pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2935
Dynamics of Occupant Behavior in the Use of Public Space
and private on Rusunawa in Mataram city
Fachril Mayda Ashfari
, Hartanto Budiyuwono
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Rusunawa;
Behavior; Room.
In this research, the focus was on two flats, namely
Rusunawa Montong Are and Rusunawa Bintaro. This
selection is based on significant differences in the physical
environment, as well as the social status of the residents. So,
this is the basis for research on these two locations. This
research aims to determine the behaviour patterns of
residents and the factors that influence residents' behaviour
in using public and private spaces in Rusunawa Montong
Are and Rusunawa Bintaro. The research used qualitative
research methods with an intrinsic case study approach.
Then this research also uses behavioural mapping research
techniques. The results show that Rusunawa Montong Are
and Rusunawa Bintaro are physically and socially different.
Still, residents have similar behavioural patterns in the use
of public and private spaces.
Human behaviour in public and private spaces has become an exciting issue in
various disciplines, especially architecture. Behaviour is all biological manifestations of
individuals interacting with the environment, ranging from the most visible behaviour to
the invisible, from the felt to the most unperceived (Nurlaela, 2016). Meanwhile,
according to (Wawan, 2019), Behavior is an action that can be observed and has a specific
frequency, duration and purpose, whether realised or not. In the context of occupancy,
there are differences in individual behaviour in the form of horizontal and vertical
occupancy; in vertical occupancies, such as rental flats (Rusunawa), occupant behaviour
tends to adjust by utilising the available space (Zain, 2015).
Despite being one of the settlement solutions, Rusunawa in Mataram City is faced
with challenges in managing the dynamics of occupant behaviour related to public and
private spaces. One of the pressing issues is the behaviour of residents in public spaces,
in some cases, such as in Montong Are runaway or in Bintaro runaway, which uses public
spaces such as the runaway yard as a place to trade. In addition, in private spaces such as
the Montong Are rusunawa, some residents of the rusunawa make adjustments in the use
of private space, which is sometimes in violation of the rules that have been issued by the
Technical Implementation Unit of the Office (UPTD) of the Rusunawa Mataram City.
Fachril Mayda Ashfari, Hartanto Budiyuwono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2936
So, breaches in the use of residential units also have the potential to create problems with
the use of space (Hana, 2018).
Figure 1.
A. Situation of Rusunawa Montong Are &; B. Situation of Rusunawa Bintaro
So, this study uses both Rusunawa locations, namely Rusunawa Montong Are and
Rusunawa Bintaro, as research objects, and there are critical underlying considerations.
The two runaway located in Mataram City have different types of units, namely
Rusunawa Montong, which is 24m2 and was built in 2015; residents in this runaway, on
average, have a livelihood as private employees, labourers or traders, while Rusunawa
Bintaro has a 36m2 unit type built-in 2021 whose residents are mostly fishermen. They
are residents affected by the eviction of residential land in the Pondok Perasi
neighbourhood. This selection is based on significant differences in their physical
environment or the social status of residents (Wulangsari & Pradoto, 2014), which could
be the main factor that influences the dynamics of residents' behaviour towards the use of
public and private spaces (Hantono, 2019).
Based on these problems, a relationship can be drawn, as in Gifford's theory
highlighting the relationship between individual behaviour and their environment, which
is essential in examining how social interaction, privacy needs and social adaptation are
formed in the runaway environment (Maghfiroh & Cahyadini, 2021). In addition, Laurens
(Marlina & Ariska, 2019) emphasised that the physical environment has a crucial role as
a supporting factor or inhibiting the occurrence of occupant behaviour. In this case, the
behaviour of residents has a pattern formed from several behaviours simultaneously, such
as emotional behaviour, motor activity, interpersonal interaction and object manipulation
(Ishak, et al., 2021).
Based on the initial survey conducted on both location objects, it was found
(provisional conclusion) that the behaviour patterns in both runaways were formed by
motor activity, interpersonal interaction, and object manipulation influenced by age
factors and physical environment. The availability of an adequate physical environment
plays a vital role in controlling the behaviour of residents in both runaways. Therefore,
this study explores how occupant behaviour patterns and what factors influence occupant
behaviour in public and private spaces.
Dynamics of Occupant Behavior in the Use of Public Space and private on Rusunawa in
Mataram city
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2937
In this case, the method used is qualitative research. Meanwhile, the approach is an
intrinsic case study approach (Kusumastuti & Khoiron, 2019). Research emphasises
purposive sampling or random sampling with specific attributes (Lenaini, 2021).
Researchers obtained primary data through interviews, observing both runaways'
activities and use of space. In addition, several documents obtained from the manager are
needed in the form of occupant data or existing image data from Rusunawa. Secondary
qualitative data was obtained by researchers through literature studies and data from the
internet regarding standards and regulations regarding the design of shared facilities in
Rusunawa (Djaelani, 2013). Researchers emphasise construct validity from several types
of wetness testing (Yin, 2014). The data analysis method is illustrated with an analytical
framework for research on the dynamics of occupant behaviour in public and private
spaces in Rusunawa in Mataram City.
Figure 2. Analysis Framework
Results and Discussion
Based on studies related to behaviour patterns, an analysis was carried out on the
pattern of occupant activity, activity system, and setting system where the activity took
place. The activity patterns in the two runaway include:
Occupant Activity Patterns
Table 1
Activity Patterns in Public Space in Rusunawa
Rusunderstand Montong Are
Rusunawa Bintaro
Necessary Activities
- Sales
Necessary Activities
- Sales
- Setting Up the Nets
- Worship Together
Optional Activities
- Sit
- Drying
- Shopping
- Play Birds
- Play
Optional Activities
- Sit
- Play
- Shopping
Fachril Mayda Ashfari, Hartanto Budiyuwono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2938
- Play Gadgets
Social Activities
- Talk
Social Activities
- Talk
Based on Table 1 above, the activity patterns that form the two runaways have
similarities, but differences exist in the variations of the existing activities. Rusunawa
Montong Are has more diverse activities than Rusunawa Bintaro.
Table 2
Activity Patterns in Private Rooms in Rusunawa
Rusunderstand Montong Are
Rusunawa Bintaro
Necessary Activities
- Sales
- Rest
Necessary Activities
- Rest
Optional Activities
- Drying
- Wash
- Cook
- Sanitation Activities
Optional Activities
- Drying
- Wash
- Cook
- Sanitation Activities
Social Activities
- Hosting
- Get together with family
Social Activities
- Hosting
- Get together with family
Based on Table 2 above, the categories of activities that form the pattern of activity
in private space in the two Rusunawa have similarities. Still, differences are found in the
variation of the main activity. Rusunawa Montong Are to be flexible in the use of space
where selling activity is the main activity, which is carried out to meet their needs.
Occupant Activity System
Figure 3. Duration of activity in public spaces in Rusunawa Montong Are
Based on the graph above, selling activities are the longest in public spaces. Time
is calculated based on averages in several settings, such as selling at the entrance, which
Dynamics of Occupant Behavior in the Use of Public Space and private on Rusunawa in
Mataram city
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2939
generally takes 7 hours, then on the corridor, which can take 11 hours, and in commercial
spaces, which takes 5 hours.
Then, if you look at the comparison between the number of residents, which is 271
people, and the highest number of users in public spaces in Montong Are Rusunawa,
which is 100 people, the percentage of public space users in Montong Are Away is only
around 27% of the total number of residents who spend more time in their private space.
Figure 4
Comparison of the number of public space users with the number of residents
Figure 5
Duration of activity in public spaces at Rusunawa Bintaro
Based on the graph above, selling activities are the most extended carried out in
public spaces, with the longest time being 3 hours, followed by play activities, which
reach 1.5 hours.
Then, if you compare the number of residents, which is 135 people, and the highest
number of users in public spaces in Bintaro Rusunawa, which is 78 people, suppose the
percentage of public space users in Bintaro Runaway is only around 37% of the total
number of residents who spend more time in their private space.
Fachril Mayda Ashfari, Hartanto Budiyuwono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2940
Figure 6
Comparison of the number of public space users with the number of residents
Place Setting System
Figure 7
Macro Setting System in Rusunawa Montong Are
Figure 7 shows a macro-scale setting system in the Montong Are Rusunawa. There
are several settings, both private and public, and in the settings contained in the
Rusunawa, several different activities can occur, either simultaneously or separately.
Figure 8
Macro Setting System in Rusunawa Bintaro
Dynamics of Occupant Behavior in the Use of Public Space and private on Rusunawa in
Mataram city
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2941
Figure 8 shows a macro-scale setting system in Bintaro Rusunawa. There are
several settings, both private and public, and in the settings contained in the Rusunawa,
there can be several different activities, either in the same period or separately.
Occupant Behavior Factors
a. Gender
In both Rusunawa, gender is one of the factors that influences behaviour in the use
of public and private spaces. The results obtained show behaviour patterns based on sex,
where the number is more dominant, or the behaviour sometimes plays a role in
changing/forming part of the environment by personal preferences.
Table 3
Sex factor in the behaviour of residents of Rusunawa
Rusunawa Bintaro
Public Space
-44 men dominate the use of
public space, while women
are 34 people.
-In this case, there is a use of
public space, which women
use for trading activities.
However, male users have
more control over common
space, such as using terraces
to place their nets and
warehouses entirely to place
fishing tools. Moreover, it is
also known that most
residents in this runaway are
fishermen who are all men.
Private Room
In private spaces, men
influence the arrangement and
use of space, such as
decorating preferences or
spatial arrangements that
reflect the needs of the
occupant's space.
b. Age
Age factors in occupant behaviour in the use of public space and private space in
both runaways have similarities; here are some findings on how age factors have an
influence on occupant behaviour in both runaways:
Fachril Mayda Ashfari, Hartanto Budiyuwono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2942
Table 4
Age Factor in the Behavior of Rusunawa Residents
Rusunawa Bintaro
Public Space
-Residents in the age category
of toddlers and children tend
to behave actively, such as
playing physical games.
Teenagers tend to be more
limited in their direct
interactions, and their use of
public space is influenced by
technology, such as playing
Occupant behaviour is more
common in primary and
social activities at the adult
- Elderly residents tend to do
passive activities such as
sitting and being alone.
Private Room
In private spaces, adult
residents are more
conspicuous in determining or
being involved in private
space arrangements that
reflect their needs and those
of their family members.
c. Physical Environment
Physical environmental factors play a role in influencing occupant behaviour,
Table 5
Physical Environmental Factors in the Behavior of Rusunawa Residents
Rusunawa Bintaro
Public Space
Limited environmental
infrastructure, such as
business facilities, indeed
influences residents to use the
path's setting to accommodate
business activities.
-The park setting is one in
which, in this case, the fixed
elements are not appropriate
in accommodating the
interaction of residents, most
of whom have a way of
interacting in groups. The
arrangement of the park
emphasises passive activities.
Dynamics of Occupant Behavior in the Use of Public Space and private on Rusunawa in
Mataram city
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2943
Private Room
The results found that in both Montong Are Rusunawa and Bintaro Runaway,
behaviour patterns in public spaces are formed by the same behaviour, namely emotional
behaviour, motor behaviour, interpersonal interaction, and object manipulation. Then, in
the activity pattern, there are similarities with the main activity, choice activity, and social
activity. However, runaway Montong Are has a more diverse variety of activities and
uses, especially in public spaces with a more extended frequency.
Regarding the setting where activities occur in both rusunawa, Bintaro rusunawa
tends to have a more comprehensive spatial range. Still, Montong Are Runaway has a
spatial boundary of private space, which sometimes includes shared parts. The same
factors influence some behaviours in both runaways, namely, (1) Gender; in Montong
Are Runaway, the female gender tends to be more striking in the use of space. Sometimes,
the use of space also includes changes to public and private spaces that suit their needs.
At the same time, male Rusunawa Bintaro tend to have more control over space due to
their need for fishermen's activities. (2) Age: In both runaways, toddlers and children tend
to be more active in using space, especially public spaces, while adolescents have
limitations to the interaction environment. The adult age category is more dominant in
social activities and has a role in changing and regulating public and private spaces.
Residents in the elderly age category tend to do more passive and solitary activities. (3)
Physical Environment: Physical environmental factors are essential in occupant
behaviour. Where each physical environment variable is closely related, several variables
that are not met make residents adjust to how they use public and private spaces.
Fachril Mayda Ashfari, Hartanto Budiyuwono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 2944
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