pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2082
The Mediating Role of Positive Emotion in the Nexus of
Marketing Strategies and Sustainable Marine Tourism: Study
on Coral Reef Conservation Area at Mengiat Beach, Bali
Tjokorda Gde Agung Wijaya Kesuma Suryawan
, I Wayan Meryawan
, I
Komang Sumerta
, I Dewa Agung Ayu Eka Idayanti
Universitas Ngurah Rai Bali, Indonesia
Keywords: Education-
based Marketing Strategy;
Positive Emotion;
Relationship Marketing
Strategy; Sustainable
Marine Tourism.
This study investigates the impact of relationship and
education-based marketing on sustainable marine tourism,
utilising positive emotion as a mediating factor. Through a
quantitative approach and purposive random sampling with
100 respondents, the research underscores the significance
of relationship and education-based marketing in shaping
positive emotion and its correlation with sustainable marine
tourism. Data were collected through questionnaires and
analysed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method in
Smart PLS Version 3.0. Relationship and education-based
marketing emerge as critical influencers of positive
emotion and contribute positively to sustainable marine
tourism. Positive emotion is a crucial mediator, linking
emotional experiences to advancing sustainable marine
tourism. The study's implications for marketing
management emphasise the pivotal role of relationship
marketing in cultivating positive customer emotions and its
subsequent influence on sustainable marine tourism.
Marketing practitioners can leverage these insights by
prioritising personalised engagement strategies and loyalty
programs, strengthening emotional connections between
tourists and destinations. Integrating educational initiatives,
such as partnerships with environmental organisations and
awareness campaigns, is essential for promoting marine
conservation and sustainable practices. The study
emphasises the necessity of diverse marketing approaches
to evoke positive emotional responses, offering practical
guidance for marketers to benefit marine conservation
efforts and enhance the tourism experience.
The intersection of ecological preservation, sustainable economic development,
and marine tourism has recently risen to the forefront of global discourse, catalysing
profound debates and proactive endeavours (Agyeiwaah et al., 2017). The concept of
Use of Fuzzy AHP and Topsis Methods for Prioritizing Scada (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) Integration at Keypoint (Study Case at PLN Up2d Makassar)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2083
marine tourism, firmly rooted in the ethos of responsible marine resource utilisation, has
garnered considerable attention as a promising framework to harmonise what might
seem to be divergent objectives within the broader concept of the Blue Economy. This
paradigm, which seeks to ensure the health of marine ecosystems while fostering
economic growth, has sparked vibrant conversations on local, national, and international
levels (Pardiyono, 2020).
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were universally embraced by all
United Nations member states in 2015, representing a comprehensive and collective call
to action to eradicate poverty, preserve the environment, and ensure global well-being
and tranquillity by 2030. Comprising 17 distinct goals, the SDGs exhibit a profound
interrelation: they acknowledge that actions undertaken in one realm can yield
repercussions in others, necessitating a harmonious equilibrium between social,
economic, and environmental sustainability (Pane et al., 2021).
Figure 1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Preserving Earth's oceans constitutes a fundamental aspect of the 17 Global Goals,
prominently encapsulated within SDG 14 and labelled "Life Below Water." The
primary objective of SDG 14 is to ensure the sustainable management of marine and
coastal ecosystems, encompassing strategies that shield them from pollution and
counteract the detrimental impacts of ocean acidification. SDG 14's underlying
recognition is rooted in the acknowledgement that the planet's oceans, characterised by
their intricate interplay of temperature, chemical composition, currents, and
biodiversity, serve as the driving force behind the global systems that sustain
habitability for human existence. The astute administration of this invaluable natural
asset holds undeniable significance, underscoring its pivotal role in shaping humanity's
destiny and in mitigating the far-reaching implications of climate change.
Furthermore, establishing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) intended to safeguard
critical marine ecosystems holds the promise of fostering the sustainable utilisation of
marine resources. This approach seeks to conserve these vital ecosystems and ensure
that communities reliant on the ocean can realise the advantages of MPA
implementation (Pane et al., 2021).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2084
Figure 2
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of Indonesia
Indonesia's commitment to achieving SDG 14 is exemplified by its pledge to
allocate 10 per cent of its territorial waters, equivalent to 32.5 million hectares, as
marine protected areas by 2030. As of the close of the third quarter in 2021,
approximately 28.4 million hectares of marine protected areas have been established.
Among these, 9.9 million hectares fall under central government management, while
provincial authorities oversee the remaining 18.5 million hectares. The implementation
of MPAs, underpinned by the zoning strategy, aligns with the principles of sustainable
marine tourism. By safeguarding distinct marine areas, these zones secure natural
habitats and provide opportunities for eco-tourism activities. The sustainable fishery and
utilisation zones, designed for controlled human interaction, can offer platforms for
responsible marine tourism endeavours. This integration of conservation and tourism
serves as a testament to Indonesia's commitment to fostering sustainable development
while concurrently fulfilling the objectives of SDG 14.
Tourism in coastal areas plays a significant role in the well-being of local
communities, but it can also contribute to environmental degradation in popular tourist
spots. Ensuring environmental protection is crucial for the success of sustainable
tourism practices. The concept of sustainable development is implemented in marine
tourism, and the blue economy framework is used to promote responsible practices and
preserve marine ecosystems (Amoako, Kutu-Adu, Caesar, & Neequaye, 2019). Within
this intricate landscape, the interplay between marketing strategies and the broader
concept of sustainable growth in marine tourism stands as a compelling focal point. Just
as Blue Economy aims for the sustainable expansion of marine-based industries,
sustainable growth in marine tourism similarly envisions responsible development of
tourism activities in marine environments. Both concepts share a fundamental
commitment to the conservation of marine ecosystems as a crucial underpinning of their
success. As marine tourism flourishes within the principles of the Blue Economy, it
offers a tangible example of how economic progress can go hand-in-hand with
environmental stewardship. As nations and communities embrace the potential of
marine tourism, they navigate the delicate balance between economic prosperity and
Use of Fuzzy AHP and Topsis Methods for Prioritizing Scada (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) Integration at Keypoint (Study Case at PLN Up2d Makassar)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2085
preserving marine biodiversity. The sustainability of marine tourism aligns with the core
values of the Blue Economy, demonstrating that the responsible utilisation of marine
resources not only supports economic growth but also safeguards the long-term health
of our oceans.
Chart 1. Number of Commercial Tourist Attraction Businesses According to Indonesian
Business Types
The intricate dynamics of this interplay warrant a comprehensive investigation,
and this study seeks to delve deep into this realm with a distinct emphasis on the
mediating role of positive emotion. By casting its lens onto the coral reef conservation
initiatives at Mengiat Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali, this research endeavours to unravel and
comprehend the efficacy of two core marketing strategies: the Relationship Marketing
Strategy and the Education-Based Marketing Strategy. Additionally, the study considers
the current state of water tourism, reflected in chart one above, indicating a deficiency
in its prevalence. This research also aims to show how effective marketing strategies
could bolster this sector, aligning with sustainable marine tourism objectives.
Coral reefs, often called the "rainforests of the sea," hold a crucial ecological
niche. These biodiverse habitats support marine life, provide coastal protection, and
yield economic benefits through tourism, fisheries, shoreline protection, and medicines
(Drius et al., 2019). However, the resilience of coral reefs faces grave threats from
multiple stressors, including climate change, pollution, and anthropogenic activities.
The situation at Mengiat Beach in Nusa Dua serves as an illustrative microcosm,
underscoring the delicate balance between the economic significance of tourism and the
vulnerability of coral ecosystems. The coexistence of a thriving tourist industry and a
fragile marine environment underscores the urgency of devising innovative
conservation strategies that concurrently bolster economic growth and safeguard the
environment (Fazal-e-Hasan, Mortimer, Lings, & Kaur, 2020).
Marketing strategies significantly influence public perceptions, attitudes, and
engagement in conservation efforts (Durmaz, Güvenç, & Kaymaz, 2020). The
marketing concept is extensively utilised in the present-day business landscape within
the tourism market. Nevertheless, the conventional marketing concept is undergoing
significant transformations, primarily driven by the strategic direction of tourism
enterprises and destinations. These entities increasingly prioritise cultivating
connections with prospective consumers and enhancing and sustaining relationships
Arief Nurhidayanto, Ratna Sari Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2086
with engaged consumers and market stakeholders (Gezhi & Xiang, 2022). The
Relationship Marketing Strategy, celebrated for fostering enduring customer
relationships, offers a promising avenue within coral reef conservation. By nurturing
profound connections with customers, this strategy has the potential to stimulate
persistent support and engagement. The Coral Adoption Campaign typifies this
approach, inviting individuals and organisations to contribute to conservation initiatives
actively. In return, participants receive regular updates and immersive experiences,
fostering emotional connections and enduring commitment to the cause.
On the other hand, the Education-Based Marketing Strategy leverages education
as a transformative agent. This approach positions brands as authoritative sources of
information, emphasising credibility and subject-matter expertise. Within the realm of
coral reef conservation, this strategy materialises through "Eco-Tourism Coral
Encounter" packages. These experiential offerings expose tourists to the complexities of
coral conservation through guided snorkelling, diving, and educational sessions. By
nurturing understanding and emotional attachment, this strategy aims to inspire
responsible behaviour and encourage sustainable choices among participants (Hall,
The intricate interplay between marketing strategies and the increase in marine
tourism is multifaceted and multidimensional. On one hand, marketing strategies have
the potential to create awareness, shape attitudes, and catalyse tourism-driven economic
growth. On the other hand, the principles of marine tourism necessitate responsible
marine resource management, where the conservation of crucial ecosystems like coral
reefs is imperative (Yasir et al., 2019). The context of Mengiat Beach, Nusa Dua,
elevates these complexities. The juxtaposition of economic interests and environmental
preservation mandates an in-depth exploration of these dynamics, aiming to bridge any
gaps between these seemingly conflicting goals. In this intricate landscape, the
mediating role of positive emotion adds an intriguing layer of complexity. Emotions,
often intertwined with environmental experiences, can play a pivotal role in shaping
behaviours and attitudes. How do these emotions mediate the relationship between
marketing strategies and increased marine tourism? How do positive emotions foster
more profound engagement with conservation efforts and promote sustainable
behaviours? These questions underscore the pivotal nature of this research (Hussein et
al., 2021).
Based on the identified field issues and the support derived from research
outcomes on the research variables, this study is developed under the title "The
Mediating Role of Positive Emotion in the Nexus of Marketing Strategies and
Sustainable Marine Tourism: Study on Coral Reef Conservation Area at Mengiat Beach,
Bali." The objectives of this research are designed to address the following issues: 1) To
assess the effect of relationship marketing strategy on sustainable marine tourism; 2) To
assess the effect of education-based marketing strategy on sustainable marine tourism;
3) To assess the effect of relationship marketing strategy on positive emotion; 4) To
assess the effect of education-based marketing strategy on positive emotion; 5) To
Use of Fuzzy AHP and Topsis Methods for Prioritizing Scada (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) Integration at Keypoint (Study Case at PLN Up2d Makassar)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2087
assess the effect of positive emotion on sustainable marine tourism; 6) To examine the
impact of relationship marketing strategy on sustainable marine tourism through the
mediating influence of positive emotion; 7) To examine the impact of education-based
marketing strategy on sustainable marine tourism through the mediating influence of
positive emotion.
Research Methods
The research employs a quantitative research design. Quantitative research, rooted
in the positivist philosophy, examines specific populations or samples. Data collection
involves using research instruments, and data analysis is quantitative or statistical. The
primary objective is empirically testing predefined hypotheses (Sugiyono, 2017). The
study is conducted within the Coral Reef Conservation Area at Mengiat Beach, Nusa
Dua, Bali. The research population comprises tourists or visitors who have undergone
educational training in coral reef conservation and have adopted coral reefs within the
Coral Reef Conservation Area at Mengiat Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali, the exact number of
which cannot be determined.
The formula proposed by Hair et al. (2014) can be employed in determining the
sample size for a population with an unknown size. In this research, the number of
indicators is 20 multiplied by 5. Thus, based on this formula, the sample size for this
study is 100 respondents. The sample is obtained through purposive random sampling,
with the criteria that respondents should have undergone educational training in coral
reef conservation and adopted coral reefs within the Coral Reef Conservation Area at
Mengiat Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali, within the age range of 17-60 years old. Establishing
these criteria is intended to enhance the comprehension of the statements presented in
the distributed questionnaires by consumers meeting these specifications. Subsequently,
the respondents' responses were evaluated using the Likert scale, which gauges the
extent to which respondents agree with the statements on a scale ranging from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The sample selection was conducted in
collaboration with the Bali Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Foundation, which provides
training and facilitates coral adoption practices in the area.
The data analysis technique for this research involves the Partial Least Square
(PLS) method, which is particularly suited due to mediating variables. The model
employed is a causal modelling or path analysis model, examining relationships and
influences. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Smart PLS assesses hypotheses.
The PLS path model comprises two components: the measurement model (outer model)
depicting relationships between constructs and indicator variables, and the structural
model (inner model) representing constructs and their relationships. This study involves
three stages: outer model analysis, inner model analysis, and hypothesis testing Hair et
al. (2014). The research model can be described in Figure 3 below:
Arief Nurhidayanto, Ratna Sari Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2088
Figure 3. Research Model
In Figure 3 above, it can be explicated that H1 signifies the effect of Relationship
Marketing on Sustainable Marine Tourism, H2 signifies the effect of Education-based
Marketing on Sustainable Marine Tourism, H3 indicates the effect of Relationship
Marketing on Positive Emotion, H4 denotes the effect of Education-based Marketing on
Positive Emotion, H5 signifies the influence of Positive Emotion on Sustainable Marine
Tourism, H6 indicates the mediating role of Positive Emotion in the impact of
Relationship Marketing on Sustainable Marine Tourism, and H7 signifies the mediating
role of Positive Emotion in the influence of Education-based Marketing on Sustainable
Marine Tourism.
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of Respondents
Based on 100 completed questionnaires, the dataset provides insightful
information about the respondents' personal lives and highlights the major demographic
characteristics that shape the study setting. These characteristicssuch as gender, age,
and occupationare essential for comprehending the complexity of the study's
variables. Examining these demographic features is essential to placing the results in
perspective and understanding the relationships between the variables, especially when
considering positive emotions, marketing strategies, and sustainable marine tourism.
Expanding upon these demographic characteristics will facilitate a more sophisticated
evaluation of the research outcomes, establishing the framework for examining the
study's importance in conservation conduct and ecotourism endeavours. The data of the
respondents are listed in the table 1 below:
Table 1
Respondent Characteristics
Amount (People)
Percentage (%)
Use of Fuzzy AHP and Topsis Methods for Prioritizing Scada (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) Integration at Keypoint (Study Case at PLN Up2d Makassar)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2089
Amount (People)
Percentage (%)
17 27 years old
28 38 years old
39 49 years old
50 60 years old
Amount (People)
Percentage (%)
University Student
Inferential Analysis
Inferential statistical analysis is a technique used to analyse sample data, and the
results are applied to the population (Sugiyono, 2017). Model testing in this research
uses a variance-based or component-based approach with the Partial Least Square (PLS)
method with the Smart PLS Version 3.0 program. SEM PLS has non-parametric
characteristics so that prediction results can be displayed with a small sample size and
then re-sampling via bootstrapping. The results of the small sample size estimation test
can be described as follows:
Figure 4. Model Measurement
Goodness Of Fit Outer Model
Partial Least Square requires several validity and reliability standards before
interpreting the analysis results. At this stage, three Goodness of Fit outer model
characteristics must be considered: convergent validity, discriminant validity, and
composite reliability.
a) Convergent Validity
Arief Nurhidayanto, Ratna Sari Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2090
Table 2
Outer Loading Test Results
P Values
Positive Emotion (M)
M1 <- Pleasure
M2 <-
M3 <- Comfort
M4 <- Enthusiasm
Relationship Marketing
X1.1 <- Bonding
X1.2 <- Empathy
X1.3 <-
X1.4 <- Trust
Marketing (X2)
X2.1 <- Teaching
X2.2 <- Education
X2.3 <- Guidance
X2.4 <- Training
X2.5 <- Quality
Sustainable Marine
Tourism (Y)
Y1 <- Job
Y2 <- Business
Y3 <- Quality of
Y4 <- Water
Y5 <- Waste
Y6 <- Energy
Y7 <-
Maintenance of
The convergent validity test findings in Table 2 reveal that the outer loading
values of variable indicators are more than 0.50 with a p-value less than 0.05. As a
result, all indicators have met the convergent validity standards.
b) Discriminant Validity
Table 3
Discriminant Validity Test Results
Marketing (X2)
n (M)
Tourism (Y)
Use of Fuzzy AHP and Topsis Methods for Prioritizing Scada (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) Integration at Keypoint (Study Case at PLN Up2d Makassar)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2091
Emotion (M)
Tourism (Y)
Table 5 shows the discriminant validity results utilising the Fornell-Larcker
Criterion. These findings reveal that the average variance extracted (AVE) root value is
greater than the correlation between the model's latent variables, which shows that the
model fulfilled the criterion for discriminant validity.
c) Composite Reliability
Table 4
Composite Reliability Test Results
Composite Reliability
Education-based Marketing (X2)
Positive Emotion (M)
Relationship Marketing (X1)
Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y)
According to Table 4, the composite reliability value for all research variables is
more significant than 0.7. These results show that each variable met composite
reliability, implying that all variables have a high level of reliability.
The total evaluation results, both convergent, discriminant validity, and composite
reliability indicate that all indicators as measures of latent variables are valid and
reliable, allowing for future testing.
Goodness Of Fit Inner Model (Structural Model)
The inner structural model's goodness of fit is tested using the predictive
relevance value (Q2), which measures how well the model produces the observation
values and the estimated parameters. Table 5 below shows the R2 value for each
endogenous variable in this study.
Table 5
R2 Value of Endogenous Variables
R Square
R Square Adjusted
Positive Emotion (M)
Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y)
The R2 value of the Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y) variable is 0.910, which
means that 91.0% of the variation in the Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y) variable is
explained by other variables used in the model, while other variables or factors outside
Arief Nurhidayanto, Ratna Sari Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2092
the model explain the remaining 9%. The predictiverelevance value is obtained by the
Q² = 1 (1 R1²) (1 R2²) => Q2 = 1 (1 R12) (1 R22)
Q² = 1 (1 0.551) (1 0.910)
Q² = 0.960
The results above show a predictive-relevance value of 0.960, > 0. The Q2 value is
close to 1, meaning the model has a relevant predictive value, and it can be stated that
this structural model fits the data.
Hypothesis Testing
This study presents seven hypotheses, with 5 (five) direct influence hypothesis tests
and 2 (two) mediation influence hypothesis tests. Each hypothesis test will be described
in detail below.
d) Testing the Direct Influence Hypothesis
Figure 5. Bootstrapping
Table 6
Hypothesis Test Results
Direct Influence
T Statistics
Education-based Marketing
(X2) -> Positive Emotion
Education-based Marketing
(X2) -> Sustainable Marine
Tourism (Y)
Positive Emotion (M) ->
Sustainable Marine Tourism
Use of Fuzzy AHP and Topsis Methods for Prioritizing Scada (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) Integration at Keypoint (Study Case at PLN Up2d Makassar)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2093
Relationship Marketing (X1)
-> Positive Emotion (M)
Relationship Marketing (X1)
-> Sustainable Marine
Tourism (Y)
Based on the data from Table 6 above shows that the seven hypotheses proposed
in this research can be explained as follows:
1. The influence of Education-based Marketing (X2) -> Positive Emotion (M), with an
original sample value of 0.252 (positive), a t-statistics value of 2.816, and a p-value
of 0.005, indicates that Education-based Marketing (X2) has a positive and
significant influence on Positive Emotion (M).
2. The influence of Education-based Marketing (X2) -> Sustainable Marine Tourism
(Y) with an original sample value of 0.159 (positive), a t-statistics value of 4.625,
and a p-value of 0.000 indicating that Education-based Marketing (X2) has a positive
and significant influence on Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y).
3. The influence of Positive Emotion (M) -> Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y), with an
original sample value of 0.739 (positive), a t-statistics value of 17.389, and a p-value
of 0.000, indicates that Positive Emotion (M) has a positive influence on and is
significant for Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y).
4. Influence of Relationship Marketing (X1) -> Positive Emotion (M) with an original
sample value of 0.592 (positive), a t-statistics value of 7.149, and a p-value of 0.000
indicating that Relationship Marketing (X1) has a positive and significant influence
towards Positive Emotion (M).
5. Influence of Relationship Marketing (X1) -> Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y): An
original sample value of 0.160 (positive), a t-statistics value of 3.366, and a p-value
of 0.001 indicate that Relationship Marketing (X1) has a positive influence on and is
significant for Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y).
Testing Mediation Variables
The criteria for assessing the mediation effect are based on the VAF value. If the
VAF value is > 80 per cent, then the mediation variable is complete mediation; if ≤ 20%
VAF ≤ 80 per cent, then the mediation variable is partial mediation, and if < 20 per cent,
then the mediation variable is not a mediator. The results of the indirect influence test
can be presented in Table 7 as follows:
Table 7
Indirect Effect, Total Variable Effect, and VAF Calculation
Indirect Influence
Correlation coefficient
Education-based Marketing (X2) -> Positive
Emotion (M) -> Sustainable Marine Tourism
Relationship Marketing (X1) -> Positive
Emotion (M) -> Sustainable Marine Tourism
Total Influence
Correlation coefficient
Arief Nurhidayanto, Ratna Sari Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2094
Education-based Marketing (X2) -> Positive
Emotion (M)
Education-based Marketing (X2) ->
Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y)
Positive Emotion (M) -> Sustainable Marine
Tourism (Y)
Relationship Marketing (X1) -> Positive
Emotion (M)
Relationship Marketing (X1) -> Sustainable
Marine Tourism (Y)
VAF -> Indirect Influence / Total Influence
VAF -> Indirect Influence / Total Influence
As can be seen from the results above, Positive Emotion (M) mediates the
influence of Relationship Marketing (X1) on Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y) with a
VAF value of 2.73. This means that the VAF value of 2.73 Positive Emotion (M) is
complete mediation with VAF (273%), far exceeding the 80 per cent limit, so it is
considered complete mediation of the Relationship Marketing (X1) relationship with
Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y).
Subsequently, positive Emotion (M) mediates the influence of Education-based
Marketing (X2) on Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y) with a VAF value of 1.06. This
means that the VAF value of 1.06 Positive Emotion (M) is complete mediation with
VAF (106%) exceeding 80%.
The research findings provide important insights into the linkages under
consideration. First of all, Relationship Marketing (X1) emerges as a critical influencer
of Positive Emotion (M). The favourable and significant influence of Relationship
Marketing (X1) on nurturing positive emotional responses emphasises the necessity of
developing strong customer relationships through effective marketing methods.
Furthermore, the study finds that Relationship Marketing (X1) positively correlates to
Sustainable Marine tourism (Y), stressing the importance of relationship-focused
marketing in supporting the sustainability of marine tourist initiatives. This research
emphasises the power of relationship-oriented strategies to influence broader outcomes
relevant to marine tourism sustainability.
In addition, Education-based Marketing (X2) has a positive and significant impact
on Positive Emotion (M). This shows that educational marketing methods generate
positive emotional experiences and help build a positive connection between the
audience and the marketing initiatives. Furthermore, the research shows that Education-
based Marketing (X2) positively affects Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y). This
demonstrates the potential of educational marketing tactics to contribute to the long-
term viability of marine tourism. Positive Emotion (M) is an essential mediator in both
Use of Fuzzy AHP and Topsis Methods for Prioritizing Scada (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) Integration at Keypoint (Study Case at PLN Up2d Makassar)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2095
the Relationship Marketing (X1) and Education-based Marketing (X2) pathways. This
means that the good emotional experiences generated by these marketing methods are
critical in linking them to Sustainable Marine Tourism (Y) development.
Nonetheless, this study has limitations. To begin, considering that the research
focuses primarily on a unique setting of marine tourism, the findings should be
generalised with caution. Second, survey methodologies may induce answer bias and
fail to capture more in-depth features of the phenomenon under inquiry. Furthermore,
the findings of this study highlight the need for additional research into other elements
that may influence the interaction between marketing, emotions, and tourism
sustainability. As a result, additional studies could yield fresh insights and give a more
comprehensive framework for assisting marketing practitioners in building more
effective strategies for sustainable marine tourism. Following the study, various
relationship approaches are needed to elicit positive emotional responses for effective
marketing management in sustainable marine tourism. For example, personalised
engagement and loyalty programs can improve the emotional bond between tourists and
the place. Concurrently, integrating educational initiatives, such as cooperation with
environmental organisations and educational campaigns, is critical for promoting
marine conservation and sustainable practices. Through interactive encounters,
technology such as mobile apps or virtual reality can increase the impact of instructional
marketing. Future research should use longitudinal methodologies, address cross-
cultural variances, and involve stakeholders for a more comprehensive approach.
Furthermore, combining quantitative and qualitative research might provide more
significant insights into tourist decisions. These recommendations can help marketers
design more effective strategies to benefit marine conservation efforts and enhance the
tourism experience.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2096
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