeding 0.7. The
resulting score indicates that the question item has high stability and consistency, so the
variables of this study can be said to be reliable.
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1923
Table 4
R-Square Results
R Square
Stay Decision (Z)
Repurchase Intent (Y)
Source: processed primary data, 2024
The r-square results in Table 3.7 show that the influence of promotion mix, brand
image, and level of motivation on the decision to stay has a value of 0.848. It can be
concluded that the influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation
influenced the decision to stay by 84.8%, while variables outside this study explained the
remaining 15.2%. The influence given to the decision to stay is vital.
Table 5
Based on Table 5, it is known that the F-Square values in this study are:
a. The influence of the promotion mix variable on the decision to stay has an F-Square
value of 0.099, which is included in the moderate category.
b. The influence of brand image on the decision variable to stay has an F-Square value
of 0.207, so it is a strong category.
c. The influence of the motivation level variable on the decision to stay variable has an
F-Square value of 0.709, so it is a strong category.
d. The effect of the promotion mix variable on the repurchase intention variable has an
F-Square value of 0.038, which is included in the moderate category.
e. The effect of the brand image variable on the repurchase intention variable has an F-
Square value of 0.038, so it is included in the moderate category
f. The effect of the motivation level variable on the repurchase intention variable has an
F-Square value of 0.087, so it is included in the moderate category.
g. The effect of the overnight decision variable on the repurchase intention variable has
an F-Square value of 0.134, which is included in the moderate category.
Path Coefficient
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1924
Figure 4
Model Hipotesis Smart PLS
Figure 4 is a research model showing five variables in this study, and as many as
eight hypotheses are formulated. This research model is closely related to the grand theory
proposed by Ajzen and Fishbein regarding planned behavior theory, which explains that
humans can behave to form a will. This theory is specific to three forming factors:
attitudes towards behavior, subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control,
which can shape individual behavior intentions. As a marketing mix that influences
attitudes toward behavior, good communication with consumers will build trust and direct
consumers to make purchases. The brand image is a strategy for influencing subjective
norms in society; a good brand image will provide trust and good judgment so that people
are moved to make purchases based on a desire to make choices. Strategies in consumer
behavior control by increasing consumer motivation can influence a person's behavior or
attitude to perform actions based on what they expect. Overall, it can be concluded that
when choosing the Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel, consumers will be encouraged by a high
marketing mix, brand image, and consumer motivation. After these three factors influence
the purchase decision, it is hoped that the experience of this purchase can build repurchase
intention at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel.
The Covid-19 pandemic presents severe challenges for the hospitality industry.
Implementing social distancing makes people dare not go out, especially for vacation. At
that time, the hotel industry was hit hard, and again, they thought hard to improve their
decision to stay, which led to an interest in visiting. Increasing stay decisions and
repurchase intentions in the hotel industry need to pay attention to strategies that need to
be implemented, such as promotion mix, brand image, and consumer motivation. This
research produces evidence that strategies such as promotion mix, brand image, and
consumer motivation will encourage consumers to stay at hotels.
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1925
This research proves the theory of Planned Behavior (Widagdo, 2015). Planned
behavior theory is suitable for describing any behavior that requires planning. This theory
is influenced by three factors: attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms, and
perceptions of behavioral control, which can shape the intention of individual behavior.
This research variable forms a strategy of three factors forming behavioral interest so that
in improving purchasing decisions, a strong plan is needed, such as the application of a
promotional mix that can provide suggestions for consumers through communication
strategies, improving brand image where good public perception of the hotel will affect
society where each individual tends to follow the perception of others and increasing
consumer motivation so that instincts Strong consumers can encourage action so that
there is an acceleration that leads to purchase decisions.
The processing of this research data uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Partial Least Square (PLS) software version 3.3.3, which produces output so that it can
be analyzed into several findings on testing the influence of promotion mix, brand image
and level of motivation on repurchase intentions through the decision to stay at the Grand
Wahid Salatiga Hotel. This discussion is carried out to find out the causes through the
results of research and literature studies conducted.
The influence of the promotion mix on the decision to stay
The first finding showed that the promotion mix positively and significantly
influenced lodging decisions. In line with theory, planned behavior theory has a
foundation for a belief perspective that can affect a person's ability to carry out specific
behaviors. The standpoint of belief is carried out by combining various characteristics,
qualities, and attributes of certain information, forming the will to behave. In Planned
behavior theory, three factors form the forming factors: attitudes toward behavior,
subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control, which can shape individual
behavior's intentions. In influencing consumer confidence, the need for communication
strategies accelerates consumers to form attitudes toward behavior.
Communication strategy is one of the essential aspects that allows a development
program to accelerate and sustain its process, especially in marketing. The promotion mix
is one of the communication strategies that can change attitudes towards the behavior of
someone who previously did not recognize it, thus raising the intention to behave and, in
the end, can make someone do a behavior. Therefore, this study proves that the promotion
mix at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel as a communication strategy influences changes in
attitudes that have yet to be recognized in terms of consumer decision behavior to stay.
This research is in line with a study entitled "The Effect of Promotion Mix on
Housing Purchase Decisions of PT. Pillar Tamiang Konstruksi Aceh Tamiang" by Erni
Junaida (Khasanah, 2019), which proves that the acquisition of an Adjusted R square
value of 89.1%, which means the contribution of advertising variables, sales promotion,
personal sales, public relations and direct marketing gets a value of 89.1%.
This study produced a positive score of 0.208 and a t-statistic score of 2.386,
exceeding the table t score of 1.96 and a p-value of 0.017 below the sig number of 0.05
or 5%. So, the promotion mix on the decision to stay has a positive and significant
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1926
influence. So, H1, which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and significant
influence between the promotion mix on the decision to stay at the Grand Wahid Salatiga
Hotel, " is accepted.
The Influence of brand image on Stay decisions
These two studies' findings showed that brand image on stayers' decisions had a
positive and significant influence. Brand image can be perceived as a guide that
consumers use to evaluate when choosing a product that is known through experience
using the product or based on information obtained through various sources. According
to (Simatupang, 2022), brand image is a consumer perception of a brand as a reflection
of associations that exist in the minds of consumers. The brand image becomes a strategy
for a brand so that a good image can affect consumer assessment of a brand. A good
perception of a brand will tend to influence every individual to think the same.
In the theory of planned behavior, subjective norms are one of the factors that can
affect a person's intentions and behavior because, as social beings, consumers tend to ask
questions or follow their group in carrying out a behavior. When many people believe the
perception of a brand, there is a tendency for someone to follow the brand image needed
as it can influence consumer perception in shaping actions where consumers will follow
what is happening around them; a good image of Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel will
encourage consumers to stay as they believe in the quality of the hotel.
This research is in line with research conducted by Tamara Citra and Suryono Budi
Santoso (2016) entitled "Analysis of the Influence of Product Quality and Brand Image
on Continuous Form Print Purchasing Decisions through Brand Trust (Study at So Jaya
Group Printing, Semarang)" proving that product quality and brand image have a positive
effect on consumer purchasing decisions. This study produced a score of 0.349 and a t-
statistic score of 2.565, exceeding the t-table score of 1.96 and a p-value of 0.011 below
the sig number of 0.05 or 5%. So, the brand image in the decision to stay has a positive
and significant influence. So, H2, which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and
significant influence between the brand image on the decision to stay at Grand Wahid
Salatiga Hotel, " is accepted.
The Influence of Consumer Motivation on Stay Decisions
This study found that the level of motivation towards the decision of the stayer had
a positive and significant influence. The third finding in this study refers to and supports
the theory of Planned Behavior Theory, where Perceived behavioral control is a factor
that influences behavioral interest. Behavioral control is a person's feelings as the control
center regarding his efforts in realizing a specific behavior related to individual beliefs.
Individual beliefs are the control center of behavioral control, so motivational strategies
are needed to move consumers toward purchases.
One theory of motivation that emphasizes the driving aspect of behavior is the
theory of drive motivation. This theory assumes that consumer behavior is related to
needs that originate in them. Needs to drive a person in specific behaviors that will lead
a person to fulfill needs to obtain satisfaction. Increased consumer motivation as a
behavioral control strategy helps convince consumers to buy a product.
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1927
The results of research entitled "The Influence of Promotion, Motivation, Lifestyle,
Personal Selling on Interest in Using Credit Cards" by Sunanda (2020) show the results
of the analysis that motivation variables have the most significant influence on interest in
using credit cards by 33.7%, this is due to the efforts made by management in conducting
continuous socialization about the benefits of using credit cards for debtors. This study
produced a positive score of 0.468 and a t-statistic score of 4.556, which exceeded the t-
table score of 1.96 and p-value of 0.000, below the sig number of 0.05 or 5%. So, the
level of motivation towards the decision of the stayer has a positive and significant
influence. So H3, which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and significant
influence between consumer motivation on the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga
Hotel", is accepted.
The Effect of Promotion Mix on Repurchase Intent
The fourth finding was that the mix of promotion and repurchase intent positively
and significantly influenced. The promotion mix is a blend of advertising, sales
promotion, public relations, personal selling, and direct marketing tools to communicate
customer value persuasively, build customer relationships, and incorporate promotional
tools designed to direct consumers to purchase. The promotion mix is carried out to
communicate closely with consumers so that if the marketing media is engaging,
informative, and makes consumers feel close to the services offered, it can generate
repurchase intentions, primarily if the promotional mix directs them to continue to make
purchases. Therefore, the promotion mix as a communication strategy is crucial to
continue to be close to Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel consumers, thus providing
suggestions for consumers to generate repurchase intentions.
This study produced a positive score of 0.151 and a t-statistic score of 2.016, which
exceeded the t-table score of 1.96 and a p-value of 0.044 below the sig number of 0.05 or
5%. So, the promotion mix on repurchase intentions has a significant favorable influence.
So H4, which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and significant influence
between the promotion mix on the intention to repurchase at the Grand Wahid Salatiga
Hotel", is accepted.
The influence of brand image on repurchase intent
This research results in the brand image of repeat purchase intent having a positive
and insignificant influence. According to Sangadji and Sopiah (2013: 30 p.337-338),
brand image is a set of memories that exist in the minds of consumers about a brand, both
positive and negative. The brand image becomes an assessment of a product. Still, in
increasing repeat purchase intent, satisfaction is needed when using a product, so
consumers need to feel the product's benefits first rather than see brand perceptions from
others. The brand image of Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel cannot influence consumers to
come back to stay if the image of Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel is good. Still, if, in reality,
it does not provide satisfaction to consumers, consumers discourage their intention to stay
This study produced a positive score of 0.183 and a t-statistic score of 1.457, below
the table t score of 1.96 and p-value of 0.146 above the sig number of 0.05 or 5%. So, the
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1928
brand image of repurchase intentions has a positive and insignificant influence. So H5,
which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and significant influence between the
brand image on repurchase intentions at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel", is rejected.
The Effect of Consumer Motivation Level on Repurchase Intent
The sixth finding in this study is that the level of consumer motivation towards
repurchase intentions has a positive and insignificant influence. However, this finding is
different from Hume et al. (2006), whose research shows that consumers who have an
instinct for the desire of a product or service, then this instinct will be a crucial driver for
repurchase intention. Motivation can arise because of the needs felt by consumers.
Perceived needs encourage people to act to meet these needs. This indicates that
repurchase intentions are not only based on motivation but on the satisfaction consumers
have felt and the need for a product. Therefore, high consumer motivation cannot
influence the intention to stay again, so a stay experience is needed first as a determinant
of whether or not to make a repeat purchase in the future.
This study produced a score of 0.239, a t-statistic score of 1.469 below the t-table
score of 1.96, and a p-value of 0.143 above the sig number of 0.05 or 5%. So, the level of
consumer motivation towards repurchase intentions has a positive and insignificant
influence. So H6, which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and significant
influence between the level of consumer motivation on the intention to repurchase at the
Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel", is rejected.
The Effect of Stay Decisions on Repurchase Intent
The seventh finding resulted in overnight decisions on repurchase intentions having
a positive and significant influence, according to Suwandi (2007), where there are two
characteristics of consumer purchasing types: consumers who make trial purchases and
those who make repeat purchases. According to Hume et al. (2006), in their research, it
is known that consumers who have an instinct for the desire of a product or service, then
this instinct will be the key driver to repurchase intention. When consumers have a solid
desire to stay at a hotel, it will be a driver to generate repurchase intentions. This is
because the experience that has been felt and the benefits provided by the hotel provide
satisfaction for consumers, which will lead to repurchase intentions in the future.
This study produced a positive score of 0.183, a t-statistic score of 1.457 below the
table t score of 1.96, and a p-value of 0.146 above the sig number of 0.05 or 5%. So, the
brand image of repurchase intentions has a positive and insignificant influence. So H5,
which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and significant influence between the
brand image on repurchase intentions at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel", is rejected.
The Effect of Consumer Motivation Level on Repurchase Intent
The sixth finding in this study is that the level of consumer motivation towards
repurchase intentions has a positive and insignificant influence. However, this finding is
different from Hume et al. (2006), whose research shows that consumers who have an
instinct for the desire of a product or service, then this instinct will be a crucial driver for
repurchase intention. Motivation can arise because of the needs felt by consumers.
Perceived needs encourage people to act to meet these needs. This indicates that
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1929
repurchase intentions are not only based on motivation but on the satisfaction consumers
have felt and the need for a product. Therefore, high consumer motivation cannot
influence the intention to stay again, so a stay experience is needed first as a determinant
of whether or not to make a repeat purchase in the future.
This study produced a score of 0.239, a t-statistic score of 1.469 below the t-table
score of 1.96, and a p-value of 0.143 above the sig number of 0.05 or 5%. So, the level of
consumer motivation towards repurchase intentions has a positive and insignificant
influence. So H6, which states, "It is suspected that there is a positive and significant
influence between the level of consumer motivation on the intention to repurchase at the
Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel", is rejected.
The Effect of Stay Decisions on Repurchase Intent
The seventh finding resulted in overnight decisions on repurchase intentions having
a positive and significant influence, according to Suwandi (2007), where there are two
characteristics of consumer purchasing types: consumers who make trial purchases and
those who make repeat purchases. According to Hume et al. (2006), in their research, it
is known that consumers who have an instinct for the desire of a product or service, then
this instinct will be the key driver to repurchase intention. When consumers have a solid
desire to stay at a hotel, it will be a driver to generate repurchase intentions. This is
because the experience that has been felt and the benefits provided by the hotel provide
satisfaction for consumers, which will lead to repurchase intentions in the future.
The Influence of Brand Image on Repurchase Intent through Stay Decisions
The ninth finding in this study is that brand image on repurchase intent through stay
decisions has a positive and significant influence. According to Kotler and Keller (2016),
brand image is a consumer perception of a brand as a reflection of associations that exist
in the minds of consumers. The perception of a brand becomes what consumers think,
whether the brand is good or bad. A good brand image will help a brand influence
consumers to choose its brand over other brands as each individual follows the way of
thinking of different individuals, which helps in deciding to stay. The decision to stay at
the Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel is an experience for consumers where satisfaction occurs
so that repurchase intentions will increase.
This study produced a positive score of 0.142 and a t-statistic score of 2.008, above
the t-table score of 1.96 and a p-value of 0.045 below the sig number of 0.05 or 5%. So,
the brand image of the intention to repurchase through the decision to stay has a positive
and significant influence. The results of this hypothesis test indicate that the decision to
remain successful mediates fully between brand image and repurchase intent. A good
perception of a brand can only indirectly generate repurchase intent; it requires proving
from the consumer experience the benefits of the hotel so that after experiencing, the
consumer is encouraged to make a repeat purchase. So H9, which states, "It is suspected
that there is an influence between the brand image on repurchase intentions through the
decision to stay at the Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel", is accepted.
The Effect of Motivation Level on Repurchase Intent Through Stay Decisions
Wahyu Andung Ramadhan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1930
The tenth finding in this study is the variable level of motivation towards repurchase
intention through overnight decisions. Motivation is one of the individual aspects that has
a direct influence on the process of buying interest in a product. Schiffman and Kanuk
(2000) argue that motivation is a driving force in a person that forces him to act. Increased
motivation is a driver for consumers to make their choices. When consumers are
motivated to stay at the Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel, they can speed up their choice to
stay at the hotel and override other options. The decision to stay is an experience for
consumers to feel satisfaction with the services provided. The experience determines
whether there will be a repurchase intention in the future or not.
The test results show that the promotion mix variable (X1) positively and
significantly affects the decision to stay (Z) at the hotel. This proves that the more
promotional media used by Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel, the more it encourages
respondents' interest in staying at the hotel. Respondents will find it easier to book with
media they often use, considering recommendations, location (accessibility), services at
the hotel, and specific conditions. The results of this study prove that existing promotional
tools can reach the public audience and that the completeness of other supporters in the
promotion mix and hotel quality have a positive effect. The test results show that the
brand image variable (X2) positively and significantly influences the decision to stay (Z)
at the hotel. This can be interpreted that the better the image highlighted by the Grand
Wahid Salatiga Hotel and the uniqueness of the hotel with employees who wear good
identification marks, the neat service to visitors is good, friendly, and satisfying, and it
will encourage someone's interest to decide to stay at the Grand Wahid Salatiga hotel.
The influence of promotion mix, brand image, and level of motivation on repurchase intentions
through the decision to stay at Grand Wahid Salatiga Hotel
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1931
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