pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2216
Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFS) for PPP
Scheme Toll Road Projects in Indonesia
Asep Suhana
, Pratikso
, Rachmat Mudiyono
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Mandala, Indonesia
, Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang,
Keywords: Critical
Success Factors, PPP,
Indonesian Toll Roads.
Public-private partnership (PPP) models represent an
innovative procurement approach and offer promising
prospects for the construction industry's future worldwide.
However, not all PPP projects, particularly toll road projects,
achieve their goals. This poses a unique challenge in
determining the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) as the basis
for evaluating project success. Therefore, this research aims
to identify and explore the concept of CSFs for toll road
projects under the PPP scheme based on reputable academic
journals in the last ten years. This study employs a sequential
exploratory mixed methods methodology to identify and
explore CSF indicators for PPP scheme projects and to
verify and validate the findings. The results of this study
reveal 13 indicators crucial for project success, categorized
into eight factors. The findings of this research contribute
significantly to the management of PPP toll road projects in
Indonesia, serving as a reference for stakeholders in
decision-making to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency
of toll road project management.
The right strategy to stabilize the economy and increase people's income is to invest
in infrastructure, especially toll roads. Building toll roads is expected to provide
convenience for the mobility of goods and services, accelerate the delivery of raw
materials to factories, and facilitate the distribution of production products. Thus, toll road
infrastructure positively impacts the community's economy, expanding employment,
increasing GDP, and regional growth.
The development of toll road infrastructure requires very high investment costs that
must be prepared by the government and cannot continue to depend on the availability of
APBN funds. Therefore, one of the strategies designed by the government to overcome
toll road infrastructure financing is to adopt the Public Private Partnership (PPP)
procurement model, known in Indonesia as Public Private Partnership (PPP). Thus,
funding sources can be obtained from both the public and private sectors (Simon, 2020).
Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFS) for PPP Scheme Toll Road Projects in
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2217
The PPP model is an innovative procurement process approach and provides good
opportunities for the future of the construction industry in the world (Osei-Kyei & Chan,
2016) and has been used by most developing countries (Kavishe et al., 2019) and is
increasingly popular among governments as an excellent alternative method to traditional
models (Debela, 2022). However, in practice, not all PPP projects achieve their objectives
because the results cannot meet initial expectations regarding cost, completion time,
construction quality, and project impact issues. These mistakes become a challenge in
itself, as well as determining the success factors for evaluating project success. Evaluating
the success of ha-rus projects includes assessing benefits, i.e., value streams arising from
the project (Chih & Zwikael, 2015). Thus, projects should be managed with a focus on
achieving strategic and long-term goals.
One approach to evaluating project success is determining the critical success
factors (CSFs) that lead to successful completion. CSFs are essential issues for an
organization's current and future operations that must be met by an organization, business,
or project to achieve its objectives. Therefore, if the project outcome is the goal, CSFs
must meet the objectives and relate directly to the business strategy. According to
(Mahmood, 2021), CSFs can improve project performance by proactively minimizing
cost and quality failures and effectively managing CSFs.
Based on a review of reputed journals in the past ten years, many studies have
identified CSFs (Chou & Pramudawardhani, 2015). However, the concept of CSFs is
interpreted differently, which may be due to the complexity of project problems, the
involvement of public and private parties who have different perceptions of critical issues,
and geographical, economic, social, and cultural conditions in each country. Therefore,
this study aims to identify, explore, and review the concept of CSFs for toll road projects
under the PPP scheme. The results of this study make a significant contribution with
empirical evidence on PPP scheme toll road CSFs in Indonesia that can be used as a
reference for stakeholders in making decisions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency
of toll road project management. In addition, the results of this research can be used as a
basis for further research in developing the concept of measuring the success of PPP
scheme toll road projects in Indonesia.
Research Methods
This study uses an exploratory sequential mixed methods approach to gain a deep
understanding of the research phenomenon while facilitating a more comprehensive
understanding of its application. According to (Pardede, 2019), the sequential mixture
method is suitable if a phenomenon has not been conceptualized or explored in depth in
the literature. The first step of this research uses the qualitative method with a systematic
literature review to explore CSFs in depth and identify gaps in the existing literature. The
literature selection process is carried out in four stages. A brief review of reputable
academic journals in the last ten years related to CSFs and PPPs was conducted, obtained
from academic databases such as Science Direct, Taylor & Francis Online, Cambridge
Core, and Google Scholar, and based on the keywords. Critical success factors for public-
Asep Suhana, Pratikso, Rachmat Mudiyono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2218
private partnerships (PPPs) obtained 13686 journals, Science Direct 1464 journals, Taylor
& Francis Online 1395 journals, Cambridge Core 1850 journals, and Google Scholar
8970 journals. The second stage continued with the selection process by eliminating
journals irrelevant to this research's purpose, such as social, economic, business, health,
and others. Hence, the research objectives were obtained from 252 journals. The third
stage is a content analysis, which examines and analyses the year of publication,
origin/country of author, country of study, findings, and use of research methodology.
Based on the results of the analysis of the content of academic journals, 33 journals were
obtained that were relevant and qualified for this study that could identify CSFs of PPP
scheme infrastructure projects. The fourth stage identifies CSFs of PPP scheme
infrastructure projects, the results of which are classified into eight factors, namely factors
related to Planning and design (PD), Procurement process (PROC), Project management
(PM), Human resources (HR); Stakeholder management (STH); Contractor (CON);
Business (BIS) and Sustainability (SUS). The results of identifying CSFs are then ranked
based on eight factors and total CSFs.
The second step is to use quantitative methods to verify and validate findings by
experts, practitioners, and academics who are experienced and knowledgeable in CSFs
and PPP. To verify and validate CSFs, a questionnaire survey using the Guttman scale
includes statements related to the variables studied. The primary purpose of making the
Guttman scale is to find out the unity of dimensions and attitudes of respondents to the
field under study.
Results and Discussion
Publication of statistics and research areas of CSF projects under the PPP scheme
In this study, 33 CSF journals of PPP scheme projects were found to be relevant
and eligible for analysis. The International Journal of Project Management ranks first with
ten articles published, followed by the International Journal of Construction Management
with eight articles published, and the rest published by various publishers.
Based on literature studies, countries or research areas regarding CSFs of PPP
scheme projects are pretty diverse. Nigeria is the country that is most active in researching
CSF PPP scheme projects, contributing 23%, followed by the UK, which contributed
11.50%, and the countries Abu Dhabi, China, Ghana, Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia each
contributed 7.70%. Figure 3 shows the 11 most active countries as research areas.
Figure 3. CSFs and PPP Research Areas
Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFS) for PPP Scheme Toll Road Projects in
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Findings of identification of CSFs in PPP scheme projects
This study found 51 CSFs of the PPP scheme project have been found in 33
reputable academic journals. The top three rankings for each factor are presented in Table
Table 3
Frequency of occurrence of critical success factors (CSFs)
Planning and Design-Related Factors
Clear and realistic project
definitions and objectives
[1]; [6]; [15]; [17];
[18]; [21]; [24];
[23]; [26]; [27]
Comprehensive scope,
drawings, and
[1]; [2]; [8]; [12];
[17]; [21]; [22];
[24]; [26]
Comprehensive project
feasibility and business
feasibility studies
[6]; [16]; [17]; [22];
[25]; [30]; [33]
Procurement Process Related Factors (PROC)
Effective, competitive,
and transparent
procurement methods
[2]; [3]; [6]; [7];
[10]; [16]; [18];
[21]; [28]; [32];
Cost transparency and
funding adequacy
[1]; [4]; [6]; [13];
[20]; [24]; [26];
[27]; [28]; [32]
Comprehensive, effective,
and flexible contract
[6]; [17]; [20]; [22];
[26]; [29]
Project Management-Related Factors
Effective communication
and coordination
[1]; [2]; [8]; [9];
[12]; [15]; [17];
[18]; [19]; [22];
[23]; [27]
Project results meet
quality and scope
[11]; [18]; [21];
[22]; [26]; [27]
Consistent and effective
project control and
[1]; [17]; [18]; [22];
[31]; [33]
Effective Risk
[1]; [7]; [18]; [20];
[23]; [24]
Project management using
innovative project
[11]; [20]; [22];
[28]; [29]
Asep Suhana, Pratikso, Rachmat Mudiyono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2220
management and effective
control systems
Factors Related to Project Human Resources (SDM)
Sufficient project manager
competence and
[4]; [8]; [12]; [17];
[18]; [22]; [23];
[24]; [26]; [27]
Sufficient competence and
experience of project team
[4]; [8]; [12]; [17];
[18]; [22]; [23];
[24]; [26]; [27]
Project managers have
good leadership,
organization, decision-
making, and conflict-
handling skills.
[2]; [11]; [18]; [21];
[22]; [23]; [27]; [34]
Project priorities and
Clarity of project team
roles and responsibilities
[6]; [7]; [8]; [14];
[17]; [18]; [23];
Sufficient project manager
authority in managing the
[1]; [15]; [17]; [18];
[22]; [23]; [24]; [27]
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
bagi tim proyek yang
[17]; [21]
Factors Related to Stakeholder and Client Management
Involvement and
commitment of top
management and
[1]; [8]; [10]; [13];
[17]; [22]; [24];
[26]; [27]; [15]
The client's ability to
make effective decisions
[18]; [27]; [29];
[23]; [21]
Project participants'
commitment to meeting
project objectives
[17]; [22]; [24]; [29]
Contractor Related Factors (CON)
Adequate and efficient
allocation of all resources
[8]; [13]; [17]; [22];
[26]; [27]; [31];
[15]; [12]; [4]
Effective project
scheduling and control
[1]; [11]; [17]; [21];
[22]; [24]; [26
The contractor's work
fulfills legal
responsibilities through
contractual commitments
[16]; [17]; [21];
[22]; [23]; [24
Business-Related Factors (BIS)
Proper risk allocation and
[5]; [6]; [7]; [16];
[17]; [24]; [25];
Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFS) for PPP Scheme Toll Road Projects in
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[28]; [29]; [32];
[33]; [35]; [41]
Government policies,
commitments, and support
provide assurance
[3]; [8]; [9]; [16];
[17]; [22]; [26];
[27]; [28]; [33]
Stable political, social,
and economic
[3]; [5]; [7]; [14];
[16]; [23]; [27];
[28]; [33]; [31]
Appropriate regulations
and legal framework
[6]; [7]; [8]; [16];
[20]; [23]; [28];
[30]; [33]
Sustainability-Related Factors (SUS)
Thorough and realistic
cost and benefit
[6]; [16]; [25]; [31];
Consistent environmental
Performance Monitoring
[17] [20]; [27]
Innovation and
Technology Transfer
[16]; [23]; [27]
Minimal impact of the
project on society and the
[8]; [24]; [27]
Integration of
sustainability into project
management practices
[8]; [25]
[1] Ihuah et al., (2014); [2] (Amade, Ubani, Omajeh, Anita, & Njoku, 2015); [3] Osei-
Kyei and Chan, (2015); [4] Jamal et al., (2022); [5] Kandiyoh et al., (2022); [6] (Chou
& Pramudawardhani, 2015); [7] Wang, (2015); [8] (Bayiley & Teklu, 2016); [9] Osei-
Kyei and Chan, (2016); [10] Liu et al., (2016); [11] (Banihashemi, Hosseini, Golizadeh,
& Sankaran, 2017); [12] Sumadiyono and Husin, (2021); [13] (Kuwaiti, Ajmal, &
Hussain, 2018); [14] Osei-Kyei and Chan, (2017b); [15] (Buniya et al., 2021); [16]
(Babatunde & Perera, 2017); [17] (Adzmi & Hassan, 2018); [18] (Lappi & Aaltonen,
2017); [19] Osei-Kyei and Chan, (2017a); [20] Osei-Kyei et al., (2017); [21] (Mahmood,
2021); [22] (Altarawneh, Thiruchelvam, & Samadi, 2018); [23] Singh and Sharma,
(2020); [24] (Asgari, Kheyroddin, & Naderpour, 2018); [25] (Kavishe et al., 2019); [26]
(Ghanbaripour, Sher, & Yousefi, 2020); [27] Lamprou and Vagiona, (2018); [28]
Zayyanu and Foziah, (2018); [29] (Altarawneh & Samadi, 2019); [30] (Demeke Cherkos
& Jha, 2020).
Verification and validation of findings
Fifty-five respondents were collected based on the results of the questionnaire
distribution through Google Forms. Then, the data analysis was divided into two parts:
analysis of respondent characteristics and analysis of essential levels.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2222
Analysis of respondent characteristics
The analysis showed that women's representation in this questionnaire survey
contributed 9.10% and men's 90.90%. Most respondents over 50 amounted to 47.30%,
followed by respondents aged 30 to 50 at 43.60% and those under 30 at 9.10%. This
questionnaire survey involved 23.60% of respondents with S3 education and 76.40
respondents with S2 education, with more than ten respondents experiencing 76.40% and
respondents experiencing 5 to 10 years of 23.60%. The elements of representation in the
work response from academics amounted to 27%, Ministry of PUPR 24%, Planning
consultants 22%, MK consultants 14%, contractors 9%, and practitioners 4%. Thus, based
on descriptive analysis, the characteristics of respondents are sufficient to provide
verification and validation of CSFs for PPP scheme projects.
Test the validity and reliability of the Guttman scale
Two parameters must be measured to validate the Gutmann scale questionnaire
survey: the Coefficient of Reproducibility and the Coefficient of Scalability. The
requirement for receiving the value of the reproducibility coefficient is if the
reproducibility coefficient has a value of > 0.90, calculated by the formula:
=1- 󰇡
󰇢 (1)
Kr = Reproducibility Coefficient; e = number of errors/error value = 48; n = number of
statements times number of respondents = 3025
The requirement for receiving the value of the scalability coefficient is if the scalability
coefficient has a value > 0,60.
=1- 󰇡
󰇢 (2)
Ks = Scalability Coefficient; e = Number of error values =48; x = 0.5 ({number of
statements times number of respondents} number of answer choices) = 1485.󰆚
Guttman scale reliability test
Assessment criteria: If an instrument is reliable, the KR-20 reliability coefficient
value is more than 0 (r0.70). The result of the etththe e the ePQe haPQPQ
Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFS) for PPP Scheme Toll Road Projects in
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2223
r = Overall reliability ∑pq =umberf multplication rsusbewena q,82 k= e r total =
3,602 =
󰇢>Vre produced based on the validity and reliability test of
respondents' answers.
Important level analysis
The Relative Importance Index (RII) method is used to obtain the importance level
of the analyzed factors. Based on the analysis results, the average standard error value is
below 5%, and the critical level is high. Thus, the statements submitted by researchers as
51 indicators of CSFs can already represent the perceptions of experts, academics, and
practitioners in the construction field and are qualified to be used as research analysis
The study found that 13 indicators, identified in 33 reputable national and
international journals, were critical to the project's success. Table 3 shows the ranking of
identified indicators for PPP scheme toll road projects.
Planning and design-related factors
Ten articles identified clear and realistic project definitions and objective indicators.
These were followed by comprehensive scope indicators, drawings, and specifications,
identified by nine articles, and project feasibility and business feasibility study indicators,
identified by seven articles. The top two indicators are critical to the project's success,
ranking fourth and fifth in total CSFs.
Project objectives are what you want to achieve at the end of the project. Thus,
defining the proper project goals and objectives for all stakeholders is a prerequisite for
success. The organization should have goals and a business plan with realistic short-term
and long-term goals. Project feasibility and business feasibility studies must be conducted
to achieve these goals, which are the principles for initiating a project. In addition, to
achieve success in project implementation, the planner must make the scope, drawings,
and specifications clear and comprehensive so that there is no ambiguous interpretation
among construction implementers.
Factors related to the procurement process
The Effective, competitive, and transparent procurement methods indicator ranked
first, identified by 11 articles, followed by the cost transparency and funding adequacy
indicator, identified by 10 articles, and the Comprehensive, practical, and flexible
contract documentation indicator ranked third, identified by six articles. The top two
indicators are critical to the project's success, ranking third and fourth in total CSFs.
In the existing literature, procurement effectiveness is associated with the
competence of the staff involved in the procurement process, resulting in an effective
procurement process when the actions of each procurement staff lead to the achievement
of project objectives (Changalima et al., 2021). Therefore, organizations must ensure that
the procurement function runs well and is managed effectively and transparently to
achieve project objectives. Information on the adequacy of funding in front of tender
participants is essential and will give bidders confidence to follow the tender process.
According to (Lappi Aaltonen, 2017), the PPP scheme tender process is more economical
Asep Suhana, Pratikso, Rachmat Mudiyono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2224
than traditional procurement, but PPP scheme contract arrangements are usually long-
term complex. Therefore, there is a need for some variation in contract arrangements to
facilitate changes.
Project management-related factors
Indicators: Effective communication and coordination among project participants
ranked first identified by 12 articles, followed by three indicators identified by six articles:
Project results meet quality standards and planned scope; Consistent and effective project
control and evaluation and feedback; and Effective Risk management. Indicators
Effective communication and coordination among project participants are critical to the
project's success, which ranks 2nd in total CSFs.
These findings validate (Aghania et al., 2019) that ineffective communication is the
leading cause of one-third of project failures. Therefore, communication is a significant
indicator because project success requires effective communication. In managing a
project, it is necessary that the project scope is defined at the beginning of the project,
and any changes in the scope must be appropriately managed. Every work included in the
project scope must meet quality requirements. To achieve this, consistent and effective
project control, evaluation, and feedback to monitor the progress of cost, time, and quality
are needed to minimize project risks. Therefore, effective risk management is needed to
achieve project success.
Human resources (HR) related factors
The first rank is occupied by two indicators, namely Competence and experience
of adequate project managers and Competence and experience of adequate project team
members, each identified by ten articles, followed by three indicators identified by eight
articles, namely, Project managers have good decision-making, leadership, organizing
and conflict handling skills; Project priorities and clarity of the roles and responsibilities
of the project team and sufficient authority of the project manager in managing the
project. The top two indicators are critical to the project's success, which ranks 4th in total
A successful project manager must demonstrate flexibility and competence in many
ways and take responsibility for the project's success. The project manager's work must
be supported by project team members who have the appropriate managerial and technical
competence capabilities according to the characteristics of the project. A project manager
must possess the ability to measure and analyze objectively to provide effective decisions
and conflict-handling skills. The project manager must have the authority to determine
the strategy for initiating the project, understand the requirements, evaluate the project,
and monitor its progress. Therefore, the project manager needs to arrange the order of
importance of each work item as a priority of the project and provide clarity of roles and
responsibilities to project team members so that the project team can collaborate to work
on the project more efficiently.
Factors related to stakeholder management
Ten articles identified the involvement, commitment, and support of top
management and stakeholders as the first indicator, followed by the ability of clients to
Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFS) for PPP Scheme Toll Road Projects in
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2225
make effective decisions indicator identified by five articles, and the Project participants'
commitment indicator in meeting project objectives identified by four articles. Indicators
of top management and stakeholders' engagement, commitment, and support are critical
to the project's success, ranking 4th in total CSFs.
Stakeholder involvement in the project planning process should include a variety
of actors with different roles and responsibilities to play in the planning phases of the
project life cycle. The support and commitment of top management and all stakeholders
and clear communication of stakeholder needs can significantly improve overall project
performance. Therefore, stakeholder management is an important indicator affecting
project success (Amade et al., 2015).
Contractor-related factors
The indicator Allocation and use of all adequate and efficient resources ranks first,
identified by ten articles, followed by the indicator Effective project scheduling and
control during the project phase identified by seven articles, and the indicator Contractor
fulfills legal responsibility for contractual commitments in third place identified by six
articles. Indicators: The allocation and use of all adequate and efficient resources are
critical to the success of a project that ranks 4th in total CSFs.
The efficiency of a project focuses on how well the resources of various project
activities are utilized in the expected results. The results found that contractors were
assessed based on performance, ability to manage resources, and improvement of worker
ability through training, time management, and ability to work as a team (Osman &
Gladys, 2019). Therefore, effective project scheduling and control methods are needed
during the project phase
Business-related factors
The Appropriate risk allocation and sharing indicator rank first identified by 13
articles, followed by two indicators: Policy, Government commitment, and support
providing assurance and a stable political, social, and economic environment, each
identified by 10 articles and appropriate regulatory and legal framework indicators rank
third identified by nine articles. These indicators are critical to the project's success,
ranking 1st, 4th, and 5th in total CSFs.
The main characteristic of PPP scheme infrastructure projects is the high level of
risk due to the long-term concession period and the large number of participants involved
in the partnership. Therefore, allocating and sharing risks is one of the fundamental things
for PPP arrangements, so it is not surprising that Proper allocation and sharing of risks
between parties (public and private sectors) is widely identified by researchers as CSFs
that are critical to achieving project success. In addition, government support in the form
of guarantees is essential to increase private sector confidence and can make PPP projects
financially viable. Government guarantees must be provided to facilitate investment and
obtain the necessary funding from financial institutions. Government guarantees have a
direct relationship with the political atmosphere of a country. Political instability will
allow changes in public policy that can hinder the implementation of PPP projects.
Therefore, the willingness of the private sector to participate in PPP projects is highly
Asep Suhana, Pratikso, Rachmat Mudiyono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2226
dependent on the political and economic environment in which the projects will be
operated. A favorable political and economic environment is essential for developing PPP
projects, especially in developing countries. To achieve this, a clear and comprehensive
legal and regulatory framework is needed that can attract private sector investment in PPP
Sustainability-related factors
The comprehensive and realistic Cost and benefit assessment indicator ranks first
identified by five articles, followed by three indicators: consistent environmental
Performance Monitoring at various levels, Innovation and Technology Transfer, and The
impact of the project on society and the environment identified by three articles each.
Overall, sustainability-related factors were identified as unimportant, as the research
results by (Kavishe et al., 2019) showed that sustainability is not very important in PPP
projects in Tanzania. However, integrating social, economic, and environmental practices
into the implementation of toll road projects can realize social justice and environmental
sustainability and improve the community's quality of life.
The study results revealed 13 indicators of CSFs significant for project success,
classified into eight factors: Indicators related to planning and design factors are clear and
realistic project definitions and objectives, as well as comprehensive scope, drawings,
and specifications. Indicators related to procurement process factors are effective
procurement methods, competitive and transparent procurement processes, cost
transparency, and funding adequacy. An indicator related to project management factors
is effective communication and coordination among project participants. The HR factors
indicators are adequate competence and experience of project managers and project team
members. Indicators related to stakeholder management factors are the involvement,
commitment, and support of top management and stakeholders. An indicator related to
the contractor factor is allocating and using all adequate and efficient resources. Indicators
related to business factors are proper allocation and sharing of risks; Government policies,
commitments, and support provide assurance; stable political, social, and economic
environment; and Appropriate regulations and legal frameworks.
Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFS) for PPP Scheme Toll Road Projects in
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2227
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