pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2932
Assessing the Environmental Health and Hygiene
Performance between Green Building Apartments and
Conventional apartments in Indonesia
Dhita Mentari Hehanussa
, Dalhar Susanto
Universitas Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: green
building; apartment.
In the development of residential property development
nowadays, is growing rapidly. This is also influenced by the
increasing need of the population for housing on
increasingly limited land, so the government is trying to
develop vertical housing. Amid increasingly poor air quality,
many people are considering healthy and clean housing. The
current condition of apartments as multi-story residences is
often faced with crucial energy performance problems. One
of the most common examples is hygiene factors and indoor
thermal discomfort caused by daily activities of temperature
changes and vertical temperature stratification. In response
to the two problems above, developers are trying to get
buildings with green building certification from GBCI as one
way to create green housing. This study aims to create
parameters for assessing the performance of conventional
apartments and Green Building-certified apartments in
tropical areas in several aspects, especially in Indonesia. as
a consideration in reviewing the cleanliness and health of an
apartment. The data collection method used is a literature
study from several related sources.
Amid a pandemic storm and poor air quality like this, health is also a difficult thing
to maintain. Many property developments (residential, office), especially in the capital
city of Jakarta today, have implemented the concept of green architecture well (Permata
& Sari, 2019). Amid the current poor air quality, many people are interested in choosing
healthy housing as one of the factors. Apartments such as high-rise residences are often
faced with crucial energy performance issues (FATHURRAHMAN, 2019). One of the
most common causes is indoor thermal discomfort, which is caused by daily activity of
temperature changes and vertical temperature stratification. Thermal discomfort results
in high energy requirements for air conditioning and implies a higher dependence on
mechanical systems to be acceptable living conditions (Park et al., 2021) Implementing
green architecture in buildings serves not only as an added value in the marketing of
Assessing the Environmental Health and Hygiene Performance between Green Building
Apartment and Convensional apartement in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2933
property products but can also be a solution in implementing energy efficiency but also
prioritizing the comfort of residents (Reviyandi & Mulyaningrum, 2022).
Investments in sustainable design in the commercial building sector are highly
profitable because they can attract higher rental rates than conventional buildings. The
reduction of building energy in apartments is considered a great opportunity for energy
savings because apartments occupy most of the residential buildings in the world; Final
energy consumption in residential buildings reached more than 70% of the global total in
2018 (Park et al., 2021).
The world's property developers voice development that does not increase carbon
emissions or applies environmentally friendly, sustainable concepts, which are often
referred to as green properties (Permata & Sari, 2019). According to research conducted
(Thatcher & Milner, 2016) in measuring the property value of green architecture
buildings, it is proven that the quality of the environment and occupant rooms in green
architecture buildings is also better than in conventional buildings (measured from the
perception of the comfort of its occupants), especially in terms of aesthetics, tranquillity,
lighting, acoustics, ventilation, temperature, humidity (Thatcher & Milner, 2016). This
has also been proven by many studies around the world that have conducted studies on
property prices in the office and housing sectors and their correlation with green building
certification (Hui & Yu, 2021).
The application of the green building concept can also indirectly increase worker
productivity, an opportunity for the Company's branding as a solution in responding to
environmental issues, and as an attraction for building (Muslim, 2022). Where the
emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions also has a great impact on the
construction industry, because of the huge environmental impact both in building
construction and in daily operations (Hui & Yu, 2021). Cooling system methods are also
closely related to greenhouse gas emissions both directly and indirectly (Ferreira,
Pinheiro, de Brito, & Mateus, 2023). In the application of green architectural buildings,
in addition to reducing energy use, it also has an improvement cycle to increase the
production of waste and materials (Ferreira et al., 2023).
Problem Formulation
Apartment residential developers today have implemented environmentally
friendly buildings as evidenced by GBCI certification. Apart from being a form of effort
against climate change and environmental damage, it is expected to be a value or
attraction for people who want to have a healthy home.
Objectives and Benefits of Research
This research has several objectives, which are expected to be beneficial to
complement the study of certified apartment properties in assessing cleanliness and health
in apartments, compared to conventional apartments so that they can be used as
consideration for prospective residents in choosing healthy property products in the
Dhita Mentari Hehanussa, Dalhar Susanto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2934
Research Methods
In answering the research question, the first step is for the researcher to conduct a
theoretical study related to the problem to be studied, the method used in this study is the
Comparison method.
The object to be used as research is apartment residential property. This is done to
find out whether it is proven that the type of apartment residential property has more value
than conventional apartments. The research conducted is to compare apartment buildings
that apply the concept of green architecture with conventional office buildings. The
researcher uses a mixed method that uses a combination of qualitative methods (analysis
text) and quantitative (numeric data) (Creswell & Creswell, 2017).
Results and Discussion
In the source from GBCI included in the thesis (Adiandari & Winata, 2017), it is
explained that the green building assessment system in Indonesia is issued by an
institution known as the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). In the article Rating
Tools by the Green Building Council Indonesia, it is explained that the rating system
issued by GBCI is a tool containing items from the assessment aspect called ratings. For
the assessment of green buildings in Indonesia, GBCI issued a rating system called
greens. GREENSHIP was prepared by involving building sector actors who are experts
in their fields such as architects, building industry, mechanical and electrical technicians,
interior designers, landscape architects, and others. The GREENSHIP assessment system
issued by GBCI can be divided into six categories, namely:
1. Appropriate land use
2. Energy efficiency and conservation
3. Water conservation
4. Material resources and cycle
5. Indoor air health and comfort
6. Building & and environment management.
In the GREENSHIP assessment system, which is divided into six categories, there
are assessment indicators, namely:
Assessing the Environmental Health and Hygiene Performance between Green Building
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Table 1
Assessment indicators by GBCI and processed by researchers
Assessment Indicators
Site design
Landscape Design
Community Accessibility
Public Transportation
Visual Quality
Thermal Comfort
View Access
Indoor Air Quality
Natural Lighting
Water Management
Security and Access Control
Use of Local Materials
Waste Management
Energy Efficiency
An apartment is not only a location that is the main preference in attracting the
market, but the quality of life in the residence is also quite important amid the many
outbreaks that have existed lately. Here are indicators from (Ho et al., 2004) about the
quality of apartments in terms of measuring the safety and health of their occupants. This
is closely related to the purpose of implementing green architecture. Therefore,
researchers try to use this indicator to see how much impact the role of green architecture
as an added value to property, especially for the comfort and safety of residents.
Table 2
Apartment Building Assessment Tool by (Ho, et al., 2016), and has been reprocessed by
Assessment Indicators
Plan Shape
Noise reduction
Open Space
water supply
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Refuse Disposal
Adjacent Use
Air Quality
Noise Source
Visual Quality
Thermal Comfort
Pest Control
Refuse Handling
Water Quality
Researchers try to make research instruments that can be used against research
objects. Research indicators are taken based on things that can affect the value of a
property. The value in question is if the object is said to be valuable if it has utility,
scarcity, effective demand, and transferability (Setiyono, 2017).
Research instruments related to utility are designed by conducting previous
theoretical studies related to several aspects of apartment quality and green architecture
concepts. From the results of the study (Ho et al., 2004) it has been found that apartment
indicators are reviewed from the performance of cleanliness quality and apartment health.
In a residence, the aspect that must be considered is the quality of cleanliness and the
health of its residents. By implementing green architecture, it is claimed to be able to
improve the quality of life of its residents both in terms of health and hygiene. Therefore,
residents try to use this indicator to see how much influence the green building concept
Assessing the Environmental Health and Hygiene Performance between Green Building
Apartment and Convensional apartement in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2937
has in improving the quality of life of residents and also providing added value in
apartment property products.
Table 3
Instrumen Assesment Nilai Apartemen sumber: penulis, diolah dari berbagai sumber
5: <20 lantai
4: 20-30 lantai
3: 30-40 lantai
2: 40-50 lantai
1: >50 lantai
Plan Shape
5:rasio effective space
4: Ratio effective space 70-
3: Ratio effective space 60-
2: Ratio effective space 50-
1: Ratio effective space
5: height >4m
4: height 3-4m
3: height 2.75-3m
2: Height 2.75m
1: height <2.75m
5: There is passive cooling
1: Indoor air quality
not guarded or measured
Noise reduction
5: Building Leather
control noise and
use acoustic tile
3: Building Leather
control the noise or
Using Acoustic Tiles
1: No noise control
and acoustic tile
Open Space
5: KDH >40%
4: KDH 40-30%
3: KDH 30-20%
2: KDH 20-10%
1: KDH < 10%
water supply
5: Clean water source from
there is STP
Dhita Mentari Hehanussa, Dalhar Susanto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2938
4: Partial clean water
(PAM & well), there is an
3: Partial clean water
(PAM & well), no STP
2: Clean water source from
the well,
there is STP
1: Clean water source from
the well,
no STP
5: Using technological
in water reduction
1: Not using innovation
Technology in water
Refuse Disposal
5: The existence of a
processing system
waste for recycling
1: No processing system
waste for recycling
5: A sufficient number of
Building Needs & Waiting
1: Insufficient number of
Building Needs & Waiting
5: >5 Infrastructure around
the site
4: 4-5 infrastructure around
the site
3:3 Infrastructure around
the site
2: 1-2 infrastructure around
the site
1: No infrastructure in
Around the site
Adjacent Use
3: the distance of the
building to the road
Raya 12.5m
2: Distance of the building
to the road
Highway 10-12.5m
1: The distance of the
building to the road
Assessing the Environmental Health and Hygiene Performance between Green Building
Apartment and Convensional apartement in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2939
raya <10m
Air Quality
5: No pollutant (air or
sound); The existence of
fire escape
3: No pollutant or no fire
escape (countermeasures
1: There are pollutants;
there is no fire
Noise Source
5: The distance of the
building to the road
Highway >15m
4: Distance of the building
to the road
Highway 12.5-15m
3: the distance of the
building to the road
Raya 12.5m
2: Distance of the building
to the road
Highway 10-12.5m
1: The distance of the
building to the road
Highway <10m
Visual Quality
5: Light can get inside
>12m long building
3: Light can get inside
12m long building
1: Light can enter inside
buildings as far as <12m
5: Using materials that can
maintain room temperature
and temperature
guarded 25-27o
3: Room temperature
maintained 25-27o, no
using materials that
Maintain Temperature
1: Room temperature
5: The existence of
cleaning services
service throughout the
1: No cleaning service
service throughout the
service throughout the
Dhita Mentari Hehanussa, Dalhar Susanto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2940
1: No cleaning service
service throughout the
5: Having a tool (e.g.
for building maintenance
1: do not have the tools to
Building Maintenance
Pest Control
5: Using Pest Control
1: Not using pest control
5: Using a cooling system
1: Not using cooling
Energy Saving System
5: use 100% energy
3: Using Alternative
partially or as
1: without alternative
5: The existence of
utilization or
renewable energy
1: Lack of utilization
and energy processing
5: Complete security
features such as
security, CCTV, access
3: Security Features 2 of 3
1: Fewer security features
5: There are regulations
1: Absence of regulation
About maintenance
Water Quality
5: Using cost-effective
1: Not using technology
Water Efficient
5: Have an electrical
system and
Assessing the Environmental Health and Hygiene Performance between Green Building
Apartment and Convensional apartement in Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2941
IT computerized systems,
Good communication
3: Have computerized
or a good communication
1: not have computerized
5: Have an electrical
system and
IT computerized systems,
Good communication
3: Have computerized
or a good communication
1: not have computerized
5: Meet fire safety
dan fire fighting
1: Does not meet the fire
safety and Firefighting
The indicators used refer to research (Ho et al., 2004), based on aspects of
architecture, building service, external environment, operation & and maintenance, and
building management. The assessment system is then used and processed in the form of
scores one to five.
The conclusion of the results of the study is several aspects that can be used as an
assessment in comparing conventional apartments and apartments that are certified as
Green buildings by comparing the highest points between the apartments so that it can be
used as a reference for buyers in comparing the health and cleanliness of an apartment.
Dhita Mentari Hehanussa, Dalhar Susanto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2942
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