pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1990
Online Service Acceptance Model of Population and Civil
Registration Agency in Indonesia Using Technology
Acceptance Model
Wulan Safutri
, Dini Turipanam Alamanda
, Abdullah Ramdhani
, Nadhira
Universitas Garut, Indonesia
Keywords: Public
service; online service; E-
government; technology
acceptance model; public
The application of online services at the Population and Civil
Registry Service (Disdukcapil) in Indonesia is important in
increasing the efficiency and quality of public services.
However, the success of receiving online services is still a
major concern for the government and public service
managers. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the online
service acceptance model at Disdukcapil in Indonesia using
the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The data
collection method was carried out through a survey of
potential users of online services and using the Partial Least
Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) to analyze
the data. The results showed that perceived ease of use,
perceived usefulness, attitudes towards the system,
behavioral intention, and actual system usage, which are the
dimensions of the Technology Acceptance Model, positively
affect the acceptance of online services at Disdukcapil in
Indonesia. The findings can guide policymakers and public
service managers to increase the acceptance and adoption of
online services in the government sector. In addition, this
research is expected to provide a strong foundation in
improving and improving public services using technology.
Information and communication technology development has significantly
impacted various sectors, including public services (Attour & Chaupain-Guillot, 2020).
In the context of the Population and Civil Registry Service in Indonesia, online services
have become increasingly important to improve efficiency, accuracy, and quality of
service to the public (Akbar et al., 2019). Before using e-government, the online service
reception system at the Population and Civil Registry Service in Indonesia still relied on
conventional methods that involved direct interaction between the public and service
officers (Ramdhani, Alamanda, Nurdiaman, & Arief, 2019). The adoption of e-
government and an online service receipt system has changed how services are provided
Online Service Acceptance Model of Population and Civil Registration Agency in Indonesia
Using Technology Acceptance Model
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1991
at the Population and Civil Registry Service (Nadapdap, Alamanda, Prabowo, &
Ayuningtyas, 2016).
By implementing e-government, citizens can access services online, fill out
electronic forms, upload documents digitally, reduce dependence on direct interactions,
and provide convenience, efficiency, and better access to services in population affairs in
Indonesia (Utama, 2020). Implementing an online service receipt system is important
because it affects the effectiveness of services and can impact public satisfaction with the
Population and Civil Registry Service (Multama et al., 2019).
The goals of E-Government in one country and another can be different (Ali &
Anwar, 2021). In general, E-Government objectives are adjusted to the direction of
political leadership in the local area, which aims to increase the effectiveness and
distribution of services in the public sector (Singh & Travica, 2022). Information
technology in public administration is also utilized to facilitate the development of
diplomatic relations across countries. Similar principles also apply to internet use in an
educational context. Information technology is a technological means that can filter
information that occurs in society quickly and accurately.
Public services exist to meet the community's needs, and public service providers
must comply with the provisions of laws and regulations that apply to all citizens and
residents regarding goods, services, and administrative services (Abdussamad, 2019).
Today, national and state government services emphasize professionalism in providing
public services. In the structure of the Indonesian legal state, which has standards of
justice, the Indonesian economy is distinguished by various public services (Ardiansyah,
Pasinringi, & Sastrio, 2019).
Although an open decision-making system and a democratic political system do not
fully support public services that cover almost all aspects of people's lives, the
implementation of the e-government system in Indonesia aims to apply internet-based
information technology and other tools managed by the government. The main aim of
implementing e-government is to improve the quality of public services by providing
efficient and effective services and measuring the nation's performance in development.
However, it is essential to remember that Indonesia can only achieve e-government
success with the support of a comprehensive bureaucratic reform plan.
Significant progress has been made in exploring and predicting information
technology acceptance in work contexts in the last decade. Substantial theoretical and
empirical support has accumulated, mainly supporting the TAM Technology Acceptance
Model (Davis & Venkatesh, 1996). With a focus on usage intentions and behavior.
Compared with alternative models such as the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).
Regarding TRA, the primary theoretical basis for developing TAM, social impacts
in the form of subjective norms are integrated. Since the formulation of TRA (de Leeuw,
Valois, Ajzen, & Schmidt, 2015), analyzing human behavior has become the main focus of
efforts to understand how individuals interact with technology. The Technology
Acceptance Model was formulated in subsequent developments, including a new
Wulan Safutri, Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Abdullah Ramdhani, Nadhira Fauziyyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1992
dimension in understanding technology adoption, by focusing on users' perceptions of a
technology's usefulness and ease of use. TAM provides an in-depth framework for
understanding the factors that drive individual acceptance of technology. Further
evolution of TAM through TAM 2, developed, introduces external variables such as
moderators and mediators. The core concept of TAM 2 describes the complexity of
interactions between usability, ease of use, and external factors such as organizational
characteristics and user experience that can moderate or mediate users' intentions to adopt
Then, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, developed by
(Venkatesh, 2022), integrates concepts from previous models, including TAM, TAM 2,
TRA, and the Social Trust Model. UTAUT presents a holistic and comprehensive view
of technology adoption by considering factors such as usability, ease of use, and social
norms, as well as moderator and mediator variables such as previous experience and
social characteristics.
Current research in the literature continues to focus on developing and expanding
the concepts of these models to deepen understanding of the evolving context of
technology use, involving aspects such as mobile computing, social media, and
technology implementation in various sectors. In the established TAM model context,
perceived usefulness remains a strong determinant of usage intention, while perceived
ease of use shows less consistent effects. Therefore, the core goal of TAM is to provide a
foundation for exploring the impact of external factors on user beliefs, attitudes, and goals
and expanding TAM by integrating key determinants.
Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use can explain aspects of user behavior.
By considering the convenience and usefulness of information technology, a person can
motivate their behavior or actions, becoming a parameter for acceptance of information
technology. A high ease of use indicates that the effort required to improve performance
using information technology is increasingly minimal. Conversely, the more benefits
users feel, the greater their influence in information technology.
Perceived ease of use, a person's confidence level that information technology will
simplify their tasks, can be referred to as perceived ease of use. Perceived ease of use
includes ease of learning, ease of control, clarity of understanding, flexibility, ease of
application, and dependability of ease of use (Suriatno, Putra, Rumana, & Indawati,
2022). Perceived usefulness is measured through increased performance, convenience,
and technology benefits. If someone believes the service can improve their performance,
they will use it. On the other hand, if customers feel that using the service does not provide
sufficient benefits for their work, they are unlikely to use it. Perceived usefulness can be
assessed using indicators such as the service's ability to provide fast, timely, economical,
safe, and accurate services (Klemichen, Peters, & Stark, 2022).
Attitude towards using is defined by (Davis, 1989) as referring to a positive or
negative view towards using a system, which is reflected in acceptance or rejection of the
impact of using technology in the work context. Customers who are favorable toward a
service will likely choose to use it. Conversely, customers with a negative attitude toward
Online Service Acceptance Model of Population and Civil Registration Agency in Indonesia
Using Technology Acceptance Model
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1993
a service will likely choose not to use it (Magsamen‐Conrad, Billotte Verhoff, & Dillon,
Behavioral intention to use refers to an individual's desire to use and continue to
use technology and is a determining factor in technology use. Behavioral intention,
identified as an effective predictor for a person's use of technology by system users
(Ardies et al., 2015), can be called behavior. In the context of information technology
systems, the actual use of the technology is referred to as behavior. Actual use of a system
is defined as an external psychomotor response measured by an individual through real-
world experience. Application users' decision to use a system is more likely to occur if
they believe it is easy to use and has been proven to increase user productivity.
Actual system usage carried out by someone for something can be called behavior.
Actual use of the system is defined as the external psychomotor response measured by
the individual through real-world experience. Application users' decision to use a system
is more likely to occur if they believe it is easy to use and has been proven to increase
user productivity.
In understanding the factors that influence the acceptance and use of online services
in the Department of Population and Civil Registry, the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) has become a widely used framework (Davis, 1989; Ramdhani, Alamanda,
Harisana, & Akbar, 2020). TAM consists of perceived ease of use (PE), perceived
usefulness (PU), attitude towards use (ATU), behavioral intention to use (BI), and actual
system use (AU). Although there has been some previous research using TAM in the
context of online services (Prasetyo et al., 2023; Sorongan et al., 2023; Pham, 2023), a
research gap needs to be filled in the context of the Population and Civil Registry Service
in Indonesia. Therefore, there is a need to fill the research gap in this context, considering
the unique characteristics, needs, and challenges the service faces.
TAM has been used widely in research on the acceptance and use of technology,
including online services. This model has proven effective in understanding the factors
influencing user acceptance and use of technology. Therefore, TAM can be used as a
reliable framework for measuring the acceptance of online services in the population and
civil registration services. TAM helps understand the factors that influence the acceptance
of technology by users. In the Population and Civil Registry Service context, this means
identifying what motivates or hinders people from using online services. TAM also
provides a framework for collecting data on technology use, which can be used to make
more informed decisions about improving services.
Based on the problems above, this research aims to determine whether there is an
influence between attitudes towards use and actual system use through intention to use
behavior in this contest. This is to identify and understand the attitudes and use of the
system at the Population and Civil Registry Service in Indonesia. The next goal is to
understand and predict how user perceptions of ease of use and usefulness will influence
the actual use of the system at the Population and Civil Registry Service in Indonesia.
Wulan Safutri, Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Abdullah Ramdhani, Nadhira Fauziyyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1994
Research Methods
This research method uses quantitative research, which aims to obtain a factual,
systematic, and accurate picture of the facts, nature, and relationships between the
phenomena studied by using the information in the form of numbers as a tool to help find
information regarding the receipt of online services at the Population and Civil Registry
Service in Indonesia. Researchers collected survey data through questionnaires
distributed to 100 respondents and selected 57 men and 43 women as a sample. This
research paradigm is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Research Framework
Based on the researcher's findings, which are by this research, the following
hypothesis can be formulated:
H1: Attitude to use (ATU) towards actual system use (AU) through intention user
behavior (BI).
H2: Perceived ease of use (PE) and perceived usefulness (PU) on actual system use (AU)
H3: Perceived ease of use (PE) and perceived usefulness (PU) on user behavioural
intentions (BI) through actual system use (AU)
The collected data was then analyzed using the Partial Least Squares-Structural
Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The author used Partial Least Squares (PLS) as a data
analysis tool in this research. PLS is a valuable regression analysis and structural
modeling technique for testing a model's correlation between independent and dependent
variables (Evi & Rachbini, 2022). The main advantage of PLS lies in its ability to handle
complex and contingent models, especially when the research sample size is relatively
small. The choice of PLS in this research is based on its high flexibility, allowing
researchers to overcome the challenges of multicollinearity and latent variables. Apart
from that, PLS can also be used to model complex relationships between observed
variables (Purwanto, Asbari, & Santoso, 2021). Therefore, this method is suitable for
answering research questions involving many variables and complex interactions.
In analyzing the data, this research uses the SEM PLS technique with the WarpPLS
7.0 tool, which tests the outer and inner models. The outer model is used to test the validity
Online Service Acceptance Model of Population and Civil Registration Agency in Indonesia
Using Technology Acceptance Model
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1995
and reliability of the measured variables. In contrast, the inner model is used to evaluate
the relationship between the identified construct variables, such as Perceived Ease of Use
(PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitude towards Use (ATU), Intention Behavior to
Use (BI), and Actual System Usage (AU).
Table 1
Model Acceptance Indicators
Type of Testing
WarpPLS 7.0 value provisions
Model Fit and
Quality Indices
- Average Path Coefficient (APC), Average R-
squared (ARS), and Average Adjusted R-squared
(AARS) must have a P-value <0.05 or less than
- The values of Average Block VIF (AVIF) and
Average Full Collinearity VIF (AFVIF) are
acceptable if <= 5 and ideally <= 3.3.
- Tenenhaus GoF (Goodness of Fit) must have a
value of >= 0.1 (small), >= 0.25 (medium), and
>= 0.36 (large).
- Sympson's Paradox Ratio (SPR) must be
acceptable if >= 0.7, ideally = 1.
- R-squared Contribution Ratio (RSCR) acceptable
if >= 0.9, ideally = 1.
- Statistical Suppression Ratio (SSR) acceptable if
>= 0.7.
- Nonlinear Bivariate Causality Direction Ratio
(NLBCDR) acceptable if >= 0.7.
Full collinearity
The collinearity value must be <10 to be met.
Tests of
If the result is "Yes," then the variable is normal, whereas
if it is "No," the variable is not normal.
The obtained loading factor value should ideally exceed
0.7; however, above 0.5 is also acceptable, while below
0.5 will be excluded from the model.
The cross-loading value of the indicator with the
construct must be higher than the correlation with other
construction blocks. AVE (Average Variance Extracted)
must be greater than the square of the correlation between
constructs or between a construct and other constructs to
be considered valid.
To meet the specified criteria, the reliability and
Cronbach's Alpha values must be at least 0.7 or > 0.7.
Results and Discussion
Outer Model
Structural model testing that connects the exogenous variable, variable, and average
adjusted R-squared (AARS)=0.559; of these three results, the results are safe because the
Wulan Safutri, Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Abdullah Ramdhani, Nadhira Fauziyyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1996
P-value is <0.05. while the results of average block VIF (AVIF)=2.246 and average full
collinearity VIF (AFVIF)=3.403 with safe results are acceptable because P-Value <=5.
The results from Tenenhaus GOF=0.638 with large results >=0.36, the value of R-
Squared (SPR)=1.000 is accepted because it is >=0.7 and with the final value of the
nonlinear bivariate causality direction ratio (NLBCDR)=1.000 it is accepted because it is
>=0.7. The full collinearity VIF test results are highly significant because they ensure that
the collinearity criteria are met, regardless of whether the data is normal. In this research,
the collinearity test has met the requirements because the value is less than 10, and the
resulting value is displayed in Table 2.
Table 2
Full Collinearity VIF's Test Results
Full collinearity VIF’s
Inner Model
This measurement analysis has three tests: convergent validity, discriminant
validity, and composite reliability. Convergent validity testing aims to measure the
correlation of variable indicators with the number of variables. The convergent validity
values of all variables meet the validity criteria because they have a value of more than
0.5. so all variables are valid and can be used for further testing (Table 3).
Table 3
Convergent Validity
P value
Furthermore, the test results can be interpreted by looking at the diagonal of the
matrix, where the value of user ease (PE) = 0.869, perceived usefulness (PU) = 0.895,
attitude towards use (ATU) = 0.866, behavioral intention to use (BI) = 0.924, and attitude
Online Service Acceptance Model of Population and Civil Registration Agency in Indonesia
Using Technology Acceptance Model
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1997
towards usage (ATU)=0.855. The analysis results show that the discriminant validity
requirements are met because the diagonal value exceeds those located to the left, right,
and bottom.
The results show that the path coefficient in model 1 is 0.462, which means there is
a strong positive relationship between positive attitudes towards use and intention to use,
which influences the actual use of the system. Model 2 has a path coefficient of 0.462
with a p-value of 0.001, indicating that this relationship is statistically significant and that
Perceived ease of use and Perceived usefulness significantly influence the actual use of
the system. Increasing positive perceptions of the system's ease of use and usability can
increase system adoption and use. Model 3 has a path coefficient of 0.729 and a P-value
of 0.001, which shows that this relationship between Perceived ease of use and Perceived
usefulness has a strong and positive influence on Behavioral intention to use, and this
influence occurs through actual system use. In other words, the more positive the
perception of the system's ease of use and usability, the higher the individual's intention
to use the online service website. The Model can be shown in Figure 2, and the Path
Coefficient is displayed in Table 4.
Figure 2. Result Model of TAM
Table 4
Technology Acceptance Model Testing
P value
Model 1:
Attitude toward use towards Actual
system usage through Behavioral
intention to use
Model 2:
Perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness of Actual system usage
Model 3:
Perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness on Behavioral intention to
use through Actual system usage
The research results show that there is a significant impact between attitude towards
use (ATU) and actual system use (AU) through behavioral intention to use (BI) in the
Wulan Safutri, Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Abdullah Ramdhani, Nadhira Fauziyyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1998
context of Population and Civil Registry Services (Disdukcapil) services. Positive
attitudes toward use (ATU) and behavioral intention to use (BI) show significant results.
This reflects a robust positive influence between users' positive attitudes towards the
system and their intention to use it. In other words, the more positive a person's attitude
towards using a system, the higher their intention to use it.
Perceptions about ease of use, usability, trust, and benefits greatly influence
people's attitudes toward online Disdukcapil services (Ibrahim & Yunus, 2023). Positive
attitudes (such as believing the system is efficient, safe, and easy to access) increase the
propensity to use the service (Alamanda et al., 2021). The intention to use Disdukcapil
services online is an essential step before actual use. A positive attitude towards the
system can influence this intention (Bazan et al., 2020). For example, if a person believes
that using an online service will save time and effort, the intention to use that service will
increase (Hartati, 2020). Efforts to educate and increase public awareness about the
benefits and how to use Disdukcapil online services also play an important role in forming
positive attitudes and increasing intentions to use them. In the context of public services
such as Disdukcapil, understanding and managing people's attitudes towards digital
services and identifying factors influencing their behavioral intentions are crucial to
encouraging effective public adoption and use of these services.
Perceived ease of use (PE) and Perceived usefulness (PU) have a significant
influence on Actual system usage (AU). The more positive the perception of the system's
ease of use and usefulness, the greater the likelihood of actual use. By strengthening the
perception of the system's ease of use and benefits, organizations can encourage more
expansive use and increase technology adoption (Mullins & Cronan, 2021) in the
Disdukcapil. This can provide a strong foundation for a good E-government development
strategy that simplifies use and increases users' benefits when using online population
document registration services (Nugroho et al., 2023). People are more likely to use
online services if they feel the system is easy to access and use (Ashfaq, Yun, Yu, &
Loureiro, 2020). It includes an intuitive user interface, simple procedures, and clear
instructions. Ease of use reduces technological barriers, especially for users less familiar
with digital technology.
A positive user experience, including adequate customer support and quick problem
resolution, can increase perceptions of ease of use and usability, which drives adoption
and continued use. Social influences and norms also play a role. If people see others using
the service and benefiting from it, they may be more inclined to adopt it (Gupta et al.,
2023). Systems designed with users' needs and preferences will be more successful in
meeting people's expectations, thereby increasing their positive perceptions of the system.
Perception of ease of use and usability is critical in online public services because it
directly influences the extent to which people are willing and able to use the technology
in their daily lives. This is important to increase the effectiveness of public services and
ensure that all levels of society can feel the benefits of digitalization.
The results of hypothesis testing in model 3 show that Perceived ease of use (PE)
and Perceived usefulness (PU) have a strong and positive influence on Behavioral
Online Service Acceptance Model of Population and Civil Registration Agency in Indonesia
Using Technology Acceptance Model
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1999
intention to use (BI) through Actual system usage (AU), where actual system use acts as
a mediator. When people feel that the Disdukcapil online service system is easy to
understand and use, they are more likely to use it. This ease of use reduces technological
fears and barriers, making users more confident interacting with the system. This directly
increases the behavioral intention to use the service. Intention to use online Disdukcapil
services (BI) is often a strong predictor of actual system use (AU). If people have a solid
intention to use a service, they will likely take action to register, log in, and actively use
the service.
In many cases, initial perceptions of ease of use and usability can act as a catalyst
that triggers behavioral intentions and actual use. This is especially important in
government services, where society's adoption of digital technologies can be slower than
in other sectors. Overall, PE and PU are vital factors influencing people's behavioral
intentions to use Disdukcapil's online services, ultimately influencing the system's actual
use. Promoting positive perceptions about the ease of use and usefulness of these services
is essential to encourage wider adoption and use by society.
From the discussion above, it can be concluded that there is a positive and
significant influence and relationship between attitude towards use (ATU) and actual
system use (AU) through behavioral intention to use (BI) in the service environment of
the Population and Civil Registry Service (Disdukcapil). Positive attitudes toward actual
system use significantly contribute to increased usage behavioral intentions. People's
behavioral intention (BI) to use online Disdukcapil services strongly predicts actual
system use (AU). This means that significantly increasing the intention to use a service
can drive actual use. Perceived Ease of Use (PE) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) have a
significant favorable influence on people's Actual System Usage (AU) for using
Disdukcapil online services. When people feel that the system is easy to use and valuable,
they are more likely to have the intention to use it. Apart from that, (PE) and (PU) also
have a positive and robust influence on Behavioral Intention to Use (BI) through Actual
System Usage (AU).
Practical suggestions that can be submitted to Disdukcapil based on research
results. In terms of increasing ease of use, Disdukcapil can develop an intuitive and user-
friendly user interface, ensuring that the website and mobile application are easy to
navigate for all segments of society, including older people or those who are less
technologically literate, providing clear step-by-step instructions and assistance online to
guide users. In terms of user education and awareness, Disdukcapil can carry out
educational campaigns to increase awareness about available online services and how to
use them, as well as hold training or workshops to help people understand and use services
effectively. Regarding customer support, Disdukcapil can provide responsive and helpful
customer support, including a call center, online chat, comprehensive FAQs, and support
in local languages to ensure that services are accessible to various community groups.
Wulan Safutri, Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Abdullah Ramdhani, Nadhira Fauziyyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2000
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