pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2184
Design of Web-based Report Card Processing Information
System at MTS Negeri 4 Kebumen
Mukhamad Hasim Iswanto
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syari'ah Kebumen, Indonesia
Keywords: Web-Based
Report Card; PHP;
Based on observations, the processing of report card scores
in MTs N 4 Kebumen is still manual, so a lot of time and
energy is needed to carry out the task. In addition, the
distribution of report cards is also still conventional because
parents must come to school to take them; for this reason, a
report card application is needed that can improve services
to students quickly in terms of distributing report card scores
while making it easier for teachers to fill in report cards. The
purpose of this study is to design a web-based value-
processing application. In designing this application, the
author uses the stages of SDLC development with the
Waterfall process model. The design of this web-based
report card processing information system can improve the
quality of report card processing in MTs N 4 Kebumen. The
programming language that the author uses is PHP, and uses
a MySQL database. The authors used black box testing to
test the system's feasibility. The final result of this research
is creating a web-based MTs N 4 Kebumen report card
MTs N 4 Kebumen has limited use of computers in the learning process and
administrative activities. One of them is the student report card processing system. Report
card scores are still considered one of the benchmarks for student success in school
(Wahyuli & Irfan, 2021). Report cards are a collection of final grades from all subjects
students take in a particular semester of the school year (Prabowo & Agustina, 2017).
However, the report card processing at MTs N 4 Kebumen still uses conventional
methods. Subject teachers assign student grades to homeroom teachers to generate report
card scores using separate Excel data. So, there are often errors and delays in processing
report cards. Students can only see grades at the end of the semester (Triatama et al.,
MTs N 4 Kebumen, since 2022, has also begun to implement the latest curriculum
being developed by the government, namely the independent curriculum. This curriculum
significantly changes aspects of graduate competence (Jevri et al., 2023). The competence
of graduates is determined by four aspects: aspects of social attitude competence, aspects
Design of Web-based Report Card Processing Information System at MTS Negeri 4 Kebumen
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2185
of spiritual attitude competence, aspects of knowledge competence, and aspects of skill
competence. This adds new problems amid processing report card scores that are still
conventional (Susanti et al., 2017).
From the existing problems, a solution is needed to facilitate the making of student
report cards by designing a web-based report card processing information system in MTs
N 4 Kebumen. Using a website-based report card processing application, users are
expected to be easier to process student report card data and have a good level of
effectiveness (Gusriana et al., 2022). The school has supported the design of this website-
based information system. According to the school, this information system is handy
because it makes it easier for teachers to process report card scores at the end of the
semester. The school is improving its services with the increasing technology
development today (Setyono, 2019).
Based on the description above, the author must design a web-based report card
processing information system (Maudina et al., 2023). I will also solve the above
problems by proposing a report card application with the theme "Design of a Web-Based
Report Card Value Processing Information System in MTs N 4 Kebumen".
Research Methods
This research was conducted at MTs N 4 Kebumen, Purwosari Village RT 05 RW
06, Rowokele District, Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province. The research will be
conducted from December 2023 to February 2024 (Wahidmurni, 2017). Processing
student grades on MTs N 4 Kebumen is still manual. Namely, each subject teacher makes
a report on student final grade data and submits it to the homeroom teacher. The
homeroom teacher records student grade data in a report card book and gives it to students
as report cards.
Figure 1 Running System
Mukhamad Hasim Iswanto
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After analyzing the running system, the author designed a new one that can solve
existing problems in MTs N 4 Kebumen. The following systems are proposed:
Figure 2 Proposed System
Data Collection Techniques
This study used several methods to collect data. The following methods carry out
data collection:
1. Interview
An interview is a data collection technique conducted face-to-face and through
direct question-and-answer between researchers and resource persons or resources.
Interviews were conducted to collect the necessary data by meeting with the resource
persons. Interview activities are carried out directly with teachers or homeroom teachers
and the curriculum section at MTs N 4 Kebumen to obtain data on problems to be
2. Observation
Observation is carried out to directly observe the system running or use it for report
card processing. This method helps the needs analysis process gather information about
what will facilitate users' work in accordance with the purpose of this study. This
information is then used to determine software specifications.
3. Literature Study
The author conducts literature studies by reading and studying books, theses, and
articles that support the topic to be discussed in the preparation of this thesis. In addition,
the author also collects data from internet sites related to the author's thesis.
System Development Methods
The waterfall model, also known as the classic life cycle, implies a systematic and
sequential approach to software development. It begins with the specification of user
requirements and continues through the stages of planning, modeling, construction, and
Design of Web-based Report Card Processing Information System at MTS Negeri 4 Kebumen
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2187
delivery of the system/software to customers/users (deployment), ending with ongoing
support for the resulting software (Pressman, 2012). Here are the stages of the waterfall
model used.
Figure 6
Metode Waterfall
Results and Discussion
Database Implementation
The database on this system uses MySQL. The total database tables are 19, and the
database name is db nilai. Information System Processing of Student Value Data
Curriculum 2013, where every data that becomes a record of each management process
will be accommodated into the database created (Kurniawan, 2020).
Figure 7. Database Implementation
Table Relationships
Here is what a table relationship happens when 19 existing tables are linked:
Mukhamad Hasim Iswanto
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Figure 8. Table Relationships
Website Implementation
1. User Interface Display
Figure 9. User Interface Display
2. Homeroom Login Page Display
Design of Web-based Report Card Processing Information System at MTS Negeri 4 Kebumen
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2189
Figure 10. Homeroom Login Page Display
3. Teacher Login Page Display
Figure 11. Teacher Login Page Display
4. Student Login Page Display
Figure 12. Student Login Page Display
Testing determines whether the system built is by the expected target. In this
research testing, black-box testing was used. This method looks for errors in incorrect or
missing functions, errors in interfaces, and errors in data structures or database access,
reducing problems with input values. The design of the test list is as follows:
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Figure 13. Testing Results by Teachers
Based on user trials, calculation results have been obtained on testing aspects of
functional suitability, that the report card processing information system produces a
successful percentage value of 100% and an error rate of 0%. With this level of success,
it can be concluded that the web-based report card processing information system is
"Perfect" and feasible to use because it meets the standards of functional suitability. The
lifetime of the system above is five years due to the growing needs of users; the system
that has been built is no longer relevant, and users want a more modern system.
Based on the research results on the Design of a Web-Based Report Card Value
Processing Information System in MTs N 4 Kebumen, it can be concluded that the built
system uses the Waterfall system development method. Research carried out in building
a Web-Based Report Card Processing Information System Design will manage data on
PTS, PAS, extracurricular values, social attitude values, and spiritual attitude values to
provide output information in the form of student report card scores. The design of the
Web-Based Report Card Value Processing Information System at MTs N 4 Kebumen has
been tested, focusing on functional suitability aspects with the calculation results included
in the outstanding category; the products developed facilitate user work so that users work
more effectively and efficiently.
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