pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2943
The concept of Javanese cultural locality that influences the
design of the Aerotropolis Hotel Yogyakarta International
Kenneth Nathalio Alexander
, Hartanto Budiyuwono
, Baskoro Tedjo
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia
The government has plans to build an Aerotropolis area, a
city with an airport-centered infrastructure and economic
topology to support local economic progress at Yogyakarta
International Airport, Kulon Progo. The potential for rapid
airport traffic means that the planned hotel development can
be a facility for postponing plane departure schedules due to
certain circumstances such as bad weather (incidental).
Hotel development is implemented using a Javanese cultural
locality approach which revives the atmosphere of
traditional elements by creating local building shapes and
patterns. So the issues raised are the concept of locality and
the concept of hotel design. This research uses qualitative
descriptive methods and analysis is carried out using theories
from the architectural anatomy approach and the Javanese
cultural locality approach. The result is that there are five
aspects of architectural anatomy and three cultural forms that
influence the locality of Javanese culture. The anatomical
aspects of architecture are the environmental scope, site
scope, building scope, form scope, and material scope, while
the aspects of cultural form are the form of ideas, activities,
and artefacts. Five architectural concept criteria were
produced, namely the concept of an imaginary mountain-sea
axis, Kiblat Papat Kalima Pancer, Javanese architectural
buildings, Kawung batik ornaments, and local materials
aimed at giving the impression of a building that is integrated
with the area and still preserves Javanese culture.
Keywords: Hotel Design;
Locality; Javanese
Culture; Yogyakarta
The easing of COVID-19 pandemic cases has significantly increased the movement
visits to Yogyakarta. The number of visits increased by 24.88 per cent. The total number
of foreign tourist visits from January to February 2023 was 8,732 people (Cindy Dwi,
2023). This certainly affects the development of air transportation which is busy again,
especially at Yogyakarta International Airport, Kulon Progo.
Kenneth Nathalio Alexander, Hartanto Budiyuwono, Baskoro Tedjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2944
Figure 1. Kulon Progo Aerotropolis City Masterplan
Sumber: jogjainvest.jogjaprov.go.id, 2024
The government has plans to build the Aerotropolis area here, which is a city with
a layout, infrastructure, and economy centred on the airport. Based on the Kulon Progo
Aerotropolis City master plan, there is an idea to make it easier for passengers and
encourage the development of regional infrastructure by developing lodging facilities
close to the airport, namely hotels (Persada & Octadynata, 2021). This hotel can be used
as a temporary resting place while waiting for departure hours or it can be called transit
in incidental conditions. Under normal conditions, people who visit hotels are not for
transit purposes but can also attend seminars or conventions.
Cultural Locality
Yogyakarta is one of the regions that is quite known for its culture that is still
maintained (DPMPTSP Kota Yogyakarta, 2023). The culture that is closely attached to
Yogyakarta is Javanese culture and has become a characteristic that marks the area. The
culture that is maintained can be seen from the social activities of the community, beliefs,
language, and historical relics, to the architectural style of the building (exterior, interior,
spatial layout). Many parts of the city are decorated with a touch of Javanese culture that
makes people remember the characteristics that exist. This is an attraction for tourists to
take a tourist trip to Yogyakarta (Mukminatun, 2010).
Seeing the development of increasingly advanced times makes an architectural style
continue to change (Ardiwidjaja, 2018). Many new buildings have grown with current
concepts that want to accommodate the development of activities and mindsets in society.
These concepts can influence the local architectural style in new buildings. This situation
can cause the loss of a characteristic that is an attraction to an area because local values
that are the attraction of a region cannot be maintained (Ardhian, Zakiyah, & Fauzi,
2023). Seeing these problems, the development of hotels at this airport is applied with a
Javanese Cultural locality approach. Architecture with a locality approach to Javanese
culture revives the atmosphere of traditional elements by creating the shapes and patterns
of local buildings into new building designs (Nandang, 2010).
The concept of Javanese cultural locality that influences the design of the Aerotropolis Hotel
Yogyakarta International Airport
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2945
Research Methods
This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. The qualitative
descriptive method emphasizes the description and analysis of the situation in the field
specifically and in-depth. The first thing that is done is to collect and conduct literature
studies that discuss hotels, architecture related to Javanese culture, and rules in
architecture. After understanding the theories and requirements, the next step is to observe
and document the research object.
The focus of the research is on the design of hotels in the metropolis area of the
international airport. The architectural concept of Yogyakarta International Airport and
the locality of Javanese Culture are revealed through the theory of architectural anatomy.
Architectural anatomy helps to read architecture as well as can be used to design
architecture (Salura, 2018). The place is in the Yogyakarta International Airport Area in
Temon District, Kulon Progo Regency, D. I. Yogyakarta. The region is still starting
infrastructure development to support international airport operations. There is an area of
11,000 m2 that has been planned in the city master plan The place is in the Yogyakarta
International Airport Area in Temon District, Kulon Progo Regency, D. I. Yogyakarta.
The region is still starting infrastructure development to support international airport
operations. There is an area of 11,000 m2 that has been planned in the City master plan.
Aerotropolis Kulon Progo is to be designed as a hotel with 4 stars.
Figure 2. Kulon Progo Aerotropolis Area Plan Block
4-star hotels
3-star hotels
Airport Parking Building
Airport Outdoor Parking
Airport Train Station
Airport Dropoff
Airport Terminal
Masjid Al- Akbar
Pedestrian Area
Kenneth Nathalio Alexander, Hartanto Budiyuwono, Baskoro Tedjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2946
Results and Discussion
The Yogyakarta International Airport Aerotropolis Hotel as one of the
infrastructure and operational supporting facilities of Yogyakarta International Airport is
designed in line with the general concept of the airport. The design of the hotel is planned
by combining the technical and philosophical aspects of strong local cultural wisdom,
namely Javanese Culture. The application of design with Javanese cultural locality does
not leave the modern aspect as a step in the development of hotels that still adapt to the
development of the times. So the design obtained will still adjust to the development of
the times but the nuances of locality can still be felt.
Elements of Javanese Cultural Locality in Yogyakarta
Culture in each region has its conception that produces its characteristics. Cultural
values continue to be inherited from generation to generation in a social order. There is a
stigma in society that classifies regional cultural values with its distinctive characteristics
that distinguish it from other regions. Javanese culture grew and developed in the Java
area. This Javanese culture grew and developed, especially in the Central Java, East Java,
and D. I. Yogyakarta areas. The elements of Javanese cultural locality can be understood
through their forms, namely the form of ideas, the form of activities, and the form of
artefacts (Koentjaraningrat, 2009).
Wujud Ide
The form of an idea is abstract, and cannot be touched or photographed. Its location
is in the head or other words, in the minds of the citizens of the community where the
culture lives. In Javanese culture, ideas are manifested, for example, the Papat Qibla
Kalima Pancer, Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana, and Manunggaling Kawula and Gusti.
In human life, there is a philosophy of direction (qibla) that guides people so that
they do not go in the wrong direction, which is called the four qiblas of the five pancer
which means there are four corners and one in the middle. In this philosophy, the qibla of
the universe begins from the east (wetan) which means kawitan or beginning. In the order
of the universe, hamemayu swinging bawana can be interpreted as beautifying the state
of the world. This concept in Javanese culture is held by the Javanese people to create
harmonious conditions that are manifested in three things, namely harmony with the
entire universe and its contents with mutually respectful behaviour, maintaining
harmonious relationships between fellow living beings, whether humans, animals, or
plants, and uniting oneself to Almighty God to get clues to the truth (Aziz et al., n.d.).
Activity Form
The form of activity in Javanese culture is called the social system, regarding the
actions of humans themselves who have a certain pattern. This social system consists of
human activities that interact, relate, and associate with each other from second to second,
from day to day, and from year to year, always according to certain patterns based on the
customs of the code of conduct that indirectly have an understanding of each other in
society (Widyakusuma & Arief, 2023).
Wujud Artefak
The concept of Javanese cultural locality that influences the design of the Aerotropolis Hotel
Yogyakarta International Airport
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2947
The form of artefacts is a cultural form in the form of all physical results and
activities, deeds, and works of all humans in society. In Javanese culture, for example,
such as the Joglo House. In the concept of the Joglo house, there is a structure in the form
of four teachers or main pillars, in the Javanese concept the centralized arrangement that
surrounds four elements that are related in a single structure is a concrete form of Javanese
views on the four qiblas of the five dancers (Krisnawati, 2014). In this philosophy of
Jolgo's house, everything is always associated with the forces of nature, something
metaphysical that forms a balance.
The Yogyakarta region itself produces a culture in the form of artefacts in the form
of the Yogyakarta Palace. The Palace building is the beginning of the source of
Yogyakarta's regional planology which is full of symbols of life and human life.
Yogyakarta is based on the meaning of the philosophical axis between the Krapyak Stage
- Kraton - Tugu which forms a straight line (Priyono et al., 2015). Between these axes
stand buildings with the meaning of the human life process from birth to facing the
creator. The location of the Palace is regulated by the law of harmony between the macro
cosmos and the micro cosmos. Mount Merapi- Kraton- South Sea depicts an imaginary
axis that symbolizes the harmony and balance of the relationship between man and God,
man and man, and man and nature. This concept does not consider only its functional
aspects but the philosophy of the universe.
There is one of the buildings in the Yogyakarta Palace that can explain the Javanese
cultural values contained in traditional Javanese buildings and their meaning, namely the
Ponconiti Ward building. The position of the building is on the Philosophical axis which
is a representation of the microcosm, part of the macrocosm (imaginary axis). This
position has a meaning, namely maintaining the preservation of the human world in
harmony with the universe to achieve prosperity and peace (Suryono, 2020). This
Javanese cultural value is contained in the philosophy of Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana.
Overall, the architecture of the Yogyakarta Palace has almost the same building mass
shape as each other but has different dimensions and the number of elements that make
up the building. The explanation of one of the wards in the Yogyakarta Palace complex
provides a general understanding of the typology of the buildings in the Yogyakarta
Aerotropolis Hotel with Javanese Cultural Locality Elements
Understanding architectural works begins with the anatomy of architecture which
serves as a guideline for reading and understanding a complete building starting from the
scope: the surrounding environment, site, building, shape, and material sources (Salura,
Environmental Scope
Kenneth Nathalio Alexander, Hartanto Budiyuwono, Baskoro Tedjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2948
Figure 3. Satellite image of the Kulonprogo
Aerotropolis Area
1. 4-Star Hotel Site
2. Airport Terminal
3. Airport Parking Building
4. Access in and out of the area
Figure 4. Mass Arrangement of the
Yogyakarta Palace Building
Sumber: https://www.kratonjogja.id/tata-
kawasan-inti-keraton-yogyakarta/ , 2024
In the scope of the environment, to produce the desired expression, attention must
be paid to the selection of the right location. The selection of this location should place
the position of the building that gives rise to the dominant expression of both the
composition, the building, and the orientation of the site. The mass and space arrangement
wants to reveal the essence of Javanese culture hamemayu swinging bawana where the
harmony of the universe is created. The spatial layout and building mass are arranged
linearly with an imaginary mountain-sea axis. The organization of the space uses a radial-
linear arrangement. The circulation room is central and surrounded by guest rooms
arranged linearly in groups.
Site Scope
The concept of Javanese cultural locality that influences the design of the Aerotropolis Hotel
Yogyakarta International Airport
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2949
Figure 5. Simulation of Qibla Orientation Design
in Hotel Buildings
Figure 6. Illustration of the Qibla
Source: Cultural Office D. I.
Yogyakarta, 2015
In the scope of the site, the architectural anatomy that must be considered is the
mass order of the building to create the exterior space inside the site. The desired
expression is generated from the size of the space and the quality of the space. The main
building in the hotel, namely the guest room, has a philosophy as a spirit that
communicates with his God while the supporting building can be analogized as an
accomplice. The building pattern is arranged based on the four cardinal corners where
there are east-west and north-south axes. This direction is called the four qiblas of the five
pancer which means there are four corners and one in the middle.
The receiving building at the hotel in the form of Drop Off and Lobby is the main
entrance gate for visitors into the hotel building. The atmosphere of hospitality is
displayed through the embodiment of a spatial layout that has a friendly and open
expression for anyone. This philosophy exists in traditional Javanese buildings, namely
the Joglo House. In the Joglo house, there is a room called pendapa which is usually used
for meeting and receiving guests. The position of this panda is in the front area of the
building and is public. Adaptation of this expression and form can be applied to the hotel
drop-off and lobby as a reception room for hotel visitors so that the value of local wisdom
of Javanese culture can be felt directly when visitors step into the hotel building for the
first time.
Building Scope
The concept of locality in Javanese culture can be found in the expression of
Javanese vernacular buildings such as joglo houses. Creating a Javanese vernacular
expression can be done by adapting the shape of the traditional building into a new
Kenneth Nathalio Alexander, Hartanto Budiyuwono, Baskoro Tedjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2950
building with different materials or constructions. The application of shape of the joglo
roof in hotel buildings can be applied by adapting the shape and material. This form also
has the value of the philosophy of keblat four kalima pancer where the pancer is the
middle part which if in making offerings, the Javanese people place the largest tumpeng
on the panger. The body of the building in the form of a scope wall in traditional Javanese
buildings has the property of being open in public spaces while closed in more private
spaces. The application to hotel buildings can be done by giving an open nature to spaces
that are public and more closed to private spaces. Public spaces such as the lobby,
restaurant, dropoff, and meeting area. A private space is the guest room. Public space also
prioritizes the direct relationship between the outer space and the inner space so that the
open expression of the building body is more shown.
Figure 7. Perspective Design Simulation
from the East
Figure 8. Yogyakarta Palace
d/page/index/kawasan-kraton, 2024
The foot of the building in traditional Javanese architecture has a raised floor level.
The height of this floor does not make the floor of the building like a stilt house. The
height is only 2-4 steps. The application of hotel building design can adapt the floor level
applied to this traditional Javanese architecture by providing a level of height starting
from the receiving building to the main building.
There is a dominant ornament at Yogyakarta International Airport, namely batik
applied to the roof of the terminal lobby area. The type of batik used is batik with a
kawung motif. The shape of the kawung batik is adapted into a roof structure in the form
of four oval circles that surround the circle. The design of the kawung batik motif used
has the Javanese cultural philosophy of manunggaling kawula Gusti / unity with God.
The concept of Javanese cultural locality that influences the design of the Aerotropolis Hotel
Yogyakarta International Airport
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2951
Figure 9. The Shape of Kawung Batik Ornaments at NYIA
Source: Personal Documentation, 2024
The embodiment of ornaments from batik kawung motifs can be used in hotel
designs that are applied to interior or exterior elements. On the exterior of the building,
the application of this ornament can be used on the façade of the building, while on the
interior of the building, it can be used on ceiling pattern ornaments and floor patterns.
With the use of these ornaments, the atmosphere created can be by the design of the
airport as the centre of the development of the city master plan of the metropolis.
Figure 10. Design simulation seen from the east (entrance)
Scope of Form
In the scope of shape, the architectural anatomy that is emphasized is the level of
openness and orderliness as well as the surface quality of the building covering elements.
This must be considered to support activities in the room. The expression produced inside
and outside the building is obtained from the openness and closeness of the enveloping
elements and the relationship between the interior space and the exterior space of the
building must be considered.
The scope wall in traditional Javanese buildings has the property of being open in
public spaces while closed in more private spaces. The application in hotel buildings is
carried out by providing a greater level of openness in public spaces and more closed in
Kenneth Nathalio Alexander, Hartanto Budiyuwono, Baskoro Tedjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2952
private spaces. The application of this scope element can create an expression of the value
of ideas from Javanese Culture that are friendly and also.
Material Scope
The concept of material scope, the emphasis of architectural anatomy is on the
availability of all material sources used. The sustainability of the building will be
maintained if the materials and materials used come from the surrounding environment.
The use of local materials also gives a familiar impression to the community because they
already know and understand it.
Figure 11. Perspective Design Simulation from the North
Local materials in the environment around the hotel design area must be adapted to
the needs and capabilities to be used in hotel design. Local materials available in the
surrounding environment include bamboo, wood, and processed clay products such as
bricks and tiles. This material can be used for the design of walls, floors, ceilings, and
building facades. With this combination of local and modern materials, the resulting
building design will adjust to the contemporary style but still provide the atmosphere and
expression of the Javanese Culture locality.
The concept of Javanese cultural locality and the architecture of Yogyakarta
International Airport that influences the design of the Yogyakarta International Airport
Aerotropolis hotel exists in the architectural anatomy in the form of aspects of
environmental scope, site scope, building scope, shape scope, and material scope. From
this aspect, five criteria for architectural concepts were produced, namely the concept of
an imaginary axis of the mountain-sea, the qibla of the four dancers, Javanese
architectural buildings, knowing batik ornaments, and local materials aimed at giving the
The concept of Javanese cultural locality that influences the design of the Aerotropolis Hotel
Yogyakarta International Airport
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2953
impression of a building that blends with the area and still preserves Javanese culture.
These aspects and concepts are influential as a basis for producing guidelines for the
design of aerotropolis hotels with the Javanese Cultural locality approach.
Kenneth Nathalio Alexander, Hartanto Budiyuwono, Baskoro Tedjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 2954
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