pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1963
The Negative Impact of Broken Home Children in the
Increase in Criminal Cases that Occur in Society
Gafar Efendi
, Jainuddin
, Muh. Yunan Putra
Universitas Muhammadiyah Bima, Indonesia
Keywords: Broken
Home; The Impact of
Broken Home Families;
This study will examine the impact of broken home families
on children's behavior. The effect of a broken home family
condition can be analyzed by observing a person's patterns
and attitudes in daily activities. The observation procedure
used is library research, using sources such as journals,
books, and e-books relevant to this article's topic. In the
analysis process, data is reviewed through the stages of
review, sorting, grouping, and categorizing to understand the
impact of broken home families on children in increasing
criminal cases in the community. The results showed that
there are impacts of broken home families, including
psychological effects that affect children's social life,
children's knowledge of the criminal world, and spiritual
effects that affect their religious behavior.
Children are gifts from God that are given to parents as the truth of their power,
productivity, and ability (Pransiska, 2016). In addition, children also include the potential
for parents to instill unachieved desires in their lives.
Parents should consider their children a gift and be responsible for guiding, fixing,
and handing over activities appropriately for them; the Prophet Muhammad directed his
followers to appreciate the blessings of children by having a positive view of them
(Sapuri, 2017); (Gojali, 2020); (Hashanah, 2021). Among the most outstanding
obligations of parents is to provide education to their children, including guidance in
belief, civility, intelligence, psychology, society, and others (Wardoyo & Pasmadi, 2021).
Taking care of the family also means providing education to the child (Syarbini,
2016b). In the guidance procedure, one must pay attention to the development of child
psychology, including avoiding the mistreatment of children (Saliman, 1993). If conflict
arises between the two parents, they should avoid arguing in front of the child. Therefore,
it is essential because it can make children feel confused and wrong, even making them
think that they are the cause of quarrels and even divorce from their parents (Abud, 2006).
The family plays a valuable role in a child's growth. A good family will have a good
influence on children's development, while a lousy family can have a bad influence
Gafar Efendi, Jainuddin, Muh. Yunan Putra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1964
(Sudarsono, 2012). Because children are taken care of in the family since childhood and
spend a lot of time there, the most significant influence also starts from the family.
Family is the minor form that has crucial benefits for forming individual character
and impacts groups. If a person's personality is good, it will positively impact their
environment. However, if the individual's character is better, it will impact his group and
ultimately affect the nation's nature.
One situation that can hinder a child's development is starting in a broken home.
Although the surrounding environment also significantly influences individual
development, the fractured home factor has a considerable role in children's growth today.
A broken home is the climax point of bad marriage habituation and is done when
the couple can no longer find a way out of problems that can make both parties happy. It
must be realized that various marriages do not get satisfaction. The separation or
annulment of a marriage can be obtained juridically or by secret, and there are also times
when the two leave the family (Hurlock, 1997).
Broken homes will occur because married couples cannot manage their disputes,
such as lack of relationship, jealousy, unhappiness with conjugal service, dissatisfaction
with income, mutual obligation, and the desire to win alone. Although various factors
cause broken homes, basically everything starts from incompatibility (Rajab, 2011).
Such circumstances significantly affect the development of children's personalities
and behavior in disharmonious families. Significant differences can be found in some
behaviors, especially towards forms of religious attitudes, which show differences
between children from harmonious families and those from broken homes.
Researchers observed that many children with broken home family backgrounds
have different religious behaviors from students who come from intact families. Azizah
stated that children with broken home reasons tend to find discrepancies and lack
enthusiasm in religious attitudes, including in worship and manners.
It is caused by the consequences of the family's damage to communication and
relationships. Sometimes, parents are also unaware of the impact experienced by their
children due to the disharmony of parental relationships (Shihab, 2016).
Broken homes impact a child's psychological well-being. A child will grow and
develop well if his psychological desires are fulfilled. In addition, religious aspects are
fundamental and necessary when it comes to educational procedures in schools,
especially Islamic Religious Education (Jalaluddin, 2016).
From this explanation, families living in broken homes strongly desire to influence
students' religious behavior (Ahyadi, 1995).
The term "broken home" is sometimes used to describe circumstances in which
families undergo rifts related to the problem of unlawful cases. A broken home refers to
a family that experiences rifts due to death, separation, or unwed parents and can impact
acts of violence. In this context, frequent quarrels within the household can include
physical disputes between husband and wife (according to the definition presented by
The Negative Impact of Broken Home Children in the Increase in Criminal Cases that Occur in
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1965
Children in broken homes face long-term consequences. This is due to a lack of
affection and unkind treatment from parents. Disharmony in the household results in the
cracking of the family structure that should be the basis of child development.
Signs of a broken home include divorce or separation of parents, bad relationships
between both parents and a disharmonious home atmosphere due to frequent quarrels.
Some steps that can be taken Parents should avoid a dispute so that there are no adverse
effects that are visible to the child directly, and continue to educate the child with good
thinking; the most important thing is to maintain peace in the family so take the time to
listen to what your child has to say. Family unity will be maintained more peacefully in
this way. This will strengthen the relationship between family members and help them
achieve family happiness.
Research Methods
The observation procedure that researchers use to collect reliable data and
information about broken homes is qualitative data collection using a phenomenological
approach to what is experienced by the narrator. We chose this way because we wanted
to get the thorough information needed for our research to achieve comprehensive results;
a lack of reliable information could compromise the validity of the data. We used
interview techniques to obtain reliable information and data by asking several questions
about dysfunctional households. By conducting interviews, we hope to get information
from the perspective of people who have experienced a broken home.
We prepare well for these interviews, creating a comfortable atmosphere for
informants so they do not get distracted and can answer questions clearly. We also prepare
for in-depth interviews to obtain reliable data while adhering to interview norms and
ethics. Thus, we hope to get a logical and adequate answer. In addition, the list of
questions we asked was made to be more inclusive and not hurt the feelings of the
informants we spoke to (Soekamto, 1985).
We follow the following procedure to obtain accurate data:
1. Make introductions and explain to the interviewee why you are there.
2. Tell the source that this is interview material.
3. Ask questions about the interview questions.
This maximizes the fulfillment of the research procedures we use to collect
information on damaged households. The protocol implemented should also be based on
proactive measures. Care must be taken when conducting qualitative research to ensure
that the information we obtain will optimize the findings of our investigation into broken
households (Suyono, 1985).
Results and Discussion
Our results show that broken home situations can be detrimental to a child's mental
and emotional health. Children's responses to things can also be hampered by diseases
caused by dysfunctional households. Even so, every child reacts differently to various
Gafar Efendi, Jainuddin, Muh. Yunan Putra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1966
circumstances, such as family disputes. Several children experiencing household
breakups were interviewed, and they clarified that depending on each individual, there
are multiple ways to respond to the influence of a broken home in dealing with it.
Discussions Our work with children from dysfunctional families has clarified the
impact and sparked a conversation about this child's mental stability in such situations
(Langgulung, 1986). Children who experience children who have incomplete families or
divorced parents are said to come from broken families. Due to parental separation, this
may adversely affect the child's mental health. This depends on the child's age at the time
of the divorce, gender, personality, and the dynamics of the child with his parents. Some
of the problems often faced by children who experience a broken home are as follows:
emotional questions
Parental separation has a significant impact on the emotional state of the child.
Children can feel feelings of loss, grief, anxiety, fear, anger, and various other emotions.
They may feel anxious about having to live with one parent, feel the loss of both parents
or believe that their parents no longer care about them. Sometimes, children can also feel
upset or consider themselves responsible for their parents' divorce.
Conduct disorder
In addition, people from broken families may experience unstable mood swings or
other mental problems. Some stay away from social, do not interact socially, and are less
sure of themselves. The separation will play a role in supporting the attitude of
dissociability in children. Children from broken homes have a higher risk of being
wayward, affectionate, talkative, aggressive, dishonest, and also involved in fights with
their friends (Syarbini, 2016a).
Mental disorders
This is what children of dysfunctional households experience: various changes that
can cause high levels of stress. Moving residences or schools can be a factor that affects
a child's stress level. People from broken families are also more likely to suffer from
anxiety and sadness. This disease can increase the risk of children experiencing drug
abuse, personality disorders, and even suicide attempts if not appropriately treated.
Separation anxiety syndrome (SAD) is another significant impact that children from
broken families have to deal with. SAD is a disorder in which children experience extreme
anxiety and fear of losing their parents, who are critical people in their lives. Children
with this disease may have difficulty in moving because of the anxiety and fear it causes.
They may become cranky, impatient, or even afraid to play with friends or attend school.
Children from broken homes also face unequal financial difficulties several times
more often than children from harmonious families. In addition, their academic
performance has the potential to weaken because they are vulnerable to learning
problems, difficulties in concentration, and loss of motivation to study after their parents
separate (Ratnawati, 2001).
All of these disorders can lead to unpredictable behavior in broken-home children.
Many of them are involved in criminal cases such as theft, robbery, fraud, and even drug
The Negative Impact of Broken Home Children in the Increase in Criminal Cases that Occur in
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1967
abuse. Lack of supervision from divorced parents, who are more concerned with each
other's egos without paying attention to child development, can be a contributing factor.
The investigations carried out led to the conclusion that broken families are usually
the root cause of children's troublesome behavior. Due to the absence and attention of
parents, children from families with this problem suffer a harmful impact on their
behavior and devotion.
This resulted in a lack of investigation conducted, leading to the conclusion that
broken families are usually the root cause of children's troublesome behavior. Due to the
absence and attention of parents, children from families with this problem suffer a
harmful impact on their behavior and devotion. The risk of the issues faced by parents,
either directly or indirectly, affects the pattern of child development, so many children
are involved in the criminal world and commit unlawful acts.
Gafar Efendi, Jainuddin, Muh. Yunan Putra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 1968
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